1,516 research outputs found

    Advanced Algorithms for Satellite Communication Signal Processing

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    Dizertační práce je zaměřena na softwarově definované přijímače určené k úzkopásmové družicové komunikaci. Komunikační kanály družicových spojů zahrnujících komunikaci s hlubokým vesmírem jsou zatíženy vysokými úrovněmi šumu, typicky modelovaného AWGN, a silným Dopplerovým posuvem signálu způsobeným mimořádnou rychlostí pohybu objektu. Dizertační práce představuje možné postupy řešení výpočetně efektivní digitální downkonverze úzkopásmových signálů a systému odhadu kmitočtu nosné úzkopásmových signálů zatížených Dopplerovým posuvem v řádu násobků šířky pásma signálu. Popis navrhovaných algoritmů zahrnuje analytický postup jejich vývoje a tam, kde je to možné, i analytické hodnocení jejich chování. Algoritmy jsou modelovány v prostředí MATLAB Simulink a tyto modely jsou využity pro ověření vlastností simulacemi. Modely byly také využity k experimentálním testům na reálném signálu přijatém z družice PSAT v laboratoři experimentálních družic na ústavu radioelektroniky.The dissertation is focused on software defined receivers intended for narrowband satellite communication. The satellite communication channel including deep space communication suffers from a high level of noise, typically modeled by AWGN, and from a strong Doppler shift of a signal caused by the unprecedented speed of an object in motion. The dissertation shows possible approaches to the issues of computationally efficient digital downconversion of narrowband signals and the carrier frequency estimation of narrowband signals distorted by the Doppler shift in the order of multiples of the signal bandwidth. The description of the proposed algorithms includes an analytical approach of its development and, if possible, the analytical performance assessment. The algorithms are modeled in MATLAB Simulink and the models are used for validating the performance by the simulation. The models were also used for experimental tests on the real signal received from the PSAT satellite at the laboratory of experimental satellites at the department of radio electronics.

    Linear Phase FIR Low Pass Filter Design Based on Firefly Algorithm

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    In this paper, a linear phase Low Pass FIR filter is designed and proposed based on Firefly algorithm. We exploit the exploitation and exploration mechanism with a local search routine to improve the convergence and get higher speed computation. The optimum FIR filters are designed based on the Firefly method for which the finite word length is used to represent coefficients. Furthermore, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Differential Evolution algorithm (DE) will be used to show the solution. The results will be compared with PSO and DE methods. Firefly algorithm and Parks–McClellan (PM) algorithm are also compared in this paper thoroughly. The design goal is successfully achieved in all design examples using the Firefly algorithm. They are compared with that obtained by using the PSO and the DE algorithm. For the problem at hand, the simulation results show that the Firefly algorithm outperforms the PSO and DE methods in some of the presented design examples. It also performs well in a portion of the exhibited design examples particularly in speed and quality

    Designs of Digital Filters and Neural Networks using Firefly Algorithm

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    Firefly algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm that can be used to solve complex multi-parameter problems in less time. The algorithm was applied to design digital filters of different orders as well as to determine the parameters of complex neural network designs. Digital filters have several applications in the fields of control systems, aerospace, telecommunication, medical equipment and applications, digital appliances, audio recognition processes etc. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is an information processing paradigm that is inspired by the way biological nervous systems, such as the brain, processes information and can be simulated using a computer to perform certain specific tasks like clustering, classification, and pattern recognition etc. The results of the designs using Firefly algorithm was compared to the state of the art algorithms and found that the digital filter designs produce results close to the Parks McClellan method which shows the algorithm’s capability of handling complex problems. Also, for the neural network designs, Firefly algorithm was able to efficiently optimize a number of parameter values. The performance of the algorithm was tested by introducing various input noise levels to the training inputs of the neural network designs and it produced the desired output with negligible error in a time-efficient manner. Overall, Firefly algorithm was found to be competitive in solving the complex design optimization problems like other popular optimization algorithms such as Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm. It provides a number of adjustable parameters which can be tuned according to the specified problem so that it can be applied to a number of optimization problems and is capable of producing quality results in a reasonable amount of time


