45 research outputs found

    Practical Rate-based Congestion Control for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    We introduce an adaptive pacing scheme to overcome the drawbacks of TCP in wireless mesh networks with Internet connectivity. The pacing scheme is implemented at the wireless TCP sender as well as at the mesh gateway, and reacts according to the direction of TCP flows running across the wireless network and the Internet. TCP packets are transmitted rate-based within the TCP congestion window according to the current out-of-interference delay and the coefficient of variation of recently measured round-trip times. Opposed to the majority of previous work which builds on simulations, we implement a Linux prototype of our approach and evaluate its feasibility in a real 20-node mesh testbed. In an experimental performance study, we compare the goodput and fairness of our approach against the widely deployed TCP NewReno. Experiments show that our approach, which we denote as Mesh Adaptive Pacing (MAP), can achieve up to 150% more goodput than TCP NewReno and significantly improves fairness between competing flows. MAP is incrementally deployable since it is TCP-compatible, does not require cross-layer information from intermediate nodes along the path, and requires no modifications in the wired domain

    TCP Sintok: Transmission control protocol with delay-based loss detection and contention avoidance mechanisms for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of mobile devices that are connected to each other using a wireless channel, forming a temporary network without the aid of fixed infrastructure; in which hosts are free to move randomly as well as free to join or leave. This decentralized nature of MANET comes with new challenges that violate the design concepts of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP); the current dominant protocol of the Internet. TCP always infers packet loss as an indicator of network congestion and causes it to perform a sharp reduction to its sending rate. MANET suffers from several types of packet losses due to its mobility feature and contention on wireless channel access and these would lead to poor TCP performance. This experimental study investigates mobility and contention issues by proposing a protocol named TCP Sintok. This protocol comprises two mechanisms: Delay-based Loss Detection Mechanism (LDM), and Contention Avoidance Mechanism (CAM). LDM was introduced to determine the cause of the packet loss by monitoring the trend of end-to-end delay samples. CAM was developed to adapt the sending rate (congestion window) according to the current network condition. A series of experimental studies were conducted to validate the effectiveness of TCP Sintok in identifying the cause of packet loss and adapting the sending rate appropriately. Two variants of TCP protocol known as TCP NewReno and ADTCP were chosen to evaluate the performance of TCP Sintok through simulation. The results demonstrate that TCP Sintok improves jitter, delay and throughput as compared to the two variants. The findings have significant implication in providing reliable data transfer within MANET and supporting its deployment on mobile device communication

    Improving Performance of QUIC in WiFi

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    QUIC is a new transport protocol under standardization since 2016. Initially developed by Google as an experiment, the protocol is already deployed in large-scale, thanks to its support in Chromium and Google's servers. In this paper we experimentally analyze the performance of QUIC in WiFi networks. We perform experiments using both a controlled WiFi testbed and a production WiFi mesh network. In particular, we study how QUIC interplays with MAC layer features such as IEEE 802.11 frame aggregation. We show that the current implementation of QUIC in Chromium achieves sub-optimal throughput in wireless networks. Indeed, burstiness in modern WiFi standards may improve network performance, and we show that a Bursty QUIC (BQUIC), i.e., a customized version of QUIC that is targeted to increase its burstiness, can achieve better performance in WiFi. BQUIC outperforms the current version of QUIC in WiFi, with throughput gains ranging between 20% to 30%

