38 research outputs found

    Validation of an electrogoniometry system as a measure of knee kinematics during activities of daily living

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    Purpose: The increasing use of electrogoniometry (ELG) in clinical research requires the validation of different instrumentation. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the concurrent validity of an ELG system during activities of daily living. Methods: Ten asymptomatic participants gave informed consent to participate. A Biometrics SG150 electrogoniometer was directly compared to a 12 camera three dimensional motion analysis system during walking, stair ascent, stair descent, sit to stand, and stand to sit activities for the measurement of the right knee angle. Analysis of validity was undertaken by linear regression. Standard error of estimate (SEE), standardised SEE (SSEE), and Pearson’s correlation coefficient r were computed for paired trials between systems for each functional activity. Results: The 95% confidence interval of SEE was reasonable between systems across walking (LCI = 2.43 °; UCI = 2.91 °), stair ascent (LCI = 2.09 °; UCI = 2.42 °), stair descent (LCI = 1.79 °; UCI = 2.10 °), sit to stand (LCI = 1.22 °; UCI = 1.41 °), and stand to sit (LCI = 1.17 °; UCI = 1.34 °). Pearson’s correlation coefficient r across walking (LCI = 0.983; UCI = 0.990), stair ascent (LCI = 0.995; UCI = 0.997), stair descent (LCI = 0.995; UCI = 0.997), sit to stand (LCI = 0.998; UCI = 0.999), and stand to sit (LCI = 0.996; UCI = 0.997) was indicative of a strong linear relationship between systems. Conclusion: ELG is a valid method of measuring the knee angle during activities representative of daily living. The range is within that suggested to be acceptable for the clinical evaluation of patients with musculoskeletal conditions

    How much Sample Rate is actually needed? Arm Tracking in Virtual Reality

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    There are plenty of studies dealing with the delays and other relations between head movements and visual response on Virtual Reality setups using head mounted displays. Most of those studies also present some consequences of deviating from those values. Yet, the rest of the human body remains relatively unmapped. In this paper, we present the data found during our research about vision-arm coordination. This data can be used to help build better and more efficient human computer interfaces, especially those that rely on a virtual avatar with a body and have resource restriction like battery or bandwidth. We tested body tracking Sample Rates ranging from 15 Hz up to 120 Hz (corresponding to total latencies ranging from 37 ms to 95.4 ms) and found out no significant user performance differences. We did, however, find that a small percentage of users are, indeed, capable of noticing the changes in Sample Rate. Based on the found results, we advise that, if one is trying to save battery, bandwidth or processor cycles, a low body tracking Sample Rate could be used with no negative effects on user performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preparation of NiO catalyst on FeCrAI substrate using various techniques at higher oxidation process

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    The cheap nickel oxide (NiO) is a potential catalyst candidate to replace the expensive available platinum group metals (PGM). However, the current methods to adhere the NiO powder on the metallic substrates are complicated. Therefore, this work explored the development of nickel oxide using nickel (Ni) on FeCrAl substrate through the combination of nickel electroplating and oxidation process for catalytic converter application. The approach was started with assessment of various nickel electroplating process based on the weight gain during oxidation. Then, the next experiment used the best process in which the pre-treatment using the solution of SiC and/or Al2O3 in methanol. The specimens then were carried out to short term oxidation process using thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) at 1000 o C. Meanwhile, the long term oxidation process was conducted using an automatic furnace at 900, 1000 and 1100 o C. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used for surface analysis in nanometer range scale. Meanwhile, roughness test was used for roughness measurement analysis in micrometer range scale. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) attached with energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) were used for surface and cross section morphology analysis. The specimen of FeCrAl treated using ultrasonic prior to nickel electroplating showed the lowest weight gain during oxidation. The surface area of specimens increased after ultrasonic treatment. The electroplating process improved the high temperature oxidation resistance. In short term oxidation process indicated that the ultrasonic with SiC provided the lower parabolic rate constant (kp) and the Al2O3 and NiO layers were also occurred. The Ni layer was totally disappeared and converted to NiO layer on FeCrAl surface after long term oxidation process. From this work, the ultrasonic treatment prior to nickel electroplating was the best method to adhere NiO on FeCrAl substrate

    The Use of Wearable Inertial Motion Sensors in Human Lower Limb Biomechanics Studies: A Systematic Review

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    Wearable motion sensors consisting of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetic sensors are readily available nowadays. The small size and low production costs of motion sensors make them a very good tool for human motions analysis. However, data processing and accuracy of the collected data are important issues for research purposes. In this paper, we aim to review the literature related to usage of inertial sensors in human lower limb biomechanics studies. A systematic search was done in the following search engines: ISI Web of Knowledge, Medline, SportDiscus and IEEE Xplore. Thirty nine full papers and conference abstracts with related topics were included in this review. The type of sensor involved, data collection methods, study design, validation methods and its applications were reviewed

    Suivi prospectif à une année des prothèses de genou F.I.R.S.T. Evolution avec analyse ambulatoire de la marche