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    Approximate Computing has emerged as a new low-power design approach for application domains characterized by intrinsic error resilience. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is one such domain where outputs of acceptable quality can be produced even though the internal computations are carried out in an approximate manner. With the ever increasing need for data rates at lower power usage; the need for improved complexity reduction schemes for DSP systems continues. One of the most widely performed steps in DSP is FIR filtering. FIR filters are preferred due to their linea

    Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithms have a firm position in processing of signals in several areas of research and industry. As DWT provides both octave-scale frequency and spatial timing of the analyzed signal, it is constantly used to solve and treat more and more advanced problems. The present book: Discrete Wavelet Transforms: Algorithms and Applications reviews the recent progress in discrete wavelet transform algorithms and applications. The book covers a wide range of methods (e.g. lifting, shift invariance, multi-scale analysis) for constructing DWTs. The book chapters are organized into four major parts. Part I describes the progress in hardware implementations of the DWT algorithms. Applications include multitone modulation for ADSL and equalization techniques, a scalable architecture for FPGA-implementation, lifting based algorithm for VLSI implementation, comparison between DWT and FFT based OFDM and modified SPIHT codec. Part II addresses image processing algorithms such as multiresolution approach for edge detection, low bit rate image compression, low complexity implementation of CQF wavelets and compression of multi-component images. Part III focuses watermaking DWT algorithms. Finally, Part IV describes shift invariant DWTs, DC lossless property, DWT based analysis and estimation of colored noise and an application of the wavelet Galerkin method. The chapters of the present book consist of both tutorial and highly advanced material. Therefore, the book is intended to be a reference text for graduate students and researchers to obtain state-of-the-art knowledge on specific applications

    Frequency-warped autoregressive modeling and filtering

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    This thesis consists of an introduction and nine articles. The articles are related to the application of frequency-warping techniques to audio signal processing, and in particular, predictive coding of wideband audio signals. The introduction reviews the literature and summarizes the results of the articles. Frequency-warping, or simply warping techniques are based on a modification of a conventional signal processing system so that the inherent frequency representation in the system is changed. It is demonstrated that this may be done for basically all traditional signal processing algorithms. In audio applications it is beneficial to modify the system so that the new frequency representation is close to that of human hearing. One of the articles is a tutorial paper on the use of warping techniques in audio applications. Majority of the articles studies warped linear prediction, WLP, and its use in wideband audio coding. It is proposed that warped linear prediction would be particularly attractive method for low-delay wideband audio coding. Warping techniques are also applied to various modifications of classical linear predictive coding techniques. This was made possible partly by the introduction of a class of new implementation techniques for recursive filters in one of the articles. The proposed implementation algorithm for recursive filters having delay-free loops is a generic technique. This inspired to write an article which introduces a generalized warped linear predictive coding scheme. One example of the generalized approach is a linear predictive algorithm using almost logarithmic frequency representation.reviewe


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    Digital filters are an important part of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), which plays vital roles within the modern world, but their design is a complex task requiring a great deal of specialised knowledge. An analysis of this design process is presented, which identifies opportunities for the application of optimisation. The Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing are problem-independent and increasingly popular optimisation techniques. They do not require detailed prior knowledge of the nature of a problem, and are unaffected by a discontinuous search space, unlike traditional methods such as calculus and hill-climbing. Potential applications of these techniques to the filter design process are discussed, and presented with practical results. Investigations into the design of Frequency Sampling (FS) Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters using a hybrid GA/hill-climber proved especially successful, improving on published results. An analysis of the search space for FS filters provided useful information on the performance of the optimisation technique. The ability of the GA to trade off a filter's performance with respect to several design criteria simultaneously, without intervention by the designer, is also investigated. Methods of simplifying the design process by using this technique are presented, together with an analysis of the difficulty of the non-linear FIR filter design problem from a GA perspective. This gave an insight into the fundamental nature of the optimisation problem, and also suggested future improvements. The results gained from these investigations allowed the framework for a potential 'intelligent' filter design system to be proposed, in which embedded expert knowledge, Artificial Intelligence techniques and traditional design methods work together. This could deliver a single tool capable of designing a wide range of filters with minimal human intervention, and of proposing solutions to incomplete problems. It could also provide the basis for the development of tools for other areas of DSP system design

