566 research outputs found

    Machine learning for the sustainable energy transition: a data-driven perspective along the value chain from manufacturing to energy conversion

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    According to the special report Global Warming of 1.5 °C of the IPCC, climate action is not only necessary but more than ever urgent. The world is witnessing rising sea levels, heat waves, events of flooding, droughts, and desertification resulting in the loss of lives and damage to livelihoods, especially in countries of the Global South. To mitigate climate change and commit to the Paris agreement, it is of the uttermost importance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from the most emitting sector, namely the energy sector. To this end, large-scale penetration of renewable energy systems into the energy market is crucial for the energy transition toward a sustainable future by replacing fossil fuels and improving access to energy with socio-economic benefits. With the advent of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things technologies have been increasingly applied to the energy sector introducing the concept of smart grid or, more in general, Internet of Energy. These paradigms are steering the energy sector towards more efficient, reliable, flexible, resilient, safe, and sustainable solutions with huge environmental and social potential benefits. To realize these concepts, new information technologies are required, and among the most promising possibilities are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning which in many countries have already revolutionized the energy industry. This thesis presents different Machine Learning algorithms and methods for the implementation of new strategies to make renewable energy systems more efficient and reliable. It presents various learning algorithms, highlighting their advantages and limits, and evaluating their application for different tasks in the energy context. In addition, different techniques are presented for the preprocessing and cleaning of time series, nowadays collected by sensor networks mounted on every renewable energy system. With the possibility to install large numbers of sensors that collect vast amounts of time series, it is vital to detect and remove irrelevant, redundant, or noisy features, and alleviate the curse of dimensionality, thus improving the interpretability of predictive models, speeding up their learning process, and enhancing their generalization properties. Therefore, this thesis discussed the importance of dimensionality reduction in sensor networks mounted on renewable energy systems and, to this end, presents two novel unsupervised algorithms. The first approach maps time series in the network domain through visibility graphs and uses a community detection algorithm to identify clusters of similar time series and select representative parameters. This method can group both homogeneous and heterogeneous physical parameters, even when related to different functional areas of a system. The second approach proposes the Combined Predictive Power Score, a method for feature selection with a multivariate formulation that explores multiple sub-sets of expanding variables and identifies the combination of features with the highest predictive power over specified target variables. This method proposes a selection algorithm for the optimal combination of variables that converges to the smallest set of predictors with the highest predictive power. Once the combination of variables is identified, the most relevant parameters in a sensor network can be selected to perform dimensionality reduction. Data-driven methods open the possibility to support strategic decision-making, resulting in a reduction of Operation & Maintenance costs, machine faults, repair stops, and spare parts inventory size. Therefore, this thesis presents two approaches in the context of predictive maintenance to improve the lifetime and efficiency of the equipment, based on anomaly detection algorithms. The first approach proposes an anomaly detection model based on Principal Component Analysis that is robust to false alarms, can isolate anomalous conditions, and can anticipate equipment failures. The second approach has at its core a neural architecture, namely a Graph Convolutional Autoencoder, which models the sensor network as a dynamical functional graph by simultaneously considering the information content of individual sensor measurements (graph node features) and the nonlinear correlations existing between all pairs of sensors (graph edges). The proposed neural architecture can capture hidden anomalies even when the turbine continues to deliver the power requested by the grid and can anticipate equipment failures. Since the model is unsupervised and completely data-driven, this approach can be applied to any wind turbine equipped with a SCADA system. When it comes to renewable energies, the unschedulable uncertainty due to their intermittent nature represents an obstacle to the reliability and stability of energy grids, especially when dealing with large-scale integration. Nevertheless, these challenges can be alleviated if the natural sources or the power output of renewable energy systems can be forecasted accurately, allowing power system operators to plan optimal power management strategies to balance the dispatch between intermittent power generations and the load demand. To this end, this thesis proposes a multi-modal spatio-temporal neural network for multi-horizon wind power forecasting. In particular, the model combines high-resolution Numerical Weather Prediction forecast maps with turbine-level SCADA data and explores how meteorological variables on different spatial scales together with the turbines' internal operating conditions impact wind power forecasts. The world is undergoing a third energy transition with the main goal to tackle global climate change through decarbonization of the energy supply and consumption patterns. This is not only possible thanks to global cooperation and agreements between parties, power generation systems advancements, and Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence technologies but also necessary to prevent the severe and irreversible consequences of climate change that are threatening life on the planet as we know it. This thesis is intended as a reference for researchers that want to contribute to the sustainable energy transition and are approaching the field of Artificial Intelligence in the context of renewable energy systems