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    Le but de mon travail de master est de présenter les résultats à une année postopératoire d'une étude prospective sur une nouvelle prothèse totale du genou : la F.I.R.S.T. Evolution. Cette prothèse s'intéresse à des patients plus jeunes, avec une importante laxité des ligaments collatéraux. L'étude finale suivra à cinq ans une cohorte de cinquante patients environ. Actuellement, nous suivons 17 patients opérés avec cette prothèse (dont 9 femmes et 8 hommes, 9 genoux droits et 8 genoux gauches) avec un âge moyen de 69,10 ans (de 42 à 83 ans). Pour l'obtention des résultats, les patients ont remplis des questionnaires spécifiques couramment utilisés (Eq5D, WOMAC, KSS, échelle analogique de la douleur EVA/VAS, UCLA activity-rating level), ont bénéficié de contrôles radiologiques réguliers et d'une analyse régulière de la marche, à trois vitesses différentes. Cette analyse est objective et se base sur un système de capteurs miniaturisés. Les résultats cliniques obtenus à une année démontrent une amélioration globale de la fonction du genou et de la qualité de vie perçue par le patient (Eq5D, WOMAC, EVA/VAS, KSS, UCLA). Les données à une année de l'analyse de marche montrent une amélioration significative dans tous les paramètres du cycle de marche et aux différentes vitesses. En comparant nos résultats avec ceux précédemment obtenus, nous pouvons être satisfaits car ils se sont améliorés depuis la dernière échéance à 6 mois. De plus, nos résultats à une année suivent ceux obtenus dans d'autres études utilisant les mêmes questionnaires et une analyse objective de la marche. On s'attend à ce que ces données se stabilisent voire continuent de s'améliorer dans les années à venir

    Knee Joint Movement Monitoring Device based on Optical Fiber Bending Sensor

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    This paper discusses the possible implementation of an optical fiber bending sensor for knee joint monitoring application. The studied technique is based on the use of an intensity modulated optical fiber via angular displacement between two separated fibers, which approach has been implemented previously in spine movement and respiration rate measurement. To estimate the suitability of this technique for knee monitoring application, the maximum range of detection of the sensor is estimated using the output intensity equation for plastic optical fiber. Based on the estimated output intensity graph with respect to bending angle, it is concluded that the aimed technique is not perfectly suitable for the knee monitoring due to limited sensor’s range of motion, which renders a limited the sensor detection range for knee joint movement. In addition to this, several other types of knee joint monitoring devices are also presented and summarized in a table form to highlight the contribution of other devices

    A Preliminary Test of Measurement of Joint Angles and Stride Length with Wireless Inertial Sensors for Wearable Gait Evaluation System

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    The purpose of this study is to develop wearable sensor system for gait evaluation using gyroscopes and accelerometers for application to rehabilitation, healthcare and so on. In this paper, simultaneous measurement of joint angles of lower limbs and stride length was tested with a prototype of wearable sensor system. The system measured the joint angles using the Kalman filter. Signals from the sensor attached on the foot were used in the stride length estimation detecting foot movement automatically. Joint angles of the lower limbs were measured with stable and reasonable accuracy compared to those values measured with optical motion measurement system with healthy subjects. It was expected that the stride length measurement with the wearable sensor system would be practical by realizing more stable measurement accuracy. Sensor attachment position was suggested not to affect significantly measurement of slow and normal speed movements in a test with the rigid body model. Joint angle patterns measured in 10 m walking with a healthy subject were similar to common patterns. High correlation between joint angles at some characteristic points and stride velocity were also found adequately. These results suggested that the wireless wearable inertial sensor system could detect characteristics of gait

    Karaktärisering av hästerns gångarter med accelerometerteknik

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    In today’s horse keeping, there is an increasing awareness of the importance of movement and activity for the horses comfort and tenability, while tradition has it that horses should be kept in boxes and small paddocks. In order to develop housing systems that fulfils and optimizes the horses needs regarding movement and activity, we need to know more about factors that influence the activity patterns of horses. A first step is to be able to record and analyze the gaits in horses with an automated system. This could be done by use of accelerometer data. In this pilot study, existing accelerometer technique was used to characterize the different gaits in horses (walk, trot and canter) by studying how their respective signal patterns differ and how this is influenced by the size of the horse. The accelerometers being used in this study measures the movement in three different spaces; horizontal, lateral and vertical. The collected data have been analyzed by comparing the typical amplitudes (signal strengths) for the different gaits and by studying other qualities in their signal patterns. Stride frequency, corrected values of maximum and minimum and the way that forces in different planes variate, show clear differences between walk, trot and canter and should be good starting-points to proceed the work with automatic detection of gaits in horses, using accelerometerdata

    Detection of Activities by Wireless Sensors for Daily Life Surveillance: Eating and Drinking

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    This paper introduces a two-stage approach to the detection of people eating and/or drinking for the purposes of surveillance of daily life. With the sole use of wearable accelerometer sensor attached to somebody’s (man or a woman) wrists, this two-stage approach consists of feature extraction followed by classification. At the first stage, based on the limb’s three dimensional kinematics movement model and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), the realtime arm movement features described by Euler angles are extracted from the raw accelerometer measurement data. In the latter stage, the Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) network is adopted to classify the extracted features of the eating/drinking activities based on the space and time varying property of the features, by making use of the powerful modelling capability of HTM network on dynamic signals which is varying with both space and time. The proposed approach is tested through the real eating and drinking activities using the three dimensional accelerometers. Experimental results show that the EKF and HTM based two-stage approach can perform the activity detection successfully with very high accuracy