2,832 research outputs found

    Nominal Unification of Higher Order Expressions with Recursive Let

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    A sound and complete algorithm for nominal unification of higher-order expressions with a recursive let is described, and shown to run in non-deterministic polynomial time. We also explore specializations like nominal letrec-matching for plain expressions and for DAGs and determine the complexity of corresponding unification problems.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 26th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland UK, 6-8 September 2016 (arXiv:1608.02534

    Nominal Unification with Atom and Context Variables

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    Automated deduction in higher-order program calculi, where properties of transformation rules are demanded, or confluence or other equational properties are requested, can often be done by syntactically computing overlaps (critical pairs) of reduction rules and transformation rules. Since higher-order calculi have alpha-equivalence as fundamental equivalence, the reasoning procedure must deal with it. We define ASD1-unification problems, which are higher-order equational unification problems employing variables for atoms, expressions and contexts, with additional distinct-variable constraints, and which have to be solved w.r.t. alpha-equivalence. Our proposal is to extend nominal unification to solve these unification problems. We succeeded in constructing the nominal unification algorithm NomUnifyASD. We show that NomUnifyASD is sound and complete for this problem class, and outputs a set of unifiers with constraints in nondeterministic polynomial time if the final constraints are satisfiable. We also show that solvability of the output constraints can be decided in NEXPTIME, and for a fixed number of context-variables in NP time. For terms without context-variables and atom-variables, NomUnifyASD runs in polynomial time, is unitary, and extends the classical problem by permitting distinct-variable constraints

    Nominal Unification from a Higher-Order Perspective

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    Nominal Logic is a version of first-order logic with equality, name-binding, renaming via name-swapping and freshness of names. Contrarily to higher-order logic, bindable names, called atoms, and instantiable variables are considered as distinct entities. Moreover, atoms are capturable by instantiations, breaking a fundamental principle of lambda-calculus. Despite these differences, nominal unification can be seen from a higher-order perspective. From this view, we show that nominal unification can be reduced to a particular fragment of higher-order unification problems: Higher-Order Pattern Unification. This reduction proves that nominal unification can be decided in quadratic deterministic time, using the linear algorithm for Higher-Order Pattern Unification. We also prove that the translation preserves most generality of unifiers

    Performance-based control system design automation via evolutionary computing

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    This paper develops an evolutionary algorithm (EA) based methodology for computer-aided control system design (CACSD) automation in both the time and frequency domains under performance satisfactions. The approach is automated by efficient evolution from plant step response data, bypassing the system identification or linearization stage as required by conventional designs. Intelligently guided by the evolutionary optimization, control engineers are able to obtain a near-optimal ‘‘off-thecomputer’’ controller by feeding the developed CACSD system with plant I/O data and customer specifications without the need of a differentiable performance index. A speedup of near-linear pipelineability is also observed for the EA parallelism implemented on a network of transputers of Parsytec SuperCluster. Validation results against linear and nonlinear physical plants are convincing, with good closed-loop performance and robustness in the presence of practical constraints and perturbations

    Automating control system design via a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm

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    This chapter presents a performance-prioritized computer aided control system design (CACSD) methodology using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. The evolutionary CACSD approach unifies different control laws in both the time and frequency domains based upon performance satisfactions, without the need of aggregating different design criteria into a compromise function. It is shown that control engineers' expertise as well as settings on goal or priority for different preference on each performance requirement can be easily included and modified on-line according to the evolving trade-offs, which makes the controller design interactive, transparent and simple for real-time implementation. Advantages of the evolutionary CACSD methodology are illustrated upon a non-minimal phase plant control system, which offer a set of low-order Pareto optimal controllers satisfying all the conflicting performance requirements in the face of system constraints

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design

    Robust Adaptive Control Barrier Functions: An Adaptive & Data-Driven Approach to Safety (Extended Version)

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    A new framework is developed for control of constrained nonlinear systems with structured parametric uncertainties. Forward invariance of a safe set is achieved through online parameter adaptation and data-driven model estimation. The new adaptive data-driven safety paradigm is merged with a recent adaptive control algorithm for systems nominally contracting in closed-loop. This unification is more general than other safety controllers as closed-loop contraction does not require the system be invertible or in a particular form. Additionally, the approach is less expensive than nonlinear model predictive control as it does not require a full desired trajectory, but rather only a desired terminal state. The approach is illustrated on the pitch dynamics of an aircraft with uncertain nonlinear aerodynamics.Comment: Added aCBF non-Lipschitz example and discussion on approach implementatio

    Constraint solving in non-permutative nominal abstract syntax

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    Nominal abstract syntax is a popular first-order technique for encoding, and reasoning about, abstract syntax involving binders. Many of its applications involve constraint solving. The most commonly used constraint solving algorithm over nominal abstract syntax is the Urban-Pitts-Gabbay nominal unification algorithm, which is well-behaved, has a well-developed theory and is applicable in many cases. However, certain problems require a constraint solver which respects the equivariance property of nominal logic, such as Cheney's equivariant unification algorithm. This is more powerful but is more complicated and computationally hard. In this paper we present a novel algorithm for solving constraints over a simple variant of nominal abstract syntax which we call non-permutative. This constraint problem has similar complexity to equivariant unification but without many of the additional complications of the equivariant unification term language. We prove our algorithm correct, paying particular attention to issues of termination, and present an explicit translation of name-name equivariant unification problems into non-permutative constraints