43,196 research outputs found

    Computing (R, S) policies with correlated demand

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    This paper considers the single-item single-stocking non-stationary stochastic lot-sizing problem under correlated demand. By operating under a nonstationary (R, S) policy, in which R denote the reorder period and S the associated order-up-to-level, we introduce a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model which can be easily implemented by using off-theshelf optimisation software. Our modelling strategy can tackle a wide range of time-seriesbased demand processes, such as autoregressive (AR), moving average(MA), autoregressive moving average(ARMA), and autoregressive with autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity process(AR-ARCH). In an extensive computational study, we compare the performance of our model against the optimal policy obtained via stochastic dynamic programming. Our results demonstrate that the optimality gap of our approach averages 2.28% and that computational performance is good

    Joint lot sizing and scheduling of a multi-product multi-period supply chain

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    The joint lot sizing and scheduling problem can be considered as an evolvement of the joint economic lot size problem which has drawn researchers’ interests for decades. The objective of this paper is to find the effect of a capacitated multi-period supply chain design parameters on joint lot sizing and scheduling decisions for different holding and penalty costs. The supply chain deals with two raw materials suppliers. The production facility produces two products which are shipped to customers through distribution centers. A mathematical model is developed to determine optimum quantities of purchased raw materials, production schedule (MPS), delivered quantities and raw material and products inventory for predetermined number of periods. The model is solved to maximize total supply chain profits. Results showed that at high capacity and low holding cost, the supply chain tends to produce only one product each period, for limited capacity and high value of holding cost, the supply chain may produce the two products together each period

    Modeling Industrial Lot Sizing Problems: A Review

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    In this paper we give an overview of recent developments in the field of modeling single-level dynamic lot sizing problems. The focus of this paper is on the modeling various industrial extensions and not on the solution approaches. The timeliness of such a review stems from the growing industry need to solve more realistic and comprehensive production planning problems. First, several different basic lot sizing problems are defined. Many extensions of these problems have been proposed and the research basically expands in two opposite directions. The first line of research focuses on modeling the operational aspects in more detail. The discussion is organized around five aspects: the set ups, the characteristics of the production process, the inventory, demand side and rolling horizon. The second direction is towards more tactical and strategic models in which the lot sizing problem is a core substructure, such as integrated production-distribution planning or supplier selection. Recent advances in both directions are discussed. Finally, we give some concluding remarks and point out interesting areas for future research

    Demand Prediction and Inventory Management of Surgical Supplies

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    Effective supply chain management is critical to operations in various industries, including healthcare. Demand prediction and inventory management are essential parts of healthcare supply chain management for ensuring optimal patient outcomes, controlling costs, and minimizing waste. The advances in data analytics and technology have enabled many sophisticated approaches to demand forecasting and inventory control. This study aims to leverage these advancements to accurately predict demand and manage the inventory of surgical supplies to reduce costs and provide better services to patients. In order to achieve this objective, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is developed to predict the demand for commonly used surgical supplies. Moreover, the volume of scheduled surgeries influences the demand for certain surgical supplies. Hence, another LSTM model is adopted from the literature to forecast surgical case volumes and predict the procedure-specific surgical supplies. A few new features are incorporated into the adopted model to account for the variations in the surgical case volumes caused by COVID-19 in 2020. This study then develops a multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing replenishment model using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). However, forecasting is always considered inaccurate, and demand is hardly deterministic in the real world. Therefore, a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming (TSSP) model is developed to address these issues. Experimental results demonstrate that the TSSP model provides an additional benefit of $2,328.304 over the MIP model

    Demand Prediction and Inventory Management of Surgical Supplies

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    Effective supply chain management is critical to operations in various industries, including healthcare. Demand prediction and inventory management are essential parts of healthcare supply chain management for ensuring optimal patient outcomes, controlling costs, and minimizing waste. The advances in data analytics and technology have enabled many sophisticated approaches to demand forecasting and inventory control. This study aims to leverage these advancements to accurately predict demand and manage the inventory of surgical supplies to reduce costs and provide better services to patients. In order to achieve this objective, a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model is developed to predict the demand for commonly used surgical supplies. Moreover, the volume of scheduled surgeries influences the demand for certain surgical supplies. Hence, another LSTM model is adopted from the literature to forecast surgical case volumes and predict the procedure-specific surgical supplies. A few new features are incorporated into the adopted model to account for the variations in the surgical case volumes caused by COVID-19 in 2020. This study then develops a multi-item capacitated dynamic lot-sizing replenishment model using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP). However, forecasting is always considered inaccurate, and demand is hardly deterministic in the real world. Therefore, a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming (TSSP) model is developed to address these issues. Experimental results demonstrate that the TSSP model provides an additional benefit of $2,328.304 over the MIP model

