166 research outputs found

    DReAM: Dynamic Re-arrangement of Address Mapping to Improve the Performance of DRAMs

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    The initial location of data in DRAMs is determined and controlled by the 'address-mapping' and even modern memory controllers use a fixed and run-time-agnostic address mapping. On the other hand, the memory access pattern seen at the memory interface level will dynamically change at run-time. This dynamic nature of memory access pattern and the fixed behavior of address mapping process in DRAM controllers, implied by using a fixed address mapping scheme, means that DRAM performance cannot be exploited efficiently. DReAM is a novel hardware technique that can detect a workload-specific address mapping at run-time based on the application access pattern which improves the performance of DRAMs. The experimental results show that DReAM outperforms the best evaluated address mapping on average by 9%, for mapping-sensitive workloads, by 2% for mapping-insensitive workloads, and up to 28% across all the workloads. DReAM can be seen as an insurance policy capable of detecting which scenarios are not well served by the predefined address mapping

    Software and hardware methods for memory access latency reduction on ILP processors

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    While microprocessors have doubled their speed every 18 months, performance improvement of memory systems has continued to lag behind. to address the speed gap between CPU and memory, a standard multi-level caching organization has been built for fast data accesses before the data have to be accessed in DRAM core. The existence of these caches in a computer system, such as L1, L2, L3, and DRAM row buffers, does not mean that data locality will be automatically exploited. The effective use of the memory hierarchy mainly depends on how data are allocated and how memory accesses are scheduled. In this dissertation, we propose several novel software and hardware techniques to effectively exploit the data locality and to significantly reduce memory access latency.;We first presented a case study at the application level that reconstructs memory-intensive programs by utilizing program-specific knowledge. The problem of bit-reversals, a set of data reordering operations extensively used in scientific computing program such as FFT, and an application with a special data access pattern that can cause severe cache conflicts, is identified in this study. We have proposed several software methods, including padding and blocking, to restructure the program to reduce those conflicts. Our methods outperform existing ones on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.;The access latency to DRAM core has become increasingly long relative to CPU speed, causing memory accesses to be an execution bottleneck. In order to reduce the frequency of DRAM core accesses to effectively shorten the overall memory access latency, we have conducted three studies at this level of memory hierarchy. First, motivated by our evaluation of DRAM row buffer\u27s performance roles and our findings of the reasons of its access conflicts, we propose a simple and effective memory interleaving scheme to reduce or even eliminate row buffer conflicts. Second, we propose a fine-grain priority scheduling scheme to reorder the sequence of data accesses on multi-channel memory systems, effectively exploiting the available bus bandwidth and access concurrency. In the final part of the dissertation, we first evaluate the design of cached DRAM and its organization alternatives associated with ILP processors. We then propose a new memory hierarchy integration that uses cached DRAM to construct a very large off-chip cache. We show that this structure outperforms a standard memory system with an off-level L3 cache for memory-intensive applications.;Memory access latency has become a major performance bottleneck for memory-intensive applications. as long as DRAM technology remains its most cost-effective position for making main memory, the memory performance problem will continue to exist. The studies conducted in this dissertation attempt to address this important issue. Our proposed software and hardware schemes are effective and applicable, which can be directly used in real-world memory system designs and implementations. Our studies also provide guidance for application programmers to understand memory performance implications, and for system architects to optimize memory hierarchies

    HAPPY: Hybrid Address-based Page Policy in DRAMs

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    Memory controllers have used static page closure policies to decide whether a row should be left open, open-page policy, or closed immediately, close-page policy, after the row has been accessed. The appropriate choice for a particular access can reduce the average memory latency. However, since application access patterns change at run time, static page policies cannot guarantee to deliver optimum execution time. Hybrid page policies have been investigated as a means of covering these dynamic scenarios and are now implemented in state-of-the-art processors. Hybrid page policies switch between open-page and close-page policies while the application is running, by monitoring the access pattern of row hits/conflicts and predicting future behavior. Unfortunately, as the size of DRAM memory increases, fine-grain tracking and analysis of memory access patterns does not remain practical. We propose a compact memory address-based encoding technique which can improve or maintain the performance of DRAMs page closure predictors while reducing the hardware overhead in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques. As a case study, we integrate our technique, HAPPY, with a state-of-the-art monitor, the Intel-adaptive open-page policy predictor employed by the Intel Xeon X5650, and a traditional Hybrid page policy. We evaluate them across 70 memory intensive workload mixes consisting of single-thread and multi-thread applications. The experimental results show that using the HAPPY encoding applied to the Intel-adaptive page closure policy can reduce the hardware overhead by 5X for the evaluated 64 GB memory (up to 40X for a 512 GB memory) while maintaining the prediction accuracy

    Reducing main memory access latency through SDRAM address mapping techniques and access reordering mechanisms

