63 research outputs found

    Advanced Modulation and Coding Technology Conference

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    The objectives, approach, and status of all current LeRC-sponsored industry contracts and university grants are presented. The following topics are covered: (1) the LeRC Space Communications Program, and Advanced Modulation and Coding Projects; (2) the status of four contracts for development of proof-of-concept modems; (3) modulation and coding work done under three university grants, two small business innovation research contracts, and two demonstration model hardware development contracts; and (4) technology needs and opportunities for future missions

    Performance Prediction of Nonbinary Forward Error Correction in Optical Transmission Experiments

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    In this paper, we compare different metrics to predict the error rate of optical systems based on nonbinary forward error correction (FEC). It is shown that the correct metric to predict the performance of coded modulation based on nonbinary FEC is the mutual information. The accuracy of the prediction is verified in a detailed example with multiple constellation formats, FEC overheads in both simulations and optical transmission experiments over a recirculating loop. It is shown that the employed FEC codes must be universal if performance prediction based on thresholds is used. A tutorial introduction into the computation of the threshold from optical transmission measurements is also given.Comment: submitted to IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technolog

    Electronic processing for optical communication systems

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    I sistemi di comunicazione in fibra ottica risentono di diversi tipi di disturbi, quali ad esempio la dispersione cromatica e la dispersione dei modi di polarizzazione. La compensazione ottica di tali disturbi è possibile ma complessa e costosa, mentre le tecniche di elaborazione elettronica del segnale presentano diversi vantaggi, semplicità, costo, adattabilità. L'equalizzazione elettronica e la strategia di rivelazione di sequenza a massima verosimiglianza rappresentano soluzioni efficaci e realizzabili con semplici modulazioni di ampiezza e anche con più avanzate modulazioni di fase e fase-ampiezza.Optical communication systems are suffering from several typical impairments, chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. Optical compensation of such impairments is possible but it is technological demanding and expensive, whereas electronic signal processing presents many advantages, implementation ease, cost-efficiency, adaptability. Electronic equalization and maximum likelihood sequence detection represent effective and feasible solutions for simple amplitude modulation formats as well as for more advanced phase and phase-amplitude modulation formats

    Digital data transmission over mobile radio channels

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    The aim of this work is to study data transmission over a microwave digital mobile radio channel at 900 MHz, where the channel is subjected to multipath fading. Besides the fading, the other impairments assumed here are additive noise, co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference. Two modulation techniques are investigated in this work, namely Quadrature-Amplitude-Modulation (QAM) and Quadrature-Phase-Shift- Keying (QPSK). The channel is characterised digitally, assuming multipath Rayleigh fading in the presence of noise. The detection process studied here are near-maximum likelihood schemes: non-linear equalisation methods are also considered in detail. The thesis is also concerned with carrier synchronisation and channel estimation under conditions of Rayleigh fading. Since the carrier syncn,honisation is a most important requirement in mobile radio, a Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) technique has been designed and investigated in the form of a feedback digital synchronisation system. Two types of channel estimation technique, namely feedforward and feedback estimators, are also investigated in this work. The feedback estimator is modified by the addition of a digital control system, in order to reduce its delay, and to cope with rapidly fading signals. Successful carrier synchronisation is demonstrated by the use of space diversity. The study was completed using models of the component parts of the system, and by the use of extensive computer simulations to analyse the system under various operating conditions

    Channel estimation, data detection and carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) plays an important role in the implementation of high data rate communication. In this thesis, the problems of data detection and channel and carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems are studied. Multi-symbol non-coherent data detection is studied which performs data detection by processing multiple symbols without the knowledge of the channel impulse response (CIR). For coherent data detection, the CIR needs to be estimated. Our objective in this thesis is to work on blind channel estimators which can extract the CIR using just one block of received OFDM data. A blind channel estimator for (Single Input Multi Output) SIMO OFDM systems is derived. The conditions under which the estimator is identifiable is studied and solutions to resolve the phase ambiguity of the proposed estimator are given.A channel estimator for superimposed OFDM systems is proposed and its CRB is derived. The idea of simultaneous transmission of pilot and data symbols on each subcarrier, the so called superimposed technique, introduces the efficient use of bandwidth in OFDM context. Pilot symbols can be added to data symbols to enable CIR estimation without sacrificing the data rate. Despite the many advantages of OFDM, it suffers from sensitivity to carrier frequency offset (CFO). CFO destroys the orthogonality between the subcarriers. Thus, it is necessary for the receiver to estimate and compensate for the frequency offset. Several high accuracy estimators are derived. These include CFO estimators, as well as a joint iterative channel/CFO estimator/data detector for superimposed OFDM. The objective is to achieve CFO estimation with using just one OFDM block of received data and without the knowledge of CIR

    Impacto de imperfeições do laser em receptores ópticos coerentes com formatos de modulação de alta ordem

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    Orientador: Darli Augusto de Arruda MelloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Atualmente, os sistemas ópticos coerentes transmitem grandes volumes de informação graças à utilização de formatos de modulação de alta ordem. No entanto, esses formatos de modulação são mais suscetíveis a perturbações de fase geradas por imperfeições nos lasers utilizados no transmissor e receptor. Este trabalho centrou-se em uma análise das imperfeições do laser e seu impacto sobre o desempenho de receptores ópticos coerentes com formatos de modulação de alta ordem. Em especial, avaliaram-se as duas fontes principais de perturbações de fase: o ruído de fase do laser e as flutuações na frequência de operação, efeito conhecido como jitter de frequência da portadora. Primeiramente, investigou-se o impacto das imperfeições do laser por meio de simulações. O ruído de fase foi simulado como um processo discreto de Wiener, e o jitter de frequência foi modelado como uma forma de onda senoidal. Os resultados permitiram avaliar o comportamento do sistema sob diversas condições de frequência e amplitude do sinal de jitter. Posteriormente, o impacto das perturbações de fase foi avaliado por meio de experimentos. Observou-se que parâmetro de largura de linha calculado por métodos existentes não é suficiente para prever o comportamento dos algoritmos de processamento digital de sinais sob condições intensas de jitter. Alternativamente, o trabalho sugeriu uma metodologia mais conveniente para prever o impacto das perturbações do laser no desempenho do sistema, que leva em consideração a composição de ruído de fase e jitter de frequênciaAbstract: Currently, coherent optical systems transmit large volumes of information thanks to the use of high-order modulation formats. However, such modulation formats are more susceptible to phase perturbations generated by imperfections in the lasers used in the transmitter and receiver. This work focused on an analysis of laser imperfections and their impact on the performance of coherent optical receivers with high-order modulation formats. In particular, the two main sources of phase perturbations were evaluated: laser phase noise and fluctuations in the operating frequency, an effect known as carrier frequency jitter. First, the impact of laser imperfections was evaluated by simulations. Phase noise was modeled as a Wiener process, and frequency jitter was assumed to be sinusoidal. The results allowed to evaluate the behavior of the system under different conditions of frequency and amplitude of the jitter signal. Later, the impact of phase perturbations was evaluated through experiments. It was observed that the laser linewidth calculated by existing methods is not sufficient to predict the behavior of the digital signal processing algorithms under intense jitter conditions. Alternatively, the work suggested a more convenient methodology for predicting the impact of laser perturbations on system performance, which takes into account the composition of phase noise and carrier frequency jitterMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestra em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    Contribution à l'étude des systèmes de transmission optique utilisant le format de modulation QPSK

