26 research outputs found

    Supporting Diverse Customers and Prioritized Traffic in Next-Generation Passive Optical Networks

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    The already high demand for more bandwidth usage has been growing rapidly. Access network traffic is usually bursty in nature and the present traffic trend is mostly video-dominant. This motivates the need for higher transmission rates in the system. At the same time, the deployment costs and maintenance expenditures have to be reasonable. Therefore, Passive Optical Networks (PON) are considered promising next-generation access technologies. As the existing PON standards are not suitable to support future-PON services and applications, the FSAN (Full Service Access Network) group and the ITU-T (Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union) have worked on developing the NG- PON2 (Next Generation PON 2) standard. Resource allocation is a fundamental task in any PON and it is necessary to have an efficient scheme that reduces delay, maximizes bandwidth usage, and minimizes the resource wastage. A variety of DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) and DWBA (Dynamic Wavelength and Bandwidth Allocation) algorithms have been proposed which are based on different PONs (e.g. EPON, GPON, XG-PON, 10G- EPON, etc.). But to our knowledge, no DWBA scheme for NG-PON2 system, with diverse customers and prioritized traffic, has been proposed yet. In this work, this problem is addressed and five different dynamic wavelength and bandwidth allocation (DWBA) schemes are proposed. First, mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models are developed to minimize the total delay of the high priority data. Due to the MILP’s high computational complexity, heuristic algorithms are developed based on the MILP model insights. The five heuristics algorithms are: No Block-Split Heuristic (NBH), Equal Block-Split Heuristic (EBH), Priority Based No Block-Split Heuristic (P-NBH), Priority Based Equal Block-Split Heuristic (P-EBH), and Priority Based Decider Block-Split Heuristic (P-DBH). Six priority classes of requests are introduced with the goal of minimizing the total delay for the high priority data and to lessen the bandwidth wastage of the system. Finally, experiments for the performance evaluation of the five DWBA schemes are conducted. The results show that P-NBH, P-EBH, P-DBH schemes show a 47.63% less delay and 30% of less bandwidth wastage on average for the highest priority data transmission than the schemes without priority support (NBH and EBH). Among these five schemes, NBH method has the highest delay, whereas EBH and P-EBH waste more bandwidth than the other schemes. P-DBH is the most efficient among the five because this scheme offers the lowest delay for high priority data and the minimum bandwidth wastage for lower priority ones. Adviser: Byrav Ramamurth

    Mecanismos para gerenciamento de banda passante em redes ópticas passivas Ethernet com clientes locatários de múltiplas unidades ópticas de redes

