984 research outputs found

    Characterizationof FD-SOI transistor

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    In this project, measurements have been made on FD-SOI transistors, fabricated by CEA-LETI, to carry out a characterization of these devices, since they are very new and need to be studied. This work has focused on characterizing the aging mechanism of the devices and the observed RTN. To characterize the aging mechanism and variability of the samples based on the applied cycles, the measurements have been made by applying constant stress voltages (CVS) directly to the device with a wafer prove station and a semiconductor parameter analyzer (SPA). To observe TN, different electrical procedures have been studied, controlling the different parameters during the measurements.En aquest projecte s'han realitzat mesures en transistors FD-SOI, fabricats per CEA-LETI, per tal de dur a terme una caracterització d'aquests dispositius, ja que són molt nous i necessiten de ser estudiats. Aquest treball s'ha centrat en caracteritzar l'envelliment dels dispositius i el RTN observat. Per a caracteritzar l'envelliment i la variabilitat de les mostres en funció dels cicles aplicats, les mesures s'han realitzat aplicant tensions d'estrés constant (CVS) directament al dispositiu amb una taula de puntes i un analitzador de paràmetres de semiconductors (SPA). Per tal d'observar RTN s'han estudiat diferents procediments elèctrics, controlant els diferents paràmetres durant les mesures.En este proyecto se han realizado medidas en transistores FD-SOI, fabricados por CEA-LETI, para llevar a cabo una caracterización de estos dispositivos, puesto que son muy nuevos y necesitan de ser estudiados. Este trabajo se ha centrado en caracterizar los mecanismos de envejecimiento de los dispositivos y el RTN observado. Para caracterizar el envejecimiento y la variabilidad de las muestras en función de los ciclos aplicados, las medidas se han realizado aplicando tensiones de estrés constante (CVS) directamente al dispositivo con una tabla de puntas y un analizador de parámetros de semiconductores (SPA). Para observar RTN se han estudiado diferentes procedimientos eléctricos, controlando los diferentes parámetros durante las medidas

    Reliability Investigations of MOSFETs using RF Small Signal Characterization

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    Modern technology needs and advancements have introduced various new concepts such as Internet-of-Things, electric automotive, and Artificial intelligence. This implies an increased activity in the electronics domain of analog and high frequency. Silicon devices have emerged as a cost-effective solution for such diverse applications. As these silicon devices are pushed towards higher performance, there is a continuous need to improve fabrication, power efficiency, variability, and reliability. Often, a direct trade-off of higher performance is observed in the reliability of semiconductor devices. The acceleration-based methodologies used for reliability assessment are the adequate time-saving solution for the lifetime's extrapolation but come with uncertainty in accuracy. Thus, the efforts to improve the accuracy of reliability characterization methodologies run in parallel. This study highlights two goals that can be achieved by incorporating high-frequency characterization into the reliability characteristics. The first one is assessing high-frequency performance throughout the device's lifetime to facilitate an accurate description of device/circuit functionality for high-frequency applications. Secondly, to explore the potential of high-frequency characterization as the means of scanning reliability effects within devices. S-parameters served as the high-frequency device's response and mapped onto a small-signal model to analyze different components of a fully depleted silicon-on-insulator MOSFET. The studied devices are subjected to two important DC stress patterns, i.e., Bias temperature instability stress and hot carrier stress. The hot carrier stress, which inherently suffers from the self-heating effect, resulted in the transistor's geometry-dependent magnitudes of hot carrier degradation. It is shown that the incorporation of the thermal resistance model is mandatory for the investigation of hot carrier degradation. The property of direct translation of small-signal parameter degradation to DC parameter degradation is used to develop a new S-parameter based bias temperature instability characterization methodology. The changes in gate-related small-signal capacitances after hot carrier stress reveals a distinct signature due to local change of flat-band voltage. The measured effects of gate-related small-signal capacitances post-stress are validated through transient physics-based simulations in Sentaurus TCAD.:Abstract Symbols Acronyms 1 Introduction 2 Fundamentals 2.1 MOSFETs Scaling Trends and Challenges 2.1.1 Silicon on Insulator Technology 2.1.2 FDSOI Technology 2.2 Reliability of Semiconductor Devices 2.3 RF Reliability 2.4 MOSFET Degradation Mechanisms 2.4.1 Hot Carrier Degradation 2.4.2 Bias Temperature Instability 2.5 Self-heating 3 RF Characterization of fully-depleted Silicon on Insulator devices 3.1 Scattering Parameters 3.2 S-parameters Measurement Flow 3.2.1 Calibration 3.2.2 De-embedding 3.3 Small-Signal Model 3.3.1 Model Parameters Extraction 3.3.2 Transistor Figures of Merit 3.4 Characterization Results 4 Self-heating assessment in Multi-finger Devices 4.1 Self-heating Characterization Methodology 4.1.1 Output Conductance Frequency dependence 4.1.2 Temperature dependence of Drain Current 4.2 Thermal Resistance Behavior 4.2.1 Thermal Resistance Scaling with number of fingers 4.2.2 Thermal Resistance Scaling with finger spacing 4.2.3 Thermal Resistance Scaling with GateWidth 4.2.4 Thermal Resistance Scaling with Gate length 4.3 Thermal Resistance Model 4.4 Design for Thermal Resistance Optimization 5 Bias Temperature Instability Investigation 5.1 Impact of Bias Temperature Instability stress on Device Metrics 5.1.1 Experimental Details 5.1.2 DC Parameters Drift 5.1.3 RF Small-Signal Parameters Drift 5.2 S-parameter based on-the-fly Bias Temperature Instability Characterization Method 5.2.1 Measurement Methodology 5.2.2 Results and Discussion 6 Investigation of Hot-carrier Degradation 6.1 Impact of Hot-carrier stress on Device performance 6.1.1 DC Metrics Degradation 6.1.2 Impact on small-signal Parameters 6.2 Implications of Self-heating on Hot-carrier Degradation in n-MOSFETs 6.2.1 Inclusion of Thermal resistance in Hot-carrier Degradation modeling 6.2.2 Convolution of Bias Temperature Instability component in Hot-carrier Degradation 6.2.3 Effect of Source and Drain Placement in Multi-finger Layout 6.3 Vth turn-around effect in p-MOSFET 7 Deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability using Scattering parameters 7.1 Small-Signal Parameter Signatures for Hot-carrier Degradation and Bias Temperature Instability 7.2 TCAD Dynamic Simulation of Defects 7.2.1 Fixed Charges 7.2.2 Interface Traps near Gate 7.2.3 Interface Traps near Spacer Region 7.2.4 Combination of Traps 7.2.5 Drain Series Resistance effect 7.2.6 DVth Correction 7.3 Empirical Modeling based deconvolution of Hot-carrier Degradation 8 Conclusion and Recommendations 8.1 General Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations for Future Work A Directly measured S-parameters and extracted Y-parameters B Device Dimensions for Thermal Resistance Modeling C Frequency response of hot-carrier degradation (HCD) D Localization Effect of Interface Traps Bibliograph

    Design of a reliability methodology: Modelling the influence of temperature on gate Oxide reliability

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    An Integrated Reliability Methodology (IRM) is presented that encompasses the changes that technology growth has brought with it and includes several new device degradation models. Each model is based on a physics of failure approach and includes on the effects of temperature. At all stages the models are verified experimentally on modern deep sub-micron devices. The research provides the foundations of a tool which gives the user the opportunity to make appropriate trade-offs between performance and reliability, and that can be implemented in the early stages of product development

    Reliability of GaN-on-Si high-electron-mobility transistors for power electronics application

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    Simulation study of scaling design, performance characterization, statistical variability and reliability of decananometer MOSFETs

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    This thesis describes a comprehensive, simulation based scaling study – including device design, performance characterization, and the impact of statistical variability – on deca-nanometer bulk MOSFETs. After careful calibration of fabrication processes and electrical characteristics for n- and p-MOSFETs with 35 nm physical gate length, 1 nm EOT and stress engineering, the simulated devices closely match the performance of contemporary 45 nm CMOS technologies. Scaling to 25 nm, 18 nm and 13 nm gate length n and p devices follows generalized scaling rules, augmented by physically realistic constraints and the introduction of high-k/metal-gate stacks. The scaled devices attain the performance stipulated by the ITRS. Device a.c. performance is analyzed, at device and circuit level. Extrinsic parasitics become critical to nano-CMOS device performance. The thesis describes device capacitance components, analyzes the CMOS inverter, and obtains new insights into the inverter propagation delay in nano-CMOS. The projection of a.c. performance of scaled devices is obtained. The statistical variability of electrical characteristics, due to intrinsic parameter fluctuation sources, in contemporary and scaled decananometer MOSFETs is systematically investigated for the first time. The statistical variability sources: random discrete dopants, gate line edge roughness and poly-silicon granularity are simulated, in combination, in an ensemble of microscopically different devices. An increasing trend in the standard deviation of the threshold voltage as a function of scaling is observed. The introduction of high-k/metal gates improves electrostatic integrity and slows this trend. Statistical evaluations of variability in Ion and Ioff as a function of scaling are also performed. For the first time, the impact of strain on statistical variability is studied. Gate line edge roughness results in areas of local channel shortening, accompanied by locally increased strain, both effects increasing the local current. Variations are observed in both the drive current, and in the drive current enhancement normally expected from the application of strain. In addition, the effects of shallow trench isolation (STI) on MOSFET performance and on its statistical variability are investigated for the first time. The inverse-narrow-width effect of STI enhances the current density adjacent to it. This leads to a local enhancement of the influence of junction shapes adjacent to the STI. There is also a statistical impact on the threshold voltage due to random STI induced traps at the silicon/oxide interface

