7,548 research outputs found


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    Modelling and optimization of sustainable power system and energy network are becoming complex engineering. Demand side resources also need to be planned considering characteristics of district energy supply scenario. This research first analyzes the feasibility of VPP based on scenario of Chongming Island. VPP focuses on expansion of renewable energy and upgrade of efficient appliances, results verify the effectiveness of the VPP concept. Then investigates the techno-economic viability of high variable renewable integration. PV-PHS dispatch scenarious are carried out with constraints, PHS effectively recovers the suppression and decreases the PV power levelized cost. Introduction PV-PHS shifts merit order curve to right, decreasing power generating cost. Thirdly, cost and environmental benefits of optimal designed decentralized energy systems were investigated. Scheduled distributed energy resources could be optimized to benefit the public grid. Performance of dynamic price is investigated based on the social demonstration project experiment. Finally, the conclusions are provided.北九州市立大

    E-transportation: the role of embedded systems in electric energy transfer from grid to vehicle

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are a promising solution to reduce the transportation dependency on oil, as well as the environmental concerns. Realization of E-transportation relies on providing electrical energy to the EVs in an effective way. Energy storage system (ESS) technologies, including batteries and ultra-capacitors, have been significantly improved in terms of stored energy and power. Beside technology advancements, a battery management system is necessary to enhance safety, reliability and efficiency of the battery. Moreover, charging infrastructure is crucial to transfer electrical energy from the grid to the EV in an effective and reliable way. Every aspect of E-transportation is permeated by the presence of an intelligent hardware platform, which is embedded in the vehicle components, provided with the proper interfaces to address the communication, control and sensing needs. This embedded system controls the power electronics devices, negotiates with the partners in multi-agent scenarios, and performs fundamental tasks such as power flow control and battery management. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the open challenges in E-transportation and to show the fundamental role played by embedded systems. The conclusion is that transportation electrification cannot fully be realized without the inclusion of the recent advancements in embedded systems

    A simulation study of the use of electric vehicles as storage on the New Zealand electricity grid

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    This paper describes a simulation to establish the extent to which reliance on non-dispatchable energy sources, most typically wind generation, could in the future be extended beyond received norms, by utilizing the distributed battery capacity of an electric vehicle fleet. The notion of exploiting the distributed battery capacity of a nation’s electric vehicle fleet as grid storage is not new. However, this simulation study specifically examines the potential impact of this idea in the New Zealand context. The simulation makes use of real and projected data in relation to vehicle usage, full potential non-dispatchable generation capacity and availability, taking into account weather variation, and typical daily and seasonal patterns of usage. It differs from previous studies in that it is based on individual vehicles, rather than a bulk battery model. At this stage the analysis is aggregated, and does not take into account local or regional flows. A more detailed analysis of these localized effects will follow in subsequent stages of the simulation

    Managing Flexible Loads in Residential Areas

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    Load flexibility in households is a promising option for efficient and reliable operation of future power systems. Due to the distributed nature of residential demand, coordination mechanisms have to cope with a large number of flexible units. This thesis provides a model for demand response analysis and proposes different mechanisms for coordinating flexible loads. In particular, the potential to match intermittent output of renewable generators with electricity demand is investigated

    Publicly funded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in vehicles in Europe - update

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    The previous report on the publicly funded research and development and demonstration projects included ongoing and recently concluded projects with the information available in 2011-2012. The aim of the current work was to update the collection of the on-going or recently concluded research, development and demonstration projects on electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, which received EU and national public funding with the total budget of more than 500000 Euro, in order to update the EV-Radar tool with new projects. Altogether 158 R&D and demonstration projects have been found and analysed in this report from EU member states and EFTA countries.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Local flexibility market design for aggregators providing multiple flexibility services at distribution network level

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    This paper presents a general description of local flexibility markets as a market-based management mechanism for aggregators. The high penetration of distributed energy resources introduces new flexibility services like prosumer or community self-balancing, congestion management and time-of-use optimization. This work is focused on the flexibility framework to enable multiple participants to compete for selling or buying flexibility. In this framework, the aggregator acts as a local market operator and supervises flexibility transactions of the local energy community. Local market participation is voluntary. Potential flexibility stakeholders are the distribution system operator, the balance responsible party and end-users themselves. Flexibility is sold by means of loads, generators, storage units and electric vehicles. Finally, this paper presents needed interactions between all local market stakeholders, the corresponding inputs and outputs of local market operation algorithms from participants and a case study to highlight the application of the local flexibility market in three scenarios. The local market framework could postpone grid upgrades, reduce energy costs and increase distribution grids’ hosting capacity.Postprint (published version