13 research outputs found

    Low energy video processing and compression hardware designs

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    Digital video processing and compression algorithms are used in many commercial products such as mobile devices, unmanned aerial vehicles, and autonomous cars. Increasing resolution of videos used in these commercial products increased computational complexities of digital video processing and compression algorithms. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce computational complexities of digital video processing and compression algorithms, and energy consumptions of digital video processing and compression hardware without reducing visual quality. In this thesis, we propose a novel adaptive 2D digital image processing algorithm for 2D median filter, Gaussian blur and image sharpening. We designed low energy 2D median filter, Gaussian blur and image sharpening hardware using the proposed algorithm. We propose approximate HEVC intra prediction and HEVC fractional interpolation algorithms. We designed low energy approximate HEVC intra prediction and HEVC fractional interpolation hardware. We also propose several HEVC fractional interpolation hardware architectures. We propose novel computational complexity and energy reduction techniques for HEVC DCT and inverse DCT/DST. We designed high performance and low energy hardware for HEVC DCT and inverse DCT/DST including the proposed techniques. VII We quantified computation reductions achieved and video quality loss caused by the proposed algorithms and techniques. We implemented the proposed hardware architectures in Verilog HDL. We mapped the Verilog RTL codes to Xilinx Virtex 6 and Xilinx ZYNQ FPGAs, and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. The proposed algorithms and techniques significantly reduced the power and energy consumptions of these FPGA implementations in some cases with no PSNR loss and in some cases with very small PSNR loss

    Design and Implementation of IDCT/IDST-Specific Accelerators for HEVC Standard on Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform

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    Having High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is important for image processing, reducing bandwidth, and increasing video quality. There are different methods that can be used to implement HEVC. This thesis focuses on design and implementation of application-specific accelerators for IDCT/IDST algorithms dedicated for HEVC standard. Those algorithms are parallel-in-nature tasks which makes them suitable to be executed by heterogeneous multicore platforms. This is done using accelerators which are required for power efficient processing. In this study, Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) are used for making a template for an accelerator. CGRA has one of the major roles in a Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platforms (HARP) as it is capable of accelerating non-parallel loops with lower loop counts. This thesis includes various algorithms for the use of IDCT and IDST with different designs and templates, reaching a unique final architecture. The final output intended is to reach 4 points IDST together with a 4/8 points IDCT. Another feature added to the hypothesis is the use of different dimensions for the CGRA template in order to have a different type of accelerator. The many CGRAs are combined together in successive arrangement with Reduced Instructions Set Computers (RISC) over the Network-on-Chip (NoC). The aim is to study the performance of the accelerator used for the IDCT and the IDST. This can be evaluated as the data movement through NoC network along with comparison of performance of accelerator with clock cycles in order to calculate the efficiency of the system. The results show that a four point IDST and IDCT can be computed in 56 clock cycles. In addition, the 8 point IDCT can be implemented in 64 cycles. One important factor to consider during the study is the power and energy consumption which is important in this century. The dynamic power dissipation usage for the routing of data has reached a value of 4.03 mW. Whereas, the energy consumption was 1.76 μ\muJ for the 4 points system (IDCT and IDST) and 3.06 μ\muJ for the 8 points (IDCT). Processing Elements (PEs) are used for implementing the transform algorithm and units were operated at 200 MHz. Finally, these results show that 1080P image at 30 frames per second can be attained by using FPGA

    Feasibility Study of High-Level Synthesis : Implementation of a Real-Time HEVC Intra Encoder on FPGA

