588 research outputs found

    A novel approach for estimation of above-ground biomass of sugar beet based on wavelength selection and optimized support vector machine

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    Timely diagnosis of sugar beet above-ground biomass (AGB) is critical for the prediction of yield and optimal precision crop management. This study established an optimal quantitative prediction model of AGB of sugar beet by using hyperspectral data. Three experiment campaigns in 2014, 2015 and 2018 were conducted to collect ground-based hyperspectral data at three different growth stages, across different sites, for different cultivars and nitrogen (N) application rates. A competitive adaptive reweighted sampling (CARS) algorithm was applied to select the most sensitive wavelengths to AGB. This was followed by developing a novel modified differential evolution grey wolf optimization algorithm (MDE-GWO) by introducing differential evolution algorithm (DE) and dynamic non-linear convergence factor to grey wolf optimization algorithm (GWO) to optimize the parameters c and gamma of a support vector machine (SVM) model for the prediction of AGB. The prediction performance of SVM models under the three GWO, DE-GWO and MDE-GWO optimization methods for CARS selected wavelengths and whole spectral data was examined. Results showed that CARS resulted in a huge wavelength reduction of 97.4% for the rapid growth stage of leaf cluster, 97.2% for the sugar growth stage and 97.4% for the sugar accumulation stage. Models resulted after CARS wavelength selection were found to be more accurate than models developed using the entire spectral data. The best prediction accuracy was achieved after the MDE-GWO optimization of SVM model parameters for the prediction of AGB in sugar beet, independent of growing stage, years, sites and cultivars. The best coefficient of determination (R-2), root mean square error (RMSE) and residual prediction deviation (RPD) ranged, respectively, from 0.74 to 0.80, 46.17 to 65.68 g/m(2) and 1.42 to 1.97 for the rapid growth stage of leaf cluster, 0.78 to 0.80, 30.16 to 37.03 g/m(2) and 1.69 to 2.03 for the sugar growth stage, and 0.69 to 0.74, 40.17 to 104.08 g/m(2) and 1.61 to 1.95 for the sugar accumulation stage. It can be concluded that the methodology proposed can be implemented for the prediction of AGB of sugar beet using proximal hyperspectral sensors under a wide range of environmental conditions

    Remote Sensing for Precision Nitrogen Management

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    This book focuses on the fundamental and applied research of the non-destructive estimation and diagnosis of crop leaf and plant nitrogen status and in-season nitrogen management strategies based on leaf sensors, proximal canopy sensors, unmanned aerial vehicle remote sensing, manned aerial remote sensing and satellite remote sensing technologies. Statistical and machine learning methods are used to predict plant-nitrogen-related parameters with sensor data or sensor data together with soil, landscape, weather and/or management information. Different sensing technologies or different modelling approaches are compared and evaluated. Strategies are developed to use crop sensing data for in-season nitrogen recommendations to improve nitrogen use efficiency and protect the environment

    A Multi-Sensor Phenotyping System: Applications on Wheat Height Estimation and Soybean Trait Early Prediction

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    Phenotyping is an essential aspect for plant breeding research since it is the foundation of the plant selection process. Traditional plant phenotyping methods such as measuring and recording plant traits manually can be inefficient, laborious and prone to error. With the help of modern sensing technologies, high-throughput field phenotyping is becoming popular recently due to its ability of sensing various crop traits non-destructively with high efficiency. A multi-sensor phenotyping system equipped with red-green-blue (RGB) cameras, radiometers, ultrasonic sensors, spectrometers, a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, a pyranometer, a temperature and relative humidity probe and a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was first constructed, and a LabVIEW program was developed for sensor controlling and data acquisition. Two studies were conducted focusing on system performance examination and data exploration respectively. The first study was to compare wheat height measurements from ultrasonic sensor and LiDAR. Canopy heights of 100 wheat plots were estimated five times over the season by the ground phenotyping system, and the results were compared to manual measurements. Overall, LiDAR provided the better estimations with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.05 m and R2 of 0.97. Ultrasonic sensor did not perform well due to the style of our application. In conclusion LiDAR was recommended as a reliable method for wheat height evaluation. The second study was to explore the possibility of early predicting soybean traits through color and texture features of canopy images. Six thousand three hundred and eighty-three RGB images were captured at V4/V5 growth stage over 5667 soybean plots growing at four locations. One hundred and forty color features and 315 gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture features were derived from each image. Another two variables were also introduced to account for the location and timing difference between images. Cubist and Random Forests were used for regression and classification modelling respectively. Yield (RMSE=9.82, R2=0.68), Maturity (RMSE=3.70, R2=0.76) and Seed Size (RMSE=1.63, R2=0.53) were identified as potential soybean traits that might be early-predictable. Advisor: Yufeng G