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    La demande constante de capacité et la saturation prévue de la fibre monomode ont conduit récemment à des avances technologiques qui ont complètement changé le paysage des télécommunications à fibre optique. Le progrès le plus important était la mise en œuvre d'une détection cohérente à l'aide d'électronique rapide. Cela a permis pas seulement l'utilisation de formats de modulation qui promettent une utilisation plus efficace de la bande passante, mais aussi l utilisation des algorithmes adaptés pour combattre la dégradation du signal optique due à la propagation. Cette thèse a commencé un peu après le début de cette ère du cohérent et son principal objectif était de revoir les effets physiques de la propagation dans des systèmes de transmission terrestres, utilisant le format de modulation QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying). Le manuscrit est divisé en deux parties. La première partie est consacrée à une étude sur les séquences des données qui doivent être utilisés dans les simulations numériques, lorsqu un format de modulation avancée est impliqué. La propagation, et en particulier l'interaction entre la dispersion chromatique et les non-linéarités, introduisent une interférence inter-symbole (ISI). Vu que cet ISI dépend de l enchainement des données transmises, il est évident que le choix de la séquence a une influence sur la qualité estimée du canal. Etant donné que des séquences aléatoires infinies ne sont pas pratiquement réalisables, nous utilisons souvent des séquences pseudo-aléatoires (PR), i.e. des séquences déterministes de longueur finie, avec des statistiques équilibrés, qui semblent être aléatoires. Dans la première partie, nous décrivons la méthode de génération de séquences PR avec M. niveaux (M> 2) et nous détaillons leurs propriétés. En outre, nous proposons des outils numériques pour caractériser les séquences non pseudo-aléatoires qu on utilise souvent dans des simulations, ou parfois aussi dans des expériences au laboratoire. Enfin, nous présentons les résultats de simulations qui permettent de quantifier la nécessité d'utiliser des séquences PR en fonction des paramètres du système. Après avoir établi les séquences finies "les plus adaptées", dans la seconde partie du manuscrit, nous nous concentrons sur l'étude de la propagation, dans le contexte d'un système de transmission QPSK et en supposant une gestion de dispersion et un type de fibre variables. Plus précisément, nous étudions numériquement les statistiques de signaux dégradés dus à l'interaction de la dispersion chromatique avec les effets non linéaires, en négligeant tout effet de polarisation ou inter-canaux, aussi que le bruit des amplificateurs. Dans ce contexte, nous étions intéressés à déterminer si certaines lois empiriques développées pour les systèmes OOK, sont valable dans le cas d'une modulation QPSK, tels que le critère de la phase non-linéaire cumulée ( NL) ou des lois qui permettent une optimisation de la gestion de dispersion. Ensuite, nous révélons l'importance de la rotation de la constellation du signal initial, comme un paramètre qui peut fournir des informations pour la post-optimisation de notre système. Nous discutons également autour du fait que la forme de la constellation dépend de la gestion de dispersion et concernant les constellations nous concluons qu'il y en a généralement 3 types, avec: (1) une variance de phase supérieure à la variance d'amplitude (2) une variance d'amplitude supérieure à la variance de phase et (3) avec le signal ayant une constellation qui ressemble à la constellation d un signal sous l'influence d'un bruit blanc gaussien additif. Enfin, nous fournissons une explication phénoménologique des formes des constellations révélant le fait que des sous-séquences différentes conduisent à un type différent de dégradation et nous utilisons ces informations pour définir un paramètre qui quantifie le bénéfice potentiel d'un algorithme de correction du type MAP(Maximum A Posteriori Probability)The constant demand for capacity increase, together with the foreseen saturation of the single-mode optical fiber, paved the way to technological breakthroughs that have completely changed the landscape of fiber-optic telecommunications. The most important advance was, undeniably, the practical implementation of a coherent detection with the help of high-speed electronics. This has, first, enabled the use of advanced modulation formats that allowed for a more efficient use of the fiber bandwidth, compared to the classical On-Off Keying, while adapted algorithms could not be used in order to mitigate the optical signal degradation. This thesis began a little after the advent of coherent detection and its main objective was to revisit the propagation effects in optical transmission systems using "Quadrature phase shift keying" (QPSK) modulation in the context of terrestrial systems, i.e. for transmission distances of up to about 2000 km. The manuscript is divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to a study on the data sequences that need to be used in numerical simulations, when advanced modulation is involved. Fiber propagation, and in particular the interplay between chromatic dispersion and nonlinearities, usually introduce a nonlinear inter-symbol interference (ISI) to the transmitted signal. Since this ISI depends on the actual transmitted data pattern, it is obvious that the choice of the sequence used in our numerical simulations will have a direct influence on the estimated channel quality. Since, an infinite length, random sequence is impractical; we very commonly use pseudorandom" (PR) sequences, i.e. finite-length, deterministic sequences with balanced pattern statistics that seem to be random. In the first part we describe the method of generating M-level (with M>2) pseudorandom sequences and we detail their properties. In addition, we propose numerical tools to characterize the non-pseudorandom sequences that we use in numerical simulations, or we are sometimes forced to use in laboratory experiments. Finally, we present results of numerical simulations that quantify the necessity to use PR sequences as a function of our system parameters. After having established the fairest possible finite sequences, in the second part of the manuscript, we focus on the study of the nonlinear propagation, in the context of a transmission system using QPSK modulation and assuming a variable dispersion management and fiber type. Specifically, we numerically study the signal statistics due to the interplay of chromatic dispersion and nonlinear effects, neglecting all polarization or multi-wavelength effects and the amplifier noise. In this context, we were first interested in determining whether some empirical laws developed for OOK systems, can be also used in the case of QPSK modulation, such as the criterion of cumulative nonlinear phase ( NL) or laws that allow for a quick optimization of the dispersion management. Next we reveal the importance of a global phase rotation added to the initial signal constellation, as a parameter that can provide interesting information for the post-optimization of our system. We also discuss the fact that the constellation shape critically depends on the applied dispersion management, while there are generally 3 types of constellations, concerning the complex signal statistics: (1) the phase variance is higher than the amplitude variance (2) the amplitude variance is higher than the phase variance and (3) the received signal constellation resembles to a constellation of a signal under the influence of just an Additive White Gaussian Noise. Finally, we provide a phenomenological explanation of the constellations shapes revealing the fact that different data sub-sequences suffer from a different kind of signal degradation, while we also use this information to define a parameter that quantifies the potential benefit from a MAP (Maximum A Posteriori probability) correction algorithmEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Code design and analysis for multiple access communications

