84 research outputs found

    Modeling the Permanent Deformation Behavior of Asphalt Mixtures Using a Novel Hybrid Computational Intelligence

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    One of the main causes of pavement rutting is the repetitive action of traffic loads which results in the accumulation of permanent deformations. As a result, it is important to understand the characteristics of the permanent deformation behavior of asphalt mixes under repeated loading and to build the accurate mix model before they are placed in roadways. This study proposed a hybrid computational intelligence system named SOS-LSSVM for modelling the permanent pavement deformation behavior of asphalt mixtures. The SOS-LSSVM fuses Least Squares Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) and Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS). LSSVM is employed for establishing the relationship model between the flow number, which is obtained from the laboratory test, and the parameters of the asphalt mix design. SOS is used to find the best LSSVM tuning parameters. A total 118 historical cases were used to establish the intelligence prediction model. Obtained results validate the ability of SOS-LSSVM to model the pavement rutting behavior of asphalt mixture with a relatively high accuracy measured by four error indicators. Therefore, the proposed computational intelligence systems can offer a high benefit for road designers and engineers in decision-making processes

    Symbiotic Organisms Search Algorithm: theory, recent advances and applications

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    The symbiotic organisms search algorithm is a very promising recent metaheuristic algorithm. It has received a plethora of attention from all areas of numerical optimization research, as well as engineering design practices. it has since undergone several modifications, either in the form of hybridization or as some other improved variants of the original algorithm. However, despite all the remarkable achievements and rapidly expanding body of literature regarding the symbiotic organisms search algorithm within its short appearance in the field of swarm intelligence optimization techniques, there has been no collective and comprehensive study on the success of the various implementations of this algorithm. As a way forward, this paper provides an overview of the research conducted on symbiotic organisms search algorithms from inception to the time of writing, in the form of details of various application scenarios with variants and hybrid implementations, and suggestions for future research directions

    Optimized task scheduling based on hybrid symbiotic organisms search algorithms for cloud computing environment

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    In Cloud Computing model, users are charged according to the usage of resources and desired Quality of Service (QoS). Task scheduling algorithms are responsible for specifying adequate set of resources to execute user applications in the form of tasks, and schedule decisions of task scheduling algorithms are based on QoS requirements defined by the user. Task scheduling problem is an NP-Complete problem, due to the NP-Complete nature of task scheduling problems and huge search space presented by large scale problem instances, many of the existing solution algorithms incur high computational complexity and cannot effectively obtain global optimum solutions. Recently, Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) has been applied to various optimization problems and results obtained were found to be competitive with state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms. However, similar to the case other metaheuristic optimization algorithms, the efficiency of SOS algorithm deteriorates as the size of the search space increases. Moreover, SOS suffers from local optima entrapment and its static control parameters cannot maintain a balance between local and global search. In this study, Cooperative Coevolutionary Constrained Multiobjective Symbiotic Organisms Search (CC-CMSOS), Cooperative Coevolutionary Constrained Multi-objective Memetic Symbiotic Organisms Search (CC-CMMSOS), and Cooperative Coevolutionary Constrained Multi-objective Adaptive Benefit Factor Symbiotic Organisms Search (CC-CMABFSOS) algorithms are proposed to solve constrained multi-objective large scale task scheduling optimization problem on IaaS cloud computing environment. To address the issue of scalability, the concept of Cooperative Coevolutionary for enhancing SOS named CC-CMSOS make SOS more efficient for solving large scale task scheduling problems. CC-CMMSOS algorithm further improves the performance of SOS algorithm by hybridizing with Simulated Annealing (SA) to avoid entrapment in local optima for global convergence. Finally, CC-CMABFSOS algorithm adaptively turn SOS control parameters to balance the local and global search procedure for faster convergence speed. The performance of the proposed CC-CMSOS, CC-CMMSOS, and CC-CMABFSOS algorithms are evaluated on CloudSim simulator, using both standard workload traces and synthesized workloads for larger problem instances of up to 5000. Moreover, CC-CMSOS, CC-CMMSOS, and CC-CMABFSOS algorithms are compared with multi-objective optimization algorithms, namely, EMS-C, ECMSMOO, and BOGA. The CC-CMSOS, CC-CMMSOS, and CC-CMABFSOS algorithms obtained significant improved optimal trade-offs between execution time (makespan) and financial cost (cost) while meeting deadline constraints with no computational overhead. The performance improvements obtained by the proposed algorithms in terms of hypervolume ranges from 8.72% to 37.95% across the workloads. Therefore, the proposed algorithms have potentials to improve the performance of QoS delivery

