13 research outputs found

    Studying items similarity for dependable buying on electronic marketplaces

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    The processing of product buying is a very difficult task when we have thousands of items in each market category. In order to study items similarity for dependable buying we try to analyze item descriptions on AliExpress, eBay marketplaces and test k-means algorithm for item grouping/product segmentation. The usage of the classical clusterization algorithms for grouping similar products according to their descriptions is studied. A corpus of different products (bikes and smartphones) from e-shop AliExpress, eBay is developed. Each entity in this corpus contains photos and a product description. Each entity in this corpus contains product description with different fields. These short texts are used for experiments. As a result, it is found out that the k-means algorithm works well only for uniformly distributed data by categories, but this is not suitable for the segmentation of heterogeneous descriptions. The task of item descriptions systematization is set in the research below

    Reproducibility of experiments in recommender systems evaluation

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    Β© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2018 Published by Springer International Publishing AG 2018. All Rights Reserved. Recommender systems evaluation is usually based on predictive accuracy metrics with better scores meaning recommendations of higher quality. However, the comparison of results is becoming increasingly difficult, since there are different recommendation frameworks and different settings in the design and implementation of the experiments. Furthermore, there might be minor differences on algorithm implementation among the different frameworks. In this paper, we compare well known recommendation algorithms, using the same dataset, metrics and overall settings, the results of which point to result differences across frameworks with the exact same settings. Hence, we propose the use of standards that should be followed as guidelines to ensure the replication of experiments and the reproducibility of the results

    A Survey of e-Commerce Recommender Systems

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    Due to their powerful personalization and efficiency features, recommendation systems are being used extensively in many online environments. Recommender systems provide great opportunities to businesses, therefore research on developing new recommender system techniques and methods have been receiving increasing attention. This paper reviews recent developments in recommender systems in the domain of ecommerce. The main purpose of the paper is to summarize and compare the latest improvements of e-commerce recommender systems from the perspective of e-vendors. By examining the recent publications in the field, our research provides thorough analysis of current advancements and attempts to identify the existing issues in recommender systems. Final outcomes give practitioners and researchers the necessary insights and directions on recommender systems

    Privacy-preserving collaborative recommendations based on random perturbations

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    Β© 2016 Elsevier Ltd Collaborative recommender systems offer a solution to the information overload problem found in online environments such as e-commerce. The use of collaborative filtering, the most widely used recommendation method, gives rise to potential privacy issues. In addition, the user ratings utilized in collaborative filtering systems to recommend products or services must be protected. The purpose of this research is to provide a solution to the privacy concerns of collaborative filtering users, while maintaining high accuracy of recommendations. This paper proposes a multi-level privacy-preserving method for collaborative filtering systems by perturbing each rating before it is submitted to the server. The perturbation method is based on multiple levels and different ranges of random values for each level. Before the submission of each rating, the privacy level and the perturbation range are selected randomly from a fixed range of privacy levels. The proposed privacy method has been experimentally evaluated with the results showing that with a small decrease of utility, user privacy can be protected, while the proposed approach offers practical and effective results

    A dynamic multi-level collaborative filtering method for improved recommendations

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    One of the most used approaches for providing recommendations in various online environments such as e-commerce is collaborative filtering. Although, this is a simple method for recommending items or services, accuracy and quality problems still exist. Thus, we propose a dynamic multi-level collaborative filtering method that improves the quality of the recommendations. The proposed method is based on positive and negative adjustments and can be used in different domains that utilize collaborative filtering to increase the quality of the user experience. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by providing an extensive experimental evaluation based on three real datasets and by comparisons to alternative methods

    From product recommendation to cyber-attack prediction: generating attack graphs and predicting future attacks

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    Modern information society depends on reliable functionality of information systems infrastructure, while at the same time the number of cyber-attacks has been increasing over the years and damages have been caused. Furthermore, graphs can be used to show paths than can be exploited by attackers to intrude into systems and gain unauthorized access through vulnerability exploitation. This paper presents a method that builds attack graphs using data supplied from the maritime supply chain infrastructure. The method delivers all possible paths that can be exploited to gain access. Then, a recommendation system is utilized to make predictions about future attack steps within the network. We show that recommender systems can be used in cyber defense by predicting attacks. The goal of this paper is to identify attack paths and show how a recommendation method can be used to classify future cyber-attacks in terms of risk management. The proposed method has been experimentally evaluated and validated, with the results showing that it is both practical and effective

    Mobile recommender systems:Identifying the major concepts

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    Β© The Author(s) 2018. This article identifies the factors that have an impact on mobile recommender systems. Recommender systems have become a technology that has been widely used by various online applications in situations where there is an information overload problem. Numerous applications such as e-Commerce, video platforms and social networks provide personalised recommendations to their users and this has improved the user experience and vendor revenues. The development of recommender systems has been focused mostly on the proposal of new algorithms that provide more accurate recommendations. However, the use of mobile devices and the rapid growth of the Internet and networking infrastructure have brought the necessity of using mobile recommender systems. The links between web and mobile recommender systems are described along with how the recommendations in mobile environments can be improved. This work is focused on identifying the links between web and mobile recommender systems and to provide solid future directions that aim to lead in a more integrated mobile recommendation domain