217 research outputs found

    Aerospace Manufacturing Industry: A Simulation-Based Decision Support Framework for the Scheduling of Complex Hoist Lines

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    The hoist scheduling problem is a critical issue in the design and control of Automated Manufacturing Systems. To deal with the major complexities appearing in such problem, this work introduces an advanced simulation model to represent the short-term scheduling of complex hoist lines. The aim is to find the best jobs schedule that minimizing the makespan while maximizing throughput with no defective outputs. Several hard constraints are considered in the model: single shared hoist, heterogeneous recipes, eventual recycles flows, and no buffers between workstations. Different heuristic-based strategies are incorporated into the computer model in order to improve the solutions generated over time. The alternative solutions can be quickly evaluated by using a graphical user interface developed together with the simulation model.Fil: Basán, Natalia Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Pulido, Raul. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Coccola, Mariana Evangelina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Mendez, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; Argentin

    Model and heuristic solutions for the multiple double-load crane scheduling problem in slab yards

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    This article studies a multiple double-load crane scheduling problem in steel slab yards. Consideration of multiple cranes and their double-load capability makes the scheduling problem more complex. This problem has not been studied previously. We first formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. A two-phase model-based heuristic is then proposed. To solve large problems, a pointer-based discrete differential evolution (PDDE) algorithm was developed with a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm embedded to solve the one-crane subproblem for a fixed sequence of tasks. Instances of real problems are collected from a steel company to test the performance of the solution methods. The experiment results show that the model can solve small problems optimally, and the solution greatly improves the schedule currently used in practice. The two-phase heuristic generates near-optimal solutions, but it can still only solve comparatively modest problems within reasonable (4 h) computational timeframes. The PDDE algorithm can solve large practical problems relatively quickly and provides better results than the two-phase heuristic solution, demonstrating its effectiveness and efficiency and therefore its suitability for practical use

    Re-scheduling of AGVs Steady State Flow

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    Demand Reduction and Responsive Strategies for Underground Mining

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    This thesis presents a demand reduction and responsive strategy for underground mining operations. The thesis starts with a literature review and background research on global energy, coal mining and the energy related issues that the mining industry face everyday. The thesis then goes on to discuss underground mine electrical power systems, data acquisition, load profiling, priority ranking, load shedding and demand side management in mining. Other areas presented in this thesis are existing energy reduction techniques, including: high efficiency motors, motor speed reduction and low energy lighting. During the thesis a data acquisition system was designed and installed at a UK Coal colliery and integrated into the mines existing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. Design and installation problems were overcome with the construction of a test meter and lab installation and testing. A detailed explanation of the system design and installation along with the data analysis of the data from the installed system. A comprehensive load profile and load characterisation system was developed by the author. The load profiling system is comprehensive allows the definition of any type of load profile. These load profiles are fixed, variable and transient load types. The loads output and electrical demand are all taken into consideration. The load characterisation system developed is also very comprehensive. The LC MATRIX is used with the load profiles and the load characteristics to define off-line schedules. A set of unique real-time decision algorithms are also developed by the author to operate the off-line schedules within the desired objective function. MATLAB Simulation is used to developed and test the systems. Results from these test are presented. Application of the developed load profiling and scheduling systems are applied to the data collected from the mine, the results of this and the cost savings are also presented

    Cycle Time Analysis For Photolithography Tools In Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry With Simulation Model : A Case Study [TR940. S618 2008 f rb].

