201 research outputs found

    Collective intelligence in self-organized industrial cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) play an important role in the implementation of new Industry 4.0 solutions, acting as the backbone infrastructure to host distributed intelligence capabilities and promote the collective intelligence that emerges from the interactions among individuals. This collective intelligence concept provides an alternative way to design complex systems with several benefits, such as modularity, flexibility, robustness, and reconfigurability to condition changes, but it also presents several challenges to be managed (e.g., non-linearity, self-organization, and myopia). With this in mind, this paper discusses the factors that characterize collective intelligence, particularly that associated with industrial CPS, analyzing the enabling concepts, technologies, and application sectors, and providing an illustrative example of its application in an automotive assembly line. The main contribution of the paper focuses on a comprehensive review and analysis of the main aspects, challenges, and research opportunities to be considered for implementing collective intelligence in industrial CPS. The identified challenges are clustered according to five different categories, namely decentralization, emergency, intelligent machines and products, infrastructures and methods, and human integration and ethics. Although the research indicates some potential benefits of using collective intelligence to achieve the desired levels of autonomy and dynamic adaptation of industrial CPS, such approaches are still in the early stages, with perspectives to increase in the coming years. Based on that, they need to be further developed considering some main aspects, for example, related to balancing the distribution of intelligence by the vertical and horizontal dimensions and controlling the nervousness in self-organized systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control

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    The book presents an excellent overview of the recent developments in the different areas of Robotics, Automation and Control. Through its 24 chapters, this book presents topics related to control and robot design; it also introduces new mathematical tools and techniques devoted to improve the system modeling and control. An important point is the use of rational agents and heuristic techniques to cope with the computational complexity required for controlling complex systems. Through this book, we also find navigation and vision algorithms, automatic handwritten comprehension and speech recognition systems that will be included in the next generation of productive systems developed by man

    Skill-based reconfiguration of industrial mobile robots

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    Caused by a rising mass customisation and the high variety of equipment versions, the exibility of manufacturing systems in car productions has to be increased. In addition to a exible handling of production load changes or hardware breakdowns that are established research areas in literature, this thesis presents a skill-based recon guration mechanism for industrial mobile robots to enhance functional recon gurability. The proposed holonic multi-agent system is able to react to functional process changes while missing functionalities are created by self-organisation. Applied to a mobile commissioning system that is provided by AUDI AG, the suggested mechanism is validated in a real-world environment including the on-line veri cation of the recon gured robot functionality in a Validity Check. The present thesis includes an original contribution in three aspects: First, a recon - guration mechanism is presented that reacts in a self-organised way to functional process changes. The application layer of a hardware system converts a semantic description into functional requirements for a new robot skill. The result of this mechanism is the on-line integration of a new functionality into the running process. Second, the proposed system allows maintaining the productivity of the running process and exibly changing the robot hardware through provision of a hardware-abstraction layer. An encapsulated Recon guration Holon dynamically includes the actual con guration each time a recon guration is started. This allows reacting to changed environment settings. As the resulting agent that contains the new functionality, is identical in shape and behaviour to the existing skills, its integration into the running process is conducted without a considerable loss of productivity. Third, the suggested mechanism is composed of a novel agent design that allows implementing self-organisation during the encapsulated recon guration and dependability for standard process executions. The selective assignment of behaviour-based and cognitive agents is the basis for the exibility and e ectiveness of the proposed recon guration mechanism

