46 research outputs found

    Implementing FFT-based digital channelized receivers on FPGA platforms

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    This paper presents an in-depth study of the implementation and characterization of fast Fourier transform (FFT) pipelined architectures suitable for broadband digital channelized receivers. When implementing the FFT algorithm on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms, the primary goal is to maximize throughput and minimize area. Feedback and feedforward architectures have been analyzed regarding key design parameters: radix, bitwidth, number of points and stage scaling. Moreover, a simplification of the FFT algorithm, the monobit FFT, has been implemented in order to achieve faster real time performance in broadband digital receivers. The influence of the hardware implementation on the performance of digital channelized receivers has been analyzed in depth, revealing interesting implementation trade-offs which should be taken into account when designing this kind of signal processing systems on FPGA platforms

    High-speed Hardware Implementations of Point Multiplication for Binary Edwards and Generalized Hessian Curves

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    In this paper high-speed hardware architectures of point multiplication based on Montgomery ladder algorithm for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves in Gaussian normal basis are presented. Computations of the point addition and point doubling in the proposed architecture are concurrently performed by pipelined digit-serial finite field multipliers. The multipliers in parallel form are scheduled for lower number of clock cycles. The structure of proposed digit-serial Gaussian normal basis multiplier is constructed based on regular and low-cost modules of exponentiation by powers of two and multiplication by normal elements. Therefore, the structures are area efficient and have low critical path delay. Implementation results of the proposed architectures on Virtex-5 XC5VLX110 FPGA show that then execution time of the point multiplication for binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves over GF(2163) and GF(2233) are 8.62µs and 11.03µs respectively. The proposed architectures have high-performance and high-speed compared to other works

    Unified field multiplier for GF(p) and GF(2 n) with novel digit encoding

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for unified field multipliers for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in the electronics industry because they provide flexibility for customers to choose between Prime (GF(p)) and Binary (GF(2")) Galois Fields. Also, having the ability to carry out arithmetic over both GF(p) and GF(2") in the same hardware provides the possibility of performing any cryptographic operation that requires the use of both fields. The unified field multiplier is relatively future proof compared with multipliers that only perform arithmetic over a single chosen field. The security provided by the architecture is also very important. It is known that the longer the key length, the more susceptible the system is to differential power attacks due to the increased amount of data leakage. Therefore, it is beneficial to design hardware that is scalable, so that more data can be processed per cycle. Another advantage of designing a multiplier that is capable of dealing with long word length is improvement in performance in terms of delay, because less cycles are needed. This is very important because typical elliptic curve cryptography involves key size of 160 bits. A novel unified field radix-4 multiplier using Montgomery Multiplication for the use of G(p) and GF(2") has been proposed. This design makes use of the unexploited state in number representation for operation in GF(2") where all carries are suppressed. The addition is carried out using a modified (4:2) redundant adder to accommodate the extra 1 * state. The proposed adder and the partial product generator design are capable of radix-4 operation, which reduces the number of computation cycles required. Also, the proposed adder is more scalable than existing designs.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Unified field multiplier for GF(p) and GF(2 n) with novel digit encoding

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in demand for unified field multipliers for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in the electronics industry because they provide flexibility for customers to choose between Prime (GF(p)) and Binary (GF(2')) Galois Fields. Also, having the ability to carry out arithmetic over both GF(p) and GF(2') in the same hardware provides the possibility of performing any cryptographic operation that requires the use of both fields. The unified field multiplier is relatively future proof compared with multipliers that only perform arithmetic over a single chosen field. The security provided by the architecture is also very important. It is known that the longer the key length, the more susceptible the system is to differential power attacks due to the increased amount of data leakage. Therefore, it is beneficial to design hardware that is scalable, so that more data can be processed per cycle. Another advantage of designing a multiplier that is capable of dealing with long word length is improvement in performance in terms of delay, because less cycles are needed. This is very important because typical elliptic curve cryptography involves key size of 160 bits. A novel unified field radix-4 multiplier using Montgomery Multiplication for the use of G(p) and GF(2') has been proposed. This design makes use of the unexploited state in number representation for operation in GF(2') where all carries are suppressed. The addition is carried out using a modified (4:2) redundant adder to accommodate the extra 1 * state. The proposed adder and the partial product generator design are capable of radix-4 operation, which reduces the number of computation cycles required. Also, the proposed adder is more scalable than existing designs

