94 research outputs found

    Interrogation of Optical Fiber Sensors for Civil Engineering Applications using Widely Tunable Laser

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    Předložená disertační práce zkoumá možnosti použití nového typu polovodičového MGY- Laseru elektricky laditelného v širokém spektrálním rozsahu a zabývá se možnostmi jeho nasazení v optovláknové senzorové síti založené na metodě FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating). Výzkum byl započat komplexními dlouhodobými testy reálného měřícího scénáře z oblasti stavebnictví, sestaveného pro účely ověření limitujících aspektů současných technik. Inženýrské aplikace nabízejí velké množství vzájemně se vylučujících požadavků pro návrh strukturálních senzorových systémů. Tyto požadavky jsou sdíleny mnoha dalšími technologickými oblastmi, což přispívá k vysokému stupni univerzálnosti použití dosažených výsledků. Na základě posouzení stavu současné techniky a aplikačních požadavků byly v práci nejprve identifikovány aspekty, které mají být výzkumem zlepšeny. V dalším kroku byl detailně charakterizován MG-Y laser Syntune/Finisar S7500. Na základě dat získaných měřením byla zkoumána nová metoda spojitého řízená vlnové délky záření laseru. Provedené experimenty vedly nejen k návrhu nového způsobu spojité regulace vlnové délky ale také k vytvoření prostředků pro vlastní kalibraci systému na základě jeho vnitřních vlastností (podélných módů rezonátoru).This dissertation investigates the use of a MG-Y-Laser, a novel type of semiconductor laser that is electrically tunable over a wide spectral range, for the interrogation of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) based fiber-optical sensing networks. The research started with a complex long-term test of a real world measurement scenario from the field of civil engineering to elucidate limiting aspects of state of the art techniques. Civil engineering applications pose a multitude of mutually exclusive challenges toward structural sensing systems. These challenges are shared by many other fields of technology, making the results to a large degree universally applicable. Following an assessment of the state of art and the application requirements, the aspects to be improved by the research were identified. A Syntune/Finisar S7500 MG-Y-Laser device was then thoroughly characterized. Based on the gathered measurement data, novel tuning methods aimed at wavelength continuous control were investigated. This led to the invention of a tuning method that not only allows wavelength continuous control but also provides a means of self calibration based on intrinsic properties (longitudinal cavity modes) of the device.

    Nova técnica para medida de temperatura em redes de sensores de grades de Bragg em fibras ópticas usando realimentação óptica

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    Orientador: Jose Antonio Siqueira DiasTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: O crescente interesse na utilização de Grades de Bragg (FBG) em sistemas sensores pode ser explicado por algumas de suas características, que são: imunidade à interferência eletromagnética (EMI), isolamento elétrico, baixo peso, flexibilidade, e transmissão de informações a longa distância. Este trabalho apresenta uma nova técnica de interrogação capaz de medir a temperatura de uma rede de sensores de grades de Bragg em fibras ópticas, onde um circuito eletrônico realiza rotinas de controle possibilitando a implementação de uma realimentação óptica. O esquema optoeletrônico empregado é capaz de realizar a interrogação de todos os sensores da rede de maneira quase instantânea, além de permitir que novos sensores possam ser facilmente acrescentados. Um protótipo contendo dois sensores foi construído e testado para validar a técnica obtendo-se uma alta resolução de ± 1 mºC na medida de temperatura em uma faixa de 72ºCAbstract: The increasing interest in the use of fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) in sensing systems can be explained by some of its features, which are immunity to electromagnetic interference (EMI), electrical insulation, low weight, flexibility, and long distance data transmission capability. This work presents a new interrogation technique capable of measuring temperature of Bragg gratings sensor networks in optical fibers, where an electronic circuit, capable to perform control routines, allows the implementation of an optical feedback. The optoelectronic scheme used is capable of performing the interrogation of all the sensors of the network almost instantly, and allows new sensors to be easily added. A prototype containing two channels was built and tested to validate the technique achieving a high resolution of ± 1 mºC in temperature measurements in a range of 72º C.DoutoradoEletrônica, Microeletrônica e OptoeletrônicaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    The monitoring and multiplexing of fiber optic sensors using chirped laser sources

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    A wide band linearly chirped erbium-doped fiber laser has been developed. The erbium-doped fiber laser using a rotating mirror/grating combination as one of the reflectors in a Fabry-Perot laser cavity has been tuned over a 46 nm spectral range. Linearization of the chirp rate has been achieved using feedback from a fiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (FFPI) to adjust the voltage ramp which drives the rotating mirror. In a demonstration of monitoring an array of two fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, a wavelength resolution of 1.7 pm has been achieved. The linearly chirped fiber laser has been used in measuring the optical path difference (OPD) of interferometric fiber optic sensors by performing a Fourier transform of the optical signal. Multiplexing of an array of three FFPI sensors of different lengths has been demonstrated, with an OPD resolution ranging from 3.6 nm to 6.3 nm. Temperature was measured with one of the sensors over the range from 20°C to 610°C with a resolution of 0.02°C. Short FBGs are used to form the two mirrors of a fiber Bragg grating pair interferometer (FBGPI) sensor, so that the mirror reflectances change gradually as a function of temperature. Modulating the drive current of a DFB laser produces chirping of the laser frequency to scan over ~2.5 fringes of the FBGPI reflectance spectrum. Because the fringes are distinguished due to the FBG reflectance change, the ambient temperature can be determined over the range from 24 oC to 367 oC with a resolution of 0.004 oC. Multiplexing of FBGPI sensors of different lengths with a linearly chirped fiber laser has demonstrated improved sensitivity and multiplexing capacity over a conventional FBG WDM system. The FBG spectral peak position and the phase shift of an FBGPI are determined through the convolution of the sensor reflected signal with an appropriately matched reference waveform, even though the reflectance spectra for the FBGs from different sensors overlap over a wide temperature range. A spectral resolution for the FBG reflectance peak of 0.045 GHz (0.36 pm), corresponding to a temperature resolution of 0.035 oC, has been achieved

    Distributed Fiber Ultrasonic Sensor and Pattern Recognition Analytics

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    Ultrasound interrogation and structural health monitoring technologies have found a wide array of applications in the health care, aerospace, automobile, and energy sectors. To achieve high spatial resolution, large array electrical transducers have been used in these applications to harness sufficient data for both monitoring and diagnoses. Electronic-based sensors have been the standard technology for ultrasonic detection, which are often expensive and cumbersome for use in large scale deployments. Fiber optical sensors have advantageous characteristics of smaller cross-sectional area, humidity-resistance, immunity to electromagnetic interference, as well as compatibility with telemetry and telecommunications applications, which make them attractive alternatives for use as ultrasonic sensors. A unique trait of fiber sensors is its ability to perform distributed acoustic measurements to achieve high spatial resolution detection using a single fiber. Using ultrafast laser direct-writing techniques, nano-reflectors can be induced inside fiber cores to drastically improve the signal-to-noise ratio of distributed fiber sensors. This dissertation explores the applications of laser-fabricated nano-reflectors in optical fiber cores for both multi-point intrinsic Fabry–Perot (FP) interferometer sensors and a distributed phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (φ-OTDR) to be used in ultrasound detection. Multi-point intrinsic FP interferometer was based on swept-frequency interferometry with optoelectronic phase-locked loop that interrogated cascaded FP cavities to obtain ultrasound patterns. The ultrasound was demodulated through reassigned short time Fourier transform incorporating with maximum-energy ridges tracking. With tens of centimeters cavity length, this approach achieved 20kHz ultrasound detection that was finesse-insensitive, noise-free, high-sensitivity and multiplex-scalability. The use of φ-OTDR with enhanced Rayleigh backscattering compensated the deficiencies of low inherent signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The dynamic strain between two adjacent nano-reflectors was extracted by using 3×3 coupler demodulation within Michelson interferometer. With an improvement of over 35 dB SNR, this was adequate for the recognition of the subtle differences in signals, such as footstep of human locomotion and abnormal acoustic echoes from pipeline corrosion. With the help of artificial intelligence in pattern recognition, high accuracy of events’ identification can be achieved in perimeter security and structural health monitoring, with further potential that can be harnessed using unsurprised learning

    Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes

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    [ES] Las fibras ópticas son dispositivos muy utilizados en el campo de las telecomunicaciones desde su descubrimiento. En las últimas décadas, las fibras ópticas comenzaron a utilizarse como sensores fotónicos. Los primeros trabajos se centraron en la medición de unas dimensiones físicas en un punto específico. Posteriormente, surgió la posibilidad de medir las propiedades de la fibra óptica en diferentes puntos a lo largo de la fibra. Este tipo de sensores se definen como sensores distribuidos. Los componentes optoelectrónicos fueron desarrollados e investigados para telecomunicaciones. Los avances en las telecomunicaciones hicieron posible el desarrollo de sistemas de interrogación para sensores de fibra óptica, creciendo en paralelo con los avances de las telecomunicaciones. Se desarrollaron sistemas de interrogación de fibra óptica que permiten el uso de una única fibra óptica monomodo estándar como sensor que puede monitorear decenas de miles de puntos de detección al mismo tiempo. Los métodos que extraen la información de detección de la señal reflejada en la fibra óptica son los más empleados debido a la facilidad de acceso al sensor y la flexibilidad de estos sistemas. Los más estudiados son la reflectometría en dominios de tiempo y frecuencia. La reflectometría óptica en el dominio del tiempo (OTDR) fue la primera técnica utilizada para detectar la posición de los fallos en las redes de comunica-ción de fibra óptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase hizo posible detectar la elongación y la temperatura en una posición específica. Paralelamente, los gratings de Bragg (FBG) se convirtieron en los dispositivos más utilizados para implementar sensores en fibra óptica discretos. Se desarrollaron técnicas de multiplexación para realizar la detección en múltiples puntos utilizando FGBs. La reflectometría realizada interrogando arrays de FBG débiles demuestra que mejora el rendimiento del sistema en comparación al uso de una fibra monomodo. Los sistemas de interrogatorio actuales tienen algunos inconvenientes. Algunos de ellos son velocidad de interrogatorio limitada, grandes dimensiones y alto costo. En esta tesis doctoral se desarrollaron nuevos sistemas de interrogación y sensores de fibra óptica para superar algunos de estos inconvenientes. Los sensores de fibra óptica de plástico demuestran ser una plataforma innovadora para desarrollar nuevos sensores y sistemas de interrogación de bajo costo y fáciles de implementar para fibras de plástico comerciales. Se investigó la reflectometría en el dominio del tiempo y las técnicas fotónicas de microondas para la interrogación de una matriz de rejillas débiles que permitieron simplificar el sistema de interrogación para la detección de temperatura y vibración.[CA] Les fibres òptiques són dispositius molt utilitzats en el camp de les telecomunica-cions des del seu descobriment. En les últimes dècades, les fibres òptiques van començar a utilitzar-se com a sensors fotònics. Els primers treballs es van centrar en el mesurament d'unes dimensions físiques en un punt específic. Posteriorment, va sorgir la possibilitat de mesurar les propietats de la fibra òptica en diferents punts al llarg de la fibra. Aquest tipus de sensors es defineixen com a sensors distribüits. Els components optoelectrònics van ser desenvolupats i investigats per a telecomunicacions. Els avanços en les telecomunicacions van fer possi-ble el desenvolupament de sistemes d'interrogació per a sensors de fibra òptica, creixent en paral·lel amb els avanços de les telecomunicacions. Es van desenvolupar sistemes d'interrogació de fibra òptica que permeten l'ús d'una única fibra òptica monomodo estàndard com a sensor que pot monitorar desenes de milers de punts de detecció al mateix temps. Els mètodes que extreuen la informació de detecció del senyal reflectit en la fibra òptica són els més utilitzats a causa de la facilitat d'accés al sensor i la flexibilitat d'aquests sistemes. Els més estudiats són la reflectometría en dominis de temps i freqüència. La reflectometría òptica en el domini del temps (OTDR) va ser la primera tècnica utilitzada per a detectar la posició de les fallades en les xarxes de comunicació de fibra òptica. El OTDR sensible a la fase va fer possible detectar l'elongació i la temperatura en una posició específica. Paral·lelament, els gratings de Bragg (FBG) es van convertir en els dispositius més utilitzats per a implementar sensors en fibra òptica discrets. Es van desenvolupar tècniques de multiplexació per a realitzar la detecció en múltiples punts utilitzant FGBs. La reflectometría realitzada interrogant arrays de FBG febles demostra que millora el rendiment del sistema en comparació a l'ús d'una fibra monomodo. Els sistemes d'interrogatori actuals tenen alguns inconvenients. Alguns d'ells són velocitat d'interrogatori limitada, voluminositat i alt cost. En aquesta tesi doctoral es van desenvolupar nous sistemes d'interrogació i sensors de fibra òptica per a superar alguns d'aquests inconvenients. Els sensors de fibra òptica de plàstic demostren ser una plataforma innovadora per a desenvolupar nous sensors i siste-mes d'interrogació de baix cost i fàcils d'implementar per a fibres de plàstic comercials. Es va investigar la reflectometría en el domini del temps i les tècniques fotòniques de microones per a la interrogació d'una matriu de reixetes febles que van permetre simplificar el sistema d'interrogació per a la detecció de temperatura i vibració.[EN] Optical fibers are devices largely used in telecommunication field since their discovery. In the last decades, optical fibers started to be used as photonic sensors. The first works were focused on the measurement of physical dimensions to a specific point. Afterward, emerged the possibility to measure the optical fiber properties at different locations along the fiber. These kinds of sensors are defined as distributed sensors. The optoelectronic components were developed and investigated for telecommunications. The progress in telecommunication made possible the development of optical fiber sensors interrogation systems, growing in parallel with the advances of telecommunications. Optical fiber interrogation systems were developed to use a single standard monomode optical fiber as a sensor that can monitor tens of thousands of sensing points at the same time. The methods that extract the sensing information from the backscattered signal in the optical fiber are widely employed because of the easiness of access to the sensor element and the flexibility of these systems. The most studied are the reflectometry in time and frequency domains. The optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) was the first technique used to detect the position of the failures in the optical fiber communication networks. Using phase sensitive OTDR it is possible to sense strain and temperature at a specific position. In parallel, fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) became the most widely used devices to implement discrete optical fiber sensors. Multiplexing techniques were developed to perform multi points sensing using these gratings. The reflectometry performed interrogating weak FBGs arrays demonstrate to improve the performance of the system employing a single mode fiber. The interrogation systems nowadays have some drawbacks. Some of them are limited speed of interrogation, bulkiness, and high cost. New interrogation systems and optical fiber sensors were developed in this doctoral thesis to overcome some of these drawbacks. Plastic optical fiber sensors demonstrate to be an innovative platform to develop both new sensors and low cost, easy to implement interrogation systems for commercial plastic fibers. Reflectometry in time domain and microwave photonic techniques were investigated for the interrogation of weak gratings array allowed to simplify the interrogation system for the sensing of temperature and vibration.I would like to greatly thank the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program that funded the research described in this thesis under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Grant Agreement 722509.Sartiano, D. (2021). Design of optical fiber sensors and interrogation schemes [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161357TESI

    Advanced measurement techniques in optical fiber sensor and communication systems

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    Demodulation and de-multiplexing of a fibre Bragg grating sensor array using volume holograms

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    The demodulation of a Wavelength Division Multiplexed FBG sensor array by a matching array of holograms hosted within a Volume Holographic (VH) material is considered within this thesis. The FBG sensor elements possess separate quiescent wavelengths and operate within different wavelength ranges. The edge of the transfer function of the demodulating holographic element is aligned with the operating range of the matching sensor element. The holographic element then diffracts a fraction of the sensor signal depending on its instantaneous wavelength. The signals from each of the sensor elements are also diffracted through separate angles to matching detectors so de-multiplexing the sensor array. A scheme using narrow bandwidth holographic transfer functions to demodulate a two element strain sensor array fabricated 4nm apart is reported. The transfer functions and the hysteresis within the PZT actuator, applying the strain, are represented mathematically and used to process results. These are compared with a normalised saw-tooth voltage waveform applied to the PZT to achieve a high Pearson correlation factor of 0.9992. The holograms however possessed poor diffraction efficiency <1% so severely degrading strain resolution. The crosstalk between the sensors’ channels is measured as -8.3dB. The demodulation scheme is intensity based so is susceptible to fluctuations in source intensity and fibre bend losses. An intensity reference scheme is therefore demonstrated using two holograms to demodulate a single FBG strain sensor. The sensor’s signal is divided by the two holograms and the intensity of the respective parts recorded on matched photo-detectors. Ratiometric detection is then used to identify changes in applied strain while disregarding fluctuations in source intensity and fibre bend losses. The standard difference over sum equation for ratiometric detection however is modified to take account of the respective holographic transfer functions.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Novel Specialty Optical Fibers and Applications

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    Novel Specialty Optical Fibers and Applications focuses on the latest developments in specialty fiber technology and its applications. The aim of this reprint is to provide an overview of specialty optical fibers in terms of their technological developments and applications. Contributions include:1. Specialty fibers composed of special materials for new functionalities and applications in new spectral windows.2. Hollow-core fiber-based applications.3. Functionalized fibers.4. Structurally engineered fibers.5. Specialty fibers for distributed fiber sensors.6. Specialty fibers for communications

    Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors and Systems

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    This book is a collection of papers that originated as a Special Issue, focused on some recent advances related to fiber Bragg grating-based sensors and systems. Conventionally, this book can be divided into three parts: intelligent systems, new types of sensors, and original interrogators. The intelligent systems presented include evaluation of strain transition properties between cast-in FBGs and cast aluminum during uniaxial straining, multi-point strain measurements on a containment vessel, damage detection methods based on long-gauge FBG for highway bridges, evaluation of a coupled sequential approach for rotorcraft landing simulation, wearable hand modules and real-time tracking algorithms for measuring finger joint angles of different hand sizes, and glaze icing detection of 110 kV composite insulators. New types of sensors are reflected in multi-addressed fiber Bragg structures for microwave–photonic sensor systems, its applications in load-sensing wheel hub bearings, and more complex influence in problems of generation of vortex optical beams based on chiral fiber-optic periodic structures. Original interrogators include research in optical designs with curved detectors for FBG interrogation monitors; demonstration of a filterless, multi-point, and temperature-independent FBG dynamical demodulator using pulse-width modulation; and dual wavelength differential detection of FBG sensors with a pulsed DFB laser