27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Risk Factors in Agriculture: An Application of the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) Methodolog

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    Engler, A (reprint author), Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Av Lircay S-N, Talca, Chile.Risk in the agricultural sector has multiple dimensions or factors and prioritization of these can support decision making. On the other hand, knowing the importance of these risk factors for distinct agricultural activities and how they vary according to geographic zone constitutes relevant information for agricultural development. The objective of this study was to prioritize risk factors that are highly relevant for farmers in Central South Chile. The multicriteria Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) methodology was used to define a decision structure with four risk factors or criteria: climate, price and direct cost variability, human factor, and commercialization. In general, results obtained showed that there are no important imbalances in the weightings of different risk factors. Price and cost variability was the most important factor (0.30) whereas climate was the least important (0.20). It also confirmed that there are spatial differences in the weightings obtained for the distinct risk factors which determine distinct risk levels for the respective agricultural activities according to geographic region

    Framework for Evaluating Quality Performances of Subcontractors: Case of Turkish Contractors

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    Success of a construction project mainly depends on the performances of the subcontractors. Thus, general contractors should be very careful when selecting their subcontractors. Turkish contractors are active in international markets, where competition is fierce. This study aims to provide general contractors, who predominantly operate in international markets, with a practical and user-friendly subcontractor quality performance measurement framework. The methodology of this study has two main phases, pre-survey and survey stages. The pre-survey stage aims to identify the most important key performance indicators (KPIs), which can be used to develop a framework for measuring the quality performances of candidate subcontractors. For this purpose, an extensive literature review and a questionnaire survey among 40 large scale Turkish contractors were conducted. In the survey stage, the performance measurement framework was developed using the group decision on the weights of the most important KPIs obtained from the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) calculations. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with the target users of the proposed performance measurement framework to construct the comparison matrices and thereby determine the weights of these KPIs. The proposed framework can be used by Turkish contractors to measure the quality performances of subcontractor candidates in an objective, systematic and structured manne

    Aplicación del proceso de jerarquía analítica en la selección de tecnología agrícola

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    Se presenta la aplicación de un modelo multicriterio para la toma de decisiones en inversión de tecnología avanzada en agricultura (tractores), el cual está basado en la técnica denominada Proceso de Jerarquía Analítica (AHP, Analytic Hierarchy Process) e integra en el análisis 5 criterios de evaluación, los cuales son el costo, la potencia, la flexibilidad, la comodidad y la seguridad; mismos que se integran en una estructura jerárquica para evaluar 3 alternativas de solución. Para el análisis de la información se contó con la colaboración de un campesino del Estado de Colima, México, quien adquirió la nueva maquinaria en abril del 2005. Al final de la evaluación se logró formular un modelo multicriterio que integra criterios tangibles e intangibles, superando las críticas realizadas a las técnicas económicas de flujo descontado

    Selection of practical bench height in open pit mining using a multi-criteria decision making solution

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    Determination of practical bench height is an important subject in open pit mining. This subject has always been an issue with different and sometimes conflicting criteria that have to be precisely considered during the mine design process. In this study a multi-expert multi-criteria decision making approach is used to resolve these complexities. In the proposed approach, different bench heights are firstly analyzed considering the variety of criteria such as production scheduling, dilution, costs, practicability, safety, and equipment availability. The practicability analysis is consisted of a primary sequencing method developed to compare total time needed for all bench height alternatives to reach the constant annual production. Once the criteria are weighted according to judgments by expert team, the obtained performance scores are passed to a multi-criteria model called VIKOR (multi-criteria optimization and compromise solution) to introduce the optimum alternative. This approach was utilized for a simple example with two alternatives, where the obtained results confirmed its efficiency

    Decision making support for managers in innovation management: A PROMETHEE approach

