41 research outputs found

    Characterizations of hemirings by their hh-ideals

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    In this paper we characterize hemirings in which all hh-ideals or all fuzzy hh-ideals are idempotent. It is proved, among other results, that every hh-ideal of a hemiring RR is idempotent if and only if the lattice of fuzzy hh-ideals of RR is distributive under the sum and hh-intrinsic product of fuzzy hh-ideals or, equivalently, if and only if each fuzzy hh-ideal of RR is intersection of those prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR which contain it. We also define two types of prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR and prove that, a non-constant hh-ideal of RR is prime in the second sense if and only if each of its proper level set is a prime hh-ideal of RR

    A new classification of hemirings through double-framed soft h-ideals

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    Due to lack of parameterization, various ordinary uncertainty theories like theory of fuzzy sets, and theory of probability cannot solve complicated problems of economics and engineering involving uncertainties. The aim of the present paper was to provide an appropriate mathematical tool for solving such type of complicated problems. For the said purpose, the notion of double-framed soft sets in hemirings is introduced. As h-ideals of hemirings play a central role in the structural theory, therefore, we developed a new type of subsystem of hemirings. Double-framed soft left (right) h-ideal, double-framed soft h-bi-ideals and double-framed soft h-quasi-ideals of hemiring are determined. These concepts are elaborated through suitable examples. Furthermore, we are bridging ordinary h-ideals and double-framed soft h-ideals of hemirings through double-framed soft including sets and characteristic double-framed soft functions. It is also shown that every double-framed soft h-quasi-ideal is double-framed soft h-bi-ideal but the converse inclusion does not hold. A well-known class of hemrings i.e. h-hemiregular hemirings is characterized by the properties of these newly developed double-framed soft h-ideals o

    Characterizations of Hemirings Based on Probability Spaces

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    The notion of falling fuzzy h-ideals of a hemiring is introduced on the basis of the theory of falling shadows and fuzzy sets. Then the relations between fuzzy h-ideals and falling fuzzy h-ideals are described. In particular, by means of falling fuzzy h-ideals, the charac-terizations of h-hemiregular hemirings are investigated based on independent (prefect positive correlation) probability spaces

    A new criterion for soft set based decision making problems under incomplete information

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    [EN]We put forward a completely redesigned approach to soft set based decision making problems under incomplete information. An algorithmic solution is proposed and compared with previous approaches in the literature. The computational performance of our algorithm is critically analyzed by an experimental study

    A systematic literature review of soft set theory

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    [EN] Soft set theory, initially introduced through the seminal article ‘‘Soft set theory—First results’’ in 1999, has gained considerable attention in the field of mathematical modeling and decision-making. Despite its growing prominence, a comprehensive survey of soft set theory, encompassing its foundational concepts, developments, and applications, is notably absent in the existing literature. We aim to bridge this gap. This survey delves into the basic elements of the theory, including the notion of a soft set, the operations on soft sets, and their semantic interpretations. It describes various generalizations and modifications of soft set theory, such as N-soft sets, fuzzy soft sets, and bipolar soft sets, highlighting their specific characteristics. Furthermore, this work outlines the fundamentals of various extensions of mathematical structures from the perspective of soft set theory. Particularly, we present basic results of soft topology and other algebraic structures such as soft algebras and sigma-algebras. This article examines a selection of notable applications of soft set theory in different fields, including medicine and economics, underscoring its versatile nature. The survey concludes with a discussion on the challenges and future directions in soft set theory, emphasizing the need for further research to enhance its theoretical foundations and broaden its practical applications. Overall, this survey of soft set theory serves as a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students interested in understanding and utilizing this flexible mathematical framework for tackling uncertainty in decision-making processes

    Some Types of Generalized Fuzzy n

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    Fuzzy filters and their generalized types have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper, a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all generalized fuzzy filters and the set of all generalized fuzzy congruences is established, a quotient residuated lattice with respect to generalized fuzzy filter is induced, and several types of generalized fuzzy n-fold filters such as generalized fuzzy n-fold positive implicative (fantastic and Boolean) filters are introduced; examples and results are provided to demonstrate the relations among these filters

    Some Types of Generalized Fuzzy -Fold Filters in Residuated Lattices

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    Fuzzy filters and their generalized types have been extensively studied in the literature. In this paper, a one-to-one correspondence between the set of all generalized fuzzy filters and the set of all generalized fuzzy congruences is established, a quotient residuated lattice with respect to generalized fuzzy filter is induced, and several types of generalized fuzzy n-fold filters such as generalized fuzzy n-fold positive implicative (fantastic and Boolean) filters are introduced; examples and results are provided to demonstrate the relations among these filters

    Int-soft structures applied to ordered semihypergroups

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    Molodtsov introduced the theory of soft sets, which canbe seen as a new mathematical approach to vagueness. The main goal of thispaper is to introduce and study some classes of ordered semihypergroups andto investigate some interesting characterizations theorems of these classesin terms of int-soft hyperideals. In this respect, we characterize weaklyregular ordered semihypergroups for example (see Theorems 25, 26 and 28)intra-regular and left weakly-regular ordered semihypergroups (see Theorems30 and 32) and semisimple ordered semihypergroups (see Theorems 37 and 39)in terms of int-soft hyperideals. In this regard, we study semisimpleordered semihypergroups and characterize it in terms of int-softhyperideals. We also characterize intra-regular and weakly-regular orderedsemihypergroups in terms of int-soft hyperideals

    Regular ag-groupoids characterized by (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy ideals

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    In this paper, we introduce a considerable machinery which permits us to characterize a number of special (fuzzy) subsets in AG -groupoids. Generalizing the concepts of (∈, ∈ ∨q) -fuzzy bi-ideals (interior ideal), we define (∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals, (∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy left (right)-ideals and ( , ) k ? ? ?q -fuzzy interior ideals in AG -groupoids and discuss some fundamental aspects of these ideals in AG -groupoids. We further define ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k) -fuzzy bi-ideals and (∈, ∈ ∨ q k)-fuzzy interior ideals and give some of their basic properties in AG -groupoids. In the last section, we define lower/upper parts of (∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and investigate some characterizations of regular and intera-regular AG -groupoids in terms of the lower parts of ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k ) -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideals and ( ∈, ∈ ∨ q k )-fuzzy bi-ideal of AG -groupoids