264 research outputs found

    Development of FPGA based Standalone Tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers

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    Soft computing techniques differ from conventional (hard) computing, in that unlike hard computing, it is tolerant of imprecision, uncertainty, partial truth, and approximation. In effect, the role model for soft computing is the human mind and its ability to address day-to-day problems. The principal constituents of Soft Computing (SC) are Fuzzy Logic (FL), Evolutionary Computation (EC), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This thesis presents a generic hardware architecture for type-I and type-II standalone tunable Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). The designed FLC system can be remotely configured or tuned according to expert operated knowledge and deployed in different applications to replace traditional Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controllers. This re-configurability is added as a feature to existing FLCs in literature. The FLC parameters which are needed for tuning purpose are mainly input range, output range, number of inputs, number of outputs, the parameters of the membership functions like slope and center points, and an If-Else rule base for the fuzzy inference process. Online tuning enables users to change these FLC parameters in real-time and eliminate repeated hardware programming whenever there is a need to change. Realization of these systems in real-time is difficult as the computational complexity increases exponentially with an increase in the number of inputs. Hence, the challenge lies in reducing the rule base significantly such that the inference time and the throughput time is perceivable for real-time applications. To achieve these objectives, Modified Rule Active 2 Overlap Membership Function (MRA2-OMF), Modified Rule Active 3 Overlap Membership Function (MRA3-OMF), Modified Rule Active 4 Overlap Membership Function (MRA4-OMF), and Genetic Algorithm (GA) base rule optimization methods are proposed and implemented. These methods reduce the effective rules without compromising system accuracy and improve the cycle time in terms of Fuzzy Logic Inferences Per Second (FLIPS). In the proposed system architecture, the FLC is segmented into three independent modules, fuzzifier, inference engine with rule base, and defuzzifier. Fuzzy systems employ fuzzifier to convert the real world crisp input into the fuzzy output. In type 2 fuzzy systems there are two fuzzifications happen simultaneously from upper and lower membership functions (UMF and LMF) with subtractions and divisions. Non-restoring, very high radix, and newton raphson approximation are most widely used division algorithms in hardware implementations. However, these prevalent methods have a cost of more latency. In order to overcome this problem, a successive approximation division algorithm based type 2 fuzzifier is introduced. It has been observed that successive approximation based fuzzifier computation is faster than the other type 2 fuzzifier. A hardware-software co-design is established on Virtex 5 LX110T FPGA board. The MATLAB Graphical User Interface (GUI) acquires the fuzzy (type 1 or type 2) parameters from users and a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) is dedicated to data communication between the hardware and the fuzzy toolbox. This GUI is provided to initiate control, input, rule transfer, and then to observe the crisp output on the computer. A proposed method which can support canonical fuzzy IF-THEN rules, which includes special cases of the fuzzy rule base is included in Digital Fuzzy Logic Controller (DFLC) architecture. For this purpose, a mealy state machine is incorporated into the design. The proposed FLCs are implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 LX110T. DFLC peripheral integration with Micro-Blaze (MB) processor through Processor Logic Bus (PLB) is established for Intellectual Property (IP) core validation. The performance of the proposed systems are compared to Fuzzy Toolbox of MATLAB. Analysis of these designs is carried out by using Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) test to control various plant models in MATLAB/Simulink environments

    Kritik al-Quran oleh Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd melalui terapan hermeneutics humanistic

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    Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd dikenali sebagai seorang tokoh yang lantang mengkritik al-Quran pada abad ini. Beliau mempunyai metode yang tersendiri ketika mentafsir al-Quran iaitu mengaplikasi hermeneutik dengan menerapkan elemen humanistic. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis elemen humanistic yang dibawa oleh Abu Zayd dalam empat aspek iaitu definisi al-Quran, konsep bahawa wahyu, proses penurunan wahyu dan metode pentafsiran. Empat aspek tersebut dibandingkan secara berterusan dengan al-Quran dan al-Sunnah. Untuk mencapai validity data, artikel yang bersifat kualitatif ini menggunakan metode analisis kandungan yang terdiri daripada karyakarya Abu Zayd sebagai sumber pengumpulan data. Manakala analisis data menggunakan kaedah diskriptif dan perbandingan berterusan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan, elemen humanistic yang telah diterapkan kepada al-Quran telah mencetuskan implikasi terhadap al- Quran, konsep wahyu, tafsiran relatif dan liberalisasi hukum syariah