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a decision making model as a support for selection of innovation management concept using multiple criteria decision making methods. Based on the specific nature of innovation management concepts a novel decision making model was designed. Ten defined innovation management concepts are firstly evaluated using set of criteria, which priorities are expertly evaluated using Saaty method and then the PROMETHEE outranking method is used for evaluating and selecting of innovation management concepts. To apply this model in the practice the Visual PROMETHEE software tool is incorporated to the model. The model was applied on a large manufacturing company. Using our approach in this company, the concept of value analysis was selected as the best. This study is limited for decision making processes in large companies. The results of Saaty method are based on expert but subjective assessment and therefore relevant for this particular company at that particular time. In addition, we suggest that this model can help managers to solve similar decision making problems using combination of Saaty method or analytic hierarchy process together with Visual PROMETHEE software. The logic and process of the decision making model elaboration as well as the decision model itself can be used as a framework for managers facing decision making problems with similar nature as innovation management concepts i.e.: ERP systems, information systems, technologies, business models.Web of Science6327425

    Medición de la innovación en las pymes mediante la aplicación de métodos multicriterio (ELECTRE y AHP)

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    En este trabajo se propone la utilización de métodos multicriterio para la medición de los sistemas de innovación en las pymes, lo cual permite conocer la situación general que guardan entre sí las diversas empresas de un mismo sector. Esto favorece el establecimiento de criterios para la mejor asignación de recursos con la finalidad de fomentar la innovación en las empresas por parte del gobierno, iniciativa privada u organizaciones interesadas, quienes al tener recursos limitados, tienen problemas para determinar a quién, cómo y cuándo otorgar los apoyos. Se presenta la utilización de los métodos electre i y ahp en el análisis de un grupo de empresas del mismo sector, con base en criterios que determinan su grado de innovación

    Assessing the Capability and Priority of Enterprise Architecture Implementation in Malaysian Public Sector

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is an integrated approach of information systems, processes, organisation and people in aligning business and information technology together. However, there is a discrepancy in public sector EA implementation whereby the developing countries are still grappling with issues in the implementation while those developed countries are already harvesting the EA benefits and value. Hence, this study aims to investigate the capability and priority of public sector of the developing countries in implementing the EA by proposing an assessment model. The assessment model is based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach. There are 27 EAI capability and priority criteria identified and grouped into six categories according to BSC perspectives namely Internal Process, Learning and Growth, Authority Support, Cost, Technology and Talent Management. Followed by AHP pairwise comparison in calculating the rank of each criterion which is presented via three case studies from Malaysian Public Sector agencies

    AHP-group decision making based on consistency

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    The Precise consistency consensus matrix (PCCM) is a consensus matrix for AHP-group decision making in which the value of each entry belongs, simultaneously, to all the individual consistency stability intervals. This new consensus matrix has shown significantly better behaviour with regards to consistency than other group consensus matrices, but it is slightly worse in terms of compatibility, understood as the discrepancy between the individual positions and the collective position that synthesises them. This paper includes an iterative algorithm for improving the compatibility of the PCCM. The sequence followed to modify the judgments of the PCCM is given by the entries that most contribute to the overall compatibility of the group. The procedure is illustrated by means of its application to a real-life situation (a local context) with three decision makers and four alternatives. The paper also offers, for the first time in the scientific literature, a detailed explanation of the process followed to solve the optimisation problem proposed for the consideration of different weights for the decision makers in the calculation of the PCCM

    Valuation of companies intangible assets: state of the art and future challenges

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    [EN] Appropriate management of intangible assets represents a key element for companies' survival and long-­term success. For this reason, it is a topic that has devoted the attention of academics and practitioners for several decades. Nevertheless, it still is a controversial issue. In fact, there are still many subjects that are discussed, like the identification and classification of some intangible assets or their measurement and valuation. The main objective of this project is to shed light on this important topic, which has undeniable effects not just on companies, but on consumers and the whole society, as well.[ES] La correcta gestión de los activos intangibles de las empresas constituye un factor clave para su supervivencia y éxito a largo plazo. Por este motivo, se trata de una temática muy estudiada, aunque no por ello menos controvertida. Efectivamente, son muchos los puntos que aún son objeto de polémica académica y profesional, desde la propia existencia de algunos intangibles empresariales, hasta su identificación y clasificación, pasando por los métodos de valoración o medición. El objetivo de este artículo es arrojar luz a este importante tema de estudio, con indudables repercusiones no sólo para las empresas, sino también para los consumidores y la sociedad en su conjunto.García García, F.; Guijarro, F. (2016). Valoración de activos intangibles empresariales: Estado del arte y retos pendientes. Finance, Markets and Valuation. 2(2):115-132. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/991761151322