    MANETs: Internet Connectivity and Transport Protocols

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes connected together over a wireless medium, which self-organize into an autonomous multi-hop wireless network. This kind of networks allows people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure, e.g., disaster recovery environments. Ad hoc networking is not a new concept, having been around in various forms for over 20 years. However, in the past only tactical networks followed the ad hoc networking paradigm. Recently, the introduction of new technologies such as IEEE 802.11, are moved the application field of MANETs to a more commercial field. These evolutions have been generating a renewed and growing interest in the research and development of MANETs. It is widely recognized that a prerequisite for the commercial penetration of the ad hoc networking technologies is the integration with existing wired/wireless infrastructure-based networks to provide an easy and transparent access to the Internet and its services. However, most of the existing solutions for enabling the interconnection between MANETs and the Internet are based on complex and inefficient mechanisms, as Mobile-IP and IP tunnelling. This thesis describes an alternative approach to build multi-hop and heterogeneous proactive ad hoc networks, which can be used as flexible and low-cost extensions of traditional wired LANs. The proposed architecture provides transparent global Internet connectivity and address autocofiguration capabilities to mobile nodes without requiring configuration changes in the pre-existing wired LAN, and relying on basic layer-2 functionalities. This thesis also includes an experimental evaluation of the proposed architecture and a comparison between this architecture with a well-known alternative NAT-based solution. The experimental outcomes confirm that the proposed technique ensures higher per-connection throughputs than the NAT-based solution. This thesis also examines the problems encountered by TCP over multi-hop ad hoc networks. Research on efficient transport protocols for ad hoc networks is one of the most active topics in the MANET community. Such a great interest is basically motivated by numerous observations showing that, in general, TCP is not able to efficiently deal with the unstable and very dynamic environment provided by multi-hop ad hoc networks. This is because some assumptions, in TCP design, are clearly inspired by the characteristics of wired networks dominant at the time when it was conceived. More specifically, TCP implicitly assumes that packet loss is almost always due to congestion phenomena causing buffer overflows at intermediate routers. Furthermore, it also assumes that nodes are static (i.e., they do not change their position over time). Unfortunately, these assumptions do not hold in MANETs, since in this kind of networks packet losses due to interference and link-layer contentions are largely predominant, and nodes may be mobile. The typical approach to solve these problems is patching TCP to fix its inefficiencies while preserving compatibility with the original protocol. This thesis explores a different approach. Specifically, this thesis presents a new transport protocol (TPA) designed from scratch, and address TCP interoperability at a late design stage. In this way, TPA can include all desired features in a neat and coherent way. This thesis also includes an experimental, as well as, a simulative evaluation of TPA, and a comparison between TCP and TPA performance (in terms of throughput, number of unnecessary transmissions and fairness). The presented analysis considers several of possible configurations of the protocols parameters, different routing protocols, and various networking scenarios. In all the cases taken into consideration TPA significantly outperforms TCP

    On the performance of QUIC over wireless mesh networks

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    The exponential growth in adoption of mobile phones and the widespread availability of wireless networks has caused a paradigm shift in the way we access the Internet. It has not only eased access to the Internet, but also increased users’ appetite for responsive services. New protocols to speed up Internet applications have naturally emerged. The QUIC transport protocol is one prominent case. Initially developed by Google as an experiment, the protocol has already made phenomenal strides, thanks to its support in Google’s servers and Chrome browser. Since QUIC is still a relatively new protocol, there is a lack of sufficient understanding about its behavior in real network scenarios, particularly in the case of wireless networks. In this paper we present a comprehensive study on the performance of QUIC in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN). We perform a measurement campaign on a production WMN to compare the performance of QUIC against TCP when retrieving files from the Internet. Our results show that while QUIC outperforms TCP in wired networks, it exhibits significantly lower performance than TCP in the WMN. We investigate the reasons for this behavior and identify the root causes of the performance issues. We find that some design choices of QUIC may penalize the protocol in WiFi, e.g., uncovering sub-optimal interactions of QUIC with MAC layer features, such as frame aggregation. Finally, we implement and evaluate our solution and demonstrate up to 28% increase in throughput of QUIC.This work was supported by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate in Distributed Computing EMJD-DC program, the Spanish grant TIN2016-77836-C2-2-R, and Generalitat de Catalunya through 2017-SGR-990. This research was conducted as part of the PhD thesis which is available online at upcommons.upc.edu.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Decisive analysis of current state of the art in congestion aware and control routing models in ad hoc networks

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    An important aspect that portrays a crucial position in the ad hoc network routing is congestion. Almost every research analysis is en-route in adapting this key factor in addressing congestion. This problem cannot be totally addressed by the regular TCP protocol based networks, keeping in view the special assets which include multi hop sharing etc, which is difficult to ascertain in ad hoc networks. Many attempts have been made and are in progress by researchers to provide unique solutions to the above mentioned problems. This paper projects a vital study on jamming aware and different routing standards that have been dealt with in recent times

    Centralized Rate Allocation and Control in 802.11-based Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) built with commodity 802.11 radios are a cost-effective means of providing last mile broadband Internet access. Their multihop architecture allows for rapid deployment and organic growth of these networks. 802.11 radios are an important building block in WMNs. These low cost radios are readily available, and can be used globally in license-exempt frequency bands. However, the 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) medium access mechanism does not scale well in large multihop networks. This produces suboptimal behavior in many transport protocols, including TCP, the dominant transport protocol in the Internet. In particular, cross-layer interaction between DCF and TCP results in flow level unfairness, including starvation, with backlogged traffic sources. Solutions found in the literature propose distributed source rate control algorithms to alleviate this problem. However, this requires MAC-layer or transport-layer changes on all mesh routers. This is often infeasible in practical deployments. In wireline networks, router-assisted rate control techniques have been proposed for use alongside end-to-end mechanisms. We evaluate the feasibility of establishing similar centralized control via gateway mesh routers in WMNs. We find that commonly used router-assisted flow control schemes designed for wired networks fail in WMNs. This is because they assume that: (1) links can be scheduled independently, and (2) router queue buildups are sufficient for detecting congestion. These abstractions do not hold in a wireless network, rendering wired scheduling algorithms such as Fair Queueing (and its variants) and Active Queue Management (AQM) techniques ineffective as a gateway-enforceable solution in a WMN. We show that only non-work-conserving rate-based scheduling can effectively enforce rate allocation via a single centralized traffic-aggregation point. In this context we propose, design, and evaluate a framework of centralized, measurement-based, feedback-driven mechanisms that can enforce a rate allocation policy objective for adaptive traffic streams in a WMN. In this dissertation we focus on fair rate allocation requirements. Our approach does not require any changes to individual mesh routers. Further, it uses existing data traffic as capacity probes, thus incurring a zero control traffic overhead. We propose two mechanisms based on this approach: aggregate rate control (ARC) and per-flow rate control (PFRC). ARC limits the aggregate capacity of a network to the sum of fair rates for a given set of flows. We show that the resulting rate allocation achieved by DCF is approximately max-min fair. PFRC allows us to exercise finer-grained control over the rate allocation process. We show how it can be used to achieve weighted flow rate fairness. We evaluate the performance of these mechanisms using simulations as well as implementation on a multihop wireless testbed. Our comparative analysis show that our mechanisms improve fairness indices by a factor of 2 to 3 when compared with networks without any rate limiting, and are approximately equivalent to results achieved with distributed source rate limiting mechanisms that require software modifications on all mesh routers

    Controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaCongestion control in wireless networks is an important and open issue. Previous research has proven the poor performance of the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) in such networks. The factors that contribute to the poor performance of TCP in wireless environments concern its unsuitability to identify/detect and react properly to network events, its TCP window based ow control algorithm that is not suitable for the wireless channel, and the congestion collapse due to mobility. New rate based mechanisms have been proposed to mitigate TCP performance in wired and wireless networks. However, these mechanisms also present poor performance, as they lack of suitable bandwidth estimation techniques for multi-hop wireless networks. It is thus important to improve congestion control performance in wireless networks, incorporating components that are suitable for wireless environments. A congestion control scheme which provides an e - cient and fair sharing of the underlying network capacity and available bandwidth among multiple competing applications is crucial to the definition of new e cient and fair congestion control schemes on wireless multi-hop networks. The Thesis is divided in three parts. First, we present a performance evaluation study of several congestion control protocols against TCP, in wireless mesh and ad-hoc networks. The obtained results show that rate based congestion control protocols need an eficient and accurate underlying available bandwidth estimation technique. The second part of the Thesis presents a new link capacity and available bandwidth estimation mechanism denoted as rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). The estimation is performed in real-time and without the need to intrusively inject packets in the network. Simulation results show that rt-Winf obtains the available bandwidth and capacity estimation with accuracy and without introducing overhead trafic in the network. The third part of the Thesis proposes the development of new congestion control mechanisms to address the congestion control problems of wireless networks. These congestion control mechanisms use cross layer information, obtained by rt-Winf, to accurately and eficiently estimate the available bandwidth and the path capacity over a wireless network path. Evaluation of these new proposed mechanisms, through ns-2 simulations, shows that the cooperation between rt-Winf and the congestion control algorithms is able to significantly increase congestion control eficiency and network performance.O controlo de congestionamento continua a ser extremamente importante quando se investiga o desempenho das redes sem fios. Trabalhos anteriores mostram o mau desempenho do Transport Control Proto- col (TCP) em redes sem fios. Os fatores que contribuem para um pior desempenho do TCP nesse tipo de redes s~ao: a sua falta de capacidade para identificar/detetar e reagir adequadamente a eventos da rede; a utilização de um algoritmo de controlo de uxo que não é adequado para o canal sem fios; e o colapso de congestionamento devido á mobilidade. Para colmatar este problemas foram propostos novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento baseados na taxa de transmissão. No entanto, estes mecanismos também apresentam um pior desempenho em redes sem fios, já que não utilizam mecanismos adequados para a avaliação da largura de banda disponível. Assim, é importante para melhorar o desempenho do controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios, incluir componentes que são adequados para esse tipo de ambientes. Um esquema de controlo de congestionamento que permita uma partilha eficiente e justa da capacidade da rede e da largura de banda disponível entre múltiplas aplicações concorrentes é crucial para a definição de novos, eficientes e justos mecanismos de controlo congestionamento para as redes sem fios. A Tese está dividida em três partes. Primeiro, apresentamos um estudo sobre a avaliação de desempenho de vários protocolos de controlo de congestionamento relativamente ao TCP, em redes sem fios em malha e ad-hoc. Os resultados obtidos mostram que os protocolos baseados na taxa de transmissão precisam de uma técnica de avaliação da largura de banda disponível que seja eficiente e precisa . A segunda parte da Tese apresenta um novo mecanismo de avaliação da capacidade da ligação e da largura de banda disponível, designada por rt-Winf (real time wireless inference). A avaliação é realizada em tempo real e sem a necessidade de inserir tráfego na rede. Os resultados obtidos através de simulação e emulação mostram que o rt-Winf obtém com precisão a largura de banda disponível e a capacidade da ligação sem sobrecarregar a rede. A terceira parte da Tese propõe novos mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento em redes sem fios. Estes mecanismos de controlo de congestionamento apresentam um conjunto de caracter ísticas novas para melhorar o seu desempenho, de entre as quais se destaca a utilização da informação de largura de banda disponível obtida pelo rt-Winf. Os resultados da avaliação destes mecanismos, utilizando o simulador ns-2, permitem concluir que a cooperação entre o rt-Winf e os algoritmos de controlo de congestionamento aumenta significativamente o desempenho da rede

    Robust QUIC: integrating practical coding in a low latency transport protocol

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    We introduce rQUIC, an integration of the QUIC protocol and a coding module. rQUIC has been designed to feature different coding/decoding schemes and is implemented in go language. We conducted an extensive measurement campaign to provide a thorough characterization of the proposed solution. We compared the performance of rQUIC with that of the original QUIC protocol for different underlying network conditions as well as different traffic patterns. Our results show that rQUIC not only yields a relevant performance gain (shorter delays), especially when network conditions worsen, but also ensures a more predictable behavior. For bulk transfer (long flows), the delay reduction almost reached 70% when the frame error rate was 5%, while under similar conditions, the gain for short flows (web navigation) was approximately 55%. In the case of video streaming, the QoE gain (p1203 metric) was, approximately, 50%.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government through the Elkartek Program under the Hodei-x Project under Agreement KK-2021/00049; in part by the Spanish Government through the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) through the Future Internet Enabled Resilient smart CitiEs (FIERCE) under Grant RTI2018-093475-AI00; and in part by the Industrial Doctorates Program of the University of Cantabria under Grant Call 2019