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    High-Level Synthesis (HLS) on automatisoitu suunnitteluprosessi, joka pyrkii parantamaan tuottavuutta perinteisiin suunnittelumenetelmiin verrattuna, nostamalla suunnittelun abstraktiota rekisterisiirtotasolta (RTL) käyttäytymistasolle. Erilaisia kaupallisia HLS-työkaluja on ollut markkinoilla aina 1990-luvulta lähtien, mutta vasta äskettäin ne ovat alkaneet saada hyväksyntää teollisuudessa sekä akateemisessa maailmassa. Hidas käyttöönottoaste on johtunut pääasiassa huonommasta tulosten laadusta (QoR) kuin mitä on ollut mahdollista tavanomaisilla laitteistokuvauskielillä (HDL). Uusimmat HLS-työkalusukupolvet ovat kuitenkin kaventaneet QoR-aukkoa huomattavasti. Tämä väitöskirja tutkii HLS:n soveltuvuutta videokoodekkien kehittämiseen. Se esittelee useita HLS-toteutuksia High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) -koodaukselle, joka on keskeinen mahdollistava tekniikka lukuisille nykyaikaisille mediasovelluksille. HEVC kaksinkertaistaa koodaustehokkuuden edeltäjäänsä Advanced Video Coding (AVC) -standardiin verrattuna, saavuttaen silti saman subjektiivisen visuaalisen laadun. Tämä tyypillisesti saavutetaan huomattavalla laskennallisella lisäkustannuksella. Siksi reaaliaikainen HEVC vaatii automatisoituja suunnittelumenetelmiä, joita voidaan käyttää rautatoteutus- (HW ) ja varmennustyön minimoimiseen. Tässä väitöskirjassa ehdotetaan HLS:n käyttöä koko enkooderin suunnitteluprosessissa. Dataintensiivisistä koodaustyökaluista, kuten intra-ennustus ja diskreetit muunnokset, myös enemmän kontrollia vaativiin kokonaisuuksiin, kuten entropiakoodaukseen. Avoimen lähdekoodin Kvazaar HEVC -enkooderin C-lähdekoodia hyödynnetään tässä työssä referenssinä HLS-suunnittelulle sekä toteutuksen varmentamisessa. Suorituskykytulokset saadaan ja raportoidaan ohjelmoitavalla porttimatriisilla (FPGA). Tämän väitöskirjan tärkein tuotos on HEVC intra enkooderin prototyyppi. Prototyyppi koostuu Nokia AirFrame Cloud Server palvelimesta, varustettuna kahdella 2.4 GHz:n 14-ytiminen Intel Xeon prosessorilla, sekä kahdesta Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA kiihdytinkortista, jotka voidaan kytkeä serveriin käyttäen joko peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) liitäntää tai 40 gigabitin Ethernettiä. Prototyyppijärjestelmä saavuttaa reaaliaikaisen 4K enkoodausnopeuden, jopa 120 kuvaa sekunnissa. Lisäksi järjestelmän suorituskykyä on helppo skaalata paremmaksi lisäämällä järjestelmään käytännössä minkä tahansa määrän verkkoon kytkettäviä FPGA-kortteja. Monimutkaisen HEVC:n tehokas mallinnus ja sen monipuolisten ominaisuuksien mukauttaminen reaaliaikaiselle HW HEVC enkooderille ei ole triviaali tehtävä, koska HW-toteutukset ovat perinteisesti erittäin aikaa vieviä. Tämä väitöskirja osoittaa, että HLS:n avulla pystytään nopeuttamaan kehitysaikaa, tarjoamaan ennen näkemätöntä suunnittelun skaalautuvuutta, ja silti osoittamaan kilpailukykyisiä QoR-arvoja ja absoluuttista suorituskykyä verrattuna olemassa oleviin toteutuksiin.High-Level Synthesis (HLS) is an automated design process that seeks to improve productivity over traditional design methods by increasing design abstraction from register transfer level (RTL) to behavioural level. Various commercial HLS tools have been available on the market since the 1990s, but only recently they have started to gain adoption across industry and academia. The slow adoption rate has mainly stemmed from lower quality of results (QoR) than obtained with conventional hardware description languages (HDLs). However, the latest HLS tool generations have substantially narrowed the QoR gap. This thesis studies the feasibility of HLS in video codec development. It introduces several HLS implementations for High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) , that is the key enabling technology for numerous modern media applications. HEVC doubles the coding efficiency over its predecessor Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard for the same subjective visual quality, but typically at the cost of considerably higher computational complexity. Therefore, real-time HEVC calls for automated design methodologies that can be used to minimize the HW implementation and verification effort. This thesis proposes to use HLS throughout the whole encoder design process. From data-intensive coding tools, like intra prediction and discrete transforms, to more control-oriented tools, such as entropy coding. The C source code of the open-source Kvazaar HEVC encoder serves as a design entry point for the HLS flow, and it is also utilized in design verification. The performance results are gathered with and reported for field programmable gate array (FPGA) . The main contribution of this thesis is an HEVC intra encoder prototype that is built on a Nokia AirFrame Cloud Server equipped with 2.4 GHz dual 14-core Intel Xeon processors and two Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA Development Kits, that can be connected to the server via peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) generation 3 or 40 Gigabit Ethernet. The proof-of-concept system achieves real-time. 4K coding speed up to 120 fps, which can be further scaled up by adding practically any number of network-connected FPGA cards. Overcoming the complexity of HEVC and customizing its rich features for a real-time HEVC encoder implementation on hardware is not a trivial task, as hardware development has traditionally turned out to be very time-consuming. This thesis shows that HLS is able to boost the development time, provide previously unseen design scalability, and still result in competitive performance and QoR over state-of-the-art hardware implementations

