428 research outputs found


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    The goal of this paper is to present a new model of fuzzy topological relations for simple spatial objects in Geographic Information Sciences (GIS). The concept of computational fuzzy topological space is applied to simple fuzzy objects to efficiently and more accurately solve fuzzy topological relations, extending and improving upon previous research in this area. Firstly, we propose a new definition for simple fuzzy line segments and simple fuzzy regions based on computational fuzzy topology. And then, we also propose a new model to compute fuzzy topological relations between simple spatial objects, an analysis of the new model exposes:(1) the topological relations of two simple crisp objects; (2) the topological relations between one simple crisp object and one simple fuzzy object; (3) the topological relations between two simple fuzzy objects. In the end, we have discussed some examples to demonstrate the validity of the new model, through an experiment and comparisons of existing models, we showed that the proposed method can make finer distinctions, as it is more expressive than the existing fuzzy models

    Areas of Same Cardinal Direction

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    Cardinal directions, such as North, East, South, and West, are the foundation for qualitative spatial reasoning, a common field of GIS, Artificial Intelligence, and cognitive science. Such cardinal directions capture the relative spatial direction relation between a reference object and a target object, therefore, they are important search criteria in spatial databases. The projection-based model for such direction relations has been well investigated for point-like objects, yielding a relation algebra with strong inference power. The Direction Relation Matrix defines the simple region-to-region direction relations by approximating the reference object to a minimum bounding rectangle. Models that capture the direction between extended objects fall short when the two objects are close to each other. For instance, the forty-eight contiguous states of the US are colloquially considered to be South of Canada, yet they include regions that are to the North of some parts of Canada. This research considers the cardinal direction as a field that is distributed through space and may take on varying values depending on the location within a reference object. Therefore, the fundamental unit of space, the point, is used as a reference to form a point-based cardinal direction model. The model applies to capture the direction relation between point-to-region and region-to-region configurations. As such, the reference object is portioned into areas of same cardinal direction with respect to the target object. This thesis demonstrates there is a set of 106 cardinal point-to-region relations, which can be normalized by considering mirroring and 90° rotations, to a subset of 22 relations. The differentiating factor of the model is that a set of base relations defines the direction relation anywhere in the field, and the conceptual neighborhood graph of the base relations offers the opportunity to exploit the strong inference of point-based direction reasoning for simple regions of arbitrary shape. Considers the tiles and pockets of same cardinal direction, while a coarse model provides a union of all possible qualitative direction values between a reference region and a target region


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    Artikel ini mempelajari keterkaitan antarateori himpunan fuzzy dan topologi. Topologi padahimpunan fuzzy disebut topologi fuzzy. Salah satutopik pada topologi fuzzy mengkaji tentang quasicoincident,persekitaran, interior, closure,kekompakan dan kontinuitas. Pada artikel ini akandibahas sifat-sifat quasi-coincident dan teoremayang terkait dengan interior dan closure padatopologi fuzzy. dikatakan quasi-coincidentdengan jika dan hanya jika terdapat sehingga() + () > 1. Akan dibuktikan, misal dan adalah dua himpunan fuzzy di X, ⊆ jika danhanya jika dan tidak quasi-coincident. Jika adalah Q-persekitaran dari maka . ⋁ jikadan hanya jika terdapat ∈ sehingga .Misalkan adalah sebuah subset dari ruangtopologi fuzzy X, maka interior dari adalah = ⋁ { ∶ ⊆ , } dan closure dari adalah ̅= ⋀ { ∶ ⊆ , }. Akan dibuktikanjuga ∈ jika dan hanya jika e mempunyaipersekitaran yang termuat di . ∈ ̅ jika danhanya jika masing-masing Q-persekitaran dari equasi-coincident dengan .Kata kunci : topologi fuzzy, quasi-coincident,interior, closure


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    Topologi pada himpunan fuzzy disebut topologi fuzzy. Salah satu topik pada topologi fuzzy mengkaji tentang fungsi fuzzy slightly precontinuous, aksioma-aksioma pemisahan dan graf pre-co-closed fuzzy. Jika diberikan  dan  berturut-turut adalah ruang topologi fuzzy, maka suatu fungsi  dikatakan fuzzy slightly precontinuous jika untuk setiap titik fuzzy  di  dan setiap himpunan fuzzy  yang buka sekaligus tutup di  dan memuat , terdapat himpunan fuzzy  yang prabuka di  dan memuat  sedemikian hingga . Selanjutnya, pada makalah ini akan dibahas sifat-sifat fungsi fuzzy slightly precontinuous, hubungan antara fuzzy slightly precontinuity dan aksioma-aksioma pemisahan, serta hubungan antara fuzzy slightly precontinuity dan graf pre-co-closed  fuzzy. Kata Kunci: topologi fuzzy, fuzzy slightly precontinuity, aksioma-aksioma pemisahan, graf pre-co-closed fuzzy