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    This thesis explores various coding aspects of multiple access communications, mainly for spread spectrum multiaccess(SSMA) communications and collaborative coding multiaccess(CCMA) communications. Both the SSMA and CCMA techniques permit efficient simultaneous transmission by several users sharing a common channel, without subdivision in time or frequency. The general principle behind these two multiaccess schemes is that one can find sets of signals (codes) which can be combined together to form a composite signal; on reception, the individual signals in the set can each be recovered from the composite signal. For the CCMA scheme, the isolation between users is based on the code structure; for the SSMA scheme, on the other hand, the isolation between users is based on the autocorrelation functions(ACFs) and crosscorrelation functions (CCFs) of the code sequences. It is clear that, in either case, the code design is the key to the system design.For the CCMA system with a multiaccess binary adder channel, a class of superimposed codes is analyzed. It is proved that every constant weight code of weight w and maximal correlation λ corresponds to a subclass of disjunctive codes of order T 3, the out-of-phase ACFs and CCFs of the codes are constant and equal to √L. In addition, all codes of the same length are mutually orthogonal.2. Maximal length sequences (m-sequences) over Gaussian integers, suitable for use with QAM modulation, are considered. Two sub-classes of m-sequences with quasi-perfect periodic autocorrelations are obtained. The CCFs between the decimated m-sequences are studied. By applying a simple operation, it is shown that some m-sequences over rational and Gaussian integers can be transformed into perfect sequences with impulsive ACFs.3. Frank codes and Chu codes have perfect periodic ACFs and optimum periodic CCFs. In addition, it is shown that they also have very favourable nonperiodic ACFs; some new results concerning the behaviour of the nonperiodic ACFs are derived. Further, it is proved that the sets of combinedFrank/Chu codes, which contain a larger number of codes than either of the two constituent sets, also have very good periodic CCFs. Based on Frank codes and Chu codes, two interesting classes of real-valued codes with good correlation properties are defined. It is shown that these codes have periodic complementary properties and good periodic and nonperiodic ACF/CCFs.Finally, a hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is proposed. This new hybrid coding scheme provides a very flexible and powerful multiple accessing capability and allows simple and efficient decoding. Given an SSMA system with K users and a CCMA system with N users, where at most T users are active at any time, then the hybrid system will have K . N users with at most T.K users active at any time. The hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is superior to the individual CCMA system or SSMA system in terms of information rate, number of users, decoding complexity and external interference rejection capability

