17 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Pustaka Sistematis Penerapan Quality Function Deployment di Industri Manufaktur

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    Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a tool or planning instrument that is used to provide an overview of customer desires which are then translated into strategic stages to produce products or services whose characteristics are in accordance with customer wishes. The advantage of this method approach is that the level of customer satisfaction can be explained through data, so that improving the quality of services or products and periodic evaluations to correct deficiencies can be carried out in accordance with the customer's assessment. Many studies using the QFD method are carried out by the industry. This literature review aims to analyze the advantages of the QFD method for increasing customer satisfaction in the manufacturing industry. The method used is the Systematic Literature Review. This article involves a study review of 24 articles related to the application of QFD in the manufacturing industry. The study was conducted using the Google Schoolar database. The articles obtained were then summarized, classified, and comprehensively reviewed. This article expands the knowledge and study of the application of QFD in the manufacturing industry. The development of QFD in future research can be carried out in cross-fields that still have links. QFD results can be a tool for making improvements based on the needs or voice of the customer. Improvements made using the QFD method can increase customer satisfaction, increase profits and marketing, improve service quality, and improve product quality

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific production on methods to aid decision making in the last 40 years

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    Purpose: Multicriteria methods have gained traction in both academia and industry practices for effective decision-making over the years. This bibliometric study aims to explore and provide an overview of research carried out on multicriteria methods, in its various aspects, over the past forty-four years. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases were searched for publications from January 1945 to April 29, 2021, on multicriteria methods in titles, abstracts, and keywords. The bibliographic data were analyzed using the R bibliometrix package. Findings: This bibliometric study asserts that 29,050 authors have produced 20,861 documents on the theme of multicriteria methods in 131 countries in the last forty-four years. Scientific production in this area grows at a rate of 13.88 per year. China is the leading country in publications with 14.14%; India with 10.76%; and Iran with 8.09%. Islamic Azad University leads others with 504 publications, followed by the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University with 456 and the National Institute of Technology with 336. As for journals, Expert Systems With Applications; Sustainability; and Journal of Cleaner Production are the leading journals, which account for more than 4.67% of all indexed literature. Furthermore, Zavadskas E. and Wang J have the highest publications in the multicriteria methods domain regarding the authors. Regarding the most commonly used multicriteria decision-making methods, AHP is the most favored approach among the ten countries with the most publications in this research area, followed by TOPSIS, VIKOR, PROMETHEE, and ANP. Practical implications: The bibliometric literature review method allows the researchers to explore the multicriteria research area more extensively than the traditional literature review method. It enables a large dataset of bibliographic records to be systematically analyzed through statistical measures, yielding informative insights. Originality/value: The usefulness of this bibliometric study is summed in presenting an overview of the topic of the multicriteria methods during the previous forty-four years, allowing other academics to use this research as a starting point for their research


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many patterns of change in activities that were once normal have turned into virtual activities. One of them is the work from home system experienced by workers and the online learning system that occurs among students. Behind virtual activities like this, of course, they have to do long activities by staring at the laptop screen and need a laptop table to support this virtual activity. The use of inappropriate and non-ergonomic desks when working or studying from home can cause fatigue (fatigue) in some of the user's skeletal muscles. This research was conducted in order to be an innovative initiative and idea for the design of an ergonomic table design, functionality according to the needs and desires of its users, especially during a pandemic as it is today with its method approach, namely QFD and anthropometric suitability. The process of collecting data using a questionnaire, analyzing the data by determining percentiles, testing the validity, reliability, adequacy and uniformity of the data, then processed by HOQ analysis. The design of the resulting table product is a table with a design that can reduce musculoskeletal complaints, can be used for a sitting position or on a chair. The dimensions of this table are 70 cm long, 44 cm wide, 39 cm high when used on a bench and 68 cm maximum when sitting on a chair. In addition, this table also has additional features for drinking water insulation, book storage drawers, cooling pad holes, charger sockets and the table is easy to move because the table legs have wheel

    Evaluating large, high-technology project portfolios using a novel interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy set framework: An automated crane project case study

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd The contemporary organization relies increasingly on developing large, high technology projects in order to gain local and global competitive advantage. Uncertainty and the complexity of project evaluation requires improved and tailored decision making support systems. A new framework for high technology project portfolio evaluation is introduced. Novel development of an interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy set (IVPFS) approach is shown to accommodate degrees of membership, non-membership and hesitancy in the evaluation process. Developed methods of linear assignment, IVPFS ranking, IVPFS knowledge index, and IVPFS comparison provide a new framework for group evaluation based on a weighting for each decision expert. The framework is developed as a last aggregation which avoids information loss and introduces a new aggregation process. A novel multi-objective model is then introduced to address project portfolio selection while optimizing the value of the portfolio in terms of resilience (the risk of disruption and delays) and skill utilization (assignment of human resources). The applicability of this framework is demonstrated through a case study in high technology portfolio evaluation. The case study shows that the presented framework can be applied as the core to a high technology evaluation decision support system

    Circular economy and fuzzy set theory: a bibliometric and systematic review based on Industry 4.0 technologies perspective

