18 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kesiapan Pembelajaran e-learning saat pandemic COVID-19 di SMK Negeri 1 Tambelangan dalam enam aspek kesiapan (kesiapan peserta didik, kesiapan guru, kesiapan infrastruktur, dukungan managemen, budaya sekolah, dan kecenderungan terhadap tatap muka). Model E-Learning Readiness yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Model Teddy & Swatman (2006) menggunakan enam faktor kesiapan. Enam faktor tersebut adalah kesiapan peserta didik, kesiapan guru, infrastruktur, dukungan managemen, budaya sekolah dan kecenderungan pembelajaran tatap muka. Faktor kesiapan peserta didik diperoleh nilai sebesar 3,8 dalam skala 5. Menurut tabel rentang nilai dan kategori (Aydin & Tasci 2005 : 2015) bahwa dengan nilai tersebut dinyatakan siap tetapi membutuhkan sedikit peningkatan. Faktor kesiapan guru, Faktor dukungan management serta faktor budaya sekolah diperoleh nilai sebesar 4,2. Menurut tabel rentang nilai dan kategori (Aydin & Tasci 2005 : 2015) bahwa dengan nilai tersebut siap penerapan e-learning dapat dilanjutkan. Hanya 1 faktor yang tidak siap dan perlu peningkatan adalah Faktor Kecenderungan pembelajaran e-learning dengan nilai ELR sebesar 3,3Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to find out how e-learning Learning Readiness during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMK Negeri 1 Tambelang in six aspects of readiness (student readiness, teacher readiness, infrastructure readiness, management support, school culture, and trends in face-to-face).The E-Learning Readiness model used in this study is the Teddy & Swatman Model (2006) using six readiness factors. The six factors are the readiness of students, teacher readiness, infrastructure, management support, school culture and the tendency of face-to-face learning. Student readiness factor obtained value of 3,8 on scale of 5. According to the table of ranges of values and categories (Aydin & Tasci 2005: 2015) that with these values is declared ready but requires a slight increase. Teacher readiness factors, management support factors and School Culture Factors score of 4.2. According to the table of ranges of values and categories (Aydin & Tasci 2005: 2015) that with these values ready for the application of e-learning can be continued. Only 1 factor that is not ready and needs improvement is the e-learning tendency factor with an ELR value of 3.

    PEB-COVID-19: Analysis of Students Behavior and ILMIZI Model in Environmental Learning

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    Environmental learning during COVID-19 experienced a change to e-learning. The use of learning models must be compatible; one model that can be chosen was the ILMIZI model. In addition to learning the concept of COVID-19, students must also be able to implement it in the form of Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) COVID- 19. The purpose of this study was to analyze descriptively about PEB-COVID-19 and also analyze the potential of ILMIZI to be applied in e-learning. The research conducted using a descriptive method. The sample was 148 Junior High School students located in Bekasi City and Bandung city. The data was collected online using Google form. The results showed that the PEB-COVID-19 student score was already in the very high category. While the results of the analysis show that the ILMIZI model allows it to be used in e-learning. This study concluded that the score of PEB-COVID-19 students was still in the very low category and the use of the ILMIZI model was one form of learning innovation. Keywords:  COVID-19, ILMIZI Model, PEB-COVID-19, Pro-Environmental Behavio

    Development of Biology Learning Media Based on Android to Improve Students Understanding

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    This study aims to development of media mobile learning based on android for learning the biology of nervous system material and to determine the effectiveness of media mobile learning based on android in improving students' conceptual understanding. The type of research used was development (R&D), population, and sample, namely class XI IPA 2 as many as 30 students at one of the public high schools in Bogor Regency which was carried out from January to May 2020. This development research procedure used a model (4D) consisting of 4 stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The instruments   used   were   tests (pre- test and post-test), response questionnaire sheets, and documentation. The implementation of deployment trials was carried out using a one group pre-test and post-test research design. The results showed that the media mobile learning got a very feasible category. This is based on the average percentage of the assessment from the expert validation team, namely 82.75%. Media mobile learning Android-based on learning the biology of the nervous system material can improve students' understanding of concepts and almost all students respond positively. This is proven by an increase in the results of the pre-test and post-test values after using the application so that the N-gain value obtained is 66.5

    Pengembangan Sistem Pelatihan Jarak Jauh Berbasis Moodle di Balai Diklat Keagamaan Bandung

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    [MOODLE BASED DISTANCE TRAINING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN BALAI DIKLAT KEAGAMAAN BANDUNG]. Developing online training system is essential to create equalization over training opportunities, enrich learning materials, and increase trainees participation in learning. The development is also a medium to create accessible learning environment. Online training requires learning management system. One of the most widely used applications is Moodle. It has the latest version that can be used to improve online training’s quality, namely Moodle version 3.7.1. This study aims to find out Moodle-based remote training system implementation at Bandung Religious Training Center in 2020. Research and Development waterfall model is applied. Application testing is by using blackbox techniques. The analysis uses SCORM and Haughey theory. The result showed that Moodle-based remote training is considered good based on black box tests. It can be seen from several aspects of websites, such as appearance and content, implementation, institutional readiness, as well as facilities and infrastructure. Moodle 3.7.1 based remote training websites are recommended for socialization and provided remote training manual instruction

