361 research outputs found

    A comparison of VHDL and microprogrammed implementations of synchronous finite state machines in field programmable logic devices

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    Digital design engineers often must balance the design issues of implementing finite state machines in field programmable logic devices, obtaining the highest clock frequency possible, and keeping the amount of logic resources utilized as small as possible. This and other design issues are discussed in this thesis. A comparison of VHDL and microprogrammed implementations of synchronous finite state machines in field programmable logic devices is presented. Three representative state machines, a Tap controller, temperature controller, and quarter-inch tape cartridge controller, with 16, 22, and 61 states respectively were chosen to be implemented using five basic methods: VHDL, a scaled-down microsequencer utilizing embedded array blocks (EABs) as the memory storage element, a scaled-down microsequencer utilizing lookup tables (LUTs) as the memory storage element, and a full-scale microsequencer with EABs and a full-scale microsequencer with LUTs. Altera Max Plus II software was used including versions 7.21 and 9.4. The Altera Flex 10K and 10KE components were used. The results from these methods were analyzed and compared. Areas of interest were clock frequency, logic cell utilization, and software efficiency As the number of states was increased for a finite state machine, VHDL became increasingly inefficient in terms of clock frequency and resource utilization. A scaled-down microsequencer approach using LUTs as the memory storage element was found to be the most efficient in overall clock frequency and resource utilization

    Concepts for on-board satellite image registration. Volume 3: Impact of VLSI/VHSIC on satellite on-board signal processing

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    Anticipated major advances in integrated circuit technology in the near future are described as well as their impact on satellite onboard signal processing systems. Dramatic improvements in chip density, speed, power consumption, and system reliability are expected from very large scale integration. Improvements are expected from very large scale integration enable more intelligence to be placed on remote sensing platforms in space, meeting the goals of NASA's information adaptive system concept, a major component of the NASA End-to-End Data System program. A forecast of VLSI technological advances is presented, including a description of the Defense Department's very high speed integrated circuit program, a seven-year research and development effort

    A Structured Microprogram Set for the SUMC Computer to Emulate the IBM System/360, Model 50

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    Similarities between regular and structured microprogramming were examined. An explanation of machine branching architecture (particularly in the SUMC computer), required for ease of structured microprogram implementation is presented. Implementation of a structured microprogram set in the SUMC to emulate the IBM System/360 is described and a comparison is made between the structured set with a nonstructured set previously written for the SUMC

    Graph model analysis of computer structures

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    Graph theory is applicable to the solving of problems in nearly every field of scientific study. The purpose of this thesis is to consider its applications in representing and analyzing digital computers. Fundamental graph theory definitions, the types and the properties of the directed graphs, the matrix representation, and several reduction techniques are discussed. The blocking gate method for diagnosing computer systems is described and applied to the Scientific Control Corporation (SCC) 650 for its fault-diagnosis. Microprogramming has been a significant trend in hardware and software designs of computers. Microprogrammed computers are discussed in comparison to conventional computers. A general scheme utilizing four nodes generates directed graphs for both types of architecture. The directed graphs are studied with respect to the flexibility and cost parameters --Abstract, page ii

    Computer aided design of microprograms

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    Timing Architecture for ESS

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información. 5023V01[Resumo] O sistema de temporización é unha compoñente fundamental para o control e sincronización de instalacións industriais e científicas, coma aceleradores de partículas. Nesta tese traballamos na especificación e desenvolvemento do sistema de temporización para a European Spallation Source (ESS), a maior fonte de neutróns actualmente en construción. Abordamos este tra­ ballo a dous niveis: a especificación do sistema de temporización, e a imple­ mentación física de sistemas de control empregando circuítos reconfigurables. Con respecto á especificación do sistema de temporización, deseñamos e implementamos a configuración do protocolo de temporización para cumprir cos requirimentos do ESS e ideamos un modo de operación e unha aplicación para a configuración e control do sistema de temporización. Tamén presentamos unha ferramenta e unha metodoloxía para imple­ mentar sistemas de control empregando FPGAs, coma os nodos do sistema de temporización. ámbalas <lúas están baseadas en statecharts, unha repre­ sentación gráfica de sistemas que expande o concepto de máquinas de estados finitos, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en múltiples localizacións minimizando a posibilidade de erros. A ferramenta crea automaticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir do statechart do sistema. A metodoloxía explica o procedemento para implementar o state­ chart como unha arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Resumen] El sistema de temporización es un componente fundamental para el control y sincronización de instalaciones industriales y científicas, como aceleradores e partículas. En esta tesis trabajamos en la especificación y desarrollo el sistema de temporización para la European Spallation Source (ESS), la mayor fuente de neutrones actualmente en construcción. Abordamos este trabajo en dos niveles: la especificación del sistema de temporización, y la mplementación física de sistemas de control empleando circuitos reconfig­ rables. Con respecto a la especificación del sistema de temporización, diseñamos e implementamos la configuración del protocolo de temporización para cumplir on los requisitos de ESS e ideamos un modo de operación y una aplicación ara la configuración y control del sistema de temporización. También presentamos una herramienta y una metodología para imple­ entar sistemas de control empleando FPGAs, como los nodos del sistema e temporización. Ambas están basadas en statecharts) una representación gráfica de sistemas que expande el concepto de máquinas de estados fini­ os, orientada a sistemas que necesitan ser reconfigurados rápidamente en últiples localizaciones minimizando la posibilidad de errores. La her­ramienta crea automáticamente código VHDL sintetizable a partir del state­chart del sistema. La metodología explica el procedimiento para implemen­tar el statechart como una arquitectura microprogramada en FPGAs.[Abstract] The timing system is a key component for the control and synchronization of industrial and scientific facilities, such as particle accelerators. In this thesis we tackle the specification and development of the timing system for the European Spallation Source (ESS), the largest neutron source currently in construction. We approach this work at two levels: the specification of the timing system and the physical implementation of control systems using reconfigurable hardware. Regarding the specification of the timing system, we designed and imple­ mented the configuration of the timing protocol to fulfil the requirements of ESS and devised an operation mode andan application for the configuration and control of the timing system. We also present one too! and one methodology to implement control systems using FPGAs, such as the nodes of the timing system. Both are based on statecharts, a graphical representation of systems that expand the concepts of Finite State Machines, targeted at systems that need to be re­ configured quickly in multiple locations minimizing the chance of errors. The too! automatically creates synthesizable VHDL code from a statechart of the system. The methodology explains the procedure to implement the statechart as a microprogrammed architecture in FPGAs