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    Orientador: Nelson Luis Saldanha da FonsecaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: As atuais redes de acesso banda larga à Internet necessitam dar suporte às altas demandas de diversas aplicações tais como voz sobre IP (VoIP), streaming de vídeo UHD, videoconferência, internet das coisas (IoT) e jogos interativos. A tecnologia de redes ópticas passivas (PONs) é considerada promissora para fornecer alta capacidade de acesso com um custo-benefício aceitável. Existem duas diferentes tecnologias que disputam o mercado das redes ópticas; Ethernet PON (EPON) e Gigabit Capable PON(GPON). Devido ao alto custo de aquisição e manutenção de uma infraestrutura PON, muitas empresas (clientes) recorrem a fornecedores de infraestrutura (InP) para reduzir os altos custo, por meio do aluguel de uma porção dos recursos da PON. Esses clientes podem ser, por exemplo, operadores de rede móvel ou provedores de serviços virtuais, que podem adquirir múltiplas unidades da rede óptica (ONU) conectadas em uma única PON. Essa facilidade de alugar múltiplas ONUs pode gerar problemas de balanceamento de carga entre ONUs, uma vez que os atuais algoritmos de alocação de banda passante (DBA) são capazes de garantir banda para uma única ONU. Consequentemente, picos de demanda de banda passante podem ultrapassar a banda garantida em algumas ONUs e, ao mesmo tempo, subutilizar a banda garantida em outras ONUs de um mesmo cliente. Nesta dissertação, aborda-se o problema de gerenciamento de largura de banda para clientes multi-ONU nas redes EPON. Propõe-se um algoritmo de alocação dinâmica de banda passante (DBA) (MOS-IPACT) para dar suporte ao contrato de serviço (SLA) para clientes com várias ONUs. O mecanismo proposto distribui a largura de banda agregada entre ONUs de um mesmo cliente, com o objetivo de melhorar a utilização da largura de banda. Além disso propõe-se um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (subMOSIPACT) com o objetivo de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade. Este algoritmo é fundamental para clientes multi-ONU e que oferecem diversos tipos de serviços. Por exemplo, um operador da rede virtual pode alugar as ONUs de um InP para oferecer serviços corporativos e residenciais. Introduz-se, também, um algoritmo DBA para EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT) que permite a cooperação entre clientes. O algoritmo proposto permite que clientes cooperativos compartilhem banda passante não utilizada a fim de aumentar a banda disponível para alocação mas sem afetar seus SLAs individuais. Os resultados mostram que os três algoritmos propostos são capazes de garantir banda passante para clientes multi-ONU, mesmo em condições de tráfego desbalanceadas; Além de garantir banda passante em diferentes níveis de granularidade aumentando o suporte aos requisitos de qualidade de serviço (QoS). Resultados derivados por simulação mostraram que os algoritmos distribuem eficientemente a largura de banda entre os clientes multi-ONU bem como para clientes convencionais que possuem uma única ONU. Por fim, este trabalho mostra os benefícios do modelo de clientes cooperativos para aumentar a largura de banda disponívelAbstract: Current broadband access networks need to support the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of diverse application such as voice over IP (VoIP), ultra-high video streaming, video conferencing, Internet of Things (IoT) and interactive gaming. Passive Optical Networks (PONs) is considered a promising solution to provides high access capacity with acceptable cost-benefit. Two different technologies share the optical access networks market: Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit Capable PON (GPON). However, the deployment of PON infrastructure involves significant costs. On the other hand, Infrastructure Provider (InP) can alleviate these costs by leasing their PONs to several enterprises (customers). These customers can be Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), multi-site enterprises, or virtual service providers. New scenarios are envisioned in which customers owning multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) (multi-ONUs customers) are connected to a single PON. However, current EPON Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to support only guaranteed bandwidth for individual ONUs. Consequently, peaks of bandwidth demand may surpass the guaranteed bandwidth for some ONUs and, at the same time, underutilize the bandwidth in other ONUs of a multi-ONU customer. In this work, the bandwidth management problem for multi-ONU customers in EPON network is addressed. This dissertation proposes a mechanisms for the support of multiONU Service Level Agreements (SLA) in DBA algorithms for EPONs. The proposed DBA algorithms (MOS-IPACT) allows customers owning multiple ONUs to redistribute the aggregated bandwidth of the group of ONUs to better balance the bandwidth utilization. This dissertation also proposes a DBA algorithm for EPON networks (subMOS-IPACT) with the objective of assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity. This algorithm is quite important for multi-ONU customers offering diverse type of services. For example, a virtual network operator can lease ONUs from an InP to offer enterprise and residential services to its client.This work also introduce a DBA algorithm for EPONs (coopMOS-IPACT), which allows cooperation between customers. The proposed DBA algorithm allows cooperative customers share the unused bandwidth without affecting their individual multi-ONU SLAs. Results show that the three proposed Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithms are able to guarantee bandwidth for multi-Optical Network Unit (ONU) customers even in unbalancing traffic conditions. Furthermore, assuring bandwidth at different levels of granularity improves the Quality of Service (QoS) providing. Simulation results showed that the mechanisms efficiently distributes bandwidth between multi-ONU customers and traditional customers owning a single ONU. Finally, this work show the benefits of cooperative customers model in order to increase the available bandwidthMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação132308/2016-9CNP

    Dynamic bandwidth allocation with SLA awareness for QoS in ethernet passive optical networks

