9 research outputs found

    Motion Planning via Manifold Samples

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    We present a general and modular algorithmic framework for path planning of robots. Our framework combines geometric methods for exact and complete analysis of low-dimensional configuration spaces, together with practical, considerably simpler sampling-based approaches that are appropriate for higher dimensions. In order to facilitate the transfer of advanced geometric algorithms into practical use, we suggest taking samples that are entire low-dimensional manifolds of the configuration space that capture the connectivity of the configuration space much better than isolated point samples. Geometric algorithms for analysis of low-dimensional manifolds then provide powerful primitive operations. The modular design of the framework enables independent optimization of each modular component. Indeed, we have developed, implemented and optimized a primitive operation for complete and exact combinatorial analysis of a certain set of manifolds, using arrangements of curves of rational functions and concepts of generic programming. This in turn enabled us to implement our framework for the concrete case of a polygonal robot translating and rotating amidst polygonal obstacles. We demonstrate that the integration of several carefully engineered components leads to significant speedup over the popular PRM sampling-based algorithm, which represents the more simplistic approach that is prevalent in practice. We foresee possible extensions of our framework to solving high-dimensional problems beyond motion planning.Comment: 18 page

    The Localized Union-Of-Balls Bifiltration

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    We propose an extension of the classical union-of-balls filtration of persistent homology: fixing a point q, we focus our attention to a ball centered at q whose radius is controlled by a second scale parameter. We discuss an absolute variant, where the union is just restricted to the q-ball, and a relative variant where the homology of the q-ball relative to its boundary is considered. Interestingly, these natural constructions lead to bifiltered simplicial complexes which are not k-critical for any finite k. Nevertheless, we demonstrate that these bifiltrations can be computed exactly and efficiently, and we provide a prototypical implementation using the CGAL library. We also argue that some of the recent algorithmic advances for 2-parameter persistence (which usually assume k-criticality for some finite k) carry over to the ?-critical case

    On the Complexity of Computing with Planar Algebraic Curves

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    In this paper, we give improved bounds for the computational complexity of computing with planar algebraic curves. More specifically, for arbitrary coprime polynomials ff, gZ[x,y]g \in \mathbb{Z}[x,y] and an arbitrary polynomial hZ[x,y]h \in \mathbb{Z}[x,y], each of total degree less than nn and with integer coefficients of absolute value less than 2τ2^\tau, we show that each of the following problems can be solved in a deterministic way with a number of bit operations bounded by O~(n6+n5τ)\tilde{O}(n^6+n^5\tau), where we ignore polylogarithmic factors in nn and τ\tau: (1) The computation of isolating regions in C2\mathbb{C}^2 for all complex solutions of the system f=g=0f = g = 0, (2) the computation of a separating form for the solutions of f=g=0f = g = 0, (3) the computation of the sign of hh at all real valued solutions of f=g=0f = g = 0, and (4) the computation of the topology of the planar algebraic curve C\mathcal{C} defined as the real valued vanishing set of the polynomial ff. Our bound improves upon the best currently known bounds for the first three problems by a factor of n2n^2 or more and closes the gap to the state-of-the-art randomized complexity for the last problem.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figur

    Exact Symbolic-Numeric Computation of Planar Algebraic Curves

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    We present a novel certified and complete algorithm to compute arrangements of real planar algebraic curves. It provides a geometric-topological analysis of the decomposition of the plane induced by a finite number of algebraic curves in terms of a cylindrical algebraic decomposition. From a high-level perspective, the overall method splits into two main subroutines, namely an algorithm denoted Bisolve to isolate the real solutions of a zero-dimensional bivariate system, and an algorithm denoted GeoTop to analyze a single algebraic curve. Compared to existing approaches based on elimination techniques, we considerably improve the corresponding lifting steps in both subroutines. As a result, generic position of the input system is never assumed, and thus our algorithm never demands for any change of coordinates. In addition, we significantly limit the types of involved exact operations, that is, we only use resultant and gcd computations as purely symbolic operations. The latter results are achieved by combining techniques from different fields such as (modular) symbolic computation, numerical analysis and algebraic geometry. We have implemented our algorithms as prototypical contributions to the C++-project CGAL. They exploit graphics hardware to expedite the symbolic computations. We have also compared our implementation with the current reference implementations, that is, LGP and Maple's Isolate for polynomial system solving, and CGAL's bivariate algebraic kernel for analyses and arrangement computations of algebraic curves. For various series of challenging instances, our exhaustive experiments show that the new implementations outperform the existing ones.Comment: 46 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Special Issue of TCS on SNC 2011. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1010.1386 and arXiv:1103.469

    A generic algebraic kernel for non linear geometric applications

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    We report on a generic uni- and bivariate algebraic kernel that is publicly available with CGAL 3.7. It comprises complete, correct, though efficient state-of-the-art implementations on polynomials, roots of polynomial systems, and the support to analyze algebraic curves defined by bivariate polynomials. The kernel design is generic, that is, various number types and substeps can be exchanged. It is accompanied with a ready-to-use interface to enable arrangements induced by algebraic curves, that have already been used as basis for various geometric applications, as arrangements on Dupin cyclides or the triangulation of algebraic surfaces. We present two novel applications: arrangements of rotated algebraic curves and Boolean set operations on polygons bounded by segments of algebraic curves. We also provide experiments showing that our general implementation is competitive and even often clearly outperforms existing implementations that are explicitly tailored for specific types of non-linear curves that are available in CGAL

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum