387 research outputs found

    A Hybrid Approach to Music Playlist Continuation Based on Playlist-Song Membership

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    Automated music playlist continuation is a common task of music recommender systems, that generally consists in providing a fitting extension to a given playlist. Collaborative filtering models, that extract abstract patterns from curated music playlists, tend to provide better playlist continuations than content-based approaches. However, pure collaborative filtering models have at least one of the following limitations: (1) they can only extend playlists profiled at training time; (2) they misrepresent songs that occur in very few playlists. We introduce a novel hybrid playlist continuation model based on what we name "playlist-song membership", that is, whether a given playlist and a given song fit together. The proposed model regards any playlist-song pair exclusively in terms of feature vectors. In light of this information, and after having been trained on a collection of labeled playlist-song pairs, the proposed model decides whether a playlist-song pair fits together or not. Experimental results on two datasets of curated music playlists show that the proposed playlist continuation model compares to a state-of-the-art collaborative filtering model in the ideal situation of extending playlists profiled at training time and where songs occurred frequently in training playlists. In contrast to the collaborative filtering model, and as a result of its general understanding of the playlist-song pairs in terms of feature vectors, the proposed model is additionally able to (1) extend non-profiled playlists and (2) recommend songs that occurred seldom or never in training~playlists

    Feature-combination hybrid recommender systems for automated music playlist continuation

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    Music recommender systems have become a key technology to support the interaction of users with the increasingly larger music catalogs of on-line music streaming services, on-line music shops, and personal devices. An important task in music recommender systems is the automated continuation of music playlists, that enables the recommendation of music streams adapting to given (possibly short) listening sessions. Previous works have shown that applying collaborative filtering to collections of curated music playlists reveals underlying playlist-song co-occurrence patterns that are useful to predict playlist continuations. However, most music collections exhibit a pronounced long-tailed distribution. The majority of songs occur only in few playlists and, as a consequence, they are poorly represented by collaborative filtering. We introduce two feature-combination hybrid recommender systems that extend collaborative filtering by integrating the collaborative information encoded in curated music playlists with any type of song feature vector representation. We conduct off-line experiments to assess the performance of the proposed systems to recover withheld playlist continuations, and we compare them to competitive pure and hybrid collaborative filtering baselines. The results of the experiments indicate that the introduced feature-combination hybrid recommender systems can more accurately predict fitting playlist continuations as a result of their improved representation of songs occurring in few playlists(VLID)328909

    Effects of recommendations on the playlist creation behavior of users

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    International audienceThe digitization of music, the emergence of online streaming platforms and mobile apps have dramatically changed the ways we consume music. Today, much of the music that we listen to is organized in some form of a playlist, and many users of modern music platforms create playlists for themselves or to share them with others. The manual creation of such playlists can however be demanding, in particular due to the huge amount of possible tracks that are available online. To help users in this task, music platforms like Spotify provide users with interactive tools for playlist creation. These tools usually recommend additional songs to include given a playlist title or some initial tracks. Interestingly, little is known so far about the effects of providing such a recommendation functionality. We therefore conducted a user study involving 270 subjects, where one half of the participants-the treatment group-were provided with automated recommendations when performing a playlist construction task. We then analyzed to what extent such recommendations are adopted by users and how they influence their choices. Our results, among other aspects, show that about two thirds of the treatment group made active use of the recommendations. Further analyses provide additional insights about the underlying reasons why users selected certain recommendations. Finally, our study also reveals that the mere presence of the recommendations impacts the choices of the participants, even in cases when none of the recommendations was actually chosen

    Representation learning in heterogeneous information networks for user modeling and recommendations

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Computer ScienceWilliam H. HsuCurrent research in the field of recommender systems takes into consideration the interaction between users and items; we call this the homogeneous setting. In most real world systems, however these interactions are heterogeneous, i.e., apart from users and items there are other types of entities present within the system, and the interaction between the users and items occurs in multiple contexts and scenarios. The presence of multiple types of entities within a heterogeneous information network, opens up new interaction modalities for generating recommendations to the users. The key contribution of the proposed dissertation is representation learning in heterogeneous information networks for the recommendations task. Query-based information retrieval is one of the primary ways in which meaningful nuggets of information is retrieved from large amounts of data. Here the query is represented as a user's information need. In a homogeneous setting, in the absence of type and contextual side information, the retrieval context for a user boils down to the user's preferences over observed items. In a heterogeneous setting, information regarding entity types and preference context is available. Thus query-based contextual recommendations are possible in a heterogeneous network. The contextual query could be type-based (e.g., directors, actors, movies, books etc.) or value-based (e.g., based on tag values, genre values such as ``Comedy", ``Romance") or a combination of Types and Values. Exemplar-based information retrieval is another technique for of filtering information, where the objective is to retrieve similar entities based on a set of examples. This dissertation proposes approaches for recommendation tasks in heterogeneous networks, based on these retrieval mechanisms present in traditional information retrieval domain

    Towards a better understanding of music playlist titles and descriptions

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    Music playlists, either user-generated or curated by music streaming services, often come with titles and descriptions. Although informative, these titles and descriptions make up a sparse and noisy semantic space that is challenging to be leveraged for tasks such as making music recommendations. This dissertation is dedicated to developing a better understanding of playlist titles and descriptions by leveraging track sequences in playlists. Specifically, work has been done to capture latent patterns in tracks by an embedding approach, and the latent patterns are found to be well aligned with the organizing principles of mixtapes identified more than a decade ago. The effectiveness of the latent patterns is evaluated by the task of generating descriptive keywords/tags for playlists given tracks, indicating that the latent patterns learned from tracks in playlists are able to provide a good understanding of playlist titles and descriptions. The identified latent patterns are further leveraged to improve model performance on the task of predicting missing tracks given playlist titles and descriptions. Experimental results show that the proposed models yield improvements to the task, especially when playlist descriptions are provided as model input in addition to titles. The main contributions of this work include (1) providing a better solution to dealing with ``cold-start'' playlists in music recommender systems, and (2) proposing an effective approach to automatically generating descriptive keywords/tags for playlists using track sequences

    ENSA dataset: a dataset of songs by non-superstar artists tested with an emotional analysis based on time-series

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    This paper presents a novel dataset of songs by non-superstar artists in which a set of musical data is collected, identifying for each song its musical structure, and the emotional perception of the artist through a categorical emotional labeling process. The generation of this preliminary dataset is motivated by the existence of biases that have been detected in the analysis of the most used datasets in the field of emotion-based music recommendation. This new dataset contains 234 min of audio and 60 complete and labeled songs. In addition, an emotional analysis is carried out based on the representation of dynamic emotional perception through a time-series approach, in which the similarity values generated by the dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm are analyzed and then used to implement a clustering process with the K-means algorithm. In the same way, clustering is also implemented with a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) technique, which is a manifold learning and dimension reduction algorithm. The algorithm HDBSCAN is applied for determining the optimal number of clusters. The results obtained from the different clustering strategies are compared and, in a preliminary analysis, a significant consistency is found between them. With the findings and experimental results obtained, a discussion is presented highlighting the importance of working with complete songs, preferably with a well-defined musical structure, considering the emotional variation that characterizes a song during the listening experience, in which the intensity of the emotion usually changes between verse, bridge, and chorus

    Music Culture and the Self-Presentation of Indigenous Musicians on Social Media in Contemporary Taiwan

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    The purpose of this research was to provide an indigenous perspective of popular culture in Taiwan as a means to re-examine Taiwanese contemporary identity. In-depth qualitative interviews and digital ethnography were adopted to collect data about indigenous musicians' self-presentation on social media. Being an indigenous musician in postmodern Taiwan is a highly contested phenomenon, as social media offers a double-edged sword requiring a conjunctional analysis that delves into both the past and the contemporary. This research unpacks the performance of contemporary indigenous musicians in the post-digital media age and offers five findings. Firstly, the indigenous musicians interviewed for the purpose of this research use social media to perform their indigenous identities to wider audiences, both indigenous and nonindigenous. Secondly, identity performances of indigenous musicians on social media are inspired by and reflect the richness and diversity of Taiwanese society. Thirdly, indigenous musicians act as spatio-temporal bridges commuting between urban and rural spaces, on- and offline and between tradition and contemporaneity. Fourthly, indigenous musicians in Taiwan do not only create and perform music, but also give a huge importance to defining and re-articulating what they think indigenous music is and what role it should play in contemporary Taiwanese society. Finally, online selfpresentation provides indigenous musicians with an opportunity to present their performed identities beyond the local to a global audience, allowing non-indigenous audiences to participate in their culture. Using empirical evidence from the interviews and the digital ethnography, this thesis demonstrates how identity performances by Taiwanese indigenous musicians oscillate between three different and inter-related identity processes: ‘doing’ indigenous, ‘being indigenous’, and ‘becoming’ indigenous

    Subprofile aware diversification of recommendations

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    A user of a recommender system is more likely to be satisfied by one or more of the recommendations if each individual recommendation is relevant to her but additionally if the set of recommendations is diverse. The most common approach to recommendation diversification uses re-ranking: the recommender system scores a set of candidate items for relevance to the user; it then re-ranks the candidates so that the subset that it will recommend achieves a balance between relevance and diversity. Ordinarily, we expect a trade-off between relevance and diversity: the diversity of the set of recommendations increases by including items that have lower relevance scores but which are different from the items already in the set. In early work, the diversity of a set of recommendations was given by an aggregate of their distances from one another, according to some semantic distance metric defined on item features such as movie genres. More recent intent-aware diversification methods formulate diversity in terms of coverage and relevance of aspects. The aspects are most commonly defined in terms of item features. By trying to ensure that the aspects of a set of recommended items cover the aspects of the items in the user’s profile, the level of diversity is more personalized. In offline experiments on pre-collected datasets, intent-aware diversification using item features as aspects sometimes defies the relevance/diversity trade-off: there are configurations in which the recommendations exhibits increases in both relevance and diversity. In this thesis, we present a new form of intent-aware diversification, which we call SPAD (Subprofile-Aware Diversification). In SPAD and its variants, the aspects are not item features; they are subprofiles of the user’s profile. We present a number of different ways to extract subprofiles from a user’s profile. None of them is defined in terms of item features. Therefore, SPAD and its variants are useful even in domains where item features are not available or are of low quality. On several pre-collected datasets from different domains (movies, music, books, social network), we compare SPAD and its variants to intent-aware methods in which aspects are item features. We also compare them to calibrated recommendations, which are related to intent-aware recommendations. We find on these datasets that SPAD and its variants suffer even less from the relevance/diversity trade-off: across all datasets, they increase both relevance and diversity for even more configurations than other approaches. Moreover, we apply SPAD to the task of automatic playlist continuation (APC), in which relevance is the main goal, not diversity. We find that, even when applied to the task of APC, SPAD increases both relevance and diversity
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