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    Quality-of-service (QoS) support in Ethernet passive optical networks is a crucial concern. We propose a new dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithm for service differentiation that meets the service-level agreements (SLAs) of the users. The proposed delay-aware (DA) online DBA algorithm provides constant and predictable average packet delay and reduced delay variation for the high-and medium-priority traffic while keeping the packet loss rate under check. We prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by exhaustive simulations

    A QoS-Aware Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation algorithm for passive optical networks with non-zero laser tuning time

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    The deployment of new 5G services and future demands for 6G make it necessary to increase the performance of access networks. This challenge has prompted the development of new standardization proposals for Passive Optical access Networks (PONs) that offer greater bandwidth, greater reach and a higher rate of aggregation of users per fiber, being Time- and Wavelength-Division Multiplexing (TWDM) a promising technological solution for increasing the capacity by up to 40 Gbps by using several wavelengths. This solution introduces tunable transceivers into the Optical Network Units (ONUs) for switching from one wavelength to the other, thus addressing the ever-increasing bandwidth demands in residential broadband and mobile fronthaul networks based on Fiber to the Home (FTTH) technology. This adds complexity and sources of inefficiency, such as the laser tuning time (LTT) delay, which is often ignored when evaluating the performance of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) mechanisms. We present a novel DBA algorithm that dynamically handles the allocation of bandwidth and switches the ONUs’ lasers from one wavelength to the other while taking LTT into consideration. To optimize the packet delay, we introduce a scheduling mechanism that follows the Longest Processing Time first (LPT) scheduling discipline, which is implemented over the Interleaved Polling with Adaptive Cycle Time (IPACT) DBA. We also provide quality of service (QoS) differentiation by introducing the Max-Min Weighted Fair Share Queuing principle (WFQ) into the algorithm. The performance of our algorithm is evaluated through simulations against the original IPACT algorithm, which we have extended to support multi-wavelengths. With the introduction of LPT, we obtain an improved performance of up to 73% reduction in queue delay over IPACT while achieving QoS differentiation with WFQ.This work has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain under project PID2019‐108713RB‐C51/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.1 - Desenvolupar infraestructures fiables, sostenibles, resilients i de qualitat, incloent infraestructures regionals i transfrontereres, per tal de donar suport al desenvolupament econòmic i al benestar humà, amb especial atenció a l’accés assequible i equitatiu per a totes les personesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructura::9.4 - Per a 2030, modernitzar les infraestructures i reconvertir les indústries perquè siguin sostenibles, usant els recursos amb més eficàcia i promovent l’adopció de tecnologies i processos industrials nets i racionals ambiental­ment, i aconseguint que tots els països adoptin mesures d’acord amb les capacitats respectivesPostprint (published version

    Topics in access, storage, and sensor networks

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    In the first part of this dissertation, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) and IEEE 802.3ah Ethernet Passive Optical Network (ETON), two access networking standards, are studied. We study the impact of two parameters of the DOCSIS protocol and derive the probability of message collision in the 802.3ah device discovery scheme. We survey existing bandwidth allocation schemes for EPONs, derive the average grant size in one such scheme, and study the performance of the shortest-job-first heuristic. In the second part of this dissertation, we study networks of mobile sensors. We make progress towards an architecture for disconnected collections of mobile sensors. We propose a new design abstraction called tours which facilitates the combination of mobility and communication into a single design primitive and enables the system of sensors to reorganize into desirable topologies alter failures. We also initiate a study of computation in mobile sensor networks. We study the relationship between two distributed computational models of mobile sensor networks: population protocols and self-similar functions. We define the notion of a self-similar predicate and show when it is computable by a population protocol. Transition graphs of population protocols lead its to the consideration of graph powers. We consider the direct product of graphs and its new variant which we call the lexicographic direct product (or the clique product). We show that invariants concerning transposable walks in direct graph powers and transposable independent sets in graph families generated by the lexicographic direct product are uncomputable. The last part of this dissertation makes contributions to the area of storage systems. We propose a sequential access detect ion and prefetching scheme and a dynamic cache sizing scheme for large storage systems. We evaluate the cache sizing scheme theoretically and through simulations. We compute the expected hit ratio of our and competing schemes and bound the expected size of our dynamic cache sufficient to obtain an optimal hit ratio. We also develop a stand-alone simulator for studying our proposed scheme and integrate it with an empirically validated disk simulator