    Novel deep cross-domain framework for fault diagnosis or rotary machinery in prognostics and health management

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    Improving the reliability of engineered systems is a crucial problem in many applications in various engineering fields, such as aerospace, nuclear energy, and water declination industries. This requires efficient and effective system health monitoring methods, including processing and analyzing massive machinery data to detect anomalies and performing diagnosis and prognosis. In recent years, deep learning has been a fast-growing field and has shown promising results for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) in interpreting condition monitoring signals such as vibration, acoustic emission, and pressure due to its capacity to mine complex representations from raw data. This doctoral research provides a systematic review of state-of-the-art deep learning-based PHM frameworks, an empirical analysis on bearing fault diagnosis benchmarks, and a novel multi-source domain adaptation framework. It emphasizes the most recent trends within the field and presents the benefits and potentials of state-of-the-art deep neural networks for system health management. Besides, the limitations and challenges of the existing technologies are discussed, which leads to opportunities for future research. The empirical study of the benchmarks highlights the evaluation results of the existing models on bearing fault diagnosis benchmark datasets in terms of various performance metrics such as accuracy and training time. The result of the study is very important for comparing or testing new models. A novel multi-source domain adaptation framework for fault diagnosis of rotary machinery is also proposed, which aligns the domains in both feature-level and task-level. The proposed framework transfers the knowledge from multiple labeled source domains into a single unlabeled target domain by reducing the feature distribution discrepancy between the target domain and each source domain. Besides, the model can be easily reduced to a single-source domain adaptation problem. Also, the model can be readily updated to unsupervised domain adaptation problems in other fields such as image classification and image segmentation. Further, the proposed model is modified with a novel conditional weighting mechanism that aligns the class-conditional probability of the domains and reduces the effect of irrelevant source domain which is a critical issue in multi-source domain adaptation algorithms. The experimental verification results show the superiority of the proposed framework over state-of-the-art multi-source domain-adaptation models

