1,854 research outputs found

    A new eliminating EOG artifacts technique using combined decomposition methods with CCA and H.P.F. techniques

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    Normally, the collected EEG signals from the human scalp cortex by using the non-invasive EEG collection methods were contaminated with artifacts, like an eye electrical activity, leading to increases in the challenges in analyzing the electroencephalogram for obtaining useful clinical information. In this paper, we do a comparison of using two decomposing methods (DWT and EMD) with CCA technique or High Pass Filter, for the elimination of eye artifacts from EEG. The eye artifacts (EOG) signals were extracted from the un-cleaned or raw EEG signals by DWT and EMD with CCA approach or H.P.F. The root means square error ratio of the uncontaminated EEG signal to the contaminated EEG signal with eye artifacts were the performance indicators for both elimination methods, which indicate that the combined CCA method outperforms the combined H.P.F method in the elimination of eye blinking contamination artifact from the EEG signal

    Single Trial Classification of Motor Imagination Using 6 Dry EEG Electrodes

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    BACKGROUND: Brain computer interfaces (BCI) based on electro-encephalography (EEG) have been shown to detect mental states accurately and non-invasively, but the equipment required so far is cumbersome and the resulting signal is difficult to analyze. BCI requires accurate classification of small amplitude brain signal components in single trials from recordings which can be compromised by currents induced by muscle activity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A novel EEG cap based on dry electrodes was developed which does not need time-consuming gel application and uses far fewer electrodes than on a standard EEG cap set-up. After optimizing the placement of the 6 dry electrodes through off-line analysis of standard cap experiments, dry cap performance was tested in the context of a well established BCI cursor control paradigm in 5 healthy subjects using analysis methods which do not necessitate user training. The resulting information transfer rate was on average about 30% slower than the standard cap. The potential contribution of involuntary muscle activity artifact to the BCI control signal was found to be inconsequential, while the detected signal was consistent with brain activity originating near the motor cortex. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study shows that a surprisingly simple and convenient method of brain activity imaging is possible, and that simple and robust analysis techniques exist which discriminate among mental states in single trials. Within 15 minutes the dry BCI device is set-up, calibrated and ready to use. Peak performance matched reported EEG BCI state of the art in one subject. The results promise a practical non-invasive BCI solution for severely paralyzed patients, without the bottleneck of setup effort and limited recording duration that hampers current EEG recording technique. The presented recording method itself, BCI not considered, could significantly widen the use of EEG for emerging applications requiring long-term brain activity and mental state monitoring

    Effect of visual feedback on the occipital-parietal-motor network in Parkinson's disease with freezing of gait.

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    Freezing of gait (FOG) is an elusive phenomenon that debilitates a large number of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients regardless of stage of disease, medication status, or deep brain stimulation implantation. Sensory feedback cues, especially visual feedback cues, have been shown to alleviate FOG episodes or even prevent episodes from occurring. Here, we examine cortical information flow between occipital, parietal, and motor areas during the pre-movement stage of gait in a PD-with-FOG patient that had a strong positive behavioral response to visual cues, one PD-with-FOG patient without any behavioral response to visual cues, and age-matched healthy controls, before and after training with visual feedback. Results for this case study show differences in cortical information flow between the responding PD-with-FOG patient and the other two subject types, notably, an increased information flow in the beta range. Tentatively suggesting the formation of an alternative cortical sensory-motor pathway during training with visual feedback, these results are proposed as subject for further verification employing larger cohorts of patients

    Enhanced EEG classification using adaptive DWT and heuristic-ICA algorithm

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) signals contain important information about the inner functioning of the brain. Effective extraction of this information will help in the detection of brain-related health conditions and emotions of a person or it can also be used as a communication medium between humans and machines. In our proposed system, we introduced Adaptive DWT by combining the temporal resolution capability of DWT, with the special capability of Fourier transform to remove the artefacts in the signal. This is achieved by using an adaptive thresholding function rather than hard or soft thresholding to improve the quality parameters of the signal. The proposed filtering model has improved the Signal to Noise ratio when compared to traditional filtering techniques. EEG features are extracted with the help of Heuristic-Independent Component Analysis (ICA) by applying covariance to equalize or improve the data. The main drawback with the existing CNN algorithm is gradient vanishing during training, this reduces the overall performance of the algorithm during classification. Therefore, using the memory function to store the previous value of iteration improves the classification accuracy and reduces the gradient vanishing problem. The proposed technique is found to have better accuracy of about 98% in classifying autism and epilepsy datasets


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    Abstract The creation of a reliable artifact removal and precise epileptic seizure identification system using Seina Scalp EEG data and cutting-edge machine learning techniques is presented in this paper. Random Forest classifier used for seizure classification, and independent component analysis (ICA) is used for artifact removal. Various artifacts, such as eye blinks, muscular activity, and environmental noise, are successfully recognized and removed from the EEG signals using ICA-based artifact removal, increasing the accuracy of the analysis that comes after. A precise distinction between seizure and non-seizure segments is made possible by the Random Forest Classifier, which was created expressly to capture the spatial and temporal patterns associated with epileptic seizures. Experimental evaluation of the Seina Scalp EEG Data demonstrates the excellent accuracy of our approach, achieving a 96% seizure identification rate A potential strategy for improving the accuracy and clinical utility of EEG-based epilepsy diagnosis is the merging of modern signal processing methods and deep learning algorithms

    Analysis of Small Muscle Movement Effects on EEG Signals

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    In this thesis, the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements were investigated. Upper frequency bands (30 Hz) of the EEG signal were extracted in order to investigate the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements. When the contamination level is high, the detection of the small muscle artifact can be made with the 92.2% accuracy. If these artifacts are really small such as a single finger movement, the detection accuracy decreases to 64%. But, the detection accuracy increases to 72% after removing the eye blink artifacts. The results of the classification support our hypothesis about the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements

    A systematic review on artifact removal and classification techniques for enhanced MEG-based BCI systems

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    Neurological disease victims may be completely paralyzed and unable to move, but they may still be able to think. Their brain activity is the only means by which they can interact with their environment. Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research attempts to create tools that support subjects with disabilities. Furthermore, BCI research has expanded rapidly over the past few decades as a result of the interest in creating a new kind of human-to-machine communication. As magnetoencephalography (MEG) has superior spatial and temporal resolution than other approaches, it is being utilized to measure brain activity non-invasively. The recorded signal includes signals related to brain activity as well as noise and artifacts from numerous sources. MEG can have a low signal-to-noise ratio because the magnetic fields generated by cortical activity are small compared to other artifacts and noise. By using the right techniques for noise and artifact detection and removal, the signal-to-noise ratio can be increased. This article analyses various methods for removing artifacts as well as classification strategies. Additionally, this offers a study of the influence of Deep Learning models on the BCI system. Furthermore, the various challenges in collecting and analyzing MEG signals as well as possible study fields in MEG-based BCI are examined