    Crisis remote education from the perspective of one-year experience of students

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    The article presents the results of the questionnaire research carried out after the first and repeated after the second semester of crisis remote education, conducted at The Maria Grzegorzewska University. Students participating in the study indicate a significant increase in their IT competences and the level of remote education. They declare a similar, high level of commitment and independence during classes. They indicate that commitment, activity, contact with the lecturers, regularity and quality of work, as well as the adequacy of the grades given are better during traditional education, although their timeliness is higher during distance education. The computer equipment of students and the way of accessing the Internet have not changed significantly. 20% of respondents admitted to using unauthorized assistance during exams. In the statements of students, on the one hand, there is a desire to return to social contacts and traditional classes, and on the other hand, a desire to maintain remote education, associated with the comfort of home-based learning and independence

    Crisis remote education from the perspective of one-year experience of students

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    The article presents the results of the questionnaire research carried out after the first and repeated after the second semester of crisis remote education, conducted at The Maria Grzegorzewska University. Students participating in the study indicate a significant increase in their IT competences and the level of remote education. They declare a similar, high level of commitment and independence during classes. They indicate that commitment, activity, contact with the lecturers, regularity and quality of work, as well as the adequacy of the grades given are better during traditional education, although their timeliness is higher during distance education. The computer equipment of students and the way of accessing the Internet have not changed significantly. 20% of respondents admitted to using unauthorized assistance during exams. In the statements of students, on the one hand, there is a desire to return to social contacts and traditional classes, and on the other hand, a desire to maintain remote education, associated with the comfort of home-based learning and independence

    Tecnología y analítica del aprendizaje: una revisión a la literatura

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    Abstract A study concerning learning analytics is presented. This area consists of the collection and analysis of data generated by students and their iterations with the purpose of understanding and optimizing learning. By using databases, a referential review of the last five years is proposed to identify aspects related to the growth of this approach and its fields of application in higher education. The volume of related research is increasing due to the need to investigate more accurate predictive models and new algorithms in the field of data science.Se presenta un trabajo relacionado con la analítica del aprendizaje, la cual consiste en la recopilación y el análisis de datos generados por los estudiantes y sus iteraciones, con el fin de comprender y optimizar el aprendizaje. Se plantea una revisión referencial de los últimos cinco años a través de bases de datos con el fin de identificar aspectos relativos al crecimiento de este enfoque y sus campos de aplicación en la educación superior. El volumen de investigaciones relacionadas va en aumento debido a la necesidad de investigar modelos más acertados de predicción y de nuevos algoritmos dentro del área de la ciencia de datos

    Students’ Relative Attitudes and Relative Intentions to Use E-Learning Systems

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    Aim/Purpose This study, drawing on and extending research on the adoption of information technologies (IT), develops a research model to investigate: (1) the key relative factors that affect the adoption of e-learning versus using IT in traditional classrooms; and (2) students’ relative attitudes and relative intentions to use e-learning systems. Background Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education institutions (HEIs) have rapidly adopted e-learning and students are now engaging with e-learning systems. These systems present a new research opportunity for examining the relative efficacy of using e-learning systems versus using IT in traditional classrooms. Although prior research has examined various types of e-learning systems in different contexts and using various methodological approaches, evidence in the literature indicates that the relative efficacy of e-learning remains uncertain as little is known about the factors that affect the adoption and use of e-learning systems during COVID-19, as there is limited academic research. Methodology The model is tested based on the perceptions of a group of 569 students of the adoption of e-learning versus using IT in traditional classrooms in the United Arab Emirates. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS statistics 26 and partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) implemented in SmartPLS 3 software. Contribution This research contributes to the literature by: (1) extending the UTAUT model to understand students’ relative attitudes and relative behavioral intentions towards using e-learning systems; (2) an extension to e-learning studies to examine relative factors affecting the adoption of e-learning systems by comparing the perceptions of the same group of students on e-learning and using IT in a traditional classroom environment in the context of COVID-19; and (3) providing valuable practical implications for HEIs to improve pedagogical approaches and e-learning systems. Findings The findings suggest that relative computer self-efficacy, relative cognitive absorption, relative system interactivity, and relative system functionality each positively influence both relative performance expectancy and relative effort expectancy, which in turn affect relative attitude; and that relative intention to use is positively affected by relative attitude and relative facilitating conditions. Recommendations for Practitioners Firstly, HEIs should feel more confident that e-learning systems indeed provide an appropriate learning approach, demonstrated by a high relative efficacy of e-learning systems perceived by the sample students in this study. Thus, it seems fitting for HEIs to use e-learning systems to enhance the development and delivery of programs and the quality of student experience, especially in the context of COVID-19. Secondly, HEIs wishing to use e-learning systems successfully should at least pay attention to a few key factors to ensure that students will have a positive attitude toward using e-learning systems. Such factors include students’ perceived usefulness of e-learning systems, developing encouraging facilitating conditions such as training, technical and IT support, thereby enabling students to use e-learning systems while enjoying their engagement with e-learning systems. Recommendation for Researchers First, this study shows that relative to using IT in a classroom environment, e-learning is favored by the students involved in this research. Second, this research indicates the value of examining relative antecedents and relative UTAUT related constructs, evaluating the relative perceptions of students, thereby understanding the relative efficacy of e-learning systems versus using IT in a traditional classroom environment in HEIs. Third, in addition to examining students’ perceptions of different learning approaches, or comparing the relative efficacy of different learning approaches based on the perceptions of different groups of students, the relative approach based on comparing the perceptions of the same group of students used in this research could offer a new way to advance our understanding of IT adoption. Finally, this study demonstrates that relative attitude, relative performance expectancy, and relative facilitating conditions are the top three vital factors that affect the adoption and use of e-learning systems during the COVID-19 crisis. Impact on Society The positive result of the students’ relative perceptions of e-learning systems suggests that private and public organizations, as well as education policy-makers in providing the learning process, could certainly use e-learning systems as a valuable means of training and/or education, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Model for technological aspect of e-learning readiness in higher education institutions

