125 research outputs found

    Computers in Secondary Schools: Educational Games

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    This entry introduces educational games in secondary schools. Educational games include three main types of educational activities with a playful learning intention supported by digital technologies: educational serious games, educational gamification, and learning through game creation. Educational serious games are digital games that support learning objectives. Gamification is defined as the use of "game design elements and game thinking in a non-gaming context" (Deterding et al. 2011, p. 13). Educational gamification is not developed through a digital game but includes game elements for supporting the learning objectives. Learning through game creation is focused on the process of designing and creating a prototype of a game to support a learning process related to the game creation process or the knowledge mobilized through the game creation process. Four modalities of educational games in secondary education are introduced in this entry to describe educational games in secondary education: educational purpose of entertainment games, serious games, gamification, and game design

    Providing Students an Aural Learning Modality With Written Grammar Feedback for Their Writing

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    The study successfully investigates how students' writing abilities are affected by feedback on written grammar that is specifically customized to their auditory learning preferences. It was designed to find a better method for enhancing auditory learners' writing skills. The results show that tailored grammatical feedback that takes into account auditory learning preferences produces better results in improving writing abilities than traditional input. When given individualized feedback, auditory learners improved their writing skills more. The study highlights the value of teaching approaches that take into account students' chosen styles of learning, especially when it comes to developing writing abilities. It advises using tactics that are in line with learners' preferences into educational design. The study opens the door for future research into alternate ways that make use of adaptable methods and educational technology to improve student learning. Longitudinal studies can also shed light on the long-term effects of tailored learning strategies that are in line with student preferences. In parallel, the larger educational community studies how various learning styles and pedagogies interact. By continuously enhancing curricula and teaching methods, this study helps to maximize achievement in a variety of educational environments. Overall, this study offers implications for enhancing educational procedures and encouraging top-notch student achievemen

    The Contribution of Mobile Game Addiction To Student Academic Procrastination

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    Procrastination is a tendency to delay the completing of a task or job. Meanwhile, academic procrastination is the behavior of procrastinating on the completion academic task. There are several characteristics of academic procrastination, one of which is doing other activities that are considered more fun, one of which is playing mobile games that can be accessed through gadgets owned by individuals. This study aims to describe mobile games addiction, academic procrastination, and examine the contribution of mobile games addiction to student’s academic procrastination. This research is a descriptive correlational study with quantitative research methods. This research sample using purposive sampling technique by taking a sample of students of MAN 1 Padang City who tended to experience addiction to mobile games with a percentage ?50%. The number of samples is this study were 101 students. Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis with percentages and simple linear reggresion analysis. The results showed that in general the level of student mobile game addiction was in the medium category, in general the level of student academic procrastination was in the medium category, and there was a significant contribution of mobile game addiction to student academic procrastination

    Use of Software Tools for Real-time Monitoring of Learning Processes: Application to Compilers subject

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    [EN] The effective implementation of the Higher European Education Area has meant a change regarding the focus of the learning process, being now the student at its very center. This shift of focus requires a strong involvement and fluent communication between teachers and students to succeed. Considering the difficulties associated to motivate students to take a more active role in the learning process, we explore how the use of a software tool can help both actors to improve the learning experience. We present a tool that can help students to obtain instantaneous feedback with respect to their progress in the subject as well as providing teachers with useful information about the evolution of knowledge acquisition with respect to each of the subject areas. We compare the performance achieved by students in two academic years: results show an improvement in overall performance which, after observing graphs provided by our tool, can be associated to an increase in students interest in the subject.This work has been supported by two teaching innovation projects awarded by Oficina de Qualitat Docent de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (“Empleo de herramientas informáticas para monitorizar el proceso de aprendizaje en la asignatura Compiladors “ and “Análisis en tiempo real de resultados de aprendizaje obtenidos mediante herramientas de autoevaluación: Aplicación en la asignatura Compiladors”.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Sánchez, FJ.; Bernal, J. (2018). Use of Software Tools for Real-time Monitoring of Learning Processes: Application to Compilers subject. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1359-1366. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8205OCS1359136

    The use of game and the CLIL methodology as innovative resources in secondary educatio

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    The aim of t his didactic proposal was to improve the learning of the elements of the periodic table in students of 3rd grade of secondary educationusing innovative resources (the Chemical Bingo) and the CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology, which teaches jointly a foreign language (English) and specific content of the subject. The experience was car ried out in the subject of Physics and Chemistry with 16 students using an interactive periodic table in English. The proposed activity increased the students’ motivation and facilitated the learning of the elements of the periodic table. In conclusion, th e implementation of new methodologies and the use of this kind of activity could help to achieve a more efficient teaching - learning process by connecting the theory taught in class with the students’ real everyday environment .El objetivo de esta propuesta didáctica fue mejorar el aprendizaje de los elementos de la tabla periódica en alumnos de 3º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoriamediante el uso de l juego como recurso innovador ( el Bingo Químico ) y la metodología CLIL( Content and LanguageIntegratedLearning ) , que trabaja conjuntamente una lengua extranjera (inglés) y contenido específico de la asignatura . L a experiencia se llevó a cabo en la asignatura de Física y Química en un grupo - clase de 16 alumnos u tilizando una tabla periódica interactiva en inglés . La actividad propuesta aumentó la motivación del alumnado por la asignatura y fa cilitó el aprendizaje de los elementos de la tabla periódica . En concl usión, la implementación de metodologías novedosas y la utilización de actividades de este tipo puede nlograr un proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje más eficaz que conect a la teoría en el aula con la realidad del entorno cotidiano del alumn

    Kontribusi Pola Asuh, Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Orang Tua dan Kompetensi Guru terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Juwiring Klaten

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    The success of education can be seen from the output generated from an educational institution. Student motivation is an important part of the learning process. In fact, 7th grade students of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten have low learning motivation. This study aims to analyze and test the contribution of: 1) parenting, socioeconomic conditions of parents and teacher competence toward student’s learning motivation at 7th Grade of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten; 2) parenting toward students' learning motivation at 7th Grade of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten; 3) parents 'socioeconomic conditions toward student’s learning motivation at 7th Grade of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten; 4) teacher competence toward student’s learning motivation at 7th Grade of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten. This type of research is quantitative research. Respondents in this study were 132 students. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate: 1) simultaneous parenting, socioeconomic conditions of parents, and teacher competence together have a contribution to student’s learning motivation with a significance of an F test less than 0.05 which is 0,000; 2) there is a significant contribution between parenting and student’s learning motivation with a significance value 0.009 and t arithmetic 2.648; 3) there is a significant contribution between parents' socioeconomic conditions and student’s learning motivation with a significance value 0,000 and t arithmetic 4,686; 4) there is a significant contribution between teacher competency and student’s learning motivation with a significance value 0,000 and t arithmetic 5,498. The conclusions of this study are: 1) parenting, socio-economic conditions of parents and teacher competence together have a contribution to the student’s learning motivation at 7th Grade of Junior High School 2 Juwiring Klaten with a significance level of α = 5%. The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.379; 2) parenting gives an effective contributions 3.87%; 3) parents' socioeconomic conditions gives an effective contributions 15.18%; 4) teacher competencies gives effective contributions 18.88%

    Pedagogical readiness of mathematics teachers to implement innovative forms of educational activities

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    © Authors. The purpose of this study is to develop and validate the evaluation indicators of teaching. The relevance of the present study is due to the problem of improving the quality of school education in the Russian Federation by means of renewal of the content of general education, provided by the RF State program "Development of Education for 2013-2020". The vectors of updating are determined by the tasks of transition to the democratic and constitutional state, the market economy, the need to overcome the dangers of the country lagging behind global trends of economic and social development and, what is the most important, by the growing influence of the human capital on the economy of the country. The aim of this study is to identify the level of readiness of teachers to implement innovative forms of educational activities into the educational process with the help of the analysis of the responses of mathematics teachers to reflexive questions. The presentation of lessons with innovative forms during the methodical workshop and the systematic analysis of the experimental data are the main technologies. As a result of the experimental study, conducted in 2015-2017 in the Kirov region with a group of 71 mathematics teachers we can present the experience of the implementation of innovative organization forms of educational process and summarize the results in the form of the subjective reflective assessment. The article justifies the high level of pedagogical readiness of mathematics teachers to introduce innovative forms of organization of educational activities such as: event-based learning, adaptive teaching, 'bring your own devices', computational thinking, and stealth assessment

    Personalized Feedback in a Virtual Learning Environment

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    The immediate shift to virtual instruction during the spring of 2020 forced educators worldwide to quickly adopt distance learning philosophies, technologies, and pedagogies. This lean adoption of virtual learning tools saw an unprecedented number of educators embrace new modalities of providing feedback to students. This paper explores those modalities and recommends that supervisors help educators situate personalized student feedback within the context of self-determination theory to ensure students\u27 needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness are not abandoned in a virtual learning environment characterized by isolation and loneliness

    The Influence of Assignment of Lecturers at School (ALS) Program on Students Learning Motivation in Tarakan City

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    Borneo Tarakan University which is the only State University that prepares educators in the North Kalimantan region to take part to help realize the School Lecturers Assignment Program (LAS) which is a program from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education which aims to facilitate lecturers to directly becoming "teachers" in the School to improve the quality of prospective teacher students. The aims of study of: to know the  description of Assignment of Lecturers at School (ALS) program, to know the description of student learning motivation, and to know the influence of the Assignment of Lecturers at School (ALS) program on student motivation in Tarakan City. The techniques used in collecting data are observation, questionnaires, and observation. While data processing and data analysis is done by descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The results of the study show that the description of the implementation of lecturer assignments in schools in a good category, while students learning motivation in the high category, and there a positive and significant influence between the implementation Assignment of Lecturers at School (ALS) program in learning motivation in Tarakan, which was 52.5