    A 249-Mpixel/s HEVC Video-Decoder Chip for 4K Ultra-HD Applications

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    High Efficiency Video Coding, the latest video standard, uses larger and variable-sized coding units and longer interpolation filters than [H.264 over AVC] to better exploit redundancy in video signals. These algorithmic techniques enable a 50% decrease in bitrate at the cost of computational complexity, external memory bandwidth, and, for ASIC implementations, on-chip SRAM of the video codec. This paper describes architectural optimizations for an HEVC video decoder chip. The chip uses a two-stage subpipelining scheme to reduce on-chip SRAM by 56 kbytes-a 32% reduction. A high-throughput read-only cache combined with DRAM-latency-aware memory mapping reduces DRAM bandwidth by 67%. The chip is built for HEVC Working Draft 4 Low Complexity configuration and occupies 1.77 mm[superscript 2] in 40-nm CMOS. It performs 4K Ultra HD 30-fps video decoding at 200 MHz while consuming 1.19 [nJ over pixel] of normalized system power.Texas Instruments Incorporate

    High performance HEVC and FVC video compression hardware designs

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is the current state-of-the-art video compression standard developed by Joint collaborative team on video coding (JCT-VC). HEVC has 50% better compression efficiency than H.264 which is the previous video compression standard. HEVC achieves this video compression efficiency by significantly increasing the computational complexity. Therefore, in this thesis, we proposed a low complexity HEVC sub-pixel motion estimation (SPME) technique for SPME in HEVC encoder. We designed and implemented a high performance HEVC SPME hardware implementing the proposed technique. We also designed and implemented an HEVC fractional interpolation hardware using memory based constant multiplication technique for both HEVC encoder and decoder. Future Video Coding (FVC) is a new international video compression standard which is currently being developed by JCT-VC. FVC offers much better compression efficiency than the state-of-the-art HEVC video compression standard at the expense of much higher computational complexity. In this thesis, we designed and implemented three different high performance FVC 2D transform hardware. The proposed hardware is verified to work correctly on an FPGA board

    Decoder Hardware Architecture for HEVC

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    This chapter provides an overview of the design challenges faced in the implementation of hardware HEVC decoders. These challenges can be attributed to the larger and diverse coding block sizes and transform sizes, the larger interpolation filter for motion compensation, the increased number of steps in intra prediction and the introduction of a new in-loop filter. Several solutions to address these implementation challenges are discussed. As a reference, results for an HEVC decoder test chip are also presented.Texas Instruments Incorporate

    HEVC 2D-DCT architectures comparison for FPGA and ASIC implementations

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    This paper compares ASIC and FPGA implementations of two commonly used architectures for 2-dimensional discrete cosine transform (DCT), the parallel and folded architectures. The DCT has been designed for sizes 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16, and implemented on Silterra 180nm ASIC and Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale FPGA. The objective is to determine suitable low energy architectures to be used as their characteristics greatly differ in terms of cells usage, placement and routing methods on these platforms. The parallel and folded DCT architectures for all three sizes have been designed using Verilog HDL, including the basic serializer-deserializer input and output. Results show that for large size transform of 16x16, ASIC parallel architecture results in roughly 30% less energy compared to folded architecture. As for FPGAs, folded architecture results in roughly 34% less energy compared to parallel architecture. In terms of overall energy consumption between 180nm ASIC and Xilinx Ultrascale, ASIC implementation results in about 58% less energy compared to the FPGA