    On the Cryptanalysis of Public-Key Cryptography

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    Nowadays, the most popular public-key cryptosystems are based on either the integer factorization or the discrete logarithm problem. The feasibility of solving these mathematical problems in practice is studied and techniques are presented to speed-up the underlying arithmetic on parallel architectures. The fastest known approach to solve the discrete logarithm problem in groups of elliptic curves over finite fields is the Pollard rho method. The negation map can be used to speed up this calculation by a factor √2. It is well known that the random walks used by Pollard rho when combined with the negation map get trapped in fruitless cycles. We show that previously published approaches to deal with this problem are plagued by recurring cycles, and we propose effective alternative countermeasures. Furthermore, fast modular arithmetic is introduced which can take advantage of prime moduli of a special form using efficient "sloppy reduction." The effectiveness of these techniques is demonstrated by solving a 112-bit elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem using a cluster of PlayStation 3 game consoles: breaking a public-key standard and setting a new world record. The elliptic curve method (ECM) for integer factorization is the asymptotically fastest method to find relatively small factors of large integers. From a cryptanalytic point of view the performance of ECM gives information about secure parameter choices of some cryptographic protocols. We optimize ECM by proposing carry-free arithmetic modulo Mersenne numbers (numbers of the form 2M – 1) especially suitable for parallel architectures. Our implementation of these techniques on a cluster of PlayStation 3 game consoles set a new record by finding a 241-bit prime factor of 21181 – 1. A normal form for elliptic curves introduced by Edwards results in the fastest elliptic curve arithmetic in practice. Techniques to reduce the temporary storage and enhance the performance even further in the setting of ECM are presented. Our results enable one to run ECM efficiently on resource-constrained platforms such as graphics processing units

    Residue Number System Based Building Blocks for Applications in Digital Signal Processing

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá návrhem základních bloků v systému zbytkových tříd pro zvýšení výkonu aplikací určených pro digitální zpracování signálů (DSP). Systém zbytkových tříd (RNS) je neváhová číselná soustava, jež umožňuje provádět paralelizovatelné, vysokorychlostní, bezpečné a proti chybám odolné aritmetické operace, které jsou zpracovávány bez přenosu mezi řády. Tyto vlastnosti jej činí značně perspektivním pro použití v DSP aplikacích náročných na výpočetní výkon a odolných proti chybám. Typický RNS systém se skládá ze tří hlavních částí: převodníku z binárního kódu do RNS, který počítá ekvivalent vstupních binárních hodnot v systému zbytkových tříd, dále jsou to paralelně řazené RNS aritmetické jednotky, které provádějí aritmetické operace s operandy již převedenými do RNS. Poslední část pak tvoří převodník z RNS do binárního kódu, který převádí výsledek zpět do výchozího binárního kódu. Hlavním cílem této disertační práce bylo navrhnout nové struktury základních bloků výše zmiňovaného systému zbytkových tříd, které mohou být využity v aplikacích DSP. Tato disertační práce předkládá zlepšení a návrhy nových struktur komponent RNS, simulaci a také ověření jejich funkčnosti prostřednictvím implementace v obvodech FPGA. Kromě návrhů nové struktury základních komponentů RNS je prezentován také podrobný výzkum různých sad modulů, který je srovnává a determinuje nejefektivnější sadu pro různé dynamické rozsahy. Dalším z klíčových přínosů disertační práce je objevení a ověření podmínky určující výběr optimální sady modulů, která umožňuje zvýšit výkonnost aplikací DSP. Dále byla navržena aplikace pro zpracování obrazu využívající RNS, která má vůči klasické binární implementanci nižší spotřebu a vyšší maximální pracovní frekvenci. V závěru práce byla vyhodnocena hlavní kritéria při rozhodování, zda je vhodnější pro danou aplikaci využít binární číselnou soustavu nebo RNS.This doctoral thesis deals with designing residue number system based building blocks to enhance the performance of digital signal processing applications. The residue number system (RNS) is a non-weighted number system that provides carry-free, parallel, high speed, secure and fault tolerant arithmetic operations. These features make it very attractive to be used in high-performance and fault tolerant digital signal processing (DSP) applications. A typical RNS system consists of three main components; the first one is the binary to residue converter that computes the RNS equivalent of the inputs represented in the binary number system. The second component in this system is parallel residue arithmetic units that perform arithmetic operations on the operands already represented in RNS. The last component is the residue to binary converter, which converts the outputs back into their binary representation. The main aim of this thesis was to propose novel structures of the basic components of this system in order to be later used as fundamental units in DSP applications. This thesis encloses improving and designing novel structures of these components, simulating and verifying their efficiency via FPGA implementation. In addition to suggesting novel structures of basic RNS components, a detailed study on different moduli sets that compares and determines the most efficient one for different dynamic range requirements is also presented. One of the main outcomes of this thesis is concluding and verifying the main condition that should be met when choosing a moduli set, in order to improve the timing performance of a DSP application. An RNS-based image processing application is also proposed. Its efficiency, in terms of timing performance and power consumption, is proved via comparing it with a binary-based one. Finally, the main considerations that should be taken into account when choosing to use the binary number system or RNS are also discussed in details.

    FPGA implementations for parallel multidimensional filtering algorithms

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    PhD ThesisOne and multi dimensional raw data collections introduce noise and artifacts, which need to be recovered from degradations by an automated filtering system before, further machine analysis. The need for automating wide-ranged filtering applications necessitates the design of generic filtering architectures, together with the development of multidimensional and extensive convolution operators. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the problem of automated construction of a generic parallel filtering system. Serving this goal, performance-efficient FPGA implementation architectures are developed to realize parallel one/multi-dimensional filtering algorithms. The proposed generic architectures provide a mechanism for fast FPGA prototyping of high performance computations to obtain efficiently implemented performance indices of area, speed, dynamic power, throughput and computation rates, as a complete package. These parallel filtering algorithms and their automated generic architectures tackle the major bottlenecks and limitations of existing multiprocessor systems in wordlength, input data segmentation, boundary conditions as well as inter-processor communications, in order to support high data throughput real-time applications of low-power architectures using a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA board. For one-dimensional raw signal filtering case, mathematical model and architectural development of the generalized parallel 1-D filtering algorithms are presented using the 1-D block filtering method. Five generic architectures are implemented on a Virtex-6 ML605 board, evaluated and compared. A complete set of results on area, speed, power, throughput and computation rates are obtained and discussed as performance indices for the 1-D convolution architectures. A successful application of parallel 1-D cross-correlation is demonstrated. For two dimensional greyscale/colour image processing cases, new parallel 2-D/3-D filtering algorithms are presented and mathematically modelled using input decimation and output image reconstruction by interpolation. Ten generic architectures are implemented on the Virtex-6 ML605 board, evaluated and compared. Key results on area, speed, power, throughput and computation rate are obtained and discussed as performance indices for the 2-D convolution architectures. 2-D image reconfigurable processors are developed and implemented using single, dual and quad MAC FIR units. 3-D Colour image processors are devised to act as 3-D colour filtering engines. A 2-D cross-correlator parallel engine is successfully developed as a parallel 2-D matched filtering algorithm for locating any MRI slice within a MRI data stack library. Twelve 3-D MRI filtering operators are plugged in and adapted to be suitable for biomedical imaging, including 3-D edge operators and 3-D noise smoothing operators. Since three dimensional greyscale/colour volumetric image applications are computationally intensive, a new parallel 3-D/4-D filtering algorithm is presented and mathematically modelled using volumetric data image segmentation by decimation and output reconstruction by interpolation, after simultaneously and independently performing 3-D filtering. Eight generic architectures are developed and implemented on the Virtex-6 board, including 3-D spatial and FFT convolution architectures. Fourteen 3-D MRI filtering operators are plugged and adapted for this particular biomedical imaging application, including 3-D edge operators and 3-D noise smoothing operators. Three successful applications are presented in 4-D colour MRI (fMRI) filtering processors, k-space MRI volume data filter and 3-D cross-correlator.IRAQI Government

    On the Analysis of Public-Key Cryptologic Algorithms

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    The RSA cryptosystem introduced in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman is the most commonly deployed public-key cryptosystem. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) introduced in the mid 80's by Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to RSA offering competitive performance due the use of smaller key sizes. Most recently hyperelliptic curve cryptography (HECC) has been demonstrated to have comparable and in some cases better performance than ECC. The security of RSA relies on the integer factorization problem whereas the security of (H)ECC is based on the (hyper)elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem ((H)ECDLP). In this thesis the practical performance of the best methods to solve these problems is analyzed and a method to generate secure ephemeral ECC parameters is presented. The best publicly known algorithm to solve the integer factorization problem is the number field sieve (NFS). Its most time consuming step is the relation collection step. We investigate the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) as accelerators for this step. In this context, methods to efficiently implement modular arithmetic and several factoring algorithms on GPUs are presented and their performance is analyzed in practice. In conclusion, it is shown that integrating state-of-the-art NFS software packages with our GPU software can lead to a speed-up of 50%. In the case of elliptic and hyperelliptic curves for cryptographic use, the best published method to solve the (H)ECDLP is the Pollard rho algorithm. This method can be made faster using classes of equivalence induced by curve automorphisms like the negation map. We present a practical analysis of their use to speed up Pollard rho for elliptic curves and genus 2 hyperelliptic curves defined over prime fields. As a case study, 4 curves at the 128-bit theoretical security level are analyzed in our software framework for Pollard rho to estimate their practical security level. In addition, we present a novel many-core architecture to solve the ECDLP using the Pollard rho algorithm with the negation map on FPGAs. This architecture is used to estimate the cost of solving the Certicom ECCp-131 challenge with a cluster of FPGAs. Our design achieves a speed-up factor of about 4 compared to the state-of-the-art. Finally, we present an efficient method to generate unique, secure and unpredictable ephemeral ECC parameters to be shared by a pair of authenticated users for a single communication. It provides an alternative to the customary use of fixed ECC parameters obtained from publicly available standards designed by untrusted third parties. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with a portable implementation for regular PCs and Android smartphones. On a Samsung Galaxy S4 smartphone our implementation generates unique 128-bit secure ECC parameters in 50 milliseconds on average