    Stochastic Optimization Models for Perishable Products

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    For many years, researchers have focused on developing optimization models to design and manage supply chains. These models have helped companies in different industries to minimize costs, maximize performance while balancing their social and environmental impacts. There is an increasing interest in developing models which optimize supply chain decisions of perishable products. This is mainly because many of the products we use today are perishable, managing their inventory is challenging due to their short shelf life, and out-dated products become waste. Therefore, these supply chain decisions impact profitability and sustainability of companies and the quality of the environment. Perishable products wastage is inevitable when demand is not known beforehand. A number of models in the literature use simulation and probabilistic models to capture supply chain uncertainties. However, when demand distribution cannot be described using standard distributions, probabilistic models are not effective. In this case, using stochastic optimization methods is preferred over obtaining approximate inventory management policies through simulation. This dissertation proposes models to help businesses and non-prot organizations make inventory replenishment, pricing and transportation decisions that improve the performance of their system. These models focus on perishable products which either deteriorate over time or have a fixed shelf life. The demand and/or supply for these products and/or, the remaining shelf life are stochastic. Stochastic optimization models, including a two-stage stochastic mixed integer linear program, a two-stage stochastic mixed integer non linear program, and a chance constraint program are proposed to capture uncertainties. The objective is to minimize the total replenishment costs which impact prots and service rate. These models are motivated by applications in the vaccine distribution supply chain, and other supply chains used to distribute perishable products. This dissertation also focuses on developing solution algorithms to solve the proposed optimization models. The computational complexity of these models motivated the development of extensions to standard models used to solve stochastic optimization problems. These algorithms use sample average approximation (SAA) to represent uncertainty. The algorithms proposed are extensions of the stochastic Benders decomposition algorithm, the L-shaped method (LS). These extensions use Gomory mixed integer cuts, mixed-integer rounding cuts, and piecewise linear relaxation of bilinear terms. These extensions lead to the development of linear approximations of the models developed. Computational results reveal that the solution approach presented here outperforms the standard LS method. Finally, this dissertation develops case studies using real-life data from the Demographic Health Surveys in Niger and Bangladesh to build predictive models to meet requirements for various childhood immunization vaccines. The results of this study provide support tools for policymakers to design vaccine distribution networks

    Development of an optimization model to determine sampling levels

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    As the complexity of multi-component products increases the quality of these products becomes increasingly difficult to control. The first step to manufacturing a quality product is making sure that the components of the product meet specifications. Product quality can be controlled through sampling inspection of the components. Two models were developed in this research to determine the optimal sampling levels for incoming lots containing parts for production and assembly of multi-component systems. The main objective of the first model is to minimize the expected cost that is associated with a nonconforming item reaching assembly. In this model the time available for inspection is limited. The main objective in the second model is to minimize total cost, which includes the appraisal cost (inspection cost) and the cost associated with nonconformance reaching assembly. In this model the time available is not a constraint. The distribution of defects is assumed to follow the binomial distribution, and the distribution of accepting the lot with defects follows the hypergeometric distribution. In addition, the inspection is considered to be accurate and, if a nonconforming item is found in the inspected sample, the entire lot is rejected. An example is given with real world data and the results are discussed --Abstract, page iv

    Market-Based Task Allocation Mechanisms for Limited Capacity Suppliers

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    This paper reports on the design and comparison of two economically-inspired mechanisms for task allocation in environments where sellers have finite production capacities and a cost structure composed of a fixed overhead cost and a constant marginal cost. Such mechanisms are required when a system consists of multiple self-interested stakeholders that each possess private information that is relevant to solving a system-wide problem. Against this background, we first develop a computationally tractable centralised mechanism that finds the set of producers that have the lowest total cost in providing a certain demand (i.e. it is efficient). We achieve this by extending the standard Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism to allow for multi-attribute bids and by introducing a novel penalty scheme such that producers are incentivised to truthfully report their capacities and their costs. Furthermore our extended mechanism is able to handle sellers' uncertainty about their production capacity and ensures that individual agents find it profitable to participate in the mechanism. However, since this first mechanism is centralised, we also develop a complementary decentralised mechanism based around the continuous double auction. Again because of the characteristics of our domain, we need to extend the standard form of this protocol by introducing a novel clearing rule based around an order book. With this modified protocol, we empirically demonstrate (with simple trading strategies) that the mechanism achieves high efficiency. In particular, despite this simplicity, the traders can still derive a profit from the market which makes our mechanism attractive since these results are a likely lower bound on their expected returns

    Stochastic multi-period multi-product multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning model in multi-echelon supply chain

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    In this paper a multi-period multi-product multi-objective aggregate production planning (APP) model is proposed for an uncertain multi-echelon supply chain considering financial risk, customer satisfaction, and human resource training. Three conflictive objective functions and several sets of real constraints are considered concurrently in the proposed APP model. Some parameters of the proposed model are assumed to be uncertain and handled through a two-stage stochastic programming (TSSP) approach. The proposed TSSP is solved using three multi-objective solution procedures, i.e., the goal attainment technique, the modified ε-constraint method, and STEM method. The whole procedure is applied in an automotive resin and oil supply chain as a real case study wherein the efficacy and applicability of the proposed approaches are illustrated in comparison with existing experimental production planning method