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    The Circular Economy (CE) is receiving more attention, especially in Industry 4.0 (I4.0). In the face of several ambiguous and uncertain information, fuzzy techniques based on Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) are essential for developing CE strategies. This paper uses bibliometric methods to analyze the characteristics of the authors, nations/regions, institutions of the literature of FST and CE, and the collaborations relations between them, and then summarize the literature on fuzzy techniques in the CE and identify the specific role that FST can play in each stage of CE, its primary effects on the CE’s pre-preparation stage, design and production stage, and recycling and reuse stage. Meanwhile, the paper explores the advantages of I4.0 technologies for CE and analyzes the research on the role of fuzzy techniques based on FST for CE and I4.0 technologies. Last but not least, this paper is concluded by summarizing the knowledge gained from the bibliometric and content analyses of the literature and suggesting further research directions of investigation. This research will draw attention to FST’s contribution and encourage its advancement in CE and I4.0 technologies

    Algebraic Structures of Neutrosophic Triplets, Neutrosophic Duplets, or Neutrosophic Multisets

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    Neutrosophy (1995) is a new branch of philosophy that studies triads of the form (, , ), where is an entity {i.e. element, concept, idea, theory, logical proposition, etc.}, is the opposite of , while is the neutral (or indeterminate) between them, i.e., neither nor .Based on neutrosophy, the neutrosophic triplets were founded, which have a similar form (x, neut(x), anti(x)), that satisfy several axioms, for each element x in a given set.This collective book presents original research papers by many neutrosophic researchers from around the world, that report on the state-of-the-art and recent advancements of neutrosophic triplets, neutrosophic duplets, neutrosophic multisets and their algebraic structures – that have been defined recently in 2016 but have gained interest from world researchers. Connections between classical algebraic structures and neutrosophic triplet / duplet / multiset structures are also studied. And numerous neutrosophic applications in various fields, such as: multi-criteria decision making, image segmentation, medical diagnosis, fault diagnosis, clustering data, neutrosophic probability, human resource management, strategic planning, forecasting model, multi-granulation, supplier selection problems, typhoon disaster evaluation, skin lesson detection, mining algorithm for big data analysis, etc


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    "Pemilihan supplier merupakan permasalahan yang komplek pada era Industri 4.0 sekarang ini. Banyaknya jumlah supplier dengan kualitas performansi yang berbeda-beda menyebabkan sulitnya pihak internal perusahaan untuk memilih supplier yang sesuai. Di sisi lain macam-macam bahan baku yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat produk jadi, sangat beragam. Kesesuaian supplier berkualitas yang diperlukan untuk memasok bahan baku yang dibutuhkan oleh industri menjadi hal yang penting untuk diselesaikan. Begitupun halnya dengan industri perakitan traktor tangan, industri kecil menengah ini juga sangat tergantung pada ketersediaan bahan pasokan, dan sudah pasti tergantung pula dengan pemilihan supplier itu sendiri. Penelitian disertasi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh metode terbaru untuk memilih supplier pada industri manufaktur dengan studi kasus pada perakitan industri kecil traktor tangan. Penelitian disertasi ini diawali dengan kegiatan studi literatur melalui FGD, dan studi pustaka, kemudian diikuti dengan pembuatan desain prototipe aplikasi. Dimana untuk menyusun database bahan baku disusun menggunakan struktur produk pada Bill of Material, penentuan bobot kriteria optimal menggunakan Genetic Algorythms dan pemilihan supplier menggunakan metode multi criteria decision making. Studi kasus penelitian ini di sentra Industri Logam Ceper Klaten Solo, yaitu di Politeknik Manufaktur Ceper. Sedangkan pelaksanaan penelitiannya di Lab Komputasional dan Sistem Informasi serta Laboratorium Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Politeknik Negeri Jember. Uji coba aplikasi diimplementasikan pada studi kasus sesungguhnya, dengan data supplier 153, data bahan baku 70 bahan baku dengan variabel kriteria pemilihan supplier sebanyak 10 variabel. Pada tahap akhir diverifikasi menggunakan kuesioner online Google Form, dengan data responden sebanyak 101, banyaknya responden yg memilih “Sangat mudah” dan “Mudah” atau “Sangat lengkap” dan “Lengkap” atau “Sangat tepat” dan “Tepat” > 80 %, ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi / web yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini sesuai dengan harapan IKM pengguna (Verified). Kata kunci : Pemilihan pemasok, Computational intelegence, Bill of Material, Group Technology, Multi Criteria Decision Making dan Genetic Algorythms.

    Fuzzy Techniques for Decision Making 2018

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    Zadeh's fuzzy set theory incorporates the impreciseness of data and evaluations, by imputting the degrees by which each object belongs to a set. Its success fostered theories that codify the subjectivity, uncertainty, imprecision, or roughness of the evaluations. Their rationale is to produce new flexible methodologies in order to model a variety of concrete decision problems more realistically. This Special Issue garners contributions addressing novel tools, techniques and methodologies for decision making (inclusive of both individual and group, single- or multi-criteria decision making) in the context of these theories. It contains 38 research articles that contribute to a variety of setups that combine fuzziness, hesitancy, roughness, covering sets, and linguistic approaches. Their ranges vary from fundamental or technical to applied approaches