33 research outputs found

    Evolving fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy approaches in clustering, regression, identification, and classification: A Survey

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    Major assumptions in computational intelligence and machine learning consist of the availability of a historical dataset for model development, and that the resulting model will, to some extent, handle similar instances during its online operation. However, in many real world applications, these assumptions may not hold as the amount of previously available data may be insufficient to represent the underlying system, and the environment and the system may change over time. As the amount of data increases, it is no longer feasible to process data efficiently using iterative algorithms, which typically require multiple passes over the same portions of data. Evolving modeling from data streams has emerged as a framework to address these issues properly by self-adaptation, single-pass learning steps and evolution as well as contraction of model components on demand and on the fly. This survey focuses on evolving fuzzy rule-based models and neuro-fuzzy networks for clustering, classification and regression and system identification in online, real-time environments where learning and model development should be performed incrementally. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc.Igor Škrjanc, Jose Antonio Iglesias and Araceli Sanchis would like to thank to the Chair of Excellence of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and the Bank of Santander Program for their support. Igor Škrjanc is grateful to Slovenian Research Agency with the research program P2-0219, Modeling, simulation and control. Daniel Leite acknowledges the Minas Gerais Foundation for Research and Development (FAPEMIG), process APQ-03384-18. Igor Škrjanc and Edwin Lughofer acknowledges the support by the ”LCM — K2 Center for Symbiotic Mechatronics” within the framework of the Austrian COMET-K2 program. Fernando Gomide is grateful to the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for grant 305906/2014-3

    EGFC: Evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classifier from Never-Ending Semi-Supervised Data Streams -- With Application to Power Quality Disturbance Detection and Classification

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    Power-quality disturbances lead to several drawbacks such as limitation of the production capacity, increased line and equipment currents, and consequent ohmic losses; higher operating temperatures, premature faults, reduction of life expectancy of machines, malfunction of equipment, and unplanned outages. Real-time detection and classification of disturbances are deemed essential to industry standards. We propose an Evolving Gaussian Fuzzy Classification (EGFC) framework for semi-supervised disturbance detection and classification combined with a hybrid Hodrick-Prescott and Discrete-Fourier-Transform attribute-extraction method applied over a landmark window of voltage waveforms. Disturbances such as spikes, notching, harmonics, and oscillatory transient are considered. Different from other monitoring systems, which require offline training of models based on a limited amount of data and occurrences, the proposed online data-stream-based EGFC method is able to learn disturbance patterns autonomously from never-ending data streams by adapting the parameters and structure of a fuzzy rule base on the fly. Moreover, the fuzzy model obtained is linguistically interpretable, which improves model acceptability. We show encouraging classification results.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2020

    Building environmentally-aware classifiers on streaming data

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    The three biggest challenges currently faced in machine learning, in our estimation, are the staggering quantity of data we wish to analyze, the incredibly small proportion of these data that are labeled, and the apparent lack of interest in creating algorithms that continually learn during inference. An unsupervised streaming approach addresses all three of these challenges, storing only a finite amount of information to model an unbounded dataset and adapting to new structures as they arise. Specifically, we are motivated by automated target recognition (ATR) in synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery, the problem of finding explosive hazards on the sea oor. It has been shown that the performance of ATR can be improved by, instead of using a single classifier for the entire ATR task, creating several specialized classifers and fusing their predictions [44]. The prevailing opinion seems be that one should have different classifiers for varying complexity of sea oor [74], but we hypothesize that fusing classifiers based on sea bottom type will yield higher accuracy and better lend itself to making explainable classification decisions. The first step of building such a system is developing a robust framework for online texture classification, the topic of this research. xi In this work, we improve upon StreamSoNG [85], an existing algorithm for streaming data analysis (SDA) that models each structure in the data with a neural gas [69] and detects new structures by clustering an outlier list with the possibilistic 1-means [62] (P1M) algorithm. We call the modified algorithm StreamSoNGv2, denoting that it is the second version, or verse, if you will, of StreamSoNG. Notable improvements include detection of arbitrarily-shaped clusters by using DBSCAN [37] instead of P1M, using growing neural gas [43] to model each structure with an adaptive number of prototypes, and an automated approach to estimate the n parameters. Furthermore, we propose a novel algorithm called single-pass possibilistic clustering (SPC) for solving the same task. SPC maintains a fixed number of structures to model the data stream. These structures can be updated and merged based only on their "footprints", that is, summary statistics that contain all of the information from the stream needed by the algorithm without directly maintaining the entire stream. SPC is built on a damped window framework, allowing the user to balance the weight between old and new points in the stream with a decay factor parameter. We evaluate the two algorithms under consideration against four state of the art SDA algorithms from the literature on several synthetic datasets and two texture datasets: one real (KTH-TIPS2b [68]) and xii one simulated. The simulated dataset, a significant research effort in itself, is of our own construction in Unreal Engine and contains on the order of 6,000 images at 720 x 720 resolution from six different texture types. Our hope is that the methodology developed here will be effective texture classifiers for use not only in underwater scene understanding, but also in improving performance of ATR algorithms by providing a context in which the potential target is embedded.Includes bibliographical references

    Early detection of health changes in the elderly using in-home multi-sensor data streams

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    The rapid aging of the population worldwide requires increased attention from health care providers and the entire society. For the elderly to live independently, many health issues related to old age, such as frailty and risk of falling, need increased attention and monitoring. When monitoring daily routines for older adults, it is desirable to detect the early signs of health changes before serious health events, such as hospitalizations, happen, so that timely and adequate preventive care may be provided. By deploying multi-sensor systems in homes of the elderly, we can track trajectories of daily behaviors in a feature space defined using the sensor data. In this work, we investigate a methodology for learning data distribution from streaming data and tracking the evolution of the behavior trajectories over long periods (years) using high dimensional streaming clustering and provide very early indicators of changes in health. If we assume that habitual behaviors correspond to clusters in feature space and diseases produce a change in behavior, albeit not highly specific, tracking trajectory deviations can provide hints of early illness. Retrospectively, we visualize the streaming clustering results and track how the behavior clusters evolve in feature space with the help of two dimension-reduction algorithms, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE). Moreover, our tracking algorithm in the original high dimensional feature space generates early health warning alerts if a negative trend is detected in the behavior trajectory. We validated our algorithm on synthetic data, real-world data and tested it on a pilot dataset of four TigerPlace residents monitored with a collection of motion, bed, and depth sensors over ten years. We used the TigerPlace electronic health records (EHR) to understand the residents' behavior patterns and to evaluate and explain the health warnings generated by our algorithm. The results obtained on the TigerPlace dataset show that most of the warnings produced by our algorithm can be linked to health events documented in the EHR, providing strong support for a prospective deployment of the approach.Includes bibliographical references

    Dynamic segmentation techniques applied to load profiles of electric energy consumption from domestic users