    Code design and analysis for multiple access communications

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    This thesis explores various coding aspects of multiple access communications, mainly for spread spectrum multiaccess(SSMA) communications and collaborative coding multiaccess(CCMA) communications. Both the SSMA and CCMA techniques permit efficient simultaneous transmission by several users sharing a common channel, without subdivision in time or frequency. The general principle behind these two multiaccess schemes is that one can find sets of signals (codes) which can be combined together to form a composite signal; on reception, the individual signals in the set can each be recovered from the composite signal. For the CCMA scheme, the isolation between users is based on the code structure; for the SSMA scheme, on the other hand, the isolation between users is based on the autocorrelation functions(ACFs) and crosscorrelation functions (CCFs) of the code sequences. It is clear that, in either case, the code design is the key to the system design.For the CCMA system with a multiaccess binary adder channel, a class of superimposed codes is analyzed. It is proved that every constant weight code of weight w and maximal correlation λ corresponds to a subclass of disjunctive codes of order T 3, the out-of-phase ACFs and CCFs of the codes are constant and equal to √L. In addition, all codes of the same length are mutually orthogonal.2. Maximal length sequences (m-sequences) over Gaussian integers, suitable for use with QAM modulation, are considered. Two sub-classes of m-sequences with quasi-perfect periodic autocorrelations are obtained. The CCFs between the decimated m-sequences are studied. By applying a simple operation, it is shown that some m-sequences over rational and Gaussian integers can be transformed into perfect sequences with impulsive ACFs.3. Frank codes and Chu codes have perfect periodic ACFs and optimum periodic CCFs. In addition, it is shown that they also have very favourable nonperiodic ACFs; some new results concerning the behaviour of the nonperiodic ACFs are derived. Further, it is proved that the sets of combinedFrank/Chu codes, which contain a larger number of codes than either of the two constituent sets, also have very good periodic CCFs. Based on Frank codes and Chu codes, two interesting classes of real-valued codes with good correlation properties are defined. It is shown that these codes have periodic complementary properties and good periodic and nonperiodic ACF/CCFs.Finally, a hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is proposed. This new hybrid coding scheme provides a very flexible and powerful multiple accessing capability and allows simple and efficient decoding. Given an SSMA system with K users and a CCMA system with N users, where at most T users are active at any time, then the hybrid system will have K . N users with at most T.K users active at any time. The hybrid CCMA/SSMA coding scheme is superior to the individual CCMA system or SSMA system in terms of information rate, number of users, decoding complexity and external interference rejection capability

    Capacity -based parameter optimization of bandwidth constrained CPM

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    Continuous phase modulation (CPM) is an attractive modulation choice for bandwidth limited systems due to its small side lobes, fast spectral decay and the ability to be noncoherently detected. Furthermore, the constant envelope property of CPM permits highly power efficient amplification. The design of bit-interleaved coded continuous phase modulation is characterized by the code rate, modulation order, modulation index, and pulse shape. This dissertation outlines a methodology for determining the optimal values of these parameters under bandwidth and receiver complexity constraints. The cost function used to drive the optimization is the information-theoretic minimum ratio of energy-per-bit to noise-spectral density found by evaluating the constrained channel capacity. The capacity can be reliably estimated using Monte Carlo integration. A search for optimal parameters is conducted over a range of coded CPM parameters, bandwidth efficiencies, and channels. Results are presented for a system employing a trellis-based coherent detector. To constrain complexity and allow any modulation index to be considered, a soft output differential phase detector has also been developed.;Building upon the capacity results, extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used to analyze a system that iterates between demodulation and decoding. Convergence thresholds are determined for the iterative system for different outer convolutional codes, alphabet sizes, modulation indices and constellation mappings. These are used to identify the code and modulation parameters with the best energy efficiency at different spectral efficiencies for the AWGN channel. Finally, bit error rate curves are presented to corroborate the capacity and EXIT chart designs