    Optical-WiMAX Hybrid Networks

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    The emergence of bandwidth-intensive Internet services, such ascircuit-quality voice transfer and interactive video gaming, createa high demand for a very qualified next-generation access network.In addition to high bandwidth, these future access networks shouldalso provide improved network availability, flexibility, mobility,reliability, failure protection, quality of service (QoS) supportand cost-effective access. The integration between optical networksand Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) is apromising solution for future access networks. Accordingly, a fewdifferent architectures and MAC protocol components have recentlybeen proposed for the integration between the Ethernet PassiveOptical Network (EPON) and WiMAX. However, the proposedarchitectures contain several drawbacks. Moreover, the EPON-WiMAXhybrid does not yet contain a comprehensive Medium Access Control(MAC) protocol and a mechanism for Quality of Service (QoS) support.Finally, this work introduces the Resilient Packet Ring (RPR)standard, which aims to build high-performance metro edge and metrocore ring networks that interconnect multiple access networks. Theobjective of this thesis is to examine the integration of opticalstandards, such as RPR and EPON, with the WiMAX standard.Subsequently, this integration will be applied to the areas ofarchitecture and MAC Protocol as a promising solution for not onlyaccess networks but also for metro networks.The first part of the thesis examines the EPON-WiMAX integration asa solution for the access network. Specifically, the proposedsolution includes new EPON-WiMAX hybrid network architectures thatare suitable for both urban and rural environment requirements, andit also introduces a joint MAC protocol for these architectures. Theproposed architectures are reliable and provide extended networkcoverage; in particular, reliability is achieved by applying aprotection scheme to the most critical portion of the EPON part ofthe architecture. Additionally, the network coverage of thearchitecture is extended by inserting an intermediate networkbetween the front end and the backhaul network of the traditionalEPON-WiMAX architecture. Subsequently, we propose a comprehensivejoint MAC protocol for the proposed EPON-WiMAX architecture; thisprotocol provides a per-stream quality-of-service guarantee andimproves the network utilization. Also, the proposed joint MACprotocol includes an admission controller, a scheduler and abandwidth allocator.While the first part of the thesis strives to improve the hybridnetwork reliability through protection in the EPON part and extendthe network coverage through innovative methods, the second partattempts to maintain and enhance these objectives by adding areliable technology to the integrated network. Specifically, thissection examines the way in which the RPR network can be integratedwith the proposed EPON-WiMAX architecture to form an RPR-EPON-WiMAXhybrid network, which can be a solution for both access and metronetworks. The proposed architecture is reliable due to thedependability of the RPR standard and the protection mechanismemployed in the EPON network. Moreover, the architecture contains ahigh fault tolerance against node and connection failure. In thesecond part, the joint MAC protocol for the RPR-EPON-WiMAX hybridnetwork includes a multi-level dynamic bandwidth allocationalgorithm, a distributed admission control, a scheduler, and arouting algorithm. This MAC protocol aims to maximize the advantagesof the proposed architecture by distributing its functionalitiesover the parts of the architecture and jointly executing the partsof the MAC protocol

    Contributions towards softwarization and energy saving in passive optical networks

