15 research outputs found

    Analysis of Operational Risk Management of Broiler Farms Closed House Systems

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    Broiler farming is one of the businesses that people are interested in, especially people in rural areas who still have sufficient land area to build a cage as a place for raising chickens. This is because chicken meat is a food commodity that is still in demand in every community. Running a business in the field of broiler farming certainly requires capital, although the required capital can be minimized by establishing a nucleus-plasma partnership with companies engaged in chicken farming. Of course, the breeders hope that from the effort they make, they get maximum profit with the various simulations that have been carried out. The cage is an important environmental factor in the maintenance of broiler chickens, because the cage is a place for chickens to live and move so that its comfort determines productivity results. The closed house maintenance system is a maintenance system with a closed cage concept where the microclimate in the cage is adjusted according to needs. The advantages of closed house cages are more capacity or population, chickens are protected from physical disturbances, weather, pollution, and disease. However, the closed house system also has drawbacks, especially in terms of investment and high operating expenses. This study will analyze operational risk management on closed house system farms with a case study of livestock in Lamongan Regency. The results of this study are expected to be used as a basis for mitigation actions that must be taken so that risks can be minimized. 3 (three) risks with the highest RPN value are the calculation of harvest yields does not match daily recordings. High chicken mortality at a time when harvesting IP is very far from expectations. Meanwhile, the proposed mitigation measures are to provide strict sanctions if fraud cases are found by certain persons, provide more counseling it would be better to provide knowledge to the caged chicks on how to better manage the cage, and to increase understanding of disease outbreaks for PPL and caged chicks to determine appropriate treatment action

    The internationalization of SMEs in Central Europe and its impact on their methods of risk management

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    The international business environment is very competitive, and enterprises should be aware of how to manage business risks, which methods to choose, and what impact these risks have on the sustainability of these methods and on the whole system. The aim of this article is to analyse the impact of the internationalization of SMEs on risk management and define the differences in perceptions of the importance of sustainability regarding this system. Data from an extensive research study in V4 countries (Czech Republic, Hungary Slovakia, Poland) were analysed. Data were collected through on-line questionnaire in 2018, and a total of 1781 valid responses by SMEs were included in this research. To fulfil the research aim, three hypotheses were established. The odds ratio was calculated for the effect of company type (international x domestic) on the different individuals responsible for risk management. The Tarantula similarity measure was calculated to measure the strength and pairwise relationships between risk reducing strategies and risk management techniques. The Chi-Square test was applied to assess differences between variables. The results show that a specialized risk manager is authorized to deal with risk management in international companies more often than in domestic companies. There are also differences in the relationship between risk managing techniques and risk reducing strategies, depending on the presence of the business on international market. Companies in the international market are more focused on methods of risk management which support sustainability and their system of risk management has a more stable future. © 2020 Editura ASE Bucuresti.Janos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of SciencesHungarian Academy of Science

    Multiple criteria decision analysis under uncertainty in sustainable construction : a neutrosophic modified best-worst method

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    Capturing uncertainty in multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) is not a new theme but a largely developing topic which is in close connection with uncertainty theories such as fuzzy set and grey systems theories. Due to growing complexity of construction processes mainly because of implementation of sustainability aspects it would be necessary to take advantage of a novel MCDA methodology as an efficient tool to handle the uncertainty in sustainable construction decision making. In this study, we utilise a novel neutrosophic modified best-worst method (NM-BWM) to deal with the uncertainty in decision making in the context of sustainable construction. The method is an integration of neutrosophic set theory (NST) and the modified best-worst method (M-BWM). The NST can provide insights on efficient uncertainty handling of decision makers (DMs) subjective judgements. The BWM is a MCDA method which utilises two vectors of pairwise comparisons (the best criterion to others and others to the worst criterion) to obtain the weights of evaluation criteria. Merits of the BWM include its capability in effectively remedying the inconsistency derived from pairwise comparisons as well as simplicity and less pairwise comparisons compared to other similar methods like analytic hierarchy process (AHP). We show the applicability of the method in a case study with focus on the implementation of sustainable construction

    Algorithm to prioritize maintenance planning in power distribution feeders based on reliability conditions

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    Los registros de fallas que poseen las empresas eléctricas de distribución, son las desconexiones o salidas del servicio en un alimentador, las cuales presentan un sin número de eventos funcionales que se ven reflejados en la parte operativa como económica, hasta la actualidad son temas que no se han logrado solucionar íntegramente para mitigar estos tiempos de desconexión, por eso el mantenimiento en una empresa de distribución de energía eléctrica se ha convertido hoy en día, en una de las actividades de toma de decisiones más importantes debido a la necesidad de aumentar la confiabilidad, calidad y seguridad de suministro de energía eléctrica al cliente final. Por lo cual, este estudio presenta una metodología para priorizar la identificación de alimentadores por su nivel de criticidad, la cual es posible obtener mediante el índice propuesto de confiabilidad ponderada WI. Una vez calculado este indicador para cada alimentador de la subestación analizada, se puede priorizar una acción de mantenimiento a los alimentadores con los valores más elevados.The records of failures that the electrical distribution companies have are the disconnections or outputs of service in a feeder, which present many events that are reflected in the operational and economic aspect. Until now they are issues that have not been solved, to mitigate disconnection times, that´s the reason why the maintenance in an electric power distribution company has become today one of the most important decision-making activities, due to the need to increase the reliability, quality and security of the electric power supply to the final customer. Therefore, this study presents a methodology to prioritize the identification of feeders by their level of criticality, which is possible to obtain through the proposed index of weighted reliability WI. Once this index has been calculated for each feeder of the substation analyzed, a maintenance action can be prioritized with the highest values

