16 research outputs found


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    Over the last two decades, functions of the embedded systems have evolved from simple real-time control and monitoring to more complicated services. Embedded systems equipped with powerful chips can provide the performance that computationally demanding information processing applications need. However, due to the power issue, the easy way to gain increasing performance by scaling up chip frequencies is no longer feasible. Recently, low-power architecture designs have been the main trend in embedded system designs. In this dissertation, we present our approaches to attack the energy-related issues in embedded system designs, such as thermal issues in the 3D chip multiprocessor (CMP), the endurance issue in the phase-change memory(PCM), the battery issue in the embedded system designs, the impact of inaccurate information in embedded system, and the cloud computing to move the workload to remote cloud computing facilities. We propose a real-time constrained task scheduling method to reduce peak temperature on a 3D CMP, including an online 3D CMP temperature prediction model and a set of algorithm for scheduling tasks to different cores in order to minimize the peak temperature on chip. To address the challenging issues in applying PCM in embedded systems, we propose a PCM main memory optimization mechanism through the utilization of the scratch pad memory (SPM). Furthermore, we propose an MLC/SLC configuration optimization algorithm to enhance the efficiency of the hybrid DRAM + PCM memory. We also propose an energy-aware task scheduling algorithm for parallel computing in mobile systems powered by batteries. When scheduling tasks in embedded systems, we make the scheduling decisions based on information, such as estimated execution time of tasks. Therefore, we design an evaluation method for impacts of inaccurate information on the resource allocation in embedded systems. Finally, in order to move workload from embedded systems to remote cloud computing facility, we present a resource optimization mechanism in heterogeneous federated multi-cloud systems. And we also propose two online dynamic algorithms for resource allocation and task scheduling. We consider the resource contention in the task scheduling

    Collaborative Hardware-Software Management of Hybrid Main Memory

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    DRAM has long been the preferred technology choice for main memory. With new challenges of high energy and scalability of DRAM, emerging non-volatile memory technologies, such as phase-change memory (PCM), are being considered. Typically, PCM is used in conjunction with DRAM to form a hybrid main memory. Exposing both the PCM and DRAM to the system software and managing it through the operating system (OS) is a viable architecture. The advantage of this organization is that current systems are more easily adapted to support a partitioned DRAM/PCM address space with only small changes to their design. In addition, this architecture is the easiest path forward to incorporate persistence in the main memory hierarchy by reserving part of PCM for storage. However, the performance of software-managed hybrid memory is not on par with hardware-only approaches, such as the DRAM cache. This is caused by the large granularity at which data is migrated (OS pages) and the low visibility that the OS has of the access patterns of applications. This thesis proposes an experimental framework for studying software-managed hybrid memory and uses it to understand the causes of its low performance. In addition, this thesis proposes and evaluates several hardware-software co-designed mechanisms to alleviate the performance impacts of managing hybrid memory in software. Lastly, this thesis proposes a new migration policy specifically designed to take advantage of the new hardware support. These contributions show that software-managed hybrid memory with specialized hardware support for migration and monitoring is a viable architecture for PCM-based hybrid main memory

    Computing with Spintronics: Circuits and architectures

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    This thesis makes the following contributions towards the design of computing platforms with spintronic devices. 1) It explores the use of spintronic memories in the design of a domain-specific processor for an emerging class of data-intensive applications, namely recognition, mining and synthesis (RMS). Two different spintronic memory technologies — Domain Wall Memory (DWM) and STT-MRAM — are utilized to realize the different levels in the memory hierarchy of the domain-specific processor, based on their respective access characteristics. Architectural tradeoffs created by the use of spintronic memories are analyzed. The proposed design achieves 1.5X-4X improvements in energy-delay product compared to a CMOS baseline. 2) It describes the first attempt to use DWM in the cache hierarchy of general-purpose processors. DWM promises unparalleled density by packing several bits of data into each bit-cell. TapeCache, the proposed DWM-based cache architecture, utilizes suitable circuit and architectural optimizations to address two key challenges (i) the high energy and latency requirement of write operations and (ii) the need for shift operations to access the data stored in each DWM bit-cell. At the circuit level, DWM bit-cells that are tailored to the distinct design requirements of different levels in the cache hierarchy are proposed. At the architecture level, TapeCache proposes suitable cache organization and management policies to alleviate the performance impact of shift operations required to access data stored in DWM bit-cells. TapeCache achieves more than 7X improvements in both cache area and energy with virtually identical performance compared to an SRAM-based cache hierarchy. 3) It investigates the design of the on-chip memory hierarchy of general-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs)—massively parallel processors that are optimized for data-intensive high-throughput workloads—using DWM. STAG, a high density, energy-efficient Spintronic- Tape Architecture for GPGPU cache hierarchies is described. STAG utilizes different DWM bit-cells to realize different memory arrays in the GPGPU cache hierarchy. To address the challenge of high access latencies due to shifts, STAG predicts upcoming cache accesses by leveraging unique characteristics of GPGPU architectures and workloads, and prefetches data that are both likely to be accessed and require large numbers of shift operations. STAG achieves 3.3X energy reduction and 12.1% performance improvement over CMOS SRAM under iso-area conditions. 4) While the potential of spintronic devices for memories is widely recognized, their utility in realizing logic is much less clear. The thesis presents Spintastic, a new paradigm that utilizes Stochastic Computing (SC) to realize spintronic logic. In SC, data is encoded in the form of pseudo-random bitstreams, such that the probability of a \u271\u27 in a bitstream corresponds to the numerical value that it represents. SC can enable compact, low-complexity logic implementations of various arithmetic functions. Spintastic establishes the synergy between stochastic computing and spin-based logic by demonstrating that they mutually alleviate each other\u27s limitations. On the one hand, various building blocks of SC, which incur significant overheads in CMOS implementations, can be efficiently realized by exploiting the physical characteristics of spin devices. On the other hand, the reduced logic complexity and low logic depth of SC circuits alleviates the shortcomings of spintronic logic. Based on this insight, the design of spin-based stochastic arithmetic circuits, bitstream generators, bitstream permuters and stochastic-to-binary converter circuits are presented. Spintastic achieves 7.1X energy reduction over CMOS implementations for a wide range of benchmarks from the image processing, signal processing, and RMS application domains. 5) In order to evaluate the proposed spintronic designs, the thesis describes various device-to-architecture modeling frameworks. Starting with devices models that are calibrated to measurements, the characteristics of spintronic devices are successively abstracted into circuit-level and architectural models, which are incorporated into suitable simulation frameworks. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints

    On expressing different concurrency paradigms on virtual execution environment

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    Virtual execution environments (VEE) such as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) have been designed when the dominant computer architecture featured a Von-Neumann interface to programs: a single processor hiding all the complexity of parallel computations inside its design. Programs are expressed in an intermediate form that is executed by the VEE that defines an abstract computational model in which the concurrency model has been influenced by these design choices and it basically exposes the multi-threading model of the underlying operating system. Recently computer systems have introduced computational units in which concurrency is explicit and under program control. Relevant examples are the Graphical Processing Units (GPU such as Nvidia or AMD) and the Cell BE architecture which allow for explicit control of single processing unit, local memories and communication channels. Unfortunately programs designed for Virtual Machines cannot access to these resources since are not available through the abstractions provided by the VEE. A major redesign of VEEs seems to be necessary in order to bridge this gap. In this thesis we study the problem of exposing non-von Neumann computing resources within the Virtual Machine without need for a redesign of the whole execution infrastructure. In this work we express parallel computations relying on extensible meta-data and reflection to encode information. Meta-programming techniques are then used to rewrite the program into an equivalent one using the special purpose underlying architecture. We provide a case study in which this approach is applied to compiling Common Intermediate Language (CIL) methods to multi-core GPUs; we show that it is possible to access these non-standard computing resources without any change to the virtual machine design

    PRAM Hybrid Memory

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    This article proposes a lifetime aware buffer assignment method for streaming applications like multimedia specified in a synchronous dataflow (SDF) graph on a DRAM/PRAM hybrid memory in which the endurance of PRAM is limited. We determine whether buffers are assigned to DRAM or PRAM to minimize the writing frequency of PRAM. To solve the problems, we formulate them using Answer Set Programming. Experimental results show that the proposed approach increases the PRAM lifetime by 63% compared with no optimization, and shows the tradeoff between PRAM and DRAM size to guarantee a lifetime constraint.This work is supported by IT R&D program MKE/KEIT (No. 10041608, Embedded system Software for New-memory based Smart Device) and the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2012-0003866)

    Adaptive Knobs for Resource Efficient Computing

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    Performance demands of emerging domains such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and vision, Internet-of-things etc., continue to grow. Meeting such requirements on modern multi/many core systems with higher power densities, fixed power and energy budgets, and thermal constraints exacerbates the run-time management challenge. This leaves an open problem on extracting the required performance within the power and energy limits, while also ensuring thermal safety. Existing architectural solutions including asymmetric and heterogeneous cores and custom acceleration improve performance-per-watt in specific design time and static scenarios. However, satisfying applications’ performance requirements under dynamic and unknown workload scenarios subject to varying system dynamics of power, temperature and energy requires intelligent run-time management. Adaptive strategies are necessary for maximizing resource efficiency, considering i) diverse requirements and characteristics of concurrent applications, ii) dynamic workload variation, iii) core-level heterogeneity and iv) power, thermal and energy constraints. This dissertation proposes such adaptive techniques for efficient run-time resource management to maximize performance within fixed budgets under unknown and dynamic workload scenarios. Resource management strategies proposed in this dissertation comprehensively consider application and workload characteristics and variable effect of power actuation on performance for pro-active and appropriate allocation decisions. Specific contributions include i) run-time mapping approach to improve power budgets for higher throughput, ii) thermal aware performance boosting for efficient utilization of power budget and higher performance, iii) approximation as a run-time knob exploiting accuracy performance trade-offs for maximizing performance under power caps at minimal loss of accuracy and iv) co-ordinated approximation for heterogeneous systems through joint actuation of dynamic approximation and power knobs for performance guarantees with minimal power consumption. The approaches presented in this dissertation focus on adapting existing mapping techniques, performance boosting strategies, software and dynamic approximations to meet the performance requirements, simultaneously considering system constraints. The proposed strategies are compared against relevant state-of-the-art run-time management frameworks to qualitatively evaluate their efficacy

    Case Studies on Optimizing Algorithms for GPU Architectures

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    Modern GPUs are complex, massively multi-threaded, and high-performance. Programmers naturally gravitate towards taking advantage of this high performance for achieving faster results. However, in order to do so successfully, programmers must first understand and then master a new set of skills – writing parallel code, using different types of parallelism, adapting to GPU architectural features, and understanding issues that limit performance. In order to ease this learning process and help GPU programmers become productive more quickly, this dissertation introduces three data access skeletons (DASks) – Block, Column, and Row -- and two block access skeletons (BASks) – Block-By-Block and Warp-by-Warp. Each “skeleton” provides a high-performance implementation framework that partitions data arrays into data blocks and then iterates over those blocks. The programmer must still write “body” methods on individual data blocks to solve their specific problem. These skeletons provide efficient machine dependent data access patterns for use on GPUs. DASks group n data elements into m fixed size data blocks. These m data block are then partitioned across p thread blocks using a 1D or 2D layout pattern. The fixed-size data blocks are parameterized using three C++ template parameters – nWork, WarpSize, and nWarps. Generic programming techniques use these three parameters to enable performance experiments on three different types of parallelism – instruction-level parallelism (ILP), data-level parallelism (DLP), and thread-level parallelism (TLP). These different DASks and BASks are introduced using a simple memory I/O (Copy) case study. A nearest neighbor search case study resulted in the development of DASKs and BASks but does not use these skeletons itself. Three additional case studies – Reduce/Scan, Histogram, and Radix Sort -- demonstrate DASks and BASks in action on parallel primitives and also provides more valuable performance lessons.Doctor of Philosoph