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    Ths thesis is a result of contributions to optimize and improve the network management systme and power consumption in Passive Optical Network (PON). Passive Optical Network elements such as Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONUs) are currently managed by inflexible legacy network management systems. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm that improves the operation and management of networks by decoupling control plane from data plane. Currently, network management in PON networks is not always automated nor normalized. One goal of the researchers in optical networking is to improve the programmability, efficiency, and global optimization of network operations, in order to minimize both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) by reducing the complexity of devices and its operation. Therefore, it makes sense to use an SDN approach in order to manage the passive optical network functionalities and migrating must of the upper layer functions to the SDN controller. Many approaches have already addressed the topic of applying the SDN architecture in PON networks. However; the focus was usually on facilitating the deployment of SDN-based service and so Service Interoperability remains unexplored in detail. The main challenge toward this goal is how to make compatible the synchronous nature of the EPON media access control protocols with the asynchronous architecture of SDN, and in particular, OpenFlow. In our proposed architecture, the OLT is partially virtualized and some of its functionalities are allocated to the core network management system, while the OLT itself is replaced by an OpenFlow switch. A new MultiPoint MAC Control (MPMC) sublayer extension based on the OpenFlow protocol is presented. The OpenFlow switch is extended with synchronous ports to retain the time-critical nature of the EPON network. Our simulation-based results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new architecture, while retaining a similar (or improved) performance in term of delay and throughput when compared to legacy PONs. Nowadays, many researchers are working simultaneously to develop power saving techniques and improves energy efficiency in the PON network, and since the contribution of access networks to the global energy consumption is large, energy efficiency has become an increasingly important requirement in designing access networks. Therefore, energy-saving approaches are being investigated to provide high performance and consume less energy. Several techniques have been proposed to increase energy efficiency in PON networks. Such techniques are related to the centeralized DBA but the advantage of power saving in a distributed DBA remains untouched. We present a distributed energy-efficient Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm for both the upstream and downstream channels of EPON to improve energy efficiency in EPON networks. The proposed algorithm analyzes the queue status of the ONUs and OLT in order to power-off the transmitter and/or receiver of an ONU whenever there is no upstream or downstream traffic. We have been able to combine the advantage of a distributed DBA such as DDSPON (a smaller packet delay, due to the shorter time needed by DDSPON to allocate the transmission slots) and the energy-saving features (that come at a price of longer packet delays due to the fact that switching off the transmitters make the packet queues grow). Our proposed DBA algorithm minimizes the ONU energy consumption across a wide range of network loads, while maintaining at an acceptable level the penalty introduced in terms of channel utilization and packet delay.Las contribuciones de esta tesis se centran en mejorar el sistema de gestión de red y el consumo de energía en redes de acceso ópticas pasivas (PON). Los elementos de las redes PON, como el terminal de línea óptica (OLT) y las unidades de red ópticas (ONU), se gestionan actualmente mediante sistemas poco flexibles. El nuevo paradigma de redes definidas por software (SDN) mejora la gestión de redes al desacoplar el plano de control del plano de datos. Actualmente, la gestión de redes PON no está automatizada ni normalizada. Uno de los objetivos de los investigadores en redes ópticas es mejorar la programabilidad, la eficiencia y la optimización global de las operaciones de red, con el fin de minimizar tanto el gasto de capital (CAPEX) como el gasto operativo (OPEX) al reducir la complejidad de los dispositivos y su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, tiene sentido utilizar un enfoque SDN para gestionar las funciones de red óptica pasiva y migrar algunas de las funciones PON de capas superiores al controlador SDN. Otros investigadores han estudiado esta aproximación. sin embargo; el enfoque generalmente estaba en facilitar la implementación del servicio basado en SDN y, por lo tanto, la interoperabilidad de los servicios permanecía sin ser explorado en detalle. El principal desafío hacia este objetivo es cómo compatibilizar la naturaleza síncrona de los protocolos de control de acceso a medios EPON con la arquitectura asíncrona de SDN y, en particular, OpenFlow. En nuestra propuesta de arquitectura, la OLT se virtualiza parcialmente y algunas de sus funcionalidades se asignan al sistema de gestión de red centralizado, mientras que la OLT se reemplaza por un conmutador OpenFlow. Proponemos una nueva extensión de la subcapa de control múltiple de MAC (MPMC) basada en el protocolo OpenFlow. El conmutador OpenFlow se amplía con puertos síncronos para asegurar la naturaleza de tiempo real de la red EPON. Nuestros resultados basados ¿¿en simulaciones demuestran la efectividad de la nueva arquitectura, al tiempo que se mantiene un rendimiento similar (o mejorado) en términos de retardos y rendimiento en comparación con las PON clásicas. Por otro lado, se están desarrollando técnicas de ahorro de energía y mejora de la eficiencia energética en redes PON, y dado que la contribución de las redes de acceso al consumo total de energía es importante, la eficiencia energética se ha convertido en un requisito cada vez más importante. Se han propuesto varias técnicas por parte de otros autores para aumentar la eficiencia energética en las redes PON, relacionadas con algoritmos DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) centralizados, pero las ventaja del ahorro de energía en un DBA distribuido no se ha explorado todavía. Por ello nuestra segunda contiribución es un algoritmo distribuido de asignación dinámica de ancho de banda energéticamente eficiente tanto para los canales ascendentes como descendentes de EPON para mejorar la eficiencia energética en las redes EPON. El algoritmo propuesto analiza el estado de cola de las ONU y la OLT para apagar el transmisor y/o el receptor de una ONU cuando no hay tráfico en sentido ascendente o descendente. Hemos podido combinar la ventaja de un DBA distribuido como DDSPON (que asegura retardos más pequeños, debido al menor tiempo que DDSPON necesita para asignar las ranuras de transmisión) y las características de ahorro de energía (al precio de tener retardos de paquete más grandes debido al hecho de que apagar los transmisores hace que las colas de paquetes crezcan). Nuestro algoritmo de DBA propuesto minimiza el consumo de energía de la ONU en una amplia gama de cargas de red, mientras mantiene a un nivel aceptable la penalización introducida en términos de utilización del canal y retardos

    Contributions towards softwarization and energy saving in passive optical networks

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    Ths thesis is a result of contributions to optimize and improve the network management systme and power consumption in Passive Optical Network (PON). Passive Optical Network elements such as Optical Line Terminal (OLT) and Optical Network Units (ONUs) are currently managed by inflexible legacy network management systems. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm that improves the operation and management of networks by decoupling control plane from data plane. Currently, network management in PON networks is not always automated nor normalized. One goal of the researchers in optical networking is to improve the programmability, efficiency, and global optimization of network operations, in order to minimize both Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) by reducing the complexity of devices and its operation. Therefore, it makes sense to use an SDN approach in order to manage the passive optical network functionalities and migrating must of the upper layer functions to the SDN controller. Many approaches have already addressed the topic of applying the SDN architecture in PON networks. However; the focus was usually on facilitating the deployment of SDN-based service and so Service Interoperability remains unexplored in detail. The main challenge toward this goal is how to make compatible the synchronous nature of the EPON media access control protocols with the asynchronous architecture of SDN, and in particular, OpenFlow. In our proposed architecture, the OLT is partially virtualized and some of its functionalities are allocated to the core network management system, while the OLT itself is replaced by an OpenFlow switch. A new MultiPoint MAC Control (MPMC) sublayer extension based on the OpenFlow protocol is presented. The OpenFlow switch is extended with synchronous ports to retain the time-critical nature of the EPON network. Our simulation-based results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new architecture, while retaining a similar (or improved) performance in term of delay and throughput when compared to legacy PONs. Nowadays, many researchers are working simultaneously to develop power saving techniques and improves energy efficiency in the PON network, and since the contribution of access networks to the global energy consumption is large, energy efficiency has become an increasingly important requirement in designing access networks. Therefore, energy-saving approaches are being investigated to provide high performance and consume less energy. Several techniques have been proposed to increase energy efficiency in PON networks. Such techniques are related to the centeralized DBA but the advantage of power saving in a distributed DBA remains untouched. We present a distributed energy-efficient Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) algorithm for both the upstream and downstream channels of EPON to improve energy efficiency in EPON networks. The proposed algorithm analyzes the queue status of the ONUs and OLT in order to power-off the transmitter and/or receiver of an ONU whenever there is no upstream or downstream traffic. We have been able to combine the advantage of a distributed DBA such as DDSPON (a smaller packet delay, due to the shorter time needed by DDSPON to allocate the transmission slots) and the energy-saving features (that come at a price of longer packet delays due to the fact that switching off the transmitters make the packet queues grow). Our proposed DBA algorithm minimizes the ONU energy consumption across a wide range of network loads, while maintaining at an acceptable level the penalty introduced in terms of channel utilization and packet delay.Las contribuciones de esta tesis se centran en mejorar el sistema de gestión de red y