    Barriers to blockchain adoption in humanitarian logistics in an uncertain environment

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    In the digital age, blockchain technology is recognized as an operational innovation that is rapidly joining the field of supply chain and humanitarian logistics. Hence, blockchain technology has the potential to fundamentally change the field of humanitarian aid, but still relatively little research has been published aimed at improving understanding of the various barriers to blockchain adoption in humanitarian logistics. The aim of this research is to provide an integrated framework for evaluating the barriers to blockchain adoption in the field of humanitarian logistics. To assess the barriers, integrated approach has been applied in three phases. In the first phase of this approach, based on the literature, 10 barriers to the adoption of blockchain in humanitarian logistics are identified and evaluated using the FMEA method. In the second phase, using the opinions of experts, the weights of the three factors are calculated. Then, in the third phase and according to the outputs of the previous phases, obstacles are prioritized using the proposed Z-ARAS method. In addition to assigning different weights to the three factors considering uncertainty and reliability in barriers is also considered in this approach through the theory of Z numbers. The proposed approach of current study was implemented in the evaluation of blockchain adoption barriers in humanitarian logistics. According to the results, the most critical barriers concern with integrating issues, risk of cyber-attacks, and technology risks. The results shown the capability and superiority of the proposed approach compared to other traditional methods such as FMEA and Fuzzy ARAS

    Decision making for risk evaluation: integration of prospect theory with failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA)

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    The aim of the present study is to overcome some of the limitations of the FMEA method by presenting a theoretical base for considering risk evaluation into its assessment methodology and proposing an approach for its implementation. Fuzzy AHP is used to calculate the weights of the likelihood of occurrence (O), severity (S) and difficulty of detection (D). Additionally, the Prospect Theory-based TODIM method was integrated with fuzzy logic. Thus, fuzzy TODIM was employed to calculate the ranking of potential failure modes according to their RPNs. In order to verify the results of the study, in-depth interviews were conducted with the participation of industry experts. The results are very much in line with Prospect Theory. Therefore, practitioners may apply the proposed method to FMEA. The most crucial failure mode for a firm’s attention is furnace failure followed by generator failure, crane failure, tank failure, kettle failure, dryer failure, and operator failure, respectively. The originality of this paper consists in integrating Prospect Theory with the FMEA method in order to overcome the limitations naturally inherent in the calculation of the FMEA’s Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs).N/

    MOONA software for survey classification and evaluation of criteria to support decision-making for properties portfolio

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    The MOORA for Neural Networks Analysis (MONNA) software was created to classify variables and evaluate the degree of correlation between them, helping to choose a property portfolio and facilitating decision making involving multiple criteria. The MONNA software presents the classification of the alternatives calculated automatically by the MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis) and provides a Global Average Rate (GAR). Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) analysis provides the degree of correlation between variables and uses GAR as the output parameter. The degree of correlation between the variables allows us to assess whether these variables are dependent on each other and can capture customer preferences. For the application we used a survey that sought to know the preferences of customers, which will serve to make the decision of which properties should be part of the company’s portfolio. The contribution and originality of the MONNA software is that through the integration of the MOORA and ANN methods, the classification and criterion evaluation calculations are faster and standardized. The use of software by decision makers helps to have more accurately find and classify available options, preventing simulations from being done by iterative processes and providing validated numerical data for management evaluation

    A comprehensive physical security protection of the tire service

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    NĚMEC, Martin. Komplexní zabezpečení fyzické ochrany v objektu pneuservisu. Ostrava, 2019. 59 stránek, 5 příloh. Bakalářská práce. VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta bezpečnostního inženýrství. Vedoucí práce Ing. Stanislav Lichorobiec, Ph.D. Cílem této bakalářské práce je vytvořit návrh na komplexní zabezpečení fyzické ochrany v objektu pneuservisu. První část práce obsahuje důležité právní předpisy a technické normy, které úzce souvisí s problematikou ochrany osob a majetku. Poté následuje stručný popis jednotlivých segmentů systému fyzické ochrany. Druhá část se zaměřuje na popis objektu pneuservisu, především jeho současného stavu zabezpečení. Významnou kapitolou je provedení analýzy a vyhodnocení identifikovaných rizik, která na objekt působí. Poslední část se skládá z návrhu bezpečnostních opatření, jejichž účelem je minimalizovat nejzávažnější rizika. Na závěr je provedeno zhodnocení finanční náročnosti tohoto návrhu.NĚMEC, Martin. A Comprehensive sucurity of physical protection of tire service. Ostrava, 2019. 59 pages, 5 annexes. Bachelor thesis. VŠB – Technical university of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering. Supervisor of the thesis Ing. Stanislav Lichorobiec, Ph.D. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create a proposal for comprehensive physical security protection of the tire service. The first part of the thesis contains important legislation and technical standards, which are closely related to the issue of protection of persons and property. This is followed by a brief description of each segment of the physical protection system. The second part focuses on the description of tire service, especially its current state of security. An important chapter is the analysis and evaluation of the identified risks that affect the object. The last part consists of a proposal for safety measures designed to minimise the most serious risks. Finally, an assessment of the financial intensity of this proposal is carried out.060 - Katedra bezpečnostních služebvelmi dobř