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    [EN] The electricity sector is currently undergoing a process of liberalization and separation of roles, which is being implemented under the regulatory auspices of each Member State of the European Union and, therefore, with different speeds, perspectives and objectives that must converge on a common horizon, where Europe will benefit from an interconnected energy market in which producers and consumers can participate in free competition. This process of liberalization and separation of roles involves two consequences or, viewed another way, entails a major consequence from which other immediate consequence, as a necessity, is derived. The main consequence is the increased complexity in the management and supervision of a system, the electrical, increasingly interconnected and participatory, with connection of distributed energy sources, much of them from renewable sources, at different voltage levels and with different generation capacity at any point in the network. From this situation the other consequence is derived, which is the need to communicate information between agents, reliably, safely and quickly, and that this information is analyzed in the most effective way possible, to form part of the processes of decision taking that improve the observability and controllability of a system which is increasing in complexity and number of agents involved. With the evolution of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and the investments both in improving existing measurement and communications infrastructure, and taking the measurement and actuation capacity to a greater number of points in medium and low voltage networks, the availability of data that informs of the state of the network is increasingly higher and more complete. All these systems are part of the so-called Smart Grids, or intelligent networks of the future, a future which is not so far. One such source of information comes from the energy consumption of customers, measured on a regular basis (every hour, half hour or quarter-hour) and sent to the Distribution System Operators from the Smart Meters making use of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). This way, there is an increasingly amount of information on the energy consumption of customers, being stored in Big Data systems. This growing source of information demands specialized techniques which can take benefit from it, extracting a useful and summarized knowledge from it. This thesis deals with the use of this information of energy consumption from Smart Meters, in particular on the application of data mining techniques to obtain temporal patterns that characterize the users of electrical energy, grouping them according to these patterns in a small number of groups or clusters, that allow evaluating how users consume energy, both during the day and during a sequence of days, allowing to assess trends and predict future scenarios. For this, the current techniques are studied and, proving that the current works do not cover this objective, clustering or dynamic segmentation techniques applied to load profiles of electric energy consumption from domestic users are developed. These techniques are tested and validated on a database of hourly energy consumption values for a sample of residential customers in Spain during years 2008 and 2009. The results allow to observe both the characterization in consumption patterns of the different types of residential energy consumers, and their evolution over time, and to assess, for example, how the regulatory changes that occurred in Spain in the electricity sector during those years influenced in the temporal patterns of energy consumption.[ES] El sector eléctrico se halla actualmente sometido a un proceso de liberalización y separación de roles, que está siendo aplicado bajo los auspicios regulatorios de cada Estado Miembro de la Unión Europea y, por tanto, con distintas velocidades, perspectivas y objetivos que deben confluir en un horizonte común, en donde Europa se beneficiará de un mercado energético interconectado, en el cual productores y consumidores podrán participar en libre competencia. Este proceso de liberalización y separación de roles conlleva dos consecuencias o, visto de otra manera, conlleva una consecuencia principal de la cual se deriva, como necesidad, otra consecuencia inmediata. La consecuencia principal es el aumento de la complejidad en la gestión y supervisión de un sistema, el eléctrico, cada vez más interconectado y participativo, con conexión de fuentes distribuidas de energía, muchas de ellas de origen renovable, a distintos niveles de tensión y con distinta capacidad de generación, en cualquier punto de la red. De esta situación se deriva la otra consecuencia, que es la necesidad de comunicar información entre los distintos agentes, de forma fiable, segura y rápida, y que esta información sea analizada de la forma más eficaz posible, para que forme parte de los procesos de toma de decisiones que mejoran la observabilidad y controlabilidad de un sistema cada vez más complejo y con más agentes involucrados. Con el avance de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones (TIC), y las inversiones tanto en mejora de la infraestructura existente de medida y comunicaciones, como en llevar la obtención de medidas y la capacidad de actuación a un mayor número de puntos en redes de media y baja tensión, la disponibilidad de datos sobre el estado de la red es cada vez mayor y más completa. Todos estos sistemas forman parte de las llamadas Smart Grids, o redes inteligentes del futuro, un futuro ya no tan lejano. Una de estas fuentes de información proviene de los consumos energéticos de los clientes, medidos de forma periódica (cada hora, media hora o cuarto de hora) y enviados hacia las Distribuidoras desde los contadores inteligentes o Smart Meters, mediante infraestructura avanzada de medida o Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). De esta forma, cada vez se tiene una mayor cantidad de información sobre los consumos energéticos de los clientes, almacenada en sistemas de Big Data. Esta cada vez mayor fuente de información demanda técnicas especializadas que sepan aprovecharla, extrayendo un conocimiento útil y resumido de la misma. La presente Tesis doctoral versa sobre el uso de esta información de consumos energéticos de los contadores inteligentes, en concreto sobre la aplicación de técnicas de minería de datos (data mining) para obtener patrones temporales que caractericen a los usuarios de energía eléctrica, agrupándolos según estos mismos patrones en un número reducido de grupos o clusters, que permiten evaluar la forma en que los usuarios consumen la energía, tanto a lo largo del día como durante una secuencia de días, permitiendo evaluar tendencias y predecir escenarios futuros. Para ello se estudian las técnicas actuales y, comprobando que los trabajos actuales no cubren este objetivo, se desarrollan técnicas de clustering o segmentación dinámica aplicadas a curvas de carga de consumo eléctrico diario de clientes domésticos. Estas técnicas se prueban y validan sobre una base de datos de consumos energéticos horarios de una muestra de clientes residenciales en España durante los años 2008 y 2009. Los resultados permiten observar tanto la caracterización en consumos de los distintos tipos de consumidores energéticos residenciales, como su evolución en el tiempo, y permiten evaluar, por ejemplo, cómo influenciaron en los patrones temporales de consumos los cambios regulatorios que se produjeron en España en el sector eléctrico durante esos años.[CA] El sector elèctric es troba actualment sotmès a un procés de liberalització i separació de rols, que s'està aplicant davall els auspicis reguladors de cada estat membre de la Unió Europea i, per tant, amb distintes velocitats, perspectives i objectius que han de confluir en un horitzó comú, on Europa es beneficiarà d'un mercat energètic interconnectat, en el qual productors i consumidors podran participar en lliure competència. Aquest procés de liberalització i separació de rols comporta dues conseqüències o, vist d'una altra manera, comporta una conseqüència principal de la qual es deriva, com a necessitat, una altra conseqüència immediata. La conseqüència principal és l'augment de la complexitat en la gestió i supervisió d'un sistema, l'elèctric, cada vegada més interconnectat i participatiu, amb connexió de fonts distribuïdes d'energia, moltes d'aquestes d'origen renovable, a distints nivells de tensió i amb distinta capacitat de generació, en qualsevol punt de la xarxa. D'aquesta situació es deriva l'altra conseqüència, que és la necessitat de comunicar informació entre els distints agents, de forma fiable, segura i ràpida, i que aquesta informació siga analitzada de la manera més eficaç possible, perquè forme part dels processos de presa de decisions que milloren l'observabilitat i controlabilitat d'un sistema cada vegada més complex i amb més agents involucrats. Amb l'avanç de les tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions (TIC), i les inversions, tant en la millora de la infraestructura existent de mesura i comunicacions, com en el trasllat de l'obtenció de mesures i capacitat d'actuació a un nombre més gran de punts en xarxes de mitjana i baixa tensió, la disponibilitat de dades sobre l'estat de la xarxa és cada vegada major i més completa. Tots aquests sistemes formen part de les denominades Smart Grids o xarxes intel·ligents del futur, un futur ja no tan llunyà. Una d'aquestes fonts d'informació prové dels consums energètics dels clients, mesurats de forma periòdica (cada hora, mitja hora o quart d'hora) i enviats cap a les distribuïdores des dels comptadors intel·ligents o Smart Meters, per mitjà d'infraestructura avançada de mesura o Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). D'aquesta manera, cada vegada es té una major quantitat d'informació sobre els consums energètics dels clients, emmagatzemada en sistemes de Big Data. Aquesta cada vegada major font d'informació demanda tècniques especialitzades que sàpiguen aprofitar-la, extraient-ne un coneixement útil i resumit. La present tesi doctoral versa sobre l'ús d'aquesta informació de consums energètics dels comptadors intel·ligents, en concret sobre l'aplicació de tècniques de mineria de dades (data mining) per a obtenir patrons temporals que caracteritzen els usuaris d'energia elèctrica, agrupant-los segons aquests mateixos patrons en una quantitat reduïda de grups o clusters, que permeten avaluar la forma en què els usuaris consumeixen l'energia, tant al llarg del dia com durant una seqüència de dies, i que permetent avaluar tendències i predir escenaris futurs. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'estudien les tècniques actuals i, en comprovar que els treballs actuals no cobreixen aquest objectiu, es desenvolupen tècniques de clustering o segmentació dinàmica aplicades a corbes de càrrega de consum elèctric diari de clients domèstics. Aquestes tècniques es proven i validen sobre una base de dades de consums energètics horaris d'una mostra de clients residencials a Espanya durant els anys 2008 i 2009. Els resultats permeten observar tant la caracterització en consums dels distints tipus de consumidors energètics residencials, com la seua evolució en el temps, i permeten avaluar, per exemple, com van influenciar en els patrons temporals de consums els canvis reguladors que es van produir a Espanya en el sector elèctric durant aquests anys.Benítez Sánchez, IJ. (2015). Dynamic segmentation techniques applied to load profiles of electric energy consumption from domestic users [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59236TESI

    Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization for Prototype-Based Fuzzy Classifiers

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    Evolving intelligent systems (EISs), particularly, the zero-order ones have demonstrated strong performance on many real-world problems concerning data stream classification, while offering high model transparency and interpretability thanks to their prototype-based nature. Zero-order EISs typically learn prototypes by clustering streaming data online in a “one pass” manner for greater computation efficiency. However, such identified prototypes often lack optimality, resulting in less precise classification boundaries, thereby hindering the potential classification performance of the systems. To address this issue, a commonly adopted strategy is to minimise the training error of the models on historical training data or alternatively, to iteratively minimise the intra-cluster variance of the clusters obtained via online data partitioning. This recognises the fact that the ultimate classification performance of zero-order EISs is driven by the positions of prototypes in the data space. Yet, simply minimising the training error may potentially lead to overfitting, whilst minimising the intra-cluster variance does not necessarily ensure the optimised prototype-based models to attain improved classification outcomes. To achieve better classification performance whilst avoiding overfitting for zero-order EISs, this paper presents a novel multi-objective optimisation approach, enabling EISs to obtain optimal prototypes via involving these two disparate but complementary strategies simultaneously. Five decision-making schemes are introduced for selecting a suitable solution to deploy from the final non-dominated set of the resulting optimised models. Systematic experimental studies are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimisation approach in improving the classification performance of zero-order EISs