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port


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    This thesis aims to introduce an agent-based system engineering approach, named Hierarchical-Granularity Holonic Modelling, to support intelligent information processing at multiple granularity levels. The focus is especially on complex hierarchical systems. Nowadays, due to ever growing complexity of information systems and processes, there is an increasing need of a simple self-modular computational model able to manage data and perform information granulation at different resolutions (i.e., both spatial and temporal). The current literature lacks to provide such a methodology. To cite a relevant example, the object-oriented paradigm is suitable for describing a system at a given representation level; notwithstanding, further design effort is needed if a more synthetical of more analytical view of the same system is required. In the literature, the agent paradigm represents a viable solution in complex systems modelling; in particular, Multi-Agent Systems have been applied with success in a countless variety of distributed intelligence settings. Current agent-oriented implementations however suffer from an apparent dichotomy between agents as intelligent entities and agents\u2019 structures as superimposed hierarchies of roles within a given organization. The agents\u2019 architectures are often rigid and require intense re-engineering when the underpinning ontology is updated to cast new design criteria. The latest stage in the evolution of modelling frameworks is represented by Holonic Systems, based on the notion of \u2018holon\u2019 and \u2018holarchy\u2019 (i.e., hierarchy of holons). A holon, just like an agent, is an intelligent entity able to interact with the environment and to take decisions to solve a specific problem. Contrarily to agent, holon has the noteworthy property of playing the role of a whole and a part at the same time. This reflects at the organizational level: holarchy functions first as autonomous wholes in supra-ordination to their parts, secondly as dependent parts in sub-ordination to controls on higher levels, and thirdly in coordination with their local environment. These ideas were originally devised by Arthur Koestler in 1967. Since then, Holonic Systems have gained more and more credit in various fields such as Biology, Ecology, Theory of Emergence and Intelligent Manufacturing. Notwithstanding, with respect to these disciplines, fewer works on Holonic Systems can be found in the general framework of Artificial and Computational Intelligence. Moreover, the distance between theoretic models and actual implementation is still wide open. In this thesis, starting from the Koestler\u2019s original idea, we devise a novel agent-inspired model that merges intelligence with the holonic structure at multiple hierarchical-granularity levels. This is made possible thanks to a rule-based knowledge recursive representation, which allows the holonic agent to carry out both operating and learning tasks in a hierarchy of granularity levels. The proposed model can be directly used in terms of hardware/software applications. This endows systems and software engineers with a modular and scalable approach when dealing with complex hierarchical systems. In order to support our claims, exemplar experiments of our proposal are shown and prospective implications are commented

    Multi-Agent Systems and Complex Networks: Review and Applications in Systems Engineering

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    Systems engineering is an ubiquitous discipline of Engineering overlapping industrial, chemical, mechanical, manufacturing, control, software, electrical, and civil engineering. It provides tools for dealing with the complexity and dynamics related to the optimisation of physical, natural, and virtual systems management. This paper presents a review of how multi-agent systems and complex networks theory are brought together to address systems engineering and management problems. The review also encompasses current and future research directions both for theoretical fundamentals and applications in the industry. This is made by considering trends such as mesoscale, multiscale, and multilayer networks along with the state-of-art analysis on network dynamics and intelligent networks. Critical and smart infrastructure, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks are instances of research topics for which this literature review is highly relevant

