9 research outputs found

    Application of particle swarm optimization with ANFIS model for double scroll chaotic system

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    The predictions for the original chaos patterns can be used to correct the distorted chaos pattern which has changed due to any changes whether from undesired disturbance or additional information which can hide under chaos pattern. This information can be recovered when the original chaos pattern is predicted. But unpredictability is most features of chaos, and time series prediction can be used based on the collection of past observations of a variable and analysis it to obtain the underlying relationships and then extrapolate future time series. The additional information often prunes away by several techniques. This paper shows how the chaotic time series prediction is difficult and distort even if Neuro-Fuzzy such as Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is used under any disturbance. The paper combined particle swarm (PSO) and (ANFIS) to exam the prediction model and predict the original chaos patterns which comes from the double scroll circuit. Changes in the bias of the nonlinear resistor were used as a disturbance. The predicted chaotic data is compared with data from the chaotic circuit

    Steering measurement decomposition for vehicle lane keeping: a study of driver behaviour

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    Steering control for vehicle lane keeping has attracted significant attention from both automotive industries and researchers. To describe intermittent pulse-like qualities imparted by drivers that are seen in real-world steering measurements, a pulse control model (PCM) is presented for vehicle lane keeping. Inspired by the PCM, a steering angle measurement is decomposed into a combination of trend, integrated sine components (ISCs) and sine components (SCs), where trend corresponds to the path curvature, ISCs to the heading angles, and SCs to the lateral positions. Trends are extracted through the use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and principal component analysis (PCA), with singular spectral analysis (SSA) and Fourier curve-fitting (FCF) being employed to determine the ISCs and SCs in the main pulses. Through statistical pattern analysis on experimental measurements of drivers’ steering performance, it is revealed that (1) the pulse steering behaviour from real drivers shows the benefit of the proposed PCM for steering control during lane keeping, and (2) classification of pulse steering characteristics can be used for normal driver state identification and highlight abnormal driving behaviour, leading to the prospect of identifying driving characteristics typical of impaired concentration, substance misuse or tiredness, for instance

    Hybrid SSA-TSR-ARIMA for water demand forecasting

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    Water supply management effectively becomes challenging due to the human population and their needs have been growing rapidly. The aim of this research is to propose hybrid methods based on Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) decomposition, Time Series Regression (TSR), and Automatic Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), known as hybrid SSA-TSR-ARIMA, for water demand forecasting. Monthly water demand data frequently contain trend and seasonal patterns. In this research, two groups of different hybrid methods were developed and proposed, i.e. hybrid methods for individual SSA components and for aggregate SSA components. TSR was used for modeling aggregate trend component and Automatic ARIMA for modeling aggregate seasonal and noise components separately. Firstly, simulation study was conducted for evaluating the performance of the proposed methods. Then, the best hybrid method was applied to real data sample. The simulation showed that hybrid SSA-TSR-ARIMA for aggregate components yielded more accurate forecast than other hybrid methods. Moreover, the comparison of forecast accuracy in real data also showed that hybrid SSA-TSR-ARIMA for aggregate components could improve the forecast accuracy of ARIMA model and yielded better forecast than other hybrid methods. In general, it could be concluded that the hybrid model tends to give more accurate forecast than the individual methods. Thus, this research in line with the third result of the M3 competition that stated the accuracy of hybrid method outperformed, on average, the individual methods being combined and did very well in comparison to other methods

    Neuro-fuzzy inference systems approach to decision support system for economic order quantity

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    Supply chain management (SCM) has a dynamic structure involving the constant flow of information, product, and funds among different participants. SCM is a complex process and most often characterized by uncertainty. Many values are stochastic and cannot be precisely determined and described by classical mathematical methods. Therefore, in solving real and complex problems individual methods of artificial intelligence are increasingly used, or their combination in the form of hybrid methods. This paper has proposed the decision support system for determining economic order quantity and order implementation based on Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems - ANFIS. A combination of two concepts of artificial intelligence in the form of hybrid neuro-fuzzy method has been applied into the decision support system in order to exploit the individual advantages of both methods. This method can deal with complexity and uncertainty in SCM better than classical methods because they it stems from experts’ opinions. The proposed decision support system showed good results for determining the amount of economic order and it is presented as a successful tool for planning in SCM. Sensitivity analysis has been applied, which indicates that the decision sup- port system gives valid results. The proposed system is flexible and can be applied to various types of goods in SC

    Hybrid Models Based on Singular Values and Autoregressive Methods for Multistep Ahead Forecasting of Traffic Accidents

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    The traffic accidents occurrence urges the intervention of researchers and society; the human losses and material damage could be abated with scientific studies focused on supporting prevention plans. In this paper prediction strategies based on singular values and autoregressive models are evaluated for multistep ahead traffic accidents forecasting. Three time series of injured people in traffic accidents collected in Santiago de Chile from 2000:1 to 2014:12 were used, which were previously classified by causes related to the behavior of drivers, passengers, or pedestrians and causes not related to the behavior as road deficiencies, mechanical failures, and undetermined causes. A simplified form of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), combined with the autoregressive linear (AR) method, and a conventional Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are proposed. Additionally, equivalent models that combine Hankel Singular Value Decomposition (HSVD), AR, and ANN are evaluated. The comparative analysis shows that the hybrid models SSA-AR and SSA-ANN reach the highest accuracy with an average MAPE of 1.5% and 1.9%, respectively, from 1- to 14-step ahead prediction. However, it was discovered that HSVD-AR shows a higher accuracy in the farthest horizons, from 12- to 14-step ahead prediction, which reaches an average MAPE of 2.2%

    Data-Driven Forecasting of High-Dimensional Chaotic Systems with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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    We introduce a data-driven forecasting method for high-dimensional chaotic systems using long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks. The proposed LSTM neural networks perform inference of high-dimensional dynamical systems in their reduced order space and are shown to be an effective set of nonlinear approximators of their attractor. We demonstrate the forecasting performance of the LSTM and compare it with Gaussian processes (GPs) in time series obtained from the Lorenz 96 system, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and a prototype climate model. The LSTM networks outperform the GPs in short-term forecasting accuracy in all applications considered. A hybrid architecture, extending the LSTM with a mean stochastic model (MSM-LSTM), is proposed to ensure convergence to the invariant measure. This novel hybrid method is fully data-driven and extends the forecasting capabilities of LSTM networks.Comment: 31 page

    Multiscale Forecasting Models Based on Singular Values for Nonstationary Time Series

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    Time series are valuable sources of information for supporting planning activities. Transport, fishery, economy and finances are predominant sectors concerned into obtaining information in advance to improve their productivity and efficiency. During the last decades diverse linear and nonlinear forecasting models have been developed for attending this demand. However the achievement of accuracy follows being a challenge due to the high variability of the most observed phenomena. In this research are proposed two decomposition methods based on Singular Value Decomposition of a Hankel matrix (HSVD) in order to extract components of low and high frequency from a nonstationary time series. The proposed decomposition is used to improve the accuracy of linear and nonlinear autoregressive models. The evaluation of the proposed forecasters is performed through data coming from transport sector and fishery sector. Series of injured persons in traffic accidents of Santiago and Valparaíso and stock of sardine and anchovy of central-south Chilean coast are used. Further, for comparison purposes, it is evaluated the forecast accuracy reached by two decomposition techniques conventionally used, Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) and decomposition based on Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), both joint with linear and nonlinear autoregressive models. The experiments shown that the proposed methods based on Singular Value Decomposition of a Hankel matrix in conjunction with linear or nonlinear models reach the best accuracy for one-step and multi-step ahead forecasting of the studied time series.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Improving Patient Safety, Patient Flow and Physician Well-Being in Emergency Departments

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    Over 151 million people visit US Emergency Departments (EDs) annually. The diverse nature and overwhelming volume of patient visits make the ED one of the most complicated settings in healthcare to study. ED overcrowding is a recognized worldwide public health problem, and its negative impacts include patient safety concerns, increased patient length of stay, medical errors, patients left without being seen, ambulance diversions, and increased health system expenditure. Additionally, ED crowding has been identified as a leading contributor to patient morbidity and mortality. Furthermore, this chaotic working environment affects the well-being of all ED staff through increased frustration, workload, stress, and higher rates of burnout which has a direct impact on patient safety. This research takes a step-by-step approach to address these issues by first forecasting the daily and hourly patient arrivals, including their Emergency Severity Index (ESI) levels, to an ED utilizing time series forecasting models and machine learning models. Next, we developed an agent-based discrete event simulation model where both patients and physicians are modeled as unique agents for capturing activities representative of ED. Using this model, we develop various physician shift schedules, including restriction policies and overlapping policies, to improve patient safety and patient flow in the ED. Using the number of handoffs as the patient safety metric, which represents the number of patients transferred from one physician to another, patient time in the ED, and throughput for patient flow, we compare the new policies to the current practices. Additionally, using this model, we also compare the current patient assignment algorithm used by the partner ED to a novel approach where physicians determine patient assignment considering their workload, time remaining in their shift, etc. Further, to identify the optimal physician staffing required for the ED for any given hour of the day, we develop a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model where the objective is to minimize the combined cost of physician staffing in the ED, patient waiting time, and handoffs. To develop operations schedules, we surveyed over 70 ED physicians and incorporated their feedback into the MILP model. After developing multiple weekly schedules, these were tested in the validated simulation model to evaluate their efficacy in improving patient safety and patient flow while accounting for the ED staffing budget. Finally, in the last phase, to comprehend the stress and burnout among attending and resident physicians working in the ED for the shift, we collected over 100 hours of physiological responses from 12 ED physicians along with subjective metrics on stress and burnout during ED shifts. We compared the physiological signals and subjective metrics to comprehend the difference between attending and resident physicians. Further, we developed machine learning models to detect the early onset of stress to assist physicians in decision-making