    High Performance Integrated Circuit Blocks for High-IF Wideband Receivers

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    Due to the demand for high‐performance radio frequency (RF) integrated circuit design in the past years, a system‐on‐chip (SoC) that enables integration of analog and digital parts on the same die has become the trend of the microelectronics industry. As a result, a major requirement of the next generation of wireless devices is to support multiple standards in the same chip‐set. This would enable a single device to support multiple peripheral applications and services. Based on the aforementioned, the traditional superheterodyne front‐end architecture is not suitable for such applications as it would require a complete receiver for each standard to be supported. A more attractive alternative is the highintermediate frequency (IF) radio architecture. In this case the signal is digitalized at an intermediate frequency such as 200MHz. As a consequence, the baseband operations, such as down‐conversion and channel filtering, become more power and area efficient in the digital domain. Such architecture releases the specifications for most of the front‐end building blocks, but the linearity and dynamic range of the ADC become the bottlenecks in this system. The requirements of large bandwidth, high frequency and enough resolution make such ADC very difficult to realize. Many ADC architectures were analyzed and Continuous‐Time Bandpass Sigma‐Delta (CT‐BP‐ΣΔ) architecture was found to be the most suitable solution in the high‐IF receiver architecture since they combine oversampling and noise shaping to get fairly high resolution in a limited bandwidth. A major issue in continuous‐time networks is the lack of accuracy due to powervoltage‐ temperature (PVT) tolerances that lead to over 20% pole variations compared to their discrete‐time counterparts. An optimally tuned BP ΣΔ ADC requires correcting for center frequency deviations, excess loop delay, and DAC coefficients. Due to these undesirable effects, a calibration algorithm is necessary to compensate for these variations in order to achieve high SNR requirements as technology shrinks. In this work, a novel linearization technique for a Wideband Low‐Noise Amplifier (LNA) targeted for a frequency range of 3‐7GHz is presented. Post‐layout simulations show NF of 6.3dB, peak S21 of 6.1dB, and peak IIP3 of 21.3dBm, respectively. The power consumption of the LNA is 5.8mA from 2V. Secondly, the design of a CMOS 6th order CT BP‐ΣΔ modulator running at 800 MHz for High‐IF conversion of 10MHz bandwidth signals at 200 MHz is presented. A novel transconductance amplifier has been developed to achieve high linearity and high dynamic range at high frequencies. A 2‐bit quantizer with offset cancellation is alsopresented. The sixth‐order modulator is implemented using 0.18 um TSMC standard analog CMOS technology. Post‐layout simulations in cadence demonstrate that the modulator achieves a SNDR of 78 dB (~13 bit) performance over a 14MHz bandwidth. The modulator’s static power consumption is 107mW from a supply power of ± 0.9V. Finally, a calibration technique for the optimization of the Noise Transfer Function CT BP ΣΔ modulators is presented. The proposed technique employs two test tones applied at the input of the quantizer to evaluate the noise transfer function of the ADC, using the capabilities of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) platform usually available in mixed‐mode systems. Once the ADC output bit stream is captured, necessary information to generate the control signals to tune the ADC parameters for best Signal‐to‐Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR) performance is extracted via Least‐ Mean Squared (LMS) software‐based algorithm. Since the two tones are located outside the band of interest, the proposed global calibration approach can be used online with no significant effect on the in‐band content