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    In the last decades significant changes in the manufacturing environment have been noticed: moving from a local economy towards a global economy, with markets asking for products with high quality at lower costs, highly customised and with short life cycle. In this environment, the manufacturing enterprises, to avoid the risk to lose competitiveness, search to answer more closely to the customer demands, by improving their flexibility and agility, while maintaining their productivity and quality. Actually, the dynamic response to emergence is becoming a key issue, due to the weak response of the traditional manufacturing control systems to unexpected disturbances, mainly because of the rigidity of their control architectures. In these circumstances, the challenge is to develop manufacturing control systems with autonomy and intelligence capabilities, fast adaptation to the environment changes, more robustness against the occurrence of disturbances, and easier integration of manufacturing resources and legacy systems. Several architectures using emergent concepts and technologies have been proposed, in particular those based in the holonic manufacturing paradigm. Holonic manufacturing is a paradigm based in the ideas of the philosopher Arthur Koestler, who proposed the word holon to describe a basic unit of organisation in biological and social systems. A holon, as Koestler devised the term, is an identifiable part of a (manufacturing) system that has a unique identity, yet is made up of sub-ordinate parts and in turn is part of a larger whole. The introduction of the holonic manufacturing paradigm allows a new approach to the manufacturing problem, bringing the advantages of modularity, decentralisation, autonomy, scalability, and re-use of software components. This dissertation intends to develop an agile and adaptive manufacturing control architecture to face the current requirements imposed to the manufacturing enterprises. The architecture proposed in this dissertation addresses the need for the fast reaction to disturbances at the shop floor level, increasing the agility and flexibility of the enterprise, when it works in volatile environments, characterised by the frequent occurrence of unexpected disturbances. The proposed architecture, designated by ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture for distributed manufacturing systems), is based in the holonic manufacturing paradigm, build upon autonomous and cooperative holons, allowing the development of manufacturing control applications that present all the features of decentralised and holonic systems. ADACOR holonic architecture introduces an adaptive control that balances dynamically between a more centralised structure and a more decentralised one, allowing to combine the global production optimisation with agile reaction to unexpected disturbances. Nas últimas décadas têm-se assistido a mudanças significativas no ambiente de fabrico: evoluindo de uma economia local para um economia global, com os mercados a procurar produtos com elevada qualidade a baixos preços, altamente customizados e com um ciclo de vida curto. Neste ambiente, as empresas de manufactura, para evitar o risco de perda de competitividade, procuram responder às solicitações dos clientes, melhorando a sua flexibilidade e agilidade, mantendo os mesmos índices de produtividade e qualidade. Na verdade, a resposta dinâmica à emergência está a tornar-se num assunto chave, devido `a fraca resposta a perturbações que os sistemas de controlo de fabrico tradicionais apresentam, principalmente devido à rigidez das suas arquitecturas de controlo. Nestas circunstâncias, é fundamental o desenvolvimento de sistemas de controlo de fabrico com capacidades de autonomia e inteligência, rápida adaptação às mudanças, maior robustez à ocorrência de perturbações e fácil integração de recursos físicos e sistemas legados. Diversas arquitecturas usando conceitos e tecnologias emergentes têm sido propostas, em particular algumas baseadas no paradigma da produção holónica. O paradigma da produção holónica é inspirado nas ideias de Arthur Koestler, que propôs a palavra holon para descrever uma unidade básica de organização de sistemas biológicos e sociais. Um holon, de acordo com a definição de Koestler, é uma parte identificável do sistema com identidade única, composta por sub-partes e fazendo simultaneamente parte do todo. A introdução do paradigma da produção holónica permite uma nova abordagem aos sistemas de controlo de fabrico, trazendo vantagens de modularidade, descentralização, autonomia, escalabilidade e reutilização de componentes. Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma arquitectura de controlo ágil e adaptativa que suporte os requisitos actuais impostos `as empresas de manufactura. A arquitectura proposta visa a necessidade de uma reacção rápida a perturbações, ao nível da planta fabril, melhorando a flexibilidade e agilidade da empresa quando esta opera em ambientes voláteis, caracterizados pela ocorrência frequente de perturbações inesperadas. A arquitectura proposta, designada por ADACOR (ADAptive holonic COntrol aRchitecture for distributed manufacturing systems), é baseada no paradigma da produção holónica e construída sobre holons autónomos e cooperativos, permitindo o desenvolvimento de aplicações de controlo de fabrico que apresentem todas as características dos sistemas descentralizados e holónicos. A arquitectura holónica ADACOR introduz um controlo adaptativo que balança dinamicamente entre uma estrutura de controlo mais centralizada e uma mais descentralizada, permitindo combinar a optimização da produção com a ágil reacção a perturbações

    Context-based Information Fusion: A survey and discussion

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    This survey aims to provide a comprehensive status of recent and current research on context-based Information Fusion (IF) systems, tracing back the roots of the original thinking behind the development of the concept of \u201ccontext\u201d. It shows how its fortune in the distributed computing world eventually permeated in the world of IF, discussing the current strategies and techniques, and hinting possible future trends. IF processes can represent context at different levels (structural and physical constraints of the scenario, a priori known operational rules between entities and environment, dynamic relationships modelled to interpret the system output, etc.). In addition to the survey, several novel context exploitation dynamics and architectural aspects peculiar to the fusion domain are presented and discussed