    Aerospace Applications of Microprocessors

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    An assessment of the state of microprocessor applications is presented. Current and future requirements and associated technological advances which allow effective exploitation in aerospace applications are discussed

    Hybrid receiver study

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    The results are presented of a 4 month study to design a hybrid analog/digital receiver for outer planet mission probe communication links. The scope of this study includes functional design of the receiver; comparisons between analog and digital processing; hardware tradeoffs for key components including frequency generators, A/D converters, and digital processors; development and simulation of the processing algorithms for acquisition, tracking, and demodulation; and detailed design of the receiver in order to determine its size, weight, power, reliability, and radiation hardness. In addition, an evaluation was made of the receiver's capabilities to perform accurate measurement of signal strength and frequency for radio science missions

    A retrospective on the Dorado, a high-performance personal computer

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    Developing a support for FPGAs in the Controller parallel programming model

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    La computación heterogénea se presenta como la solución para conseguir supercomputadores cada vez más rápidos capaces de resolver problemas más grandes y complejos en diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Para ello, integra aceleradores con distintas arquitecturas capaces de explotar las características de los problemas desde distintos enfoques obteniendo, de este modo, un mayor rendimiento. Las FPGAs son hardware reconfigurable, i.e., es posible modificarlas después de su fabricación. Esto permite una gran flexibilidad y una máxima adaptación al problema en cuestión. Además, tienen un consumo energético muy bajo. Todas estas ventajas tienen el gran inconveniente de una más difícil programaci ón mediante los propensos a errores HDLs (Hardware Description Language), tales como Verilog o VHDL, y requisitos de conocimientos avanzados de electrónica digital. En los últimos años los principales fabricantes de FPGAs han enfocado sus esfuerzos en desarrollar herramientas HLS (High Level Synthesis) que permiten programarlas a través de lenguajes de programación de alto nivel estilo C. Esto ha favorecido su adopción por la comunidad HPC y su integración en los nuevos supercomputadores. Sin embargo, el programador aún tiene que ocuparse de aspectos como la gestión de colas de comandos, parámetros de lanzamiento o transferencias de datos. El modelo Controller es una librería que facilita la gestión de la coordinación, comunicación y los detalles de lanzamiento de los kernels en aceleradores hardware. Explota de forma transparente sus modelos de programación nativos, en concreto OpenCL y CUDA, y, por tanto, consigue un alto rendimiento independientemente del compilador. Permite al programador utilizar los distintos recursos hardware disponibles de forma combinada en entornos heterogéneos. Este trabajo extiende el modelo Controller mediante el desarrollo de un backend que permite la integración de FPGAs, manteniendo los cambios sobre la interfaz de usuario al mínimo. A través de los resultados experimentales se comprueba que se consigue una disminución del esfuerzo de programación significativa en comparación con la implementación nativa en OpenCL. Del mismo modo, se consigue un elevado solapamiento entre computación y comunicación y un sobrecoste por el uso de la librería despreciable.Heterogeneous computing appears to be the solution to achieve ever faster computers capable of solving bigger and more complex problems in difierent fields of knowledge. To that end, it integrates accelerators with difierent architectures capable of exploiting the features of problems from difierent perspectives thus achieving higher performance. FPGAs are reconfigurable hardware, i.e., it is possible to modify them after manufacture. This allows great flexibility and maximum adaptability to the given problem. In addition, they have low power consumption. All these advantages have the great objection of more dificult programming with the errorprone HDLs (Hardware Description Language), such as Verilog or VHDL, and the requirement of advanced knowledge of digital electronics. The main FPGA vendors have concentrated on developing HLS (High Level Synthesis) tools that allow to program them with C-like high level programming languages. This favoured their adoption by the HPC community and their integration in new supercomputers. However, the programmer still has to take care of aspects such as management of command queues, launching parameters or data transfers. The Controller model is a library to easily manage the coordination, communication and kernel launching details on hardware accelerators. It transparently exploits their native or vendor specific programming models, namely OpenCL and CUDA, thus enabling the potential performance obtained by using them in a compiler agnostic way. It is intended to enable the programmer to make use of the diferent available hardware resources in combination in heterogeneous environments. This work extends the Controller model through the development of a backend that allows the integration of FPGAs, keeping the changes over the user-facing interface to the minimum. The experimental results validate that a significant decrease in programming effort compared to the native OpenCL implementation is achieved. Similarly, high overlap of computation and communication and a negligible overhead due to the use of the library are attained.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic