77,498 research outputs found

    An Implementation of the Task Algebra, a Formal Specification for the Task Model in the Discovery Method

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    This paper describes an implementation of the Task Algebra, a formal model of hierarchical tasks and workflows, in the Haskell programming language. Previously we presented the Task Algebra as a formal, unambiguous notation capturing the kinds of activity and workflow typically seen in business analysis diagrams, similar to UML use case and activity diagrams. Here, we show how the abstract syntax for the Task Algebra may be parsed and then semantically analysed, by a suite of Haskell functions, to compute the execution traces of a system. The approach is illustrated with a case study of a journal management system. The results show how it is possible to automate the semantic analysis of requirements diagrams, as a precursor to developing a logical design

    Finally, a Polymorphic Linear Algebra Language (Pearl)

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    Many different data analytics tasks boil down to linear algebra primitives. In practice, for each different type of workload, data scientists use a particular specialised library. In this paper, we present Pilatus, a polymorphic iterative linear algebra language, applicable to various types of data analytics workloads. The design of this domain-specific language (DSL) is inspired by both mathematics and programming languages: its basic constructs are borrowed from abstract algebra, whereas the key technology behind its polymorphic design uses the tagless final approach (a.k.a. polymorphic embedding/object algebras). This design enables us to change the behaviour of arithmetic operations to express matrix algebra, graph algorithms, logical probabilistic programs, and differentiable programs. Crucially, the polymorphic design of Pilatus allows us to use multi-stage programming and rewrite-based optimisation to recover the performance of specialised code, supporting fixed sized matrices, algebraic optimisations, and fusion

    Intuitionistic quantum logic of an n-level system

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    A decade ago, Isham and Butterfield proposed a topos-theoretic approach to quantum mechanics, which meanwhile has been extended by Doering and Isham so as to provide a new mathematical foundation for all of physics. Last year, three of the present authors redeveloped and refined these ideas by combining the C*-algebraic approach to quantum theory with the so-called internal language of topos theory (see arXiv:0709.4364). The goal of the present paper is to illustrate our abstract setup through the concrete example of the C*-algebra of complex n by n matrices. This leads to an explicit expression for the pointfree quantum phase space and the associated logical structure and Gelfand transform of an n-level system. We also determine the pertinent non-probabilisitic state-proposition pairing (or valuation) and give a very natural topos-theoretic reformulation of the Kochen--Specker Theorem. The essential point is that the logical structure of a quantum n-level system turns out to be intuitionistic, which means that it is distributive but fails to satisfy the law of the excluded middle (both in opposition to the usual quantum logic).Comment: 26 page

    An Investigation on the Basic Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Using the Clifford Algebra

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    We review our approach to quantum mechanics adding also some new interesting results. We start by giving proof of two important theorems on the existence of the and Clifford algebras. This last algebra gives proof of the von Neumann basic postulates on the quantum measurement explaining thus in an algebraic manner the wave function collapse postulated in standard quantum theory. In this manner we reach the objective to expose a self-consistent version of quantum mechanics. We give proof of the quantum like Heisenberg uncertainty relations, the phenomenon of quantum Mach Zender interference as well as quantum collapse in some cases of physical interest We also discuss the problem of time evolution of quantum systems as well as the changes in space location. We also give demonstration of the Kocken-Specher theorem, and also we give an algebraic formulation and explanation of the EPR . By using the same approach we also derive Bell inequalities. Our formulation is strongly based on the use of idempotents that are contained in Clifford algebra. Their counterpart in quantum mechanics is represented by the projection operators that are interpreted as logical statements, following the basic von Neumann results. Using the Clifford algebra we are able to invert such result. According to the results previously obtained by Orlov in 1994, we are able to give proof that quantum mechanics derives from logic. We show that indeterminism and quantum interference have their origin in the logic.Comment: forthcoming papers; http://www.m-hikari.com/astp/forth/index.htm

    An Algebraic Approach to Linear-Optical Schemes for Deterministic Quantum Computing

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    Linear-Optical Passive (LOP) devices and photon counters are sufficient to implement universal quantum computation with single photons, and particular schemes have already been proposed. In this paper we discuss the link between the algebraic structure of LOP transformations and quantum computing. We first show how to decompose the Fock space of N optical modes in finite-dimensional subspaces that are suitable for encoding strings of qubits and invariant under LOP transformations (these subspaces are related to the spaces of irreducible unitary representations of U(N)). Next we show how to design in algorithmic fashion LOP circuits which implement any quantum circuit deterministically. We also present some simple examples, such as the circuits implementing a CNOT gate and a Bell-State Generator/Analyzer.Comment: new version with minor modification

    Finite Boolean Algebras for Solid Geometry using Julia's Sparse Arrays

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    The goal of this paper is to introduce a new method in computer-aided geometry of solid modeling. We put forth a novel algebraic technique to evaluate any variadic expression between polyhedral d-solids (d = 2, 3) with regularized operators of union, intersection, and difference, i.e., any CSG tree. The result is obtained in three steps: first, by computing an independent set of generators for the d-space partition induced by the input; then, by reducing the solid expression to an equivalent logical formula between Boolean terms made by zeros and ones; and, finally, by evaluating this expression using bitwise operators. This method is implemented in Julia using sparse arrays. The computational evaluation of every possible solid expression, usually denoted as CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry), is reduced to an equivalent logical expression of a finite set algebra over the cells of a space partition, and solved by native bitwise operators.Comment: revised version submitted to Computer-Aided Geometric Desig

    Universal Logic and the Geography of Thought - Reflections on logical pluralism in the light of culture

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    The aim of this dissertation is to provide an analysis for those involved and interested in the interdisciplinary study of logic, particularly Universal Logic. While continuing to remain aware of the importance of the central issues of logic, we hope that the factor of culture is also given serious consideration. Universal Logic provides a general theory of logic to study the most general and abstract properties of the various possible logics. As well as elucidating the basic knowledge and necessary definitions, we would especially like to address the problems of motivation concerning logical investigations in different cultures. First of all, I begin by considering Universal Logic as understood by Jean-Yves BĂ©ziau, and examine the basic ideas underlying the Universal Logic project. The basic approach, as originally employed by Universal Logicians, is introduced, after which the relationship between algebras and logics at an abstract level is discussed, i.e., Universal Algebra and Universal Logic. Secondly,I focus on a discussion of the translation paradox , which will enable readers to become more familiar with the new subject of logical translation, and subsequently comprehensively summarize its development in the literature. Besides helping readers to become more acquainted with the concept of logical translation, the discussion here will also attempt to formulate a new direction in support of logical pluralism as identified by Ruldof Carnap (1934), JC Beall and Greg Restall (2005), respectively. Thirdly, I provide a discussion of logical pluralism. Logical pluralism can be traced back to the principle of tolerance raised by Ruldof Carnap (1934), and readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of this concept from the discussion. Moreover,an attempt will be made to clarify the real and important issues in the contemporary debate between pluralism and monism within the field of logic in general. Fourthly, I study the phenomena of cultural-difference as related to the geography of thought. Two general systems in the geography of thought are distinguished, which we here call thought-analytic and thought-holistic. They are proposed to analyze and challenge the universality assumption regarding cognitive processes. People from different cultures and backgrounds have many differences in diverse areas, and these differences, if taken for granted, have proven particularly problematic in understanding logical thinking across cultures. Interestingly, the universality of cognitive processes has been challenged, especially by Richard Nisbett s research in cultural psychology. With respect to these concepts, C-UniLog can also be considered in relation to empirical evidence obtained by Richard Nisbett et al. In the final stage of this dissertation, I will propose an interpretation of the concept of logical translation, i.e., translations between formal logical mode (as cognitive processes in the case of westerners) and dialectical logical mode (as cognitive processes in the case of Asians). From this, I will formulate a new interpretation of the principle of tolerance, as well as of logical pluralism

    Topos Theory and Consistent Histories: The Internal Logic of the Set of all Consistent Sets

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    A major problem in the consistent-histories approach to quantum theory is contending with the potentially large number of consistent sets of history propositions. One possibility is to find a scheme in which a unique set is selected in some way. However, in this paper we consider the alternative approach in which all consistent sets are kept, leading to a type of `many world-views' picture of the quantum theory. It is shown that a natural way of handling this situation is to employ the theory of varying sets (presheafs) on the space \B of all Boolean subalgebras of the orthoalgebra \UP of history propositions. This approach automatically includes the feature whereby probabilistic predictions are meaningful only in the context of a consistent set of history propositions. More strikingly, it leads to a picture in which the `truth values', or `semantic values' of such contextual predictions are not just two-valued (\ie true and false) but instead lie in a larger logical algebra---a Heyting algebra---whose structure is determined by the space \B of Boolean subalgebras of \UP.Comment: 28 pages, LaTe
