862 research outputs found

    From Multiview Image Curves to 3D Drawings

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    Reconstructing 3D scenes from multiple views has made impressive strides in recent years, chiefly by correlating isolated feature points, intensity patterns, or curvilinear structures. In the general setting - without controlled acquisition, abundant texture, curves and surfaces following specific models or limiting scene complexity - most methods produce unorganized point clouds, meshes, or voxel representations, with some exceptions producing unorganized clouds of 3D curve fragments. Ideally, many applications require structured representations of curves, surfaces and their spatial relationships. This paper presents a step in this direction by formulating an approach that combines 2D image curves into a collection of 3D curves, with topological connectivity between them represented as a 3D graph. This results in a 3D drawing, which is complementary to surface representations in the same sense as a 3D scaffold complements a tent taut over it. We evaluate our results against truth on synthetic and real datasets.Comment: Expanded ECCV 2016 version with tweaked figures and including an overview of the supplementary material available at multiview-3d-drawing.sourceforge.ne

    Quality assessment of DEM derived from topographic maps for geomorphometric purposes

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    Digital elevation models (DEMs) play a significant role in geomorphological research. For geomorphologists reconstructing landform and drainage structure is frequently as important as elevation accuracy. Consequently, large-scale topographic maps (with contours, height points and watercourses) constitute excellent material for creating models (here called Topo-DEM) in fine resolution. The purpose of the conducted analyses was to assess the quality of Topo-DEM against freely-available globalDEMs and then to compare it with a reference model derived from laser scanning (LiDAR-DEM). The analysis also involved derivative maps of geomorphometric parameters (local relief, slope, curvature, aspect) generated on the basis of Topo-DEM and LiDAR-DEM. Moreover, comparative classification of landforms was carried out. It was indicated that Topo-DEM is characterised by good elevation accuracy (RMSE <2 m) and reflects the topography of the analyzed area surprisingly well. Additionally, statistical and percentage metrics confirm that it is possible to generate a DEM with very good quality parameters on the basis of a large-scale topographic map (1:10,000): elevation differences between Topo-DEM and: 1) topographic map amounted from−1.68 to +2.06 m,MAEis 0.10 m, RMSE 0.16 m; 2) LiDAR-DEM (MAE 1.13 m, RMSE 1.69 m, SD 1.83 m); 3) GPS RTK measurements amounted from−3.6 to +3.01 m, MAE is 0.72 m, RMSE 0.97 m, SD 0.97 m. For an area of several dozen km2 Topo-DEM with 10×10 m resolution proved more efficient than detailed (1×1 m) LiDAR-DEM

    Modeling urban landscapes from point clouds: a generic approach

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    We present a robust method for modeling cities from 3D-point data. Our algorithm provides a more complete description than existing approaches by reconstructing simultaneously buildings, trees and topographically complex grounds. A major contribution of our work is the original way of modeling buildings which guarantees a high generalization level while having semantized and compact representations. Geometric 3D-primitives such as planes, cylinders, spheres or cones describe regular roof sections, and are combined with mesh-patches that represent irregular roof components. The various urban components interact through a non-convex energy minimization problem in which they are propagated under arrangement constraints over a planimetric map. Our approach is experimentally validated on complex buildings and large urban scenes of millions of points and compare it to state-of-the-art methods.Nous présentons une méthode robuste pour modéliser les villes à partir de nuages de points 3D. Notre algorithme fournit une description plus complète que les approches existantes en reconstruisant simultanément bâtiments, arbres et sols topographiquement complexes. Une des contributions importantes réside dans la manière originale de modéliser en 3D les bâtiments, garantissant un niveau de généralisation élevé tout en ayant une représentation compacte et sémantisée. Des primitive géométriques 3D telles que des plans, des cylindres, des sphères ou des cones décrivent les facettes de toit régulières. Elles sont combinées avec des parties de maillages qui représentent les composants de toits irréguliers. Les différents éléments urbains intéragissent au sein d'un problème de minimisation d'énergie non convexe dans lequel ils sont propagés sous des contraintes d'arrangement sur une carte planimétrique. L'approche est validée expérimentalement sur des bâtiments complexes et sur des scènes à grandes échelles contenant des millions de points, et comparée à des méthodes références

    Realistic reconstruction and rendering of detailed 3D scenarios from multiple data sources

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    During the last years, we have witnessed significant improvements in digital terrain modeling, mainly through photogrammetric techniques based on satellite and aerial photography, as well as laser scanning. These techniques allow the creation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) that can be streamed over the network and explored through virtual globe applications like Google Earth or NASA WorldWind. The resolution of these 3D scenes has improved noticeably in the last years, reaching in some urban areas resolutions up to 1m or less for DEM and buildings, and less than 10 cm per pixel in the associated aerial imagery. However, in rural, forest or mountainous areas, the typical resolution for elevation datasets ranges between 5 and 30 meters, and typical resolution of corresponding aerial photographs ranges between 25 cm to 1 m. This current level of detail is only sufficient for aerial points of view, but as the viewpoint approaches the surface the terrain loses its realistic appearance. One approach to augment the detail on top of currently available datasets is adding synthetic details in a plausible manner, i.e. including elements that match the features perceived in the aerial view. By combining the real dataset with the instancing of models on the terrain and other procedural detail techniques, the effective resolution can potentially become arbitrary. There are several applications that do not need an exact reproduction of the real elements but would greatly benefit from plausibly enhanced terrain models: videogames and entertainment applications, visual impact assessment (e.g. how a new ski resort would look), virtual tourism, simulations, etc. In this thesis we propose new methods and tools to help the reconstruction and synthesis of high-resolution terrain scenes from currently available data sources, in order to achieve realistically looking ground-level views. In particular, we decided to focus on rural scenarios, mountains and forest areas. Our main goal is the combination of plausible synthetic elements and procedural detail with publicly available real data to create detailed 3D scenes from existing locations. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - An efficient pipeline for aerial imagery segmentation - Plausible terrain enhancement from high-resolution examples - Super-resolution of DEM by transferring details from the aerial photograph - Synthesis of arbitrary tree picture variations from a reduced set of photographs - Reconstruction of 3D tree models from a single image - A compact and efficient tree representation for real-time rendering of forest landscapesDurant els darrers anys, hem presenciat avenços significatius en el modelat digital de terrenys, principalment gràcies a tècniques fotogramètriques, basades en fotografia aèria o satèl·lit, i a escàners làser. Aquestes tècniques permeten crear Models Digitals d'Elevacions (DEM) i Models Digitals de Superfícies (DSM) que es poden retransmetre per la xarxa i ser explorats mitjançant aplicacions de globus virtuals com ara Google Earth o NASA WorldWind. La resolució d'aquestes escenes 3D ha millorat considerablement durant els darrers anys, arribant a algunes àrees urbanes a resolucions d'un metre o menys per al DEM i edificis, i fins a menys de 10 cm per píxel a les fotografies aèries associades. No obstant, en entorns rurals, boscos i zones muntanyoses, la resolució típica per a dades d'elevació es troba entre 5 i 30 metres, i per a les corresponents fotografies aèries varia entre 25 cm i 1m. Aquest nivell de detall només és suficient per a punts de vista aeris, però a mesura que ens apropem a la superfície el terreny perd tot el realisme. Una manera d'augmentar el detall dels conjunts de dades actuals és afegint a l'escena detalls sintètics de manera plausible, és a dir, incloure elements que encaixin amb les característiques que es perceben a la vista aèria. Així, combinant les dades reals amb instàncies de models sobre el terreny i altres tècniques de detall procedural, la resolució efectiva del model pot arribar a ser arbitrària. Hi ha diverses aplicacions per a les quals no cal una reproducció exacta dels elements reals, però que es beneficiarien de models de terreny augmentats de manera plausible: videojocs i aplicacions d'entreteniment, avaluació de l'impacte visual (per exemple, com es veuria una nova estació d'esquí), turisme virtual, simulacions, etc. En aquesta tesi, proposem nous mètodes i eines per ajudar a la reconstrucció i síntesi de terrenys en alta resolució partint de conjunts de dades disponibles públicament, per tal d'aconseguir vistes a nivell de terra realistes. En particular, hem decidit centrar-nos en escenes rurals, muntanyes i àrees boscoses. El nostre principal objectiu és la combinació d'elements sintètics plausibles i detall procedural amb dades reals disponibles públicament per tal de generar escenes 3D d'ubicacions existents. La nostra recerca s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Un pipeline eficient per a segmentació d'imatges aèries - Millora plausible de models de terreny a partir d'exemples d’alta resolució - Super-resolució de models d'elevacions transferint-hi detalls de la fotografia aèria - Síntesis d'un nombre arbitrari de variacions d’imatges d’arbres a partir d'un conjunt reduït de fotografies - Reconstrucció de models 3D d'arbres a partir d'una única fotografia - Una representació compacta i eficient d'arbres per a navegació en temps real d'escenesPostprint (published version