    Accommodating maintenance in prognostics

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    Error on title page - year of award is 2021Steam turbines are an important asset of nuclear power plants, and are required to operate reliably and efficiently. Unplanned outages have a significant impact on the ability of the plant to generate electricity. Therefore, condition-based maintenance (CBM) can be used for predictive and proactive maintenance to avoid unplanned outages while reducing operating costs and increasing the reliability and availability of the plant. In CBM, the information gathered can be interpreted for prognostics (the prediction of failure time or remaining useful life (RUL)). The aim of this project was to address two areas of challenges in prognostics, the selection of predictive technique and accommodation of post-maintenance effects, to improve the efficacy of prognostics. The selection of an appropriate predictive algorithm is a key activity for an effective development of prognostics. In this research, a formal approach for the evaluation and selection of predictive techniques is developed to facilitate a methodic selection process of predictive techniques by engineering experts. This approach is then implemented for a case study provided by the engineering experts. Therefore, as a result of formal evaluation, a probabilistic technique the Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) and a non-probabilistic technique the Support Vector Regression (SVR) were selected for prognostics implementation. In this project, the knowledge of prognostics implementation is extended by including post maintenance affects into prognostics. Maintenance aims to restore a machine into a state where it is safe and reliable to operate while recovering the health of the machine. However, such activities result in introduction of uncertainties that are associated with predictions due to deviations in degradation model. Thus, affecting accuracy and efficacy of predictions. Therefore, such vulnerabilities must be addressed by incorporating the information from maintenance events for accurate and reliable predictions. This thesis presents two frameworks which are adapted for probabilistic and non-probabilistic prognostic techniques to accommodate maintenance. Two case studies: a real-world case study from a nuclear power plant in the UK and a synthetic case study which was generated based on the characteristics of a real-world case study are used for the implementation and validation of the frameworks. The results of the implementation hold a promise for predicting remaining useful life while accommodating maintenance repairs. Therefore, ensuring increased asset availability with higher reliability, maintenance cost effectiveness and operational safety.Steam turbines are an important asset of nuclear power plants, and are required to operate reliably and efficiently. Unplanned outages have a significant impact on the ability of the plant to generate electricity. Therefore, condition-based maintenance (CBM) can be used for predictive and proactive maintenance to avoid unplanned outages while reducing operating costs and increasing the reliability and availability of the plant. In CBM, the information gathered can be interpreted for prognostics (the prediction of failure time or remaining useful life (RUL)). The aim of this project was to address two areas of challenges in prognostics, the selection of predictive technique and accommodation of post-maintenance effects, to improve the efficacy of prognostics. The selection of an appropriate predictive algorithm is a key activity for an effective development of prognostics. In this research, a formal approach for the evaluation and selection of predictive techniques is developed to facilitate a methodic selection process of predictive techniques by engineering experts. This approach is then implemented for a case study provided by the engineering experts. Therefore, as a result of formal evaluation, a probabilistic technique the Bayesian Linear Regression (BLR) and a non-probabilistic technique the Support Vector Regression (SVR) were selected for prognostics implementation. In this project, the knowledge of prognostics implementation is extended by including post maintenance affects into prognostics. Maintenance aims to restore a machine into a state where it is safe and reliable to operate while recovering the health of the machine. However, such activities result in introduction of uncertainties that are associated with predictions due to deviations in degradation model. Thus, affecting accuracy and efficacy of predictions. Therefore, such vulnerabilities must be addressed by incorporating the information from maintenance events for accurate and reliable predictions. This thesis presents two frameworks which are adapted for probabilistic and non-probabilistic prognostic techniques to accommodate maintenance. Two case studies: a real-world case study from a nuclear power plant in the UK and a synthetic case study which was generated based on the characteristics of a real-world case study are used for the implementation and validation of the frameworks. The results of the implementation hold a promise for predicting remaining useful life while accommodating maintenance repairs. Therefore, ensuring increased asset availability with higher reliability, maintenance cost effectiveness and operational safety

    Data driven methods for updating fault detection and diagnosis system in chemical processes

