768 research outputs found

    A Consolidated Review of Path Planning and Optimization Techniques: Technical Perspectives and Future Directions

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    In this paper, a review on the three most important communication techniques (ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles) has been presented that throws light on trajectory planning, its optimization, and various issues in a summarized way. This kind of extensive research is not often seen in the literature, so an effort has been made for readers interested in path planning to fill the gap. Moreover, optimization techniques suitable for implementing ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles are also a part of this review. This paper covers the numerical, bio-inspired techniques and their hybridization with each other for each of the dimensions mentioned. The paper provides a consolidated platform, where plenty of available research on-ground autonomous vehicle and their trajectory optimization with the extension for aerial and underwater vehicles are documented

    An Approach to Improve Multi objective Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using the Novel Quadrant Selection Method

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    Currently, automated and semi-automated industries need multiple objective path planning algorithms for mobile robot applications. The multi-objective optimisation algorithm takes more computational effort to provide optimal solutions. The proposed grid-based multi-objective global path planning algorithm [Quadrant selection algorithm (QSA)] plans the path by considering the direction of movements from starting position to the target position with minimum computational effort. Primarily, in this algorithm, the direction of movements is classified into quadrants. Based on the selection of the quadrant, the optimal paths are identified. In obstacle avoidance, the generated feasible paths are evaluated by the cumulative path distance travelled, and the cumulative angle turned to attain an optimal path. Finally, to ease the robot’s navigation, the obtained optimal path is further smoothed to avoid sharp turns and reduce the distance. The proposed QSA in total reduces the unnecessary search for paths in other quadrants. The developed algorithm is tested in different environments and compared with the existing algorithms based on the number of cells examined to obtain the optimal path. Unlike other algorithms, the proposed QSA provides an optimal path by dramatically reducing the number of cells examined. The experimental verification of the proposed QSA shows that the solution is practically implementable

    Cellular Automata Applications in Shortest Path Problem

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    Cellular Automata (CAs) are computational models that can capture the essential features of systems in which global behavior emerges from the collective effect of simple components, which interact locally. During the last decades, CAs have been extensively used for mimicking several natural processes and systems to find fine solutions in many complex hard to solve computer science and engineering problems. Among them, the shortest path problem is one of the most pronounced and highly studied problems that scientists have been trying to tackle by using a plethora of methodologies and even unconventional approaches. The proposed solutions are mainly justified by their ability to provide a correct solution in a better time complexity than the renowned Dijkstra's algorithm. Although there is a wide variety regarding the algorithmic complexity of the algorithms suggested, spanning from simplistic graph traversal algorithms to complex nature inspired and bio-mimicking algorithms, in this chapter we focus on the successful application of CAs to shortest path problem as found in various diverse disciplines like computer science, swarm robotics, computer networks, decision science and biomimicking of biological organisms' behaviour. In particular, an introduction on the first CA-based algorithm tackling the shortest path problem is provided in detail. After the short presentation of shortest path algorithms arriving from the relaxization of the CAs principles, the application of the CA-based shortest path definition on the coordinated motion of swarm robotics is also introduced. Moreover, the CA based application of shortest path finding in computer networks is presented in brief. Finally, a CA that models exactly the behavior of a biological organism, namely the Physarum's behavior, finding the minimum-length path between two points in a labyrinth is given.Comment: To appear in the book: Adamatzky, A (Ed.) Shortest path solvers. From software to wetware. Springer, 201

    A Systematic Literature Review of Path-Planning Strategies for Robot Navigation in Unknown Environment