    FPGA design methodology for industrial control systems—a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) design methodologies with a focus on industrial control system applications. This paper starts with an overview of FPGA technology development, followed by a presentation of design methodologies, development tools and relevant CAD environments, including the use of portable hardware description languages and system level programming/design tools. They enable a holistic functional approach with the major advantage of setting up a unique modeling and evaluation environment for complete industrial electronics systems. Three main design rules are then presented. These are algorithm refinement, modularity, and systematic search for the best compromise between the control performance and the architectural constraints. An overview of contributions and limits of FPGAs is also given, followed by a short survey of FPGA-based intelligent controllers for modern industrial systems. Finally, two complete and timely case studies are presented to illustrate the benefits of an FPGA implementation when using the proposed system modeling and design methodology. These consist of the direct torque control for induction motor drives and the control of a diesel-driven synchronous stand-alone generator with the help of fuzzy logic

    Enhanced MPPT Controllers for Smart Grid Applications

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    Over the past years, the energy demand has been steadily growing and so methods of how to cope with this staggering increase are being researched and utilized. One method of injecting more energy to the grid is renewable energy, which has become in recent years an integral part of any country’s power generation plan. Thus, it is a necessity to enhance renewable energy resources and maximize their grid utilization, so that these resources can step up and reduce the over dependency of global energy production on depleting energy resources. This thesis focuses on solar power and effective means to enhance its efficiency through the use of different controllers. In this regard, substantial research efforts have been done. However, due to the current market and technological development, more options are made available that are able to boast the efficiency and utilization of renewables in the power mix. In this thesis, an enhanced maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller has been designed as part of a Photovoltaic (PV) system to generate maximum power to satisfy load demand. The PV system is designed and simulated using MATLAB (consisting of a solar panel array, MPPT controller, boost converter, and a resistive load). The solar panel chosen for the array is Sun Power SPR- 440NE-WHT-D and the array is designed to produce 150 kW of power. The MPPT controller is designed using three different algorithms and the results are compared to identify each controller’s fortes and drawbacks. The three designed controllers used are based on Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm, Incremental Conductance (INC) with an Integral Regulator (IR) and Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). Each controller was tested under two different scenarios; the first is when the panel array is subjected to constant amount of solar irradiance along with a constant atmospheric temperature and the second scenario has varying solar irradiance and atmospheric temperature. The performance of these controllers is analyzed and compared in terms of the output power efficiency, system dynamic response and finally the oscillations behavior. After analyzing the results, it is shown that Fuzzy Logic Controller design performed better compared to the other controllers as it had in most cases the highest mean power efficiency and fastest response

    Optimal Control of Unknown Nonlinear System From Inputoutput Data

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    Optimal control designers usually require a plant model to design a controller. The problem is the controller\u27s performance heavily depends on the accuracy of the plant model. However, in many situations, it is very time-consuming to implement the system identification procedure and an accurate structure of a plant model is very difficult to obtain. On the other hand, neuro-fuzzy models with product inference engine, singleton fuzzifier, center average defuzzifier, and Gaussian membership functions can be easily trained by many well-established learning algorithms based on given input-output data pairs. Therefore, this kind of model is used in the current optimal controller design. Two approaches of designing optimal controllers of unknown nonlinear systems based on neuro-fuzzy models are presented in the thesis. The first approach first utilizes neuro-fuzzy models to approximate the unknown nonlinear systems, and then the feasible-direction algorithm is used to achieve the numerical solution of the Euler-Lagrange equations of the formulated optimal control problem. This algorithm uses the steepest descent to find the search direction and then apply a one-dimensional search routine to find the best step length. Finally several nonlinear optimal control problems are simulated and the results show that the performance of the proposed approach is quite similar to that of optimal control to the system represented by an explicit mathematical model. However, due to the limitation of the feasible-direction algorithm, this method cannot be applied to highly nonlinear and dimensional plants. Therefore, another approach that can overcome these drawbacks is proposed. This method utilizes Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models to design the optimal controller. TS fuzzy models are first derived from the direct linearization of the neuro-fuzzy models, which is close to the local linearization of the nonlinear dynamic systems. The operating points are chosen so that the TS fuzzy model is a good approximation of the neuro-fuzzy model. Based on the TS fuzzy model, the optimal control is implemented for a nonlinear two-link flexible robot and a rigid asymmetric spacecraft, thus providing the possibility of implementing the well-established optimal control method on unknown nonlinear dynamic systems

    Input uncertainty sensitivity enhanced non-singleton fuzzy logic controllers for long-term navigation of quadrotor UAVs

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    Input uncertainty, e.g., noise on the on-board camera and inertial measurement unit, in vision-based control of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is an inevitable problem. In order to handle input uncertainties as well as further analyze the interaction between the input and the antecedent fuzzy sets (FSs) of non-singleton fuzzy logic controllers (NSFLCs), an input uncertainty sensitivity enhanced NSFLC has been developed in robot operating system (ROS) using the C++ programming language. Based on recent advances in non-singleton inference, the centroid of the intersection of the input and antecedent FSs (Cen-NSFLC) is utilized to calculate the firing strength of each rule instead of the maximum of the intersection used in traditional NSFLC (Tra-NSFLC). An 8-shaped trajectory, consisting of straight and curved lines, is used for the real-time validation of the proposed controllers for a trajectory following problem. An accurate monocular keyframe-based visual-inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) approach is used to estimate the position of the quadrotor UAV in GPS denied unknown environments. The performance of the Cen-NSFLC is compared with a conventional proportional integral derivative (PID) controller, a singleton FLC (SFLC) and a Tra-NSFLC. All controllers are evaluated for different flight speeds, thus introducing different levels of uncertainty into the control problem. Visual-inertial SLAM-based real time quadrotor UAV flight tests demonstrate that not only does the Cen-NSFLC achieve the best control performance among the four controllers, but it also shows better control performance when compared to their singleton counterparts. Considering the bias in the use of model based controllers, e.g. PID, for the control of UAVs, this paper advocates an alternative method, namely Cen-NSFLCs, in uncertain working environments

    Water treatment plant prototype with pH control modeled on fuzzy logic for removing arsenic using Fe(VI) and Fe(III)

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    This study proposes a fuzzy control strategy embedded in a Siemens IoT2040 gateway developed for removing inorganic arsenic from synthetic underground water in a treatment plant prototype. The prototype is used to dose a constant flow of Fe(VI) to maintain an oxide-reduction potential to guarantee the oxidation of arsenite into arsenate, while the fuzzy logic embedded in the IoT control manages the addition of Fe(III) to achieve a proper pH adjustment and efficient arsenate removal. The tests used synthetic Bangladesh groundwater enriched with 200 µg/L of arsenite and 200 µg/L of arsenate. The results revealed that the plant prototype yielded an effective treatment of the water. Arsenate was decreased to an average value of 6.66 µg/L and, the arsenite concentration decreased to 1.01 µg/L or less. These values were lower than the limit of 10 µg/L deemed by the World Health Organization as safe for human consumption.IDIC-Universidad de Lim

    Peak annotation and data analysis software tools for mass spectrometry imaging

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    La metabolòmica espacial és la disciplina que estudia les imatges de les distribucions de compostos químics de baix pes (metabòlits) a la superfície dels teixits biològics per revelar interaccions entre molècules. La imatge d'espectrometria de masses (MSI) és actualment la tècnica principal per obtenir informació d'imatges moleculars per a la metabolòmica espacial. MSI és una tecnologia d'imatges moleculars sense marcador que produeix espectres de masses que conserven les estructures espacials de les mostres de teixit. Això s'aconsegueix ionitzant petites porcions d'una mostra (un píxel) en un ràster definit a través de tota la seva superfície, cosa que dona com a resultat una col·lecció d'imatges de distribució de ions (registrades com a relacions massa-càrrega (m/z)) sobre la mostra. Aquesta tesi té com a objectius desenvolupar eines computacionals per a l'anotació de pics de MSI i el disseny de fluxos de treball per a l'anàlisi estadística i multivariant de dades MSI, inclosa la segmentació espacial. El treball realitzat en aquesta tesi es pot separar clarament en dues parts. En primer lloc, el desenvolupament d'una eina d'anotació de pics d'isòtops i adductes adequada per facilitar la identificació de compostos de rang de massa baix. Ara podem trobar fàcilment ions monoisotòpics als nostres conjunts de dades MSI gràcies al paquet de programari rMSIannotation. En segon lloc, el desenvolupament de eines de programari per a l’anàlisi de dades i la segmentació espacial basades en soft clustering per a dades MSI.La metabolómica espacial es la disciplina que estudia las imágenes de las distribuciones de compuestos químicos de bajo peso (metabolitos) en la superficie de los tejidos biológicos para revelar interacciones entre moléculas. Las imágenes de espectrometría de masas (MSI) es actualmente la principal técnica para obtener información de imágenes moleculares para la metabolómica espacial. MSI es una tecnología de imágenes moleculares sin marcador que produce espectros de masas que conservan las estructuras espaciales de las muestras de tejido. Esto se logra ionizando pequeñas porciones de una muestra (un píxel) en un ráster definido a través de toda su superficie, lo que da como resultado una colección de imágenes de distribución de iones (registradas como relaciones masa-carga (m/z)) sobre la muestra. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo desarrollar herramientas computacionales para la anotación de picos en MSI y en el diseño de flujos de trabajo para el análisis estadístico y multivariado de datos MSI, incluida la segmentación espacial. El trabajo realizado en esta tesis se puede separar claramente en dos partes. En primer lugar, el desarrollo de una herramienta de anotación de picos de isótopos y aductos adecuada para facilitar la identificación de compuestos de bajo rango de masa. Ahora podemos encontrar fácilmente iones monoisotópicos en nuestros conjuntos de datos MSI gracias al paquete de software rMSIannotation.Spatial metabolomics is the discipline that studies the images of the distributions of low weight chemical compounds (metabolites) on the surface of biological tissues to unveil interactions between molecules. Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) is currently the principal technique to get molecular imaging information for spatial metabolomics. MSI is a labelfree molecular imaging technology that produces mass spectra preserving the spatial structures of tissue samples. This is achieved by ionizing small portions of a sample (a pixel) in a defined raster through all its surface, which results in a collection of ion distribution images (registered as mass-to-charge ratios (m/z)) over the sample. This thesis is aimed to develop computational tools for peak annotation in MSI and in the design of workflows for the statistical and multivariate analysis of MSI data, including spatial segmentation. The work carried out in this thesis can be clearly separated in two parts. Firstly, the development of an isotope and adduct peak annotation tool suited to facilitate the identification of the low mass range compounds. We can now easily find monoisotopic ions in our MSI datasets thanks to the rMSIannotation software package. Secondly, the development of software tools for data analysis and spatial segmentation based on soft clustering for MSI data. In this thesis, we have developed tools and methodologies to search for significant ions (rMSIKeyIon software package) and for the soft clustering of tissues (Fuzzy c-means algorithm)

    Review of dynamic positioning control in maritime microgrid systems

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    For many offshore activities, including offshore oil and gas exploration and offshore wind farm construction, it is essential to keep the position and heading of the vessel stable. The dynamic positioning system is a progressive technology, which is extensively used in shipping and other maritime structures. To maintain the vessels or platforms from displacement, its thrusters are used automatically to control and stabilize the position and heading of vessels in sea state disturbances. The theory of dynamic positioning has been studied and developed in terms of control techniques to achieve greater accuracy and reduce ship movement caused by environmental disturbance for more than 30 years. This paper reviews the control strategies and architecture of the DPS in marine vessels. In addition, it suggests possible control principles and makes a comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of existing literature. Some details for future research on DP control challenges are discussed in this paper