8,272 research outputs found

    Accommodation requirements for microgravity science and applications research on space station

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    Scientific research conducted in the microgravity environment of space represents a unique opportunity to explore and exploit the benefits of materials processing in the virtual abscence of gravity induced forces. NASA has initiated the preliminary design of a permanently manned space station that will support technological advances in process science and stimulate the development of new and improved materials having applications across the commercial spectrum. A study is performed to define from the researchers' perspective, the requirements for laboratory equipment to accommodate microgravity experiments on the space station. The accommodation requirements focus on the microgravity science disciplines including combustion science, electronic materials, metals and alloys, fluids and transport phenomena, glasses and ceramics, and polymer science. User requirements have been identified in eleven research classes, each of which contain an envelope of functional requirements for related experiments having similar characteristics, objectives, and equipment needs. Based on these functional requirements seventeen items of experiment apparatus and twenty items of core supporting equipment have been defined which represent currently identified equipment requirements for a pressurized laboratory module at the initial operating capability of the NASA space station

    Radio to Gamma-Ray Emission from Shell-type Supernova Remnants: Predictions from Non-linear Shock Acceleration Models

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are widely believed to be the principal source of galactic cosmic rays. Such energetic particles can produce gamma-rays and lower energy photons via interactions with the ambient plasma. In this paper, we present results from a Monte Carlo simulation of non-linear shock structure and acceleration coupled with photon emission in shell-like SNRs. These non-linearities are a by-product of the dynamical influence of the accelerated cosmic rays on the shocked plasma and result in distributions of cosmic rays which deviate from pure power-laws. Such deviations are crucial to acceleration efficiency and spectral considerations, producing GeV/TeV intensity ratios that are quite different from test particle predictions. The Sedov scaling solution for SNR expansions is used to estimate important shock parameters for input into the Monte Carlo simulation. We calculate ion and electron distributions that spawn neutral pion decay, bremsstrahlung, inverse Compton, and synchrotron emission, yielding complete photon spectra from radio frequencies to gamma-ray energies. The cessation of acceleration caused by the spatial and temporal limitations of the expanding SNR shell in moderately dense interstellar regions can yield spectral cutoffs in the TeV energy range; these are consistent with Whipple's TeV upper limits on unidentified EGRET sources. Supernova remnants in lower density environments generate higher energy cosmic rays that produce predominantly inverse Compton emission at super-TeV energies; such sources will generally be gamma-ray dim at GeV energies.Comment: 62 pages, AASTeX format, including 1 table and 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (Vol 513, March 1, 1999

    Regularised Diffusion-Shock Inpainting

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    We introduce regularised diffusion--shock (RDS) inpainting as a modification of diffusion--shock inpainting from our SSVM 2023 conference paper. RDS inpainting combines two carefully chosen components: homogeneous diffusion and coherence-enhancing shock filtering. It benefits from the complementary synergy of its building blocks: The shock term propagates edge data with perfect sharpness and directional accuracy over large distances due to its high degree of anisotropy. Homogeneous diffusion fills large areas efficiently. The second order equation underlying RDS inpainting inherits a maximum--minimum principle from its components, which is also fulfilled in the discrete case, in contrast to competing anisotropic methods. The regularisation addresses the largest drawback of the original model: It allows a drastic reduction in model parameters without any loss in quality. Furthermore, we extend RDS inpainting to vector-valued data. Our experiments show a performance that is comparable to or better than many inpainting models, including anisotropic processes of second or fourth order

    Studies of Single-Molecule Dynamics in Microorganisms

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    Fluorescence microscopy is one of the most extensively used techniques in the life sciences. Considering the non-invasive sample preparation, enabling live-cell compliant imaging, and the specific fluorescence labeling, allowing for a specific visualization of virtually any cellular compound, it is possible to localize even a single molecule in living cells. This makes modern fluorescence microscopy a powerful toolbox. In the recent decades, the development of new, "super-resolution" fluorescence microscopy techniques, which surpass the diffraction limit, revolutionized the field. Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) is a class of super-resolution microscopy methods and it enables resolution of down to tens of nanometers. SMLM methods like Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM), (direct) Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy ((d)STORM), Ground-State Depletion followed by Individual Molecule Return (GSDIM) and Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (PAINT) have allowed to investigate both, the intracellular spatial organization of proteins and to observe their real-time dynamics at the single-molecule level in live cells. The focus of this thesis was the development of novel tools and strategies for live-cell SingleParticle Tracking PALM (sptPALM) imaging and implementing them for biological research. In the first part of this thesis, I describe the development of new Photoconvertible Fluorescent Proteins (pcFPs) which are optimized for sptPALM lowering the phototoxic damage caused by the imaging procedure. Furthermore, we show that we can utilize them together with Photoactivatable Fluorescent Proteins (paFPs) to enable multi-target labeling and read-out in a single color channel, which significantly simplifies the sample preparation and imaging routines as well as data analysis of multi-color PALM imaging of live cells. In parallel to developing new fluorescent proteins, I developed a high throughput data analysis pipeline. I have implemented this pipeline in my second project, described in the second part of this thesis, where I have investigated the protein organization and dynamics of the CRISPR-Cas antiviral defense mechanism of bacteria in vivo at a high spatiotemporal level with the sptPALM approach. I was successful to show the differences in the target search dynamics of the CRISPR effector complexes as well as of single Cas proteins for different target complementarities. I have also first data describing longer-lasting bound-times between effector complex and their potential targets in vivo, for which only in vitro data has been available till today. In summary, this thesis is a significant contribution for both, the advances of current sptPALM imaging methods, as well as for the understanding of the native behavior of CRISPR-Cas systems in vivo

    Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays: The state of the art before the Auger Observatory

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    In this review we discuss the important progress made in recent years towards understanding the experimental data on cosmic rays with energies \agt 10^{19} eV. We begin with a brief survey of the available data, including a description of the energy spectrum, mass composition, and arrival directions. At this point we also give a short overview of experimental techniques. After that, we introduce the fundamentals of acceleration and propagation in order to discuss the conjectured nearby cosmic ray sources. We then turn to theoretical notions of physics beyond the Standard Model where we consider both exotic primaries and exotic physical laws. Particular attention is given to the role that TeV-scale gravity could play in addressing the origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. In the final part of the review we discuss the potential of future cosmic ray experiments for the discovery of tiny black holes that should be produced in the Earth's atmosphere if TeV-scale gravity is realized in Nature.Comment: Final version. To be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    New Light on Molecular and Materials Complexity: 4D Electron Imaging

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    In this Perspective, 4D electron imaging is highlighted, after introducing some concepts, with an overview of selected applications that span chemical reactions, molecular interfaces, phase transitions, and nano(micro)mechanical systems. With the added dimension of time in microscopy, diffraction, and electron-energy-loss spectroscopy, the focus is on direct visualization of structural dynamics with atomic and nanoscale resolution in the four dimensions of space and time. This contribution provides an expose of emerging developments and an outlook on future applications in materials and biological sciences

    Recent Progress in Image Deblurring

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    This paper comprehensively reviews the recent development of image deblurring, including non-blind/blind, spatially invariant/variant deblurring techniques. Indeed, these techniques share the same objective of inferring a latent sharp image from one or several corresponding blurry images, while the blind deblurring techniques are also required to derive an accurate blur kernel. Considering the critical role of image restoration in modern imaging systems to provide high-quality images under complex environments such as motion, undesirable lighting conditions, and imperfect system components, image deblurring has attracted growing attention in recent years. From the viewpoint of how to handle the ill-posedness which is a crucial issue in deblurring tasks, existing methods can be grouped into five categories: Bayesian inference framework, variational methods, sparse representation-based methods, homography-based modeling, and region-based methods. In spite of achieving a certain level of development, image deblurring, especially the blind case, is limited in its success by complex application conditions which make the blur kernel hard to obtain and be spatially variant. We provide a holistic understanding and deep insight into image deblurring in this review. An analysis of the empirical evidence for representative methods, practical issues, as well as a discussion of promising future directions are also presented.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figure

    AGN Feedback in Galaxy Groups: the Delicate Touch of Self-Regulated Outflows

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    AGN heating, through massive subrelativistic outflows, might be the key to solve the long-lasting `cooling flow problem' in cosmological systems. In a previous paper, we showed that cold accretion feedback and, to a lesser degree, Bondi self-regulated models are in fact able to quench cooling rates for several Gyr, at the same time preserving the mainc ool core features, like observed density and temperature profiles. Is it true also for lighter systems, such as galaxy groups? The answer is globally yes, although with remarkable differences. Adopting a modified version of the AMR code FLASH 3.2, we found that successful 3D simulations with cold and Bondi models are almost convergent in the galaxy group environment, with mechanical efficiencies in the range 5.e-4 - 1.e-3 and 5.e-2 - 1.e-1, respectively. The evolutionary storyline of galaxy groups is dominated by a quasi-continuous gentle injection with sub-Eddington outflows (with mechanical power and velocity around 1.e44 erg/s and 1.e4 km/s). The cold and hybrid accretion models present, in addition, very short quiescence periods, followed by moderate outbursts (10 times the previous phase), which generate a series of 10-20 kpc size cavities with high density contrast, temperatures similar to the ambient medium and cold rims. After shock heating, a phase of turbulence promotes gas mixing and diffusion of metals, which peak along jet-axis (up to 40 kpc) during active phases. At this stage the tunnel, produced by the enduring outflow (hard to detect in the mock SBx maps), is easily fragmented, producing tiny buoyant bubbles, typically a few kpc in size. In contrast to galaxy clusters, the AGN self-regulated feedback has to be persistent, with a `delicate touch', rather than rare and explosive strokes. This evolutionary difference dictates in the end that galaxy groups are not scaled-down versions of clusters.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; 22 pages, 7 figure

    Fast Timing Bi-Directional Charge Coupled Devices for Use in Gamma -Ray Astronomy.

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    A Charge Coupled Device (CCD) coupled with a pixellated inorganic scintillator (such as segmented CsI) can provide high position resolution (∼300 mum). However, standard CCDs are integrating devices typically operating no faster than video rates. For a balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope capable of measuring the energy of individual photons, the CCD must have a time resolution better than the average time interval between cosmic ray events on the veto shield (∼10 kHz). A Fast Timing Bi-Directional CCD has better than 10 mus time resolution and 50 mum position resolution. We describe the CCD readout architecture, the ASIC readout design, the present status of the development, and the application to a gamma-ray astronomy telescope suitable for a 100-day Ultra Long Duration Balloon mission

    Experimental approaches for addressing fundamental biological questions in living, functioning cells with single molecule precision

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    In recent years, single molecule experimentation has allowed researchers to observe biological processes at the sensitivity level of single molecules in actual functioning, living cells, thereby allowing us to observe the molecular basis of the key mechanistic processes in question in a very direct way, rather than inferring these from ensemble average data gained from traditional molecular and biochemical techniques. In this short review, we demonstrate the impact that the application of single molecule bioscience experimentation has had on our understanding of various cellular systems and processes, and the potential that this approach has for the future to really address very challenging and fundamental questions in the life sciences