    Continuous Modeling of 3D Building Rooftops From Airborne LIDAR and Imagery

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    In recent years, a number of mega-cities have provided 3D photorealistic virtual models to support the decisions making process for maintaining the cities' infrastructure and environment more effectively. 3D virtual city models are static snap-shots of the environment and represent the status quo at the time of their data acquisition. However, cities are dynamic system that continuously change over time. Accordingly, their virtual representation need to be regularly updated in a timely manner to allow for accurate analysis and simulated results that decisions are based upon. The concept of "continuous city modeling" is to progressively reconstruct city models by accommodating their changes recognized in spatio-temporal domain, while preserving unchanged structures. However, developing a universal intelligent machine enabling continuous modeling still remains a challenging task. Therefore, this thesis proposes a novel research framework for continuously reconstructing 3D building rooftops using multi-sensor data. For achieving this goal, we first proposes a 3D building rooftop modeling method using airborne LiDAR data. The main focus is on the implementation of an implicit regularization method which impose a data-driven building regularity to noisy boundaries of roof planes for reconstructing 3D building rooftop models. The implicit regularization process is implemented in the framework of Minimum Description Length (MDL) combined with Hypothesize and Test (HAT). Secondly, we propose a context-based geometric hashing method to align newly acquired image data with existing building models. The novelty is the use of context features to achieve robust and accurate matching results. Thirdly, the existing building models are refined by newly proposed sequential fusion method. The main advantage of the proposed method is its ability to progressively refine modeling errors frequently observed in LiDAR-driven building models. The refinement process is conducted in the framework of MDL combined with HAT. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MDMC) coupled with Simulated Annealing (SA) is employed to perform a global optimization. The results demonstrates that the proposed continuous rooftop modeling methods show a promising aspects to support various critical decisions by not only reconstructing 3D rooftop models accurately, but also by updating the models using multi-sensor data

    Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Holed Regions

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    The intricacies of real-world and constructed spatial entities call for versatile spatial data types to model complex spatial objects, often characterized by the presence of holes. To date, however, relations of simple, hole-free regions have been the prevailing approaches for spatial qualitative reasoning. Even though such relations may be applied to holed regions, they do not take into consideration the consequences of the existence of the holes, limiting the ability to query and compare more complex spatial configurations. To overcome such limitations, this thesis develops a formal framework for spatial reasoning with topological relations over two-dimensional holed regions, called the Holed Regions Model (HRM), and a similarity evaluation method for comparing relations featuring a multi-holed region, called the Frequency Distribution Method (FDM). The HRM comprises a set of 23 relations between a hole-free and a single-holed region, a set of 152 relations between two single-holed regions, as well as the composition inferences enabled from both sets of relations. The inference results reveal that the fine-grained topological relations over holed regions provide more refined composition results in over 50% of the cases when compared with the results of hole-free regions relations. The HRM also accommodates the relations between a hole-free region and a multi-holed region. Each such relation is called a multi-element relation, as it can be deconstructed into a number of elements—relations between a hole-free and a singleholed region—that is equal to the number of holes, regarding each hole as if it were the only one. FDM facilitates the similarity assessment among multi-element relations. The similarity is evaluated by comparing the frequency summaries of the single-holed region relations. The multi-holed regions of the relations under comparison may differ in the number of holes. In order to assess the similarity of such relations, one multi-holed region is considered as the result of dropping from or adding holes to the other region. Therefore, the effect that two concurrent changes have on the similarity of the relations is evaluated. The first is the change in the topological relation between the regions, and the second is the change in a region’s topology brought upon by elimination or addition of holes. The results from the similarity evaluations examined in this thesis show that the topological placement of the holes in relation to the hole-free region influences relation similarity as much as the relation between the hole-free region and the host of the holes. When the relations under comparison have fewer characteristics in common, the placement of the holes is the determining factor for the similarity rankings among relations. The distilled and more correct composition and similarity evaluation results enabled by the relations over holed regions indicate that spatial reasoning over such regions differs from the prevailing reasoning over hole-free regions. Insights from such results are expected to contribute to the design of future geographic information systems that more adequately process complex spatial phenomena, and are better equipped for advanced database query answering

    Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Holed Regions

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    The intricacies of real-world and constructed spatial entities call for versatile spatial data types to model complex spatial objects, often characterized by the presence of holes. To date, however, relations of simple, hole-free regions have been the prevailing approaches for spatial qualitative reasoning. Even though such relations may be applied to holed regions, they do not take into consideration the consequences of the existence of the holes, limiting the ability to query and compare more complex spatial configurations. To overcome such limitations, this thesis develops a formal framework for spatial reasoning with topological relations over two-dimensional holed regions, called the Holed Regions Model (HRM), and a similarity evaluation method for comparing relations featuring a multi-holed region, called the Frequency Distribution Method (FDM). The HRM comprises a set of 23 relations between a hole-free and a single-holed region, a set of 152 relations between two single-holed regions, as well as the composition inferences enabled from both sets of relations. The inference results reveal that the fine-grained topological relations over holed regions provide more refined composition results in over 50% of the cases when compared with the results of hole-free regions relations. The HRM also accommodates the relations between a hole-free region and a multi-holed region. Each such relation is called a multi-element relation, as it can be deconstructed into a number of elements—relations between a hole-free and a singleholed region—that is equal to the number of holes, regarding each hole as if it were the only one. FDM facilitates the similarity assessment among multi-element relations. The similarity is evaluated by comparing the frequency summaries of the single-holed region relations. The multi-holed regions of the relations under comparison may differ in the number of holes. In order to assess the similarity of such relations, one multi-holed region is considered as the result of dropping from or adding holes to the other region. Therefore, the effect that two concurrent changes have on the similarity of the relations is evaluated. The first is the change in the topological relation between the regions, and the second is the change in a region’s topology brought upon by elimination or addition of holes. The results from the similarity evaluations examined in this thesis show that the topological placement of the holes in relation to the hole-free region influences relation similarity as much as the relation between the hole-free region and the host of the holes. When the relations under comparison have fewer characteristics in common, the placement of the holes is the determining factor for the similarity rankings among relations. The distilled and more correct composition and similarity evaluation results enabled by the relations over holed regions indicate that spatial reasoning over such regions differs from the prevailing reasoning over hole-free regions. Insights from such results are expected to contribute to the design of future geographic information systems that more adequately process complex spatial phenomena, and are better equipped for advanced database query answering