el consumo de energía en redes de acceso ópticas pasivas (PON). Los elementos de las redes PON, como el terminal de línea óptica (OLT) y las unidades de red ópticas (ONU), se gestionan actualmente mediante sistemas poco flexibles. El nuevo paradigma de redes definidas por software (SDN) mejora la gestión de redes al desacoplar el plano de control del plano de datos. Actualmente, la gestión de redes PON no está automatizada ni normalizada. Uno de los objetivos de los investigadores en redes ópticas es mejorar la programabilidad, la eficiencia y la optimización global de las operaciones de red, con el fin de minimizar tanto el gasto de capital (CAPEX) como el gasto operativo (OPEX) al reducir la complejidad de los dispositivos y su funcionamiento. Por lo tanto, tiene sentido utilizar un enfoque SDN para gestionar las funciones de red óptica pasiva y migrar algunas de las funciones PON de capas superiores al controlador SDN. Otros investigadores han estudiado esta aproximación. sin embargo; el enfoque generalmente estaba en facilitar la implementación del servicio basado en SDN y, por lo tanto, la interoperabilidad de los servicios permanecía sin ser explorado en detalle. El principal desafío hacia este objetivo es cómo compatibilizar la naturaleza síncrona de los protocolos de control de acceso a medios EPON con la arquitectura asíncrona de SDN y, en particular, OpenFlow. En nuestra propuesta de arquitectura, la OLT se virtualiza parcialmente y algunas de sus funcionalidades se asignan al sistema de gestión de red centralizado, mientras que la OLT se reemplaza por un conmutador OpenFlow. Proponemos una nueva extensión de la subcapa de control múltiple de MAC (MPMC) basada en el protocolo OpenFlow. El conmutador OpenFlow se amplía con puertos síncronos para asegurar la naturaleza de tiempo real de la red EPON. Nuestros resultados basados ¿¿en simulaciones demuestran la efectividad de la nueva arquitectura, al tiempo que se mantiene un rendimiento similar (o mejorado) en términos de retardos y rendimiento en comparación con las PON clásicas. Por otro lado, se están desarrollando técnicas de ahorro de energía y mejora de la eficiencia energética en redes PON, y dado que la contribución de las redes de acceso al consumo total de energía es importante, la eficiencia energética se ha convertido en un requisito cada vez más importante. Se han propuesto varias técnicas por parte de otros autores para aumentar la eficiencia energética en las redes PON, relacionadas con algoritmos DBA (Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation) centralizados, pero las ventaja del ahorro de energía en un DBA distribuido no se ha explorado todavía. Por ello nuestra segunda contiribución es un algoritmo distribuido de asignación dinámica de ancho de banda energéticamente eficiente tanto para los canales ascendentes como descendentes de EPON para mejorar la eficiencia energética en las redes EPON. El algoritmo propuesto analiza el estado de cola de las ONU y la OLT para apagar el transmisor y/o el receptor de una ONU cuando no hay tráfico en sentido ascendente o descendente. Hemos podido combinar la ventaja de un DBA distribuido como DDSPON (que asegura retardos más pequeños, debido al menor tiempo que DDSPON necesita para asignar las ranuras de transmisión) y las características de ahorro de energía (al precio de tener retardos de paquete más grandes debido al hecho de que apagar los transmisores hace que las colas de paquetes crezcan). Nuestro algoritmo de DBA propuesto minimiza el consumo de energía de la ONU en una amplia gama de cargas de red, mientras mantiene a un nivel aceptable la penalización introducida en términos de utilización del canal y retardos.Postprint (published version

    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Integrated control platform for converged optical and wireless networks

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