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    As the performance gap between microprocessors and memory continues to increase, main memory accesses result in long latencies which become a factor limiting system performance. Previous studies show that main memory access streams contain significant localities and SDRAM devices provide parallelism through multiple banks and channels. These locality and parallelism have not been exploited thoroughly by conventional memory controllers. In this thesis, SDRAM address mapping techniques and memory access reordering mechanisms are studied and applied to memory controller design with the goal of reducing observed main memory access latency. The proposed bit-reversal address mapping attempts to distribute main memory accesses evenly in the SDRAM address space to enable bank parallelism. As memory accesses to unique banks are interleaved, the access latencies are partially hidden and therefore reduced. With the consideration of cache conflict misses, bit-reversal address mapping is able to direct potential row conflicts to different banks, further improving the performance. The proposed burst scheduling is a novel access reordering mechanism, which creates bursts by clustering accesses directed to the same rows of the same banks. Subjected to a threshold, reads are allowed to preempt writes and qualified writes are piggybacked at the end of the bursts. A sophisticated access scheduler selects accesses based on priorities and interleaves accesses to maximize the SDRAM data bus utilization. Consequentially burst scheduling reduces row conflict rate, increasing and exploiting the available row locality. Using a revised SimpleScalar and M5 simulator, both techniques are evaluated and compared with existing academic and industrial solutions. With SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks, bit-reversal reduces the execution time by 14% on average over traditional page interleaving address mapping. Burst scheduling also achieves a 15% reduction in execution time over conventional bank in order scheduling. Working constructively together, bit-reversal and burst scheduling successfully achieve a 19% speedup across simulated benchmarks

    Get Out of the Valley: Power-Efficient Address Mapping for GPUs

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    GPU memory systems adopt a multi-dimensional hardware structure to provide the bandwidth necessary to support 100s to 1000s of concurrent threads. On the software side, GPU-compute workloads also use multi-dimensional structures to organize the threads. We observe that these structures can combine unfavorably and create significant resource imbalance in the memory subsystem causing low performance and poor power-efficiency. The key issue is that it is highly application-dependent which memory address bits exhibit high variability. To solve this problem, we first provide an entropy analysis approach tailored for the highly concurrent memory request behavior in GPU-compute workloads. Our window-based entropy metric captures the information content of each address bit of the memory requests that are likely to co-exist in the memory system at runtime. Using this metric, we find that GPU-compute workloads exhibit entropy valleys distributed throughout the lower order address bits. This indicates that efficient GPU-address mapping schemes need to harvest entropy from broad address-bit ranges and concentrate the entropy into the bits used for channel and bank selection in the memory subsystem. This insight leads us to propose the Page Address Entropy (PAE) mapping scheme which concentrates the entropy of the row, channel and bank bits of the input address into the bank and channel bits of the output address. PAE maps straightforwardly to hardware and can be implemented with a tree of XOR-gates. PAE improves performance by 1.31 x and power-efficiency by 1.25 x compared to state-of-the-art permutation-based address mapping

    Dynamic data shapers optimize performance in Dynamic Binary Optimization (DBO) environment

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    Processor hardware has been architected with the assumption that most data access patterns would be linearly spatial in nature. But, most applications involve algorithms that are designed with optimal efficiency in mind, which results in non-spatial, multi-dimensional data access. Moreover, this data view or access pattern changes dynamically in different program phases. This results in a mismatch between the processor hardware\u27s view of data and the algorithmic view of data, leading to significant memory access bottlenecks. This variation in data views is especially more pronounced in applications involving large datasets, leading to significantly increased latency and user response times. Previous attempts to tackle this problem were primarily targeted at execution time optimization. We present a dynamic technique piggybacked on the classical dynamic binary optimization (DBO) to shape the data view for each program phase differently resulting in program execution time reduction along with reductions in access energy. Our implementation rearranges non-adjacent data into a contiguous dataview. It uses wrappers to replace irregular data access patterns with spatially local dataview. HDTrans, a runtime dynamic binary optimization framework has been used to perform runtime instrumentation and dynamic data optimization to achieve this goal. This scheme not only ensures a reduced program execution time, but also results in lower energy use. Some of the commonly used benchmarks from the SPEC 2006 suite were profiled to determine irregular data accesses from procedures which contributed heavily to the overall execution time. Wrappers built to replace these accesses with spatially adjacent data led to a significant improvement in the total execution time. On average, 20% reduction in time was achieved along with a 5% reduction in energy

    Castell: a heterogeneous cmp architecture scalable to hundreds of processors

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    Technology improvements and power constrains have taken multicore architectures to dominate microprocessor designs over uniprocessors. At the same time, accelerator based architectures have shown that heterogeneous multicores are very efficient and can provide high throughput for parallel applications, but with a high-programming effort. We propose Castell a scalable chip multiprocessor architecture that can be programmed as uniprocessors, and provides the high throughput of accelerator-based architectures. Castell relies on task-based programming models that simplify software development. These models use a runtime system that dynamically finds, schedules, and adds hardware-specific features to parallel tasks. One of these features is DMA transfers to overlap computation and data movement, which is known as double buffering. This feature allows applications on Castell to tolerate large memory latencies and lets us design the memory system focusing on memory bandwidth. In addition to provide programmability and the design of the memory system, we have used a hierarchical NoC and added a synchronization module. The NoC design distributes memory traffic efficiently to allow the architecture to scale. The synchronization module is a consequence of the large performance degradation of application for large synchronization latencies. Castell is mainly an architecture framework that enables the definition of domain-specific implementations, fine-tuned to a particular problem or application. So far, Castell has been successfully used to propose heterogeneous multicore architectures for scientific kernels, video decoding (using H.264), and protein sequence alignment (using Smith-Waterman and clustalW). It has also been used to explore a number of architecture optimizations such as enhanced DMA controllers, and architecture support for task-based programming models. ii