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    Perkembangan industri semikonduktor dalam bidang fabrikasi biasanya melibatkan kos pelaburan yang tinggi terutamanya dalam alatan photolithography. The industry of semiconductor wafer fabrication (“fab”) has invested a huge amount of capital on the manufacturing equipments particular in photolithograph

    The synergistic effect of operational research and big data analytics in greening container terminal operations: a review and future directions

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    Container Terminals (CTs) are continuously presented with highly interrelated, complex, and uncertain planning tasks. The ever-increasing intensity of operations at CTs in recent years has also resulted in increasing environmental concerns, and they are experiencing an unprecedented pressure to lower their emissions. Operational Research (OR), as a key player in the optimisation of the complex decision problems that arise from the quay and land side operations at CTs, has been therefore presented with new challenges and opportunities to incorporate environmental considerations into decision making and better utilise the ‘big data’ that is continuously generated from the never-stopping operations at CTs. The state-of-the-art literature on OR's incorporation of environmental considerations and its interplay with Big Data Analytics (BDA) is, however, still very much underdeveloped, fragmented, and divergent, and a guiding framework is completely missing. This paper presents a review of the most relevant developments in the field and sheds light on promising research opportunities for the better exploitation of the synergistic effect of the two disciplines in addressing CT operational problems, while incorporating uncertainty and environmental concerns efficiently. The paper finds that while OR has thus far contributed to improving the environmental performance of CTs (rather implicitly), this can be much further stepped up with more explicit incorporation of environmental considerations and better exploitation of BDA predictive modelling capabilities. New interdisciplinary research at the intersection of conventional CT optimisation problems, energy management and sizing, and net-zero technology and energy vectors adoption is also presented as a prominent line of future research

    Ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliqué à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne

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    This PhD thesis is dedicated to propose a robust cyclic scheduling methodology applied to container management of medium sized seaport which faces ever changing terminal conditions and the limited predictability of future events and their timing. The robust cyclic scheduling can be seen not just a predictable scheduling to compute a container transportation schedule, but also a reactive scheduling to eliminate the disturbances in real time. In this work, the automated intelligent vehicles (AIV) are used to transport the containers, and the P-time strongly connected event graph (PTSCEG) is used as a graphical tool to model the container transit procedures. Before the arrival of the container vessel, a cyclic container transit schedule can be given by the mixed integer programming (MIP) method in short time. The robustness margins on the nodes of the system can be computed by robustness algorithms in polynomial computing time. After the stevedoring begins, this robust cyclic schedule is used. When a disturbance is observed in system, it should be compared with the known robustness margin. If the disturbance belongs to the robustness margin, the robustness algorithm is used to eliminate the disturbance in a few cycle times. If not, the MIP method is used to compute a new cyclic schedule in short timeCette thèse présente une méthodologie d’ordonnancement cyclique robuste appliquée à la gestion des conteneurs dans les ports maritimes de taille moyenne. Ces derniers sont sujet constamment à des variations des conditions des terminaux, la visibilité réduite sur des évènements futurs ne permet pas de proposer une planification précise des tâches à accomplir. L’ordonnancement cyclique robuste peut jouer un rôle primordial. Il permettra non seulement de proposer un ordonnancement prédictif pour le transport des conteneurs, mais aussi, il proposera également une planification robuste permettant d’éliminer les perturbations éventuelles en temps réel. Dans ce travail nous utilisons les Véhicules Intelligents Automatisés (AIV) pour transporter les conteneurs et nous modélisons les procédures de transit de ces derniers par des graphes d’évènements P-temporels fortement connexes (PTSCEG). Avant l’arrivée d’un porte conteneur au port, un plan (planning) de transport des conteneurs est proposé en un temps court par la programmation linéaire mixte (MIP). Des algorithmes polynomiaux de calcul de robustesse permettent de calculer sur les différents nœuds du système les marges de robustesse. Une fois le navire à quai, l’ordonnancement cyclique robuste est appliqué. Lorsqu’une perturbation est observée (localisée) dans le système, une comparaison avec la marge de robustesse connue est effectuée. Si cette perturbation est incluse dans la marge de robustesse, l’algorithme robuste est utilisé pour éliminer ces perturbations en quelques cycles. Dans le cas où la perturbation est trop importante, la méthode MIP est utilisée pour calculer un nouvel ordonnancement cyclique en un temps rédui

    Book of abstracts of the ICIEOM-CIO-IIIE International Conference 2015

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    BOOK OF ABSTRACTS OF THE ICIEOM-CIO-IIIE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2015: ENGINEERING SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS: The way ahead for industrial engineering and operations managemen