    A Multi-Sensor Phenotyping System: Applications on Wheat Height Estimation and Soybean Trait Early Prediction

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    Phenotyping is an essential aspect for plant breeding research since it is the foundation of the plant selection process. Traditional plant phenotyping methods such as measuring and recording plant traits manually can be inefficient, laborious and prone to error. With the help of modern sensing technologies, high-throughput field phenotyping is becoming popular recently due to its ability of sensing various crop traits non-destructively with high efficiency. A multi-sensor phenotyping system equipped with red-green-blue (RGB) cameras, radiometers, ultrasonic sensors, spectrometers, a global positioning system (GPS) receiver, a pyranometer, a temperature and relative humidity probe and a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) was first constructed, and a LabVIEW program was developed for sensor controlling and data acquisition. Two studies were conducted focusing on system performance examination and data exploration respectively. The first study was to compare wheat height measurements from ultrasonic sensor and LiDAR. Canopy heights of 100 wheat plots were estimated five times over the season by the ground phenotyping system, and the results were compared to manual measurements. Overall, LiDAR provided the better estimations with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.05 m and R2 of 0.97. Ultrasonic sensor did not perform well due to the style of our application. In conclusion LiDAR was recommended as a reliable method for wheat height evaluation. The second study was to explore the possibility of early predicting soybean traits through color and texture features of canopy images. Six thousand three hundred and eighty-three RGB images were captured at V4/V5 growth stage over 5667 soybean plots growing at four locations. One hundred and forty color features and 315 gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM)-based texture features were derived from each image. Another two variables were also introduced to account for the location and timing difference between images. Cubist and Random Forests were used for regression and classification modelling respectively. Yield (RMSE=9.82, R2=0.68), Maturity (RMSE=3.70, R2=0.76) and Seed Size (RMSE=1.63, R2=0.53) were identified as potential soybean traits that might be early-predictable. Advisor: Yufeng G

    Digital phenotyping and genotype-to-phenotype (G2P) models to predict complex traits in cereal crops

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    The revolution in digital phenotyping combined with the new layers of omics and envirotyping tools offers great promise to improve selection and accelerate genetic gains for crop improvement. This chapter examines the latest methods involving digital phenotyping tools to predict complex traits in cereals crops. The chapter has two parts. In the first part, entitled “Digital phenotyping as a tool to support breeding programs”, the secondary phenotypes measured by high-throughput plant phenotyping that are potentially useful for breeding are reviewed. In the second part, “Implementing complex G2P models in breeding programs”, the integration of data from digital phenotyping into genotype to phenotype (G2P) models to improve the prediction of complex traits using genomic information is discussed. The current status of statistical models to incorporate secondary traits in univariate and multivariate models, as well as how to better handle longitudinal (for example light interception, biomass accumulation, canopy height) traits, is reviewe

    Remote sensing bio-control damage on aquatic invasive alien plant species

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    Aquatic Invasive Alien Plant (AIAP) species are a major threat to freshwater ecosystems, placing great strain on South Africa’s limited water resources. Bio-control programmes have been initiated in an effort to mitigate the negative environmental impacts associated with their presence in non-native areas. Remote sensing can be used as an effective tool to detect, map and monitor bio-control damage on AIAP species. This paper  reconciles previous and current research concerning the application of remote sensing to detect and map bio-control damage on AIAP species. Initially, the spectral characteristics of bio-control damage are  described. Thereafter, the potential of remote sensing chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence as  pre-visual indicators of bio-control damage are reviewed and synthesised. The utility of multispectral and  hyperspectral sensors for mapping different severities of bio-control damage are also discussed. Popular  machine learning algorithms that offer operational potential to classify bio-control damage are proposed. This paper concludes with the challenges of remote sensing bio-control damage as well as proposes  recommendations to guide future research to successfully detect and map bio-control damage on AIAP  species

    Symposium franco-chinois de télédétection quantitative en agronomie et environnement. Bilan et perspectives de collaboration. Rapport de mission (26 au 30 mars 2000)

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    Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats d'un Symposium en Télédétection entre des équipes de chercheurs de l'INRA, du CIRAD, de l'Université de Lille et leurs homologues chinois de l'Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (IRSA) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), et du National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC). Les perspectives d'un programme de collaboration sont présentées avec deux axes majeurs correspondant à deux niveaux d'approche, régional et local en agriculture de précision. (Résumé d'auteur

    Developing affordable high-throughput plant phenotyping methods for breeding of cereals and tuber crops

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    High-throughput plant phenotyping (HTPP) is a fast, accurate, and non-destructive process for evaluating plants' health and environmental adaptability. HTPP accelerates the identification of agronomic traits of interest, eliminates subjectivism (which is innate to humans), and facilitates the development of adapted genotypes. Current HTPP methods often rely on imaging sensors and computer vision both in the field and under controlled (indoor) conditions. However, their use is limited by the costs and complexity of the necessary instrumentation, data analysis tools, and software. This issue could be overcome by developing more cost-efficient and user-friendly methods that let breeders, farmers, and stakeholders access the benefits of HTPP. To assist such efforts, this thesis presents an ensemble of dedicated affordable phenotyping methods using RGB imaging for a range of key applications under controlled conditions.  The affordable Phenocave imaging system for use in controlled conditions was developed to facilitate studies on the effects of abiotic stresses by gathering data on important plant characteristics related to growth, yield, and adaptation to growing conditions and cultivation systems. Phenocave supports imaging sensors including visible (RGB), spectroscopic (multispectral and hyperspectral), and thermal imaging. Additionally, a pipeline for RGB image analysis was implemented as a plugin for the free and easy-to-use software ImageJ. This plugin has since proven to be an accurate alternative to conventional measurements that produces highly reproducible results. A subsequent study was conducted to evaluate the effects of heat and drought stress on plant growth and grain nutrient composition in wheat, an important staple cereal in Sweden. The effects of stress on plant growth were evaluated using image analysis, while stress-induced changes in the abundance of key plant compounds were evaluated by analyzing the nutrient composition of grains via chromatography. This led to the discovery of genotypes whose harvest quality remains stable under heat and drought stress. The next objective was to evaluate biotic stress; for this case, the effect of the fungal disease Fusarium head blight (FHB) that affects grain development in wheat was investigated. For this purpose, seed phenotyping parameters were used to determine the components and settings of a statistical model, which predicts the occurrence of FHB. The results reveal that grain morphology evaluations, such as length and width, were found to be significantly affected by the disease. Another study was carried out to estimate the disease severity of the common scab (CS) in potatoes, a widely popular food source. CS occurs on the tubers and reduces their visual appeal, significantly affecting their market value. Tubers were analyzed by a deep learning-based method to estimate disease lesion areas caused by CS. Results showed a high correlation between the predictions and expert visual scorings of the disease and proved to be a potential tool for the selection of genotypes that fulfill the market standards and resistance to CS. Both case studies highlight the role of imaging in plant health monitoring and its integration into the larger picture of plant health management.  The methods presented in this work are a starting point for bridging the gap between costs and accessibility to imaging technology. These are affordable and user-friendly resources for generating pivotal knowledge on plant development and genotype selection. In the future, image acquisition of all the methods can be integrated into the Phenocave system, potentially allowing for a more automated and efficient plant health monitoring process, leading to the identification of tolerant genotypes to biotic and abiotic stresses

    Moisture content estimation and senescence phenotyping of novel Miscanthus hybrids combining UAV-based remote sensing and machine learning

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    Miscanthus is a leading perennial biomass crop that can produce high yields on marginal lands. Moisture content is a highly relevant biomass quality trait with multiple impacts on efficiencies of harvest, transport, and storage. The dynamics of moisture content during senescence and overwinter ripening are determined by genotype × environment interactions. In this paper, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing was used for high-throughput plant phenotyping (HTPP) of the moisture content dynamics during autumn and winter senescence of 14 contrasting hybrid types (progeny of M. sinensis x M. sinensis [M. sin x M. sin, eight types] and M. sinensis x M. sacchariflorus [M. sin x M. sac, six types]). The time series of moisture content was estimated using machine learning (ML) models and a range of vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV-based remote sensing. The most important VIs for moisture content estimation were selected by the recursive feature elimination (RFE) algorithm and were BNDVI, GDVI, and PSRI. The ML model transferability was high only when the moisture content was above 30%. The best ML model accuracy was achieved by combining VIs and categorical variables (5.6% of RMSE). This model was used for phenotyping senescence dynamics and identifying the stay-green (SG) trait of Miscanthus hybrids using the generalized additive model (GAM). Combining ML and GAM modeling, applied to time series of moisture content values estimated from VIs derived from multiple UAV flights, proved to be a powerful tool for HTPP