    Multi-objective symbiotic organisms optimization for making time-cost tradeoffs in repetitive project scheduling problem

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    Time-cost problems that arise in repetitive construction projects are commonly encountered in project scheduling. Numerous time-cost trade-off approaches, such as mathematical, metaheuristic, and evolutionary methods, have been extensively studied in the construction community. Currently, the scheduling of a repetitive project is conducted using the traditional precedence diagramming method (PDM), which has two fundamental limitations: (1) progress is assumed to be linear from start to finish; and (2) activities in the schedule are connected each other only at the end points. This paper proposes a scheduling method that allows the use of continuous precedence relationships and piece-wise linear and nonlinear activity-time-production functions that are described by the use of singularity functions. This work further develops an adaptive multiple objective symbiotic organisms search (AMOSOS) algorithm that modifies benefit factors in the basic SOS to balance exploration and exploitation processes. Two case studies of its application are analyzed to validate the scheduling method, as well as to demonstrate the capabilities of AMOSOS in generating solutions that optimally trade-off minimizing project time with minimizing the cost of non-unit repetitive projects. The results thus obtained indicate that the proposed model is feasible and effective relative to the basic SOS algorithm and other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Simulated annealing based symbiotic organisms search optimization algorithm for traveling salesman problem

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    Symbiotic Organisms Search (SOS) algorithm is an effective new metaheuristic search algorithm, which has recently recorded wider application in solving complex optimization problems. SOS mimics the symbiotic relationship strategies adopted by organisms in the ecosystem for survival. This paper, presents a study on the application of SOS with Simulated Annealing (SA) to solve the well-known traveling salesman problems (TSPs). The TSP is known to be NP-hard, which consist of a set of (n − 1)!/2 feasible solutions. The intent of the proposed hybrid method is to evaluate the convergence behaviour and scalability of the symbiotic organism’s search with simulated annealing to solve both small and large-scale travelling salesman problems. The implementation of the SA based SOS (SOS-SA) algorithm was done in the MATLAB environment. To inspect the performance of the proposed hybrid optimization method, experiments on the solution convergence, average execution time, and percentage deviations of both the best and average solutions to the best known solution were conducted. Similarly, in order to obtain unbiased and comprehensive comparisons, descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and range were used to describe each of the algorithms, in the analysis section. The oneway ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test were further used to compare the significant difference in performance between SOS-SA and the other selected state-of-the-art algorithms. The performances of SOS-SA and SOS are evaluated on different sets of TSP benchmarks obtained from TSPLIB (a library containing samples of TSP instances). The empirical analysis’ results show that the quality of the final results as well as the convergence rate of the new algorithm in some cases produced even more superior solutions than the best known TSP benchmarked results

    Advanced Signal Processing Techniques Applied to Power Systems Control and Analysis

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    The work published in this book is related to the application of advanced signal processing in smart grids, including power quality, data management, stability and economic management in presence of renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles. The distinct architecture of smart grids has prompted investigations into the use of advanced algorithms combined with signal processing methods to provide optimal results. The presented applications are focused on data management with cloud computing, power quality assessment, photovoltaic power plant control, and electrical vehicle charge stations, all supported by modern AI-based optimization methods

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp