5 research outputs found

    Training feedforward neural network using genetic algorithm to diagnose left ventricular hypertrophy

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    In this research work, a new technique was proposed for the diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) from the ECG signal. The advanced imaging techniques can be used to diagnose left ventricular hypertrophy, but it leads to time-consuming and more expensive. This proposed technique overcomes thesef issues and may serve as an efficient tool to diagnose the LVH disease. The LVH causes changes in the patterns of ECG signal which includes R wave, QRS and T wave. This proposed approach identifies the changes in the pattern and extracts the temporal, spatial and statistical features of the ECG signal using windowed filtering technique. These features were applied to the conventional classifier and also to the neural network classifier with the modified weights using a genetic algorithm. The weights were modified by combining the crossover operators such as crossover arithmetic and crossover two-point operator. The results were compared with the various classifiers and the performance of the neural network with the modified weights using a genetic algorithm is outperformed. The accuracy of the weights modified feedforward neural network is 97.5%

    Neural Network Configurations Analysis for Multilevel Speech Pattern Recognition System with Mixture of Experts

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    This chapter proposes to analyze two configurations of neural networks to compose the expert set in the development of a multilevel speech signal pattern recognition system of 30 commands in the Brazilian Portuguese language. Then, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and learning vector quantization (LVQ) networks have their performances verified during the training, validation and test stages in the speech signal recognition, whose patterns are given by two-dimensional time matrices, result from mel-cepstral coefficients coding by the discrete cosine transform (DCT). In order to avoid the pattern separability problem, the patterns are modified by a nonlinear transformation to a high-dimensional space through a suitable set of Gaussian radial base functions (GRBF). The performance of MLP and LVQ experts is improved and configurations are trained with few examples of each modified pattern. Several combinations were performed for the neural network topologies and algorithms previously established to determine the network structures with the best hit and generalization results

    Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour identifier les marqueurs de la démence dans le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal

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    La démence à corps de Lewy (DCL) et la maladie de Parkinson (MP) sont des maladies neurodégénératives touchant des milliers de Canadiens et leur prévalence croît avec l’âge. La MP et la DCL partagent la même pathophysiologie, mais se distinguent par l’ordre de manifestation des symptômes : la DCL se caractérise d’abord par l’apparition d’un trouble neurocognitif majeur (démence), tandis que la MP se manifeste initialement par un parkinsonisme. De plus, jusqu’à 80% des patients avec la MP développeront une démence (MPD). Il est désormais établi que le trouble comportemental en sommeil paradoxal idiopathique (TCSPi) constitue un puissant prédicteur de la DCL et la MP. En effet, cette parasomnie, marquée par des comportements indésirables durant le sommeil, est considérée comme un stade prodromal des synucléinopathies, telles que la MP, la DCL et l'atrophie multisystémique (AMS). Ainsi, la majorité des patients atteints d’un TCSPi développeront une synucléinopathie. Malgré les avancées scientifiques, les causes du TCSPi, de la MP et de la DCL demeurent inconnues et aucun traitement ne parvient à freiner ou à arrêter la neurodégénérescence. De plus, ces pathologies présentent une grande hétérogénéité dans l’apparition et la progression des divers symptômes. Face à ces défis, la recherche vise à mieux cerner les phases précoces/initiales et les trajectoires évolutives de ces maladies neurodégénératives afin d’intervenir le plus précocement possible dans leur développement. C’est pourquoi le TCSPi suscite un intérêt majeur en tant que fenêtre d'opportunités pour tester l’efficacité des thérapies neuroprotectrices contre les synucléinopathies, permettant d'agir avant que la perte neuronale ne devienne irréversible. Le TCSPi offre ainsi une occasion unique d'améliorer la détection de la démence et le suivi des individus à haut risque de déclin cognitif. D'où l'importance cruciale de pouvoir généraliser les résultats issus de la recherche sur de petites cohortes à l'ensemble de la population. Sur le plan de la cognition, les études longitudinales sur le TCSPi ont montré que les atteintes des fonctions exécutives, de la mémoire verbale et de l'attention sont les plus discriminantes pour différencier les individus qui développeront une démence de ceux qui resteront idiopathiques. De plus, un grand nombre de patients TCSPi souffrent d’un trouble neurocognitif mineur ou trouble cognitif léger (TCL), généralement considéré comme un stade précurseur de la démence. Les recherches actuelles sur les données cognitives chez cette population offrent des perspectives prometteuses, mais reposent sur des approches statistiques classiques qui limitent leur validation et généralisation. Bien qu'elles offrent une précision élevée (80 à 85%) pour détecter les patients à risque de déclin cognitif, une amélioration est nécessaire pour étendre l'utilisation de ces marqueurs à une plus large échelle. Depuis les années 2000, l'accroissement de la puissance de calcul et l'accès à davantage de ressources de mémoire ont suscité un intérêt accru pour les algorithmes d'apprentissage machine (AM). Ces derniers visent à généraliser les résultats à une population plus vaste en entraînant des modèles sur une partie des données et en les testant sur une autre, validant ainsi leur application clinique. Jusqu'à présent, aucune étude n'a évalué les apports de l'AM pour la prédiction de l'évolution des synucléinopathies en se penchant sur le potentiel de généralisation, et donc d'application clinique, à travers l'usage d'outils non invasifs et accessibles ainsi que de techniques de validation de modèles (model validation). De plus, aucune étude n'a exploré l'utilisation de l'AM associée à des méthodes de généralisation sur des données neuropsychologiques longitudinales pour élaborer un modèle prédictif de la progression des déficits cognitifs dans le TCSPi. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’étudier l’apport de l’AM pour analyser l’évolution du profil cognitif de patients atteints d’un TCSPi. Le premier chapitre de cette thèse présente le cadre théorique qui a guidé l’élaboration des objectifs et hypothèses de recherche. Le deuxième chapitre est à deux volets (articles). Le premier vise à fournir une vue d'ensemble de la littérature des études ayant utilisé l'AM (avec des méthodes de généralisation) pour prédire l'évolution des synucléinopathies vers une démence, ainsi que les lacunes à combler. Le deuxième volet vise à explorer et utiliser pour la première fois l'AM sur des données cliniques et cognitifs pour prédire la progression vers la démence dans le TCSPi, dans un devis longitudinal. Enfin, le dernier chapitre de la thèse présente une discussion et une conclusion générale, comprenant un résumé des deux articles, ainsi que les implications théoriques, les forces, les limites et les orientations futures.Lewy body dementia (LBD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are neurodegenerative diseases affecting thousands of Canadians, and their prevalence increases with age. PD and DLB share the same pathophysiology, but differ in the order of symptom manifestation: DLB is characterized first by the onset of a major neurocognitive disorder (dementia), whereas PD initially manifests as parkinsonism. Moreover, up to 80% of PD patients will go on to develop dementia (PDD). It is established that idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder (iRBD) is a powerful predictor of DLB and PD. Indeed, this parasomnia, marked by undesirable behaviors during sleep, is considered a prodromal stage of synucleinopathies, such as PD, DLB and multisystem atrophy (MSA). Therefore, the majority of patients with iRBD will develop synucleinopathy. Despite scientific advancements, the causes of iRBD, PD, and DLB remain unknown and no treatment has been able to slow or halt neurodegeneration. Furthermore, these pathologies display great heterogeneity in the onset and progression of various symptoms. Faced with these challenges, research aims to better understand the early/initial stages and the progressive trajectories of these neurodegenerative diseases in order to intervene as early as possible in their development. This is why iRBD garners major interest as a window of opportunities to test the effectiveness of neuroprotective therapies against synucleinopathies, enabling action to be taken before neuronal loss becomes irreversible. iRBD thus provides a unique opportunity to improve dementia detection and monitoring of individuals at high risk of cognitive decline. Hence the crucial importance of being able to generalize results of research on small cohorts to the entire population. In terms of cognition, longitudinal studies on iRBD have shown that impairments in executive functions, verbal memory, and attention are the most discriminating in differencing between individuals who will develop dementia from those who will remain idiopathic. In addition, many iRBD patients suffer from a mild neurocognitive disorder or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), generally considered as a precursor stage of dementia. Current research on cognitive data in this population offers promising prospects, but relies on traditional statistical approaches that limit their validation and generalizability. While they provide high accuracy (80 to 85%) for detecting patients at risk of cognitive decline, improvement is needed to extend the use of these markers to a larger scale. Since the 2000s, increased computational power and access to more memory resources have sparked growing interest in machine learning (ML) algorithms. These aim to generalize results to a broader population by training models on a subset of data and testing them on another, thus validating their clinical application. To date, no study has assessed the contributions of ML for predicting the progression of synucleinopathies, focusing on the potential for generalization, and hence clinical application, through the use of non-invasive, accessible tools and model validation techniques. Moreover, no study has explored the use of ML in conjunction with generalization methods on longitudinal neuropsychological data to develop a predictive model of cognitive deficit progression in iRBD. The general objective of this thesis is to study the contribution of ML in analyzing the evolution of the cognitive profile of patients with iRBD. The first chapter of this thesis presents the theoretical framework that guided the formulation of the research objectives and hypotheses. The second chapter is in two parts (articles). The first aims to provide an overview of the literature of studies that have used ML (with generalization methods) to predict the progression of synucleinopathies to dementia, as well as the gaps that need to be filled. The second part aims to explore and use for the first time ML on clinical and cognitive data to predict progression to dementia in iRBD, in a longitudinal design. Finally, the last chapter of the thesis presents a discussion and a general conclusion, including a summary of the two articles, as well as theoretical implications, strengths, limitations, and future directions

    Optimal Model-parameter Determination for Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks

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    Neural Networks are an immensely versatile tool for state-of-the-art prediction problems. However, they require a training process that involves numerous hyper-parameters. This creates a training process that demands expert knowledge to configure and is often described as a trial-and-error process. The result is a training process that needs to be executed multiple times and this is highly time expensive. Currently, one solution to this problem is to perform a Grid-Search algorithm. This is where a set of possible values (essentially guesses) is declared for each hyper-parameter. Then each combination of hyper-parameters is used to configure the training session. Once the training of each model (hyper-parameter combination) is completed, the best performing model is retained, and the rest are discarded. The problem with this is that it can be wasteful as it explores hyper-parameter combinations that predictably produce poor models. It is also very time consuming and scales poorly with the size of the model. A number of methods are proposed in this {thesis} to efficiently derive hyper-parameters and model parameters and the empirical results are presented. These methods are split into two categories, Weight-Direct Determination (WDD), and Simple Effective Evolutionary Method. The former category exhibits success in certain cases whereas the latter exhibits a broad success across Classification and Regression; amongst a large number of samples and features and small number of samples and features. The thesis concludes that the WDD is only effective on small datasets (both in terms of the number of samples and number of input features). This is due to its dependence on Delaunay Triangulation which exhibits a quadratic time complexity with-respect-to the number of input samples. It is deemed that the WDD methods developed in this research are not optimal for achieving general-purpose application of Multi-Layer Perceptrons. However, the Complete Simple Effective Evolutionary Method (CSEEM) from the SEEM Chapter shows great promise as it is able to perform effectively on the `Knowledge Extraction based on Evolutionary Learning' (KEEL) Datasets for both Regression and Classification. This method can achieve this effectiveness whilst only requiring a single hyper-parameter (the number of children in a population) that is fairly invariant across datasets. In this {thesis}, CSEEM is applied to real-world regression and classification problems. It is also compared to RMSProp (gradient-dependent iterative method) to compare its performance with an existing gradient-dependent method. In both categories, CSEEM consistently performs with a lower normalized square loss and higher classification accuracy, respectively, versus the number hidden nodes when compared to RMSProp