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    E-learning has now been adopted by most universities across the world, where implementing e-learning in higher education has enabled a change in teaching and learning practices. One of the important aspects of e-learning readiness is the technological aspect, which plays an important role to ensure effective implementation of e-learning system. Although there are studies on e-learning readiness, there is still a lack of agreement about which factors shape the technological aspect of e-learning readiness. Therefore, this research investigated the technological aspect factors of e-learning readiness in higher educations, and formulated a technological aspect model based on the identified factors. This research involved three phases: First, it started with a systematic literature review to identify factors that influence technological aspect of e-learning readiness. Six technological factors emerged: hardware, software, connectivity, security, system flexibility, and technical skills and support. Second, Delphi technique was used to review the six technological factors, and to formulate the technological aspect model. The Delphi technique confirmed the 6 technological factors, and yielded 2 new factors namely cloud computing and data center. Third, a survey was conducted to evaluate the technological aspect model. A total of 374 questionnaires were collected from the academic staff of six Malaysian public universities. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling, and the results indicated that the eight technological factors, except cloud computing, have significant impact on the e-learning readiness in higher education institutions. In addition, the technological aspect model of this research highlights data center as an important technological factor for e-learning readiness, which is a new factor in e-learning readiness literature. In conclusion, this research has provided valuable insights into the relationship among the technological aspect factors. Besides, the technological aspect model is useful to assist university management teams to assess the readiness and ensure efficient implementation of their e-learning systems

    An Assessment of the Needs of School-Based Agricultural Educators and Other Professionals in Agricultural Service Agencies for a Professional Online Master’s Degree in Agricultural Education

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    Online learning is one form of distance education mediated through information and communications technology such as the Internet or other technologies. The teaching content is delivered online, and instructors develop teaching modules that enhance their learning and interactivity (student-student, teacher-student, and content-student). Using social cognitive theory (SCT) concepts, the research team developed and validated a multidimensional instrument tool to assess the needs for a professional online master’s degree in agricultural education. The study aimed to assess participants’ readiness and motivations to learn online and identify participants’ needs and experience with online learning. Participants’ perceptions of online learning were assessed and provided recommendations to improve the professional online Masters in Agricultural Education that Clemson University. A total of 531 agricultural service agency employees (Cooperative Extension agents, Natural Resource Conservation Agency, and Farm Service Agency) and School-based agricultural educators from Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina participated in the study. From those, 96 participants completed the open-ended question providing valuable information. The study findings revealed that the survey instrument is a valid and reliable tool to measure online readiness and motivation to online learning. Most participants reported having higher expectations for their learning performances. Because participants had higher self-efficacy levels, they recognized the importance of having higher expectations for their learning performance and expected outcomes. Participants reported distance from campus—no need to relocate and flexibility as their primary motivators to enroll in online learning. Many prefer using asynchronous technologies since they provide a more convenient environment where they can work at their own pace and time and better balance their work and school responsibilities. Furthermore, participants recommended that professors promote student-content interaction (structure), professor-student interaction, and peer interaction. Michael Moore’s theory of interaction supports these results, which are also supported by anecdotal comments from the qualitative portion of the study. The primary themes revealed were advantages and disadvantages to online learning. After a second review of the data, recommendations based on past experience or needs, suggestions for additional online degrees at Clemson University, and recommendations of exemplary online programs were identified