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    Modern industrial processes are becoming more complex, and consequently monitoring them has become a challenging task. Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) as a key element of process monitoring, needs to be investigated because of its essential role in decision making processes. Among available FDD methods, data driven approaches are currently receiving increasing attention because of their relative simplicity in implementation. Regardless of FDD types, one of the main traits of reliable FDD systems is their ability of being updated while new conditions that were not considered at their initial training appear in the process. These new conditions would emerge either gradually or abruptly, but they have the same level of importance as in both cases they lead to FDD poor performance. For addressing updating tasks, some methods have been proposed, but mainly not in research area of chemical engineering. They could be categorized to those that are dedicated to managing Concept Drift (CD) (that appear gradually), and those that deal with novel classes (that appear abruptly). The available methods, mainly, in addition to the lack of clear strategies for updating, suffer from performance weaknesses and inefficient required time of training, as reported. Accordingly, this thesis is mainly dedicated to data driven FDD updating in chemical processes. The proposed schemes for handling novel classes of faults are based on unsupervised methods, while for coping with CD both supervised and unsupervised updating frameworks have been investigated. Furthermore, for enhancing the functionality of FDD systems, some major methods of data processing, including imputation of missing values, feature selection, and feature extension have been investigated. The suggested algorithms and frameworks for FDD updating have been evaluated through different benchmarks and scenarios. As a part of the results, the suggested algorithms for supervised handling CD surpass the performance of the traditional incremental learning in regard to MGM score (defined dimensionless score based on weighted F1 score and training time) even up to 50% improvement. This improvement is achieved by proposed algorithms that detect and forget redundant information as well as properly adjusting the data window for timely updating and retraining the fault detection system. Moreover, the proposed unsupervised FDD updating framework for dealing with novel faults in static and dynamic process conditions achieves up to 90% in terms of the NPP score (defined dimensionless score based on number of the correct predicted class of samples). This result relies on an innovative framework that is able to assign samples either to new classes or to available classes by exploiting one class classification techniques and clustering approaches.Los procesos industriales modernos son cada vez más complejos y, en consecuencia, su control se ha convertido en una tarea desafiante. La detección y el diagnóstico de fallos (FDD), como un elemento clave de la supervisión del proceso, deben ser investigados debido a su papel esencial en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Entre los métodos disponibles de FDD, los enfoques basados en datos están recibiendo una atención creciente debido a su relativa simplicidad en la implementación. Independientemente de los tipos de FDD, una de las principales características de los sistemas FDD confiables es su capacidad de actualización, mientras que las nuevas condiciones que no fueron consideradas en su entrenamiento inicial, ahora aparecen en el proceso. Estas nuevas condiciones pueden surgir de forma gradual o abrupta, pero tienen el mismo nivel de importancia ya que en ambos casos conducen al bajo rendimiento de FDD. Para abordar las tareas de actualización, se han propuesto algunos métodos, pero no mayoritariamente en el área de investigación de la ingeniería química. Podrían ser categorizados en los que están dedicados a manejar Concept Drift (CD) (que aparecen gradualmente), y a los que tratan con clases nuevas (que aparecen abruptamente). Los métodos disponibles, además de la falta de estrategias claras para la actualización, sufren debilidades en su funcionamiento y de un tiempo de capacitación ineficiente, como se ha referenciado. En consecuencia, esta tesis está dedicada principalmente a la actualización de FDD impulsada por datos en procesos químicos. Los esquemas propuestos para manejar nuevas clases de fallos se basan en métodos no supervisados, mientras que para hacer frente a la CD se han investigado los marcos de actualización supervisados y no supervisados. Además, para mejorar la funcionalidad de los sistemas FDD, se han investigado algunos de los principales métodos de procesamiento de datos, incluida la imputación de valores perdidos, la selección de características y la extensión de características. Los algoritmos y marcos sugeridos para la actualización de FDD han sido evaluados a través de diferentes puntos de referencia y escenarios. Como parte de los resultados, los algoritmos sugeridos para el CD de manejo supervisado superan el rendimiento del aprendizaje incremental tradicional con respecto al puntaje MGM (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el puntaje F1 ponderado y el tiempo de entrenamiento) hasta en un 50% de mejora. Esta mejora se logra mediante los algoritmos propuestos que detectan y olvidan la información redundante, así como ajustan correctamente la ventana de datos para la actualización oportuna y el reciclaje del sistema de detección de fallas. Además, el marco de actualización FDD no supervisado propuesto para tratar fallas nuevas en condiciones de proceso estáticas y dinámicas logra hasta 90% en términos de la puntuación de NPP (puntuación adimensional definida basada en el número de la clase de muestras correcta predicha). Este resultado se basa en un marco innovador que puede asignar muestras a clases nuevas o a clases disponibles explotando una clase de técnicas de clasificación y enfoques de agrupamientoPostprint (published version

    An investigation into the prognosis of electromagnetic relays.

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    Electrical contacts provide a well-proven solution to switching various loads in a wide variety of applications, such as power distribution, control applications, automotive and telecommunications. However, electrical contacts are known for limited reliability due to degradation effects upon the switching contacts due to arcing and fretting. Essentially, the life of the device may be determined by the limited life of the contacts. Failure to trip, spurious tripping and contact welding can, in critical applications such as control systems for avionics and nuclear power application, cause significant costs due to downtime, as well as safety implications. Prognostics provides a way to assess the remaining useful life (RUL) of a component based on its current state of health and its anticipated future usage and operating conditions. In this thesis, the effects of contact wear on a set of electromagnetic relays used in an avionic power controller is examined, and how contact resistance combined with a prognostic approach, can be used to ascertain the RUL of the device. Two methodologies are presented, firstly a Physics based Model (PbM) of the degradation using the predicted material loss due to arc damage. Secondly a computationally efficient technique using posterior degradation data to form a state space model in real time via a Sliding Window Recursive Least Squares (SWRLS) algorithm. Health monitoring using the presented techniques can provide knowledge of impending failure in high reliability applications where the risks associated with loss-of-functionality are too high to endure. The future states of the systems has been estimated based on a Particle and Kalman-filter projection of the models via a Bayesian framework. Performance of the prognostication health management algorithm during the contacts life has been quantified using performance evaluation metrics. Model predictions have been correlated with experimental data. Prognostic metrics including Prognostic Horizon (PH), alpha-Lamda (α-λ), and Relative Accuracy have been used to assess the performance of the damage proxies and a comparison of the two models made

    Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines

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    “Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines” considers the main concepts and the state-of-the-art, as well as advances and case studies on this topic. Maintenance is a critical variable in industry in order to reach competitiveness. It is the most important variable, together with operations, in the wind energy industry. Therefore, the correct management of corrective, predictive and preventive politics in any wind turbine is required. The content also considers original research works that focus on content that is complementary to other sub-disciplines, such as economics, finance, marketing, decision and risk analysis, engineering, etc., in the maintenance management of wind turbines. This book focuses on real case studies. These case studies concern topics such as failure detection and diagnosis, fault trees and subdisciplines (e.g., FMECA, FMEA, etc.) Most of them link these topics with financial, schedule, resources, downtimes, etc., in order to increase productivity, profitability, maintainability, reliability, safety, availability, and reduce costs and downtime, etc., in a wind turbine. Advances in mathematics, models, computational techniques, dynamic analysis, etc., are employed in analytics in maintenance management in this book. Finally, the book considers computational techniques, dynamic analysis, probabilistic methods, and mathematical optimization techniques that are expertly blended to support the analysis of multi-criteria decision-making problems with defined constraints and requirements

    The 8th International Conference on Time Series and Forecasting

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    The aim of ITISE 2022 is to create a friendly environment that could lead to the establishment or strengthening of scientific collaborations and exchanges among attendees. Therefore, ITISE 2022 is soliciting high-quality original research papers (including significant works-in-progress) on any aspect time series analysis and forecasting, in order to motivating the generation and use of new knowledge, computational techniques and methods on forecasting in a wide range of fields

    Improving the profitability, availability and condition monitoring of FPSO terminals

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    The main focus of this study is to improve the profitability, availability and condition monitoring of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Floating Production Storage and Offloading platforms (FPSOs). Propane pre-cooled, mixed refrigerant (C3MR) liquefaction is the key process in the production of LNG on FPSOs. LNG liquefaction system equipment has the highest failure rates among the other FPSO equipment, and thus the highest maintenance cost. Improvements in the profitability, availability and condition monitoring were made in two ways: firstly, by making recommendations for the use of redundancy in order to improve system reliability (and hence availability); and secondly, by developing an effective condition-monitoring algorithm that can be used as part of a condition-based maintenance system. C3MR liquefaction system reliability modelling was undertaken using the time-dependent Markov approach. Four different system options were studied, with varying degrees of redundancy. The results of the reliability analysis indicated that the introduction of a standby liquefaction system could be the best option for liquefaction plants in terms of reliability, availability and profitability; this is because the annual profits of medium-sized FPSOs (3MTPA) were estimated to increase by approximately US296million,risingfromaboutUS296 million, rising from about US1,190 million to US1,485.98million,ifredundancywereimplemented.ThecostbenefitanalysisresultswerebasedontheaverageLNGprices(US1,485.98 million, if redundancy were implemented. The cost-benefit analysis results were based on the average LNG prices (US500/ton) in 2013 and 2014. Typically, centrifugal turbines, compressors and blowers are the main items of equipment in LNG liquefaction plants. Because centrifugal equipment tops the FPSO equipment failure list, a Condition Monitoring (CM) system for such equipment was proposed and tested to reduce maintenance and shutdown costs, and also to reduce flaring. The proposed CM system was based on a novel FFT-based segmentation, feature selection and fault identification algorithm. A 20 HP industrial air compressor system with a rotational speed of 15,650 RPM was utilised to experimentally emulate five different typical centrifugal equipment machine conditions in the laboratory; this involved training and testing the proposed algorithm with a total of 105 datasets. The fault diagnosis performance of the algorithm was compared with other methods, namely standard FFT classifiers and Neural Network. A sensitivity analysis was performed in order to determine the effect of the time length and position of the signals on the diagnostic performance of the proposed fault identification algorithm. The algorithm was also checked for its ability to identify machine degradation using datasets for which the algorithm was not trained. Moreover, a characterisation table that prioritises the different fault detection techniques and signal features for the diagnosis of centrifugal equipment faults, was introduced to determine the best fault identification technique and signal feature. The results suggested that the proposed automated feature selection and fault identification algorithm is effective and competitive as it yielded a fault identification performance of 100% in 3.5 seconds only in comparison to 57.2 seconds for NN. The sensitivity analysis showed that the algorithm is robust as its fault identification performance was affected by neither the time length nor the position of signals. The characterisation study demonstrated the effectiveness of the AE spectral feature technique over the fault identification techniques and signal features tested in the course of diagnosing centrifugal equipment faults. Moreover, the algorithm performed well in the identification of machine degradation. In summary, the results of this study indicate that the proposed two-pronged approach has the potential to yield a highly reliable LNG liquefaction system with significantly improved availability and profitability profiles

    Reliability Models and Failure Detection Algorithms for Wind Turbines

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    Durante las pasadas décadas, la industria eólica ha sufrido un crecimiento muysignificativo en Europa llevando a la generación eólica al puesto más relevanteen cuanto a producción energética mediante fuentes renovables. Sin embargo, siconsideramos los aspectos económicos, el sector eólico todavía no ha alcanzadoel nivel competitivo necesario para batir a los sistemas de generación de energíaconvencionales.Los costes principales en la explotación de parques eólicos se asignan a lasactividades relacionadas con la Operación y Mantenimiento (O&M). Esto se debeal hecho de que, en la actualidad, la Operación y Mantenimiento está basadaprincipalmente en acciones correctivas o preventivas. Por tanto, el uso de técnicaspredictivas podría reducir de forma significativa los costes relacionados con lasactividades de mantenimiento mejorando así los beneficios globales de la explotaciónde los parques eólicos.Aunque los beneficios del mantenimiento predictivo se consideran cada díamás importantes, existen todavía la necesidad de investigar y explorar dichastécnicas. Modelos de fiabilidad avanzados y algoritmos de predicción de fallospueden facilitar a los operadores la detección anticipada de fallos de componentesen los aerogeneradores y, en base a ello, adaptar sus estrategias de mantenimiento.Hasta la fecha, los modelos de fiabilidad de turbinas eólicas se basan, casiexclusivamente, en la edad de la turbina. Esto es así porque fueron desarrolladosoriginalmente para máquinas que trabajan en entornos ‘amigables’, por ejemplo, enel interior de naves industriales. Los aerogeneradores, al contrario, están expuestosa condiciones ambientales altamente variables y, por tanto, los modelos clásicosde fiabilidad no reflejan la realidad con suficiente precisión. Es necesario, portanto, desarrollar nuevos modelos de fiabilidad que sean capaces de reproducir el comportamiento de los fallos de las turbinas eólicas y sus componentes, teniendoen cuenta las condiciones meteorológicas y operacionales en su emplazamiento.La predicción de fallos se realiza habitualmente utilizando datos que se obtienendel sistema de Supervisión Control y Adquisición de Datos (SCADA) o de Sistemasde Monitorización de Condición (CMS). Cabe destacar que en turbinas eólicasmodernas conviven ambos tipos de sistemas y la fusión de ambas fuentes de datospuede mejorar significativamente la detección de fallos. Esta tesis pretende mejorarlas prácticas actuales de Operación y Mantenimiento mediante: (1) el desarrollo demodelos avanzados de fiabilidad y detección de fallos basados en datos que incluyanlas condiciones ambientales y operacionales existentes en los parques eólicos y (2)la aplicación de nuevos algoritmos de detección de fallos que usen las condicionesambientales y operacionales del emplazamiento, así como datos procedentes tantode sistemas SCADA como CMS. Estos dos objetivos se han dividido en cuatrotareas.En la primera tarea se ha realizado un análisis exhaustivo tanto de los fallosproducidos en un amplio conjunto de aerogeneradores (amplio en número de turbinasy en longitud de los registros) como de sus tiempos de parada asociados. De estaforma, se han visualizado los componentes que más fallan en función de la tecnologíadel aerogenerador, así como sus modos de fallo. Esta información es vital para eldesarrollo posterior de modelos de fiabilidad y mantenimiento.En segundo lugar, se han investigado las condiciones meteorológicas previasa sucesos con fallos de los principales componentes de los aerogeneradores. Seha desarrollado un entorno de aprendizaje basado en datos utilizando técnicas deagrupamiento ‘k-means clustering’ y reglas de asociación ‘a priori’. Este entorno escapaz de manejar grandes cantidades de datos proporcionando resultados útiles yfácilmente visualizables. Adicionalmente, se han aplicado algoritmos de detecciónde anomalías y patrones para encontrar cambios abruptos y patrones recurrentesen la serie temporal de la velocidad del viento en momentos previos a los fallosde los componentes principales de los aerogeneradores. En la tercera tarea, sepropone un nuevo modelo de fiabilidad que incorpora directamente las condicionesmeteorológicas registradas durante los dos meses previos al fallo. El modelo usados procesos estadísticos separados, uno genera los sucesos de fallos, así comoceros ocasionales mientras que el otro genera los ceros estructurales necesarios paralos algoritmos de cálculo. Los posibles efectos no observados (heterogeneidad) en el parque eólico se tienen en cuenta de forma adicional. Para evitar problemas de‘over-fitting’ y multicolinearidades, se utilizan sofisticadas técnicas de regularización.Finalmente, la capacidad del modelo se verifica usando datos históricos de fallosy lecturas meteorológicas obtenidas en los mástiles meteorológicos de los parqueseólicos.En la última tarea se han desarrollado algoritmos de predicción basados encondiciones meteorológicas y en datos operacionales y de vibraciones. Se ha‘entrenado’ una red de Bayes, para predecir los fallos de componentes en unparque eólico, basada fundamentalmente en las condiciones meteorológicas delemplazamiento. Posteriormente, se introduce una metodología para fusionar datosde vibraciones obtenidos del CMS con datos obtenidos del sistema SCADA, conel objetivo de analizar las relaciones entre ambas fuentes. Estos datos se hanutilizado para la predicción de fallos en el eje principal utilizando varios algoritmosde inteligencia artificial, ‘random forests’, ‘gradient boosting machines’, modelosgeneralizados lineales y redes neuronales artificiales. Además, se ha desarrolladouna herramienta para la evaluación on-line de los datos de vibraciones (CMS)denominada DAVE (‘Distance Based Automated Vibration Evaluation’).Los resultados de esta tesis demuestran que el comportamiento de los fallos delos componentes de aerogeneradores está altamente influenciado por las condicionesmeteorológicas del emplazamiento. El entorno de aprendizaje basado en datos escapaz de identificar las condiciones generales y temporales específicas previas alos fallos de componentes. Además, se ha demostrado que, con los modelos defiabilidad y algoritmos de detección propuestos, la Operación y Mantenimiento delas turbinas eólicas puede mejorarse significativamente. Estos modelos de fiabilidady de detección de fallos son los primeros que proporcionan una representaciónrealística y específica del emplazamiento, al considerar combinaciones complejasde las condiciones ambientales, así como indicadores operacionales y de estadode operación obtenidos a partir de la fusión de datos de vibraciones CMS y datosdel SCADA. Por tanto, este trabajo proporciona entornos prácticos, modelos yalgoritmos que se podrán aplicar en el campo del mantenimiento predictivo deturbinas eólicas.<br /

    A Review: Prognostics and Health Management in Automotive and Aerospace

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    Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) attracts increasing interest of many researchers due to its potentially important applications in diverse disciplines and industries. In general, PHM systems use real-time and historical state information of subsystems and components of the operating systems to provide actionable information, enabling intelligent decision-making for improved performance, safety, reliability, and maintainability. Every year, a substantial number of papers in this area including theory and practical applications, appear in academic journals, conference proceedings and technical reports. This paper aims to summarize and review researches, developments and recent contributions in PHM for automotive- and aerospace industries. It can also be considered as the starting point for researchers and practitioners in general to assist them through PHM implementation and help them to accomplish their work more easily.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog