10 research outputs found

    Application of neuro-fuzzy methods for stock market forecasting: a systematic review

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    Predicting stock prices is a challenging task owing to the market's chaos and uncertainty. Methods based on traditional approaches are unable to provide a solution to the market predictability issue. Thus, contemporary models using accurate neuro-fuzzy systems are found to be the most effective approach to tackling the problem. However, the existing literature lacks a detailed survey of the application of neuro-fuzzy techniques for stock market prediction. This paper presents a systematic literature review of the use of neuro-fuzzy systems for predicting stock market prices and trends.  On this basis, articles issued in various reputed international journals from 2000 to July 2022 were examined, 11 duplicates and 4 non-exclusive articles were removed and, as consequent, 24 eligible studies were retrieved for inclusion. Thus, analysis and discussions were based on two major viewpoints: predictor techniques and accuracy metrics. The review reveals that the researchers, based on their knowledge and research interests, applied a diverse neuro-fuzzy technique and shown stronger preference for certain neuro-fuzzy methods, such as ANFIS. To draw conclusions about the model performance, researchers chose different statistical and non-statistical metrics according to the technique used. It was finally observed that neuro-fuzzy approaches outperform, within its limits, conventional methods. However, each has its own set of constraints regarding the challenges involved in putting it into practice. The complexity of the presented approaches is the most significant potential obstacle that they face. Therefore, stock market prediction is a difficult undertaking, and multiple elements should be considered for accurate prediction. Yet, despite the subject's prominence, there are still promising new frontiers to explore and develop. Keywords: Fuzzy logic, Artificial neural network, Neuro-fuzzy, stock market forecasting JEL Classification: F37 Paper type: Theoretical Research  Predicting stock prices is a challenging task owing to the market's chaos and uncertainty. Methods based on traditional approaches are unable to provide a solution to the market predictability issue. Thus, contemporary models using accurate neuro-fuzzy systems are found to be the most effective approach to tackling the problem. However, the existing literature lacks a detailed survey of the application of neuro-fuzzy techniques for stock market prediction. This paper presents a systematic literature review of the use of neuro-fuzzy systems for predicting stock market prices and trends.  On this basis, articles issued in various reputed international journals from 2000 to July 2022 were examined, 11 duplicates and 4 non-exclusive articles were removed and, as consequent, 24 eligible studies were retrieved for inclusion. Thus, analysis and discussions were based on two major viewpoints: predictor techniques and accuracy metrics. The review reveals that the researchers, based on their knowledge and research interests, applied a diverse neuro-fuzzy technique and shown stronger preference for certain neuro-fuzzy methods, such as ANFIS. To draw conclusions about the model performance, researchers chose different statistical and non-statistical metrics according to the technique used. It was finally observed that neuro-fuzzy approaches outperform, within its limits, conventional methods. However, each has its own set of constraints regarding the challenges involved in putting it into practice. The complexity of the presented approaches is the most significant potential obstacle that they face. Therefore, stock market prediction is a difficult undertaking, and multiple elements should be considered for accurate prediction. Yet, despite the subject's prominence, there are still promising new frontiers to explore and develop. Keywords: Fuzzy logic, Artificial neural network, Neuro-fuzzy, stock market forecasting JEL Classification: F37 Paper type: Theoretical Research &nbsp

    Soft Computing Techniques for Stock Market Prediction: A Literature Survey

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    Stock market trading is an unending investment exercise globally. It has potentials to generate high returns on investors’ investment. However, it is characterized by high risk of investment hence, having knowledge and ability to predict stock price or market movement is invaluable to investors in the stock market. Over the years, several soft computing techniques have been used to analyze various stock markets to retrieve knowledge to guide investors on when to buy or sell. This paper surveys over 100 published articles that focus on the application of soft computing techniques to forecast stock markets. The aim of this paper is to present a coherent of information on various soft computing techniques employed for stock market prediction. This research work will enable researchers in this field to know the current trend as well as help to inform their future research efforts. From the surveyed articles, it is evident that researchers have firmly focused on the development of hybrid prediction models and substantial work has also been done on the use of social media data for stock market prediction. It is also revealing that most studies have focused on the prediction of stock prices in emerging market

    Mining relationships among knowledge, attitude, and practice of drivers using self-organizing map and decision tree: The case of Bandar Abbas city taxi drivers

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    Background and Objectives: Traffic accidents are the leading causes of fatal or nonfatal work-related injuries in many countries. Analyzing influencing factors on knowledge, attitude, and practice of drivers is a topic of interest for policymakers to decrease traffic accident injury victims. Materials and Methods: In this article, a two-stage data mining approach was presented for determining the mining relationships among knowledge, attitude, and practice of drivers. In the first stage, because of existing multidimensional practice variables, self-organizing map neural network was utilized to automatically arrange drivers into two safe and unsafe driving practice clusters. In the second stage, a decision tree was used to model relationships among knowledge and attitude of drivers and practice clusters. The authors' designed questionnaires were used to collect data in 235 male taxi drivers of Bandar Abbas city in Iran regarding the drivers' knowledge and attitude toward traffic regulations. The driving practices were assessed using a prepared checklist. Results: The most important attribute affecting practice of drivers was the maximum safe speed in the city. Conclusions: The results of this investigation showed that drivers' knowledge toward traffic regulations had a dramatic impact on safe driving practices. Levels of drivers' education can influence practice of drivers

    Soft Computing Approaches to Stock Forecasting: A Survey

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    Soft computing techniques has been effectively applied in business, engineering, medical domain to solve problems in the past decade. However, this paper focuses on censoring the application of soft computing techniques for stock market prediction in the last decade (2010 - todate). Over a hundred published articles on stock price prediction were reviewed. The survey is done by grouping these published articles into: the stock market surveyed, input variable choices, summary of modelling technique applied, comparative studies, and summary of performance measures. This survey aptly shows that soft computing techniques are widely used and it has demonstrated widely acceptability to accurately use for predicting stock price and stock index behavior worldwide

    Soft Computing Techniques for Stock Market Prediction: A Literature Survey

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    Stock market trading is an unending investment exercise globally. It has potentials to generate high returns on investors’ investment. However, it is characterized by high risk of investment hence, having knowledge and ability to predict stock price or market movement is invaluable to investors in the stock market. Over the years, several soft computing techniques have been used to analyze various stock markets to retrieve knowledge to guide investors on when to buy or sell. This paper surveys over 100 published articles that focus on the application of soft computing techniques to forecast stock markets. The aim of this paper is to present a coherent of information on various soft computing techniques employed for stock market prediction. This research work will enable researchers in this field to know the current trend as well as help to inform their future research efforts. From the surveyed articles, it is evident that researchers have firmly focused on the development of hybrid prediction models and substantial work has also been done on the use of social media data for stock market prediction. It is also revealing that most studies have focused on the prediction of stock prices in emerging market

    Machine learning techniques for predicting the stock market using daily market variables

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligencePredicting the stock market was never seen as an easy task. The complexity of the financial systems makes it extremely difficult for anything or anyone to predict what the future of prices holds, let it be a day, a week, a month or even a year. Many variables influence the market’s volatility and some of these may even be the gut feeling of an investor on a specific day. Several machine learning techniques were already applied to forecast multiple stock market indexes, some presenting good values of accuracy when it comes to predict whether the prices will go up or down, and low values of error when dealing with regression data. This work aims to apply some state-of-the-art algorithms and compare their performance with Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) as well as between each other. The variables used to this empirical work were the prices of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) registered for every business day, from January 1st of 2006 to January 1st of 2018, for 29 companies. Some changes and adjustments were made to the original variables to present different data types to the algorithms. To ensure good quality and certainty when evaluating the flexibility and stability of each model, the error measure used was the Root Mean Squared Error and the Mann-Whitney U test was also applied to assess statistical significance of the results obtained.Prever a bolsa nunca foi considerado ser uma tarefa fácil. A complexidade dos sistemas financeiros torna extremamente difícil que um ser humano ou uma máquina consigam prever o que o futuro dos preços reserva, seja para um dia, uma semana, um mês ou um ano. Muitas variáveis influenciam a volatilidade do mercado e algumas podem até ser a confiança de um investidor em apostar em determinada empresa, naquele dia específico. Várias técnicas de aprendizagem automática foram aplicadas ao longo do tempo para prever vários índices de bolsas, algumas apresentando bons valores de precisão quando se tratou de prever se os preços subiam ou desciam e outras, baixos valores de erro ao lidar com dados de regressão. Este trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar alguns dos mais conhecidos algoritmos e comparar os seus desempenhos com o Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), e entre si. As variáveis utilizadas para a elaboração deste trabalho empírico foram os preços da Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) registados para todos os dias úteis, de 1 de Janeiro de 2006 a 1 de Janeiro de 2018, para 29 empresas. Algumas alterações e ajustes foram efetuados sobre as variáveis originais de forma a construír diferentes tipos de dados para posteriormente dar aos algoritmos. Para garantir boa qualidade e veracidade ao avaliar a flexibilidade e estabilidade de cada modelo, a medida de erro utilizada foi o erro médio quadrático da raíz e, de seguida, o teste U de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para avaliar a significância estatística dos resultados obtidos

    Contribution to Financial Modeling and Financial Forecasting

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    This thesis consists of three chapters. Each chapter is independent research that is conducted during my study. This research is concentrated on financial time series modeling and forecasting. On first chapter, the research aims to prove that any abnormal behavior in debt level is a signal of future unexpected return for firms that is listed in indexes in this study, hence it is a signal to buy. In order to prove this theory multiple indexes from around the world were taken into consideration. This behavior is consistent in most of indexes around the word. The second chapter investigate the effect of United State president speech on value of United State Currency in Foreign Exchange Rate market. In this analysis it is shown that during the time the president is delivering a speech there is distinctive changes in USD value and volatility in global markets. This chapter implies that this effect cannot be captured by linear models, and the impact of the presidential speech is short term. Finally, the third chapter which is the major research of this thesis, suggest two new methods that potentially enhance the financial time series forecasting. Firstly, the new ARMA-RNN model is presented. The suggested model is inheriting the process of Autoregressive Moving Average model which is extensively studied, and train a recurrent neural network based on it to benefit from unique ability of ARMA model as well as strength and nonlinearity of artificial neural network. Secondly the research investigates the use of different frequency of data for input layer to predict the same data on output layer. In other words, artificial neural networks are trained on higher frequency data to predict lower frequency. Finally, both stated method is combined to achieve more superior predictive model