13 research outputs found


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    Pencemaran limbah di kawasan pesisir adalah tantangan serius yang memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang sumber pencemaran, dampaknya, dan solusi yang berkelanjutan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah ini melalui penerapan pendekatan berbasis kimia dan matematika sebagai media edukasi yang lebih efektif kepada masyarakat pesisir, khususnya masyarakat Pantai Gading yang menjadi mitra kegiatan pengabdian. Pada tahap persiapan, survey lingkungan dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi sumber-sumber utama pencemaran limbah di wilayah tersebut dan mengetahui pemahaman awal masyarakat tentang pencemaran limbah. Hasil survey ini menjadi dasar untuk merancang program edukasi yang sesuai. Selanjutnya, program edukasi kimia dan matematika dikembangkan dan disampaikan kepada masyarakat pesisir menggunakan metode Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang melibatkan 18 orang peserta. Hasil dari kegiatan menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dalam pemahaman masyarakat tentang penerapan edukasi kimia dan matematika dalam mengatasi pencemaran limbah serta peningkatan kesadaran mereka dalam mengambil tindakan yang konkret

    Об одной задаче управления процессом очистки водоема от примеси

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    Рассматривается задача управления процессом очистки водоема от примеси с использованием вытекающей из него реки. Управляемой переменной является концентрация примеси, поступающей из водоема в реку. Распространение примеси в реке описывается уравнением переноса. В это уравнение входит слагаемое, которое определяется другими источниками примеси, попадающей в реку. Точное значение этого слагаемого неизвестно. Заданы только границы его изменения. Показателем качества управления является значение линейной комбинации концентрации примеси в реке в заданный момент времени и оставшееся количество массы примеси в этот момент в водоеме. Цель управления заключается в том, чтобы значение этого показателя оказалось в заданном промежутке

    Modeling of microbial approach in wastewater treatment process: a case study of mPHO in Taman Timor oxidation pond, Johor, Malaysia

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    In this study, we consider the application of biological based product mPHO that contains Phototrophic bacteria (PSB) for the degradation of bacteria Coliform (pollutant) in Taman Timor Oxidation Pond, Johor, Malaysia. A mathematical model is developed to describe the reaction between microorganism and pollutant. The model facilitates the determination of mPHO optimum amount for achieving the maximum pollutant decontamination in the oxidation pond. A partial differential equation model with coupled equation is developed, and the parameters of the model are estimated using the real data collected from the oxidation pond under study. The numerical simulations are also presented to illustrate the performance of proposed model

    A mathematical model for wastewater treatment process of an oxidation pond

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    This study presents a mathematical model for wastewater treatment process (WWTP) of an oxidation pond. The model permits investigating the effects of a biological based product called mPHO on the degradation of contaminants as well as increase the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the pond. At this aim, an ordinary differential equation with coupled equations has been developed to study the correlation between the amount of bacteria (phototrophic and Coliform), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and dissolved oxygen (DO) existing in the pond. The mathematical model is employed to simulate the behaviour of the system where the numerical results demonstrate that the proposed model gives a good approximation of the interaction processes that occur naturally between biological and chemical substances involved in the pond


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    Abstract. The population growth with its activities causes pressure on the Krukut River. Load management of pollutants that enters the river is based on the self purification of the river. This study aims to analyze the river characteristics and degradation rate of Krukut River. Krukut River which is a research location has a length of ± 9.04 km. Characteristics of Krukut River has a type of small rocky riverbed and irregular with manning coefficient from 0.035 to 0.045. The depth ranging from 0,99 - 2 m, with a current velocity from 0,3 to 1,29 m/s. Krukut River discharge at 2,873-7,889 m3/sec. Streeter Phelps modeling to find out the constant rate of degradation of Krukut River which resulted in the value of DO and BOD. The rate of increase of dissolved oxygen (Ka) with the value of Ka range of 1,586-4,542 d-1, the standard value should be 1,494 d-1. The results of degradation rate (Kd) of the study obtained values range 0,285"“0,394 d-1with a default value of 0,501 d-1. For a settling rate (Ks) the range of 0,070 d-1"“0,096 d-1with a standardvalue should be 0,751 d-1 which means the precipitation process is quite slow. Keywords: pollution degradation rate, Krukut River, Streeter Phelps methode, selfpurification, water quality

    Remediation of accidental river pollution: strategies based on the use of reservoirs

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    The origins of water pollution are numerous, they cause alterations due to their high load of dissolved substances, micropollutants and toxic substances. Many studies have focused on the implementation of remediation measures for these types of pollution. In this work, the case of rivers subject to accidental pollution and the use of reservoirs for its remediation is studied. Two strategies are implemented: the storage of pollutants in the reservoirs and the dilution of pollutants by injecting in the river clear water from reservoirs. Both methods are applied to a river with one reservoir, and their impacts are studied for different flow levels

    Conceitos e importância da modelagem matemática de qualidade da água para gestão dos recursos hídricosConcepts and importance of mathematical modeling of water quality for water resources management

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    O acelerado desenvolvimento das atividades humanas, aliado aos impactos causados ao meio ambiente e à pressão pela preservação dos recursos naturais, evidencia a necessidade da busca constante por novas ferramentas de apoio ao processo de tomada de decisões pelo poder público. Dentre as várias ferramentas desenvolvidas ao longo dos anos, os modelos matemáticos de qualidade da água merecem especial destaque e são amplamente encontrados na literatura nacional e internacional, como técnicas eficientes de apoio à gestão dos recursos hídricos. Partindo dessas premissas, o presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a utilização de modelos matemáticos de qualidade da água, com enfoque aos principais conceitos e modelos relacionados. A modelagem matemática possibilita gerar cenários futuros, estimando custos e, principalmente, as principais medidas preventivas a serem tomadas na execução das atividades humanas. Sendo assim, existe a necessidade de estudos constantes, a fim de diminuir as limitações da aplicabilidade dos modelos de qualidade da água como forma de atender à legislação vigente.AbstractThe accelerated development of human activities, associated with the impacts caused to the environment and to the pressure by preservation of natural resources, highlights the need for the constant search for new tools to support the process of decision making by the government. Among the various tools developed over the years, the mathematical models of water quality deserve special attention, and are found widely in national and international literature as efficient techniques to support the management of water resources. Based on these premises, this paper aims to present a bibliographic review on the use of mathematical models of water quality, with focus on the main concepts and models related. The mathematical modeling allows generating future scenarios, estimating costs and, especially, the main preventive measures to be taken in the execution of human activities. Thus, there is a constant need for studies to decrease the limitations of the applicability of the models of water quality in order to meet current legislation


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    A qualidade da água em bacias hidrográficas vem sendo alterada de maneira alarmante nos últimos tempos. Fontes artificiais derivadas das atividades antrópicas são dadas como a principal ameaça de degradação ambiental. Estas alterações necessitam ser avaliadas ao considerar a água como elemento vital para sobrevivência de espécies. Dentre as ferramentas avaliadoras do índice de qualidade da água (IQA), destacam-se modelos matemáticos, considerados ferramentas eficientes no diagnóstico ambiental. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar as principais características de alguns modelos matemáticos de qualidade da água e alguns exemplos de aplicações no Brasil. A escolha do modelo é parte decisória para que se possa atingir os objetivos proposto pela pesquisa; sua aplicação permite estimar cenários futuros, determinar fontes poluidoras e conduzir tomadas de decisões diante das ações degradantes. Com isso, o conhecimento desta ferramenta auxilia pesquisadores na escolha do modelo que melhor se enquadra nos objetivos da pesquisa, a fim de oferecer informações decisivas a órgão gestores de bacias hidrográficas


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    A qualidade da água em bacias hidrográficas vem sendo alterada de maneira alarmante nos últimos tempos. Fontes artificiais derivadas das atividades antrópicas são dadas como a principal ameaça de degradação ambiental. Estas alterações necessitam ser avaliadas ao considerar a água como elemento vital para sobrevivência de espécies. Dentre as ferramentas avaliadoras do índice de qualidade da água (IQA), destacam-se modelos matemáticos, considerados ferramentas eficientes no diagnóstico ambiental. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi apresentar as principais características de alguns modelos matemáticos de qualidade da água e alguns exemplos de aplicações no Brasil. A escolha do modelo é parte decisória para que se possa atingir os objetivos proposto pela pesquisa; sua aplicação permite estimar cenários futuros, determinar fontes poluidoras e conduzir tomadas de decisões diante das ações degradantes. Com isso, o conhecimento desta ferramenta auxilia pesquisadores na escolha do modelo que melhor se enquadra nos objetivos da pesquisa, a fim de oferecer informações decisivas a órgão gestores de bacias hidrográficas

    Modelado de la hidrodinámica y de la calidad del agua del río Temoaya empleando el método del elemento finito en dos dimensiones

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    96 páginas. Maestría en Ciencias e Ingeniería Ambientales.El buen caudal que contiene el río Temoaya, favorece tanto la oxigenación como la dilución de contaminantes de los cuerpos de agua receptores de la Cuenca Alta del Río Lerma, que son el río Lerma y el río Tejalpa, los cuales se caracterizan por sus altos niveles de contaminación debido a las descargas de aguas residuales urbanas, industriales y agrícolas. Esta es la razón de la importancia del estudio y la vigilancia de la evolución de los parámetros hidrodinámicos y de calidad del agua de este valioso tributario. Con el fin de evaluar en detalle las condiciones hidrodinámicas y la calidad del río Temoaya fueron medidos y modelados por el método de elemento finito sus características hidrodinámicas y la calidad del agua a lo largo de los 27 kilómetros de su curso. El modelado se realizó utilizando el programa TELEMAC-2D. Las condiciones iniciales y de frontera se determinaron a partir de mediciones en campo de propiedades topológicas, hidrodinámicas y de calidad del agua durante dos campañas de muestreo. En los resultados de las mediciones de campo se observó una variación significativa en los valores del coeficiente de Manning, que fue considerado durante los criterios de modelado y de calibración. También se obtuvieron altos gradientes de nivel y bajas concentraciones de DBO y SST. Durante la cinética de decaimiento de la DBO y de la fotosíntesis se obtuvieron valores bajos respecto a los típicos, lo que podría deberse a las bajas concentraciones de materia orgánica, que puede ser un factor influyente en la reducción de la tasa de reproducción de los microorganismos. Así mismo, como se demostró por medio de la modelación; se estima que las tasas de re-aireación asociadas a la pendiente y poca profundidad del lecho del río, permite la auto-depuración de cuerpo de agua. El modelado por el método de elemento finito, también identificó secciones donde es susceptible de que el equilibrio ecológico sistémico del río puede ser roto, estableciendo así las medidas para prevenir y controlar la contaminación, a fin de evitar la pérdida de este importante valor ambiental. Debido a lo indicado, es recomendable establecer estrategias de tratamiento de las aguas residuales que se introducen al río mediante las escorrentías para evitar el deterioro del río, ya que aún es tiempo para mantener su calidad.The good flow of the Temoaya river favors both, oxygenation as dilution of pollutants from receiving water bodies of Upper Lerma River Basin, these are, Lerma river and Tejalpa river, which are characterized by high pollution levels due to discharges of urban, industrial and agricultural wastewater. This is why of importance of studying and monitoring the evolution of the hydrodynamic parameters and water quality of this valuable tributary river. In order to evaluate in detail the hydrodynamic conditions and the quality of river Temoaya were measured and modeled by the finite element method their hydrodynamic characteristics and water quality along the 20 kilometers of its course. The modeling was done using the program TELEMAC-2D. The initial and boundary conditions are determined from field measurements of topological, hydrodynamic properties and quality of water for two sampling campaigns. In results of field measurements was observed a significant variation in coefficient values of Manning, which was considered during the modeling and calibration criteria. Also were obtained high gradients of levels and low concentrations of BOD and TSS. During the decay kinetics of BOD and photosynthesis, were obtained low values respect of the typical values, which might be due to low concentrations of organic matter, that can be influential factor in the reducing the rate of reproduction of microorganisms. Also, as demonstrated by the modeling, it is estimated that reaeration rates associated with the slope and shallow river bed, allows self-purification of water body. Modeling by the finite element method, also identified sections where it is susceptible that eco-systemic balance from river can be broken, thus establishing measures to prevent and control pollution, so as to avoid the loss of this important environmental value. Because of the above, it is advisable to establish strategies for treatment of waste waters which are introduced into river by runoffs to prevent deterioration of the river, since even is still time to maintain quality.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)