    Circuit implementations for high-efficiency video coding tools

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 71-72).High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is planned to be the successor video standard to the popular Advanced Video Coding (H.264/AVC) with a targeted 2x improvement in compression at the same quality. This improvement comes at the cost of increased complexity through the addition of new coding tools and increased computation in existing tools. The ever-increasing demand for higher resolution video further adds to the computation cost. In this work, digital circuits for two HEVC tools - inverse transform and deblocking filter are implemented to support Quad-Full HD (4K x 2K) video decoding at 30fps. Techniques to reduce power and area cost are investigated and synthesis results in 40nm CMOS technology and Virtex-6 FPGA platform are presented.by Mehul Tikekar.S.M

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures and Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) for Image and Video Compression

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    In the current information booming era, image and video consumption is ubiquitous. The associated image and video coding operations require significant computing resources for both small-scale computing systems as well as over larger network systems. For different scenarios, power, bitrate and image quality can impose significant time-varying constraints. For example, mobile devices (e.g., phones, tablets, laptops, UAVs) come with significant constraints on energy and power. Similarly, computer networks provide time-varying bandwidth that can depend on signal strength (e.g., wireless networks) or network traffic conditions. Alternatively, the users can impose different constraints on image quality based on their interests. Traditional image and video coding systems have focused on rate-distortion optimization. More recently, distortion measures (e.g., PSNR) are being replaced by more sophisticated image quality metrics. However, these systems are based on fixed hardware configurations that provide limited options over power consumption. The use of dynamic partial reconfiguration with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides an opportunity to effectively control dynamic power consumption by jointly considering software-hardware configurations. This dissertation extends traditional rate-distortion optimization to rate-quality-power/energy optimization and demonstrates a wide variety of applications in both image and video compression. In each application, a family of Pareto-optimal configurations are developed that allow fine control in the rate-quality-power/energy optimization space. The term Dynamically Reconfiguration Architecture Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) is used to describe the derived systems. DRASTIC covers both software-only as well as software-hardware configurations to achieve fine optimization over a set of general modes that include: (i) maximum image quality, (ii) minimum dynamic power/energy, (iii) minimum bitrate, and (iv) typical mode over a set of opposing constraints to guarantee satisfactory performance. In joint software-hardware configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective approach for dynamic power optimization. For software configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective method for energy consumption optimization by controlling processing times. The dissertation provides several applications. First, stochastic methods are given for computing quantization tables that are optimal in the rate-quality space and demonstrated on standard JPEG compression. Second, a DRASTIC implementation of the DCT is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on motion JPEG. Third, a reconfigurable deblocking filter system is investigated for use in the current H.264/AVC systems. Fourth, the dissertation develops DRASTIC for all 35 intra-prediction modes as well as intra-encoding for the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC)

    Low energy HEVC and VVC video compression hardware

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    Video compression standards compress a digital video by reducing and removing redundancy in the digital video using computationally complex algorithms. As spatial and temporal resolutions of videos increase, compression efficiencies of video compression algorithms are also increasing. However, increased compression efficiency comes with increased computational complexity. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce computational complexities of video compression algorithms without reducing their visual quality in order to reduce area and energy consumption of their hardware implementations. In this thesis, we propose a novel technique for reducing amount of computations performed by HEVC intra prediction algorithm. We designed low energy, reconfigurable HEVC intra prediction hardware using the proposed technique. We also designed a low energy FPGA implementation of HEVC intra prediction algorithm using the proposed technique and DSP blocks. We propose a reconfigurable VVC intra prediction hardware architecture. We also propose an efficient VVC intra prediction hardware architecture using DSP blocks. We designed low energy VVC fractional interpolation hardware. We propose a novel approximate absolute difference technique. We designed low energy approximate absolute difference hardware using the proposed technique. We propose a novel approximate constant multiplication technique. We designed approximate constant multiplication hardware using the proposed technique. We quantified computation reductions achieved by the proposed techniques and video quality loss caused by the proposed approximation techniques. The proposed approximate absolute difference technique and approximate constant multiplication technique cause very small PSNR loss. The other proposed techniques cause no PSNR loss. We implemented the proposed hardware architectures in Verilog HDL. We mapped the Verilog RTL codes to Xilinx Virtex 6 or Xilinx Virtex 7 FPGAs and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. The proposed techniques significantly reduced power and energy consumptions of these FPGA implementation