    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation for Prototype-Based Fuzzy Classifiers

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    Evolving intelligent systems (EISs), particularly, the zero-order ones have demonstrated strong performance on many real-world problems concerning data stream classification, while offering high model transparency and interpretability thanks to their prototype-based nature. Zero-order EISs typically learn prototypes by clustering streaming data online in a “one pass” manner for greater computation efficiency. However, such identified prototypes often lack optimality, resulting in less precise classification boundaries, thereby hindering the potential classification performance of the systems. To address this issue, a commonly adopted strategy is to minimise the training error of the models on historical training data or alternatively, to iteratively minimise the intra-cluster variance of the clusters obtained via online data partitioning. This recognises the fact that the ultimate classification performance of zero-order EISs is driven by the positions of prototypes in the data space. Yet, simply minimising the training error may potentially lead to overfitting, whilst minimising the intra-cluster variance does not necessarily ensure the optimised prototype-based models to attain improved classification outcomes. To achieve better classification performance whilst avoiding overfitting for zero-order EISs, this paper presents a novel multi-objective optimisation approach, enabling EISs to obtain optimal prototypes via involving these two disparate but complementary strategies simultaneously. Five decision-making schemes are introduced for selecting a suitable solution to deploy from the final non-dominated set of the resulting optimised models. Systematic experimental studies are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimisation approach in improving the classification performance of zero-order EISs

    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimisation for Prototype-Based Fuzzy Classifiers

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    Evolving intelligent systems (EISs), particularly, the zero-order ones have demonstrated strong performance on many real-world problems concerning data stream classification, while offering high model transparency and interpretability thanks to their prototype-based nature. Zero-order EISs typically learn prototypes by clustering streaming data online in a “one pass” manner for greater computation efficiency. However, such identified prototypes often lack optimality, resulting in less precise classification boundaries, thereby hindering the potential classification performance of the systems. To address this issue, a commonly adopted strategy is to minimise the training error of the models on historical training data or alternatively, to iteratively minimise the intra-cluster variance of the clusters obtained via online data partitioning. This recognises the fact that the ultimate classification performance of zero-order EISs is driven by the positions of prototypes in the data space. Yet, simply minimising the training error may potentially lead to overfitting, whilst minimising the intra-cluster variance does not necessarily ensure the optimised prototype-based models to attain improved classification outcomes. To achieve better classification performance whilst avoiding overfitting for zero-order EISs, this paper presents a novel multi-objective optimisation approach, enabling EISs to obtain optimal prototypes via involving these two disparate but complementary strategies simultaneously. Five decision-making schemes are introduced for selecting a suitable solution to deploy from the final non-dominated set of the resulting optimised models. Systematic experimental studies are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optimisation approach in improving the classification performance of zero-order EISs

    Fraud detection in the banking sector : a multi-agent approach

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    Fraud is an increasing phenomenon as shown in many surveys carried out by leading international consulting companies in the last years. Despite the evolution of electronic payments and hacking techniques there is still a strong human component in fraud schemes. Conflict of interest in particular is the main contributing factor to the success of internal fraud. In such cases anomaly detection tools are not always the best instruments, since the fraud schemes are based on faking documents in a context dominated by lack of controls, and the perpetrators are those ones who should control possible irregularities. In the banking sector audit team experts can count only on their experience, whistle blowing and the reports sent by their inspectors. The Fraud Interactive Decision Expert System (FIDES), which is the core of this research, is a multi-agent system built to support auditors in evaluating suspicious behaviours and to speed up the evaluation process in order to detect or prevent fraud schemes. The system combines Think-map, Delphi method and Attack trees and it has been built around audit team experts and their needs. The output of FIDES is an attack tree, a tree-based diagram to ”systematically categorize the different ways in which a system can be attacked”. Once the attack tree is built, auditors can choose the path they perceive as more suitable and decide whether or not to start the investigation. The system is meant for use in the future to retrieve old cases in order to match them with new ones and find similarities. The retrieving features of the system will be useful to simplify the risk management phase, since similar countermeasures adopted for past cases might be useful for present ones. Even though FIDES has been built with the banking sector in mind, it can be applied in all those organisations, like insurance companies or public organizations, where anti-fraud activity is based on a central anti-fraud unit and a reporting system