    3D Modeling of a Virtual Built Environment Using Digital Tools: Kilburun Fortress Case Study

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    The reliable reconstruction of cultural or historical heritage objects is an urgent problem for humanity. It can be successfully solved using up-to-date 3D modeling tools. The proposed technique allows for modeling virtual environments at an even higher level. This study aimed to develop an approach for designing historical heritage objects with sufficient accuracy using a built environment. The Kilburun Fortress was chosen as the object of study. The modeling procedure includes monitoring the object’s territory, analyzing archival, librarian, and cartographic sources, and further modeling and reproducing the research object in a virtual environment using various software tools. The following stages were implemented during this study: analysis and processing of preliminary data (analysis of plans and schemes, overlapping maps); the scaling of graphical objects for the reliable reproduction of the studied object; the design of a working 3D model using AutoCAD and SketchUp; the rendering and final processing of textures using Quixel; and visualization using Twinmotion. As a result, a model of the historical heritage object was created using 3D means. The model can also be integrated into ArchiCAD and Revit software

    Building large urban environments from unstructured point data

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    International audienceWe present a robust method for modeling cities from unstructured point data. Our algorithm provides a more complete description than existing approaches by reconstructing simultaneously buildings, trees and topologically complex grounds. Buildings are modeled by an original approach which guarantees a high generalization level while having semantized and compact representations. Geometric 3D-primitives such as planes, cylinders, spheres or cones describe regular roof sections, and are combined with mesh-patches that represent irregular roof components. The various urban components interact through a non-convex energy minimization problem in which they are propagated under arrangement constraints over a planimetric map. We experimentally validate the approach on complex urban structures and large urban scenes of millions of points


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    Geovisualization involves the depiction of spatial data in an attempt to facilitate the interpretation of observational and simulated datasets through which Earth's surface and solid Earth processes may be understood. Numerous techniques can be applied to imagery, digital elevation models, and other geographic information system data layers to explore for patterns and depict landscape characteristics. Given the rapid proliferation of remotely sensed data and high-resolution digital elevation models, the focus is on the visualization of satellite imagery and terrain morphology, where manual human interpretation plays a fundamental role in the study of geomorphic processes and the mapping of landforms. A treatment of some techniques is provided that can be used to enhance satellite imagery and the visualization of the topography to improve landform identification as part of geomorphological mapping. Visual interaction with spatial data is an important part of exploring and understanding geomorphological datasets, and a variety of methods exist ranging across simple overlay, panning and zooming, 2.5D, 3D, and temporal analyses. Specific visualization outputs are also covered that focus on static and interactive methods of dissemination. Geomorphological mapping legends and the cartographic principles for map design are discussed, followed by details of dynamic web-based mapping systems that allow for greater immersive use by end users and the effective dissemination of data

    Universal characteristics of particle shape evolution by bed-load chipping

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    River currents, wind, and waves drive bed-load transport, in which sediment particles collide with each other and Earth’s surface. A generic consequence is impact attrition and rounding of particles as a result of chipping, often referred to in geological literature as abrasion. Recent studies have shown that the rounding of river pebbles can be modeled as diffusion of surface curvature, indicating that geometric aspects of impact attrition are insensitive to details of collisions and material properties. We present data from fluvial, aeolian, and coastal environments and laboratory experiments that suggest a common relation between circularity and mass attrition for particles transported as bed load. Theory and simulations demonstrate that universal characteristics of shape evolution arise because of three constraints: (i) Initial particles are mildly elongated fragments, (ii) particles collide with similarly-sized particles or the bed, and (iii) collision energy is small enough that chipping dominates over fragmentation but large enough that sliding friction is negligible. We show that bed-load transport selects these constraints, providing the foundation to estimate a particle’s attrition rate from its shape alone in most sedimentary environments. These findingsmay be used to determine the contribution of attrition to downstreamfining in rivers and deserts and to infer transport conditions using only images of sediment grains