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    The Many industries, including ports, space, surveillance, military, medicine and agriculture have benefited greatly from mobile robot technology.  An autonomous mobile robot navigates in situations that are both static and dynamic. As a result, robotics experts have proposed a range of strategies. Perception, localization, path planning, and motion control are all required for mobile robot navigation. However, Path planning is a critical component of a quick and secure navigation. Over the previous few decades, many path-planning algorithms have been developed. Despite the fact that the majority of mobile robot applications take place in static environments, there is a scarcity of algorithms capable of guiding robots in dynamic contexts. This review compares qualitatively mobile robot path-planning systems capable of navigating robots in static and dynamic situations. Artificial potential fields, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colonies, bacterial foraging optimization, and ant-colony are all discussed in the paper. Each method's application domain, navigation technique and validation context are discussed and commonly utilized cutting-edge methods are analyzed. This research will help researchers choose appropriate path-planning approaches for various applications including robotic cranes at the sea ports as well as discover gaps for optimization

    Hybrid artificial bee colony and flower pollination algorithm for grid-based optimal pathfinding

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    Pathfinding is essential and necessary for agent movement used in computer games and many other applications. Generally, the pathfinding algorithm searches the feasible shortest path from start to end locations. This task is computationally expensive and consumes large memory, particularly in a large map size. Obstacle avoidance in the game environment increases the complexity to find a new path in the search space. A huge number of algorithms, including heuristic and metaheuristics approaches, have been proposed to overcome the pathfinding problem. Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is a metaheuristic algorithm that is robust, has fast convergence, high flexibility, and fewer control parameters. However, the best solution founded by the onlooker bee in the presence of constraints is still insufficient and not always satisfactory. A number of variant ABC algorithms have been proposed to achieve the optimal solution. However, it is difficult to simultaneously achieve the optimal solution. Alternatively, Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) is one of promising algorithms in optimising problems. The algorithm is easier to implement and faster to reach an optimum solution. Thus, this research proposed Artificial Bee Colony – Flower Pollination Algorithm to solve the pathfinding problem in games, in terms of path cost, computing time, and memory. The result showed that ABC-FPA improved the path cost result by 81.68% and reduced time by 97.84% as compared to the ABC algorithm, which led to a better pathfinding result. This performance indicated that ABC-FPA pathfinding gave better quality pathfinding results

    A generalized laser simulator algorithm for optimal path planning in constraints environment

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    Path planning plays a vital role in autonomous mobile robot navigation, and it has thus become one of the most studied areas in robotics. Path planning refers to a robot's search for a collision-free and optimal path from a start point to a predefined goal position in a given environment. This research focuses on developing a novel path planning algorithm, called Generalized Laser Simulator (GLS), to solve the path planning problem of mobile robots in a constrained environment. This approach allows finding the path for a mobile robot while avoiding obstacles, searching for a goal, considering some constraints and finding an optimal path during the robot movement in both known and unknown environments. The feasible path is determined between the start and goal positions by generating a wave of points in all directions towards the goal point with adhering to constraints. A simulation study employing the proposed approach is applied to the grid map settings to determine a collision-free path from the start to goal positions. First, the grid mapping of the robot's workspace environment is constructed, and then the borders of the workspace environment are detected based on the new proposed function. This function guides the robot to move toward the desired goal. Two concepts have been implemented to find the best candidate point to move next: minimum distance to goal and maximum index distance to the boundary, integrated by negative probability to sort out the most preferred point for the robot trajectory determination. In order to construct an optimal collision-free path, an optimization step was included to find out the minimum distance within the candidate points that have been determined by GLS while adhering to particular constraint's rules and avoiding obstacles. The proposed algorithm will switch its working pattern based on the goal minimum and boundary maximum index distances. For static obstacle avoidance, the boundaries of the obstacle(s) are considered borders of the environment. However, the algorithm detects obstacles as a new border in dynamic obstacles once it occurs in front of the GLS waves. The proposed method has been tested in several test environments with different degrees of complexity. Twenty different arbitrary environments are categorized into four: Simple, complex, narrow, and maze, with five test environments in each. The results demonstrated that the proposed method could generate an optimal collision-free path. Moreover, the proposed algorithm result are compared to some common algorithms such as the A* algorithm, Probabilistic Road Map, RRT, Bi-directional RRT, and Laser Simulator algorithm to demonstrate its effectiveness. The suggested algorithm outperforms the competition in terms of improving path cost, smoothness, and search time. A statistical test was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm over the compared methods. The GLS is 7.8 and 5.5 times faster than A* and LS, respectively, generating a path 1.2 and 1.5 times shorter than A* and LS. The mean value of the path cost achieved by the proposed approach is 4% and 15% lower than PRM and RRT, respectively. The mean path cost generated by the LS algorithm, on the other hand, is 14% higher than that generated by the PRM. Finally, to verify the performance of the developed method for generating a collision-free path, experimental studies were carried out using an existing WMR platform in labs and roads. The experimental work investigates complete autonomous WMR path planning in the lab and road environments using live video streaming. The local maps were built using data from live video streaming s by real-time image processing to detect the segments of the lab and road environments. The image processing includes several operations to apply GLS on the prepared local map. The proposed algorithm generates the path within the prepared local map to find the path between start-to-goal positions to avoid obstacles and adhere to constraints. The experimental test shows that the proposed method can generate the shortest path and best smooth trajectory from start to goal points in comparison with the laser simulator

    A survey of swarm intelligence for dynamic optimization: algorithms and applications

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    Swarm intelligence (SI) algorithms, including ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, bee-inspired algorithms, bacterial foraging optimization, firefly algorithms, fish swarm optimization and many more, have been proven to be good methods to address difficult optimization problems under stationary environments. Most SI algorithms have been developed to address stationary optimization problems and hence, they can converge on the (near-) optimum solution efficiently. However, many real-world problems have a dynamic environment that changes over time. For such dynamic optimization problems (DOPs), it is difficult for a conventional SI algorithm to track the changing optimum once the algorithm has converged on a solution. In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest of addressing DOPs using SI algorithms due to their adaptation capabilities. This paper presents a broad review on SI dynamic optimization (SIDO) focused on several classes of problems, such as discrete, continuous, constrained, multi-objective and classification problems, and real-world applications. In addition, this paper focuses on the enhancement strategies integrated in SI algorithms to address dynamic changes, the performance measurements and benchmark generators used in SIDO. Finally, some considerations about future directions in the subject are given

    An Efficient Universal Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm

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    The artificial bee colony algorithm is a global optimization algorithm. The artificial bee colony optimization algorithm is easy to fall into local optimal. We proposed an efficient universal bee colony optimization algorithm (EUBCOA). The algorithm adds the search factor u and the selection strategy of the onlooker bees based on local optimal solution. In order to realize the controllability of algorithm search ability, the search factor u is introduced to improve the global search range and local search range. In the early stage of the iteration, the search scope is expanded and the convergence rate is increased. In the latter part of the iteration, the algorithm uses the selection strategy to improve the algorithm accuracy and convergence rate. We select ten benchmark functions to testify the performance of the algorithm. Experimental results show that the EUBCOA algorithm effectively improves the convergence speed and convergence accuracy of the ABC algorithm

    Bio-inspired multi-agent systems for reconfigurable manufacturing systems

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    The current market’s demand for customization and responsiveness is a major challenge for producing intelligent, adaptive manufacturing systems. The Multi-Agent System (MAS) paradigm offers an alternative way to design this kind of system based on decentralized control using distributed, autonomous agents, thus replacing the traditional centralized control approach. The MAS solutions provide modularity, flexibility and robustness, thus addressing the responsiveness property, but usually do not consider true adaptation and re-configuration. Understanding how, in nature, complex things are performed in a simple and effective way allows us to mimic nature’s insights and develop powerful adaptive systems that able to evolve, thus dealing with the current challenges imposed on manufactur- ing systems. The paper provides an overview of some of the principles found in nature and biology and analyses the effectiveness of bio-inspired methods, which are used to enhance multi-agent systems to solve complex engineering problems, especially in the manufacturing field. An industrial automation case study is used to illustrate a bio-inspired method based on potential fields to dynamically route pallets