    Addressing On-Chip Power Conversion and Dissipation Issues in Many-Core System-on-a-Chip based on Conventional Silicon and Emerging Nanotechnologies

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    Title from PDF of title page viewed August 27, 2018Dissertation advisor: Masud H ChowdhuryVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 158-163)Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Computing and Engineering and Department of Physics and Astronomy. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2017Integrated circuits (ICs) are moving towards system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. SOC allows various small and large electronic systems to be implemented in a single chip. This approach enables the miniaturization of design blocks that leads to high density transistor integration, faster response time, and lower fabrication costs. To reap the benefits of SOC and uphold the miniaturization of transistors, innovative power delivery and power dissipation management schemes are paramount. This dissertation focuses on on-chip integration of power delivery systems and managing power dissipation to increase the lifetime of energy storage elements. We explore this problem from two different angels: On-chip voltage regulators and power gating techniques. On-chip voltage regulators reduce parasitic effects, and allow faster and efficient power delivery for microprocessors. Power gating techniques, on the other hand, reduce the power loss incurred by circuit blocks during standby mode. Power dissipation (Ptotal = Pstatic and Pdynamic) in a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) circuit comes from two sources: static and dynamic. A quadratic dependency on the dynamic switching power and a more than linear dependency on static power as a form of gate leakage (subthreshold current) exist. To reduce dynamic power loss, the supply power should be reduced. A significant reduction in power dissipation occurs when portions of a microprocessor operate at a lower voltage level. This reduction in supply voltage is achieved via voltage regulators or converters. Voltage regulators are used to provide a stable power supply to the microprocessor. The conventional off-chip switching voltage regulator contains a passive floating inductor, which is difficult to be implemented inside the chip due to excessive power dissipation and parasitic effects. Additionally, the inductor takes a very large chip area while hampering the scaling process. These limitations make passive inductor based on-chip regulator design very unattractive for SOC integration and multi-/many-core environments. To circumvent the challenges, three alternative techniques based on active circuit elements to replace the passive LC filter of the buck convertor are developed. The first inductorless on-chip switching voltage regulator architecture is based on a cascaded 2nd order multiple feedback (MFB) low-pass filter (LPF). This design has the ability to modulate to multiple voltage settings via pulse with modulation (PWM). The second approach is a supplementary design utilizing a hybrid low drop-out scheme to lower the output ripple of the switching regulator over a wider frequency range. The third design approach allows the integration of an entire power management system within a single chipset by combining a highly efficient switching regulator with an intermittently efficient linear regulator (area efficient), for robust and highly efficient on-chip regulation. The static power (Pstatic) or subthreshold leakage power (Pleak) increases with technology scaling. To mitigate static power dissipation, power gating techniques are implemented. Power gating is one of the popular methods to manage leakage power during standby periods in low-power high-speed IC design. It works by using transistor based switches to shut down part of the circuit block and put them in the idle mode. The efficiency of a power gating scheme involves minimum Ioff and high Ion for the sleep transistor. A conventional sleep transistor circuit design requires an additional header, footer, or both switches to turn off the logic block. This additional transistor causes signal delay and increases the chip area. We propose two innovative designs for next generation sleep transistor designs. For an above threshold operation, we present a sleep transistor design based on fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) device. For a subthreshold circuit operation, we implement a sleep transistor utilizing the newly developed silicon-on ferroelectric-insulator field effect transistor (SOFFET). In both of the designs, the ability to control the threshold voltage via bias voltage at the back gate makes both devices more flexible for sleep transistors design than a bulk MOSFET. The proposed approaches simplify the design complexity, reduce the chip area, eliminate the voltage drop by sleep transistor, and improve power dissipation. In addition, the design provides a dynamically controlled Vt for times when the circuit needs to be in a sleep or switching mode.Introduction -- Background and literature review -- Fully integrated on-chip switching voltage regulator -- Hybrid LDO voltage regulator based on cascaded second order multiple feedback loop -- Single and dual output two-stage on-chip power management system -- Sleep transistor design using double-gate FDSOI -- Subthreshold region sleep transistor design -- Conclusio

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Concept, design, simulation, and fabrication of an ultra-scalable vertical MOSFET

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    A new orientation to the conventional MOSFET is proposed. Processing issues, as well as short channel effects have been making planar MOSFET scaling increasingly difficult. It is predicted by the 2001 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) that non-planar devices will be needed for production as early as 2007. The device proposed in this thesis is similar in operation to the planar MOSFET, however the current transport from source to drain, normally in the same plane as the wafer surface, is oriented perpendicular to the die surface. The proposed device has successfully been simulated, showing a proof of concept. Fabrication of the proposed devices led to the creation of vertical MOS Gated Tunnel Diodes. This work, in fact, represents possibly the first demonstration of this type of technology. Suggestions are made to improve upon the proposed vertical MOSFET as well as the vertical MOS Gated Tunnel Diode