2,687 research outputs found

    A data-driven algorithm to predict throughput bottlenecks in a production system based on active periods of the machines

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    Smart manufacturing is reshaping the manufacturing industry by boosting the integration of information and communication technologies and manufacturing process. As a result, manufacturing companies generate large volumes of machine data which can be potentially used to make data-driven operational decisions using informative computerized algorithms. In the manufacturing domain, it is well-known that the productivity of a production line is constrained by throughput bottlenecks. The operational dynamics of the production system causes the bottlenecks to shift among the production resources between the production runs. Therefore, prediction of the throughput bottlenecks of future production runs allows the production and maintenance engineers to proactively plan for resources to effectively manage the bottlenecks and achieve higher throughput. This paper proposes an active period based data-driven algorithm to predict throughput bottlenecks in the production system for the future production run from the large sets of machine data. To facilitate the prediction, we employ an auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) method to predict the active periods of the machine. The novelty of the work is the integration of ARIMA methodology with the data-driven active period technique to develop a bottleneck prediction algorithm. The proposed prediction algorithm is tested on real-world production data from an automotive production line. The bottleneck prediction algorithm is evaluated by treating it as a binary classifier problem and adapted the appropriate evaluation metrics. Furthermore, an attempt is made to determine the amount of past data needed for better forecasting the active periods

    Artificial intelligence for throughput bottleneck analysis – State-of-the-art and future directions

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    Identifying, and eventually eliminating throughput bottlenecks, is a key means to increase throughput and productivity in production systems. In the real world, however, eliminating throughput bottlenecks is a challenge. This is due to the landscape of complex factory dynamics, with several hundred machines operating at any given time. Academic researchers have tried to develop tools to help identify and eliminate throughput bottlenecks. Historically, research efforts have focused on developing analytical and discrete event simulation modelling approaches to identify throughput bottlenecks in production systems. However, with the rise of industrial digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI), academic researchers explored different ways in which AI might be used to eliminate throughput bottlenecks, based on the vast amounts of digital shop floor data. By conducting a systematic literature review, this paper aims to present state-of-the-art research efforts into the use of AI for throughput bottleneck analysis. To make the work of the academic AI solutions more accessible to practitioners, the research efforts are classified into four categories: (1) identify, (2) diagnose, (3) predict and (4) prescribe. This was inspired by real-world throughput bottleneck management practice. The categories, identify and diagnose focus on analysing historical throughput bottlenecks, whereas predict and prescribe focus on analysing future throughput bottlenecks. This paper also provides future research topics and practical recommendations which may help to further push the boundaries of the theoretical and practical use of AI in throughput bottleneck analysis

    A prognostic algorithm to prescribe improvement measures on throughput bottlenecks

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    Throughput bottleneck analysis is important in prioritising production and maintenance measures in a production system. Due to system dynamics, bottlenecks shift between different production resources and across production runs. Therefore, it is important to predict where the bottlenecks will shift to and understand the root causes of predicted bottlenecks. Previous research efforts on bottlenecks are limited to only predicting the shifting location of throughput bottlenecks; they do not give any insights into root causes. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to propose a data-driven prognostic algorithm (using the active-period bottleneck analysis theory) to forecast the durations of individual active states of bottleneck machines from machine event-log data from the manufacturing execution system (MES). Forecasting the duration of active states helps explain the root causes of bottlenecks and enables the prescription of specific measures for them. It thus forms a machine-states-based prescriptive approach to bottleneck management. Data from real-world production systems is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The practical implications of these results are that shop-floor production and maintenance teams can be forewarned, before a production run, about bottleneck locations, root causes (in terms of machine states) and any prescribed measures, thus forming a prescriptive approach. This approach will enhance the understanding of bottleneck behaviour in production systems and allow data-driven decision making to manage bottlenecks proactively

    An algorithm for data-driven shifting bottleneck detection

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    Manufacturing companies continuously capture shop floor information using sensors technologies, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Enterprise Resource Planning systems. The volumes of data collected by these technologies are growing and the pace of that growth is accelerating. Manufacturing data is constantly changing but immediately relevant. Collecting and analysing them on a real-time basis can lead to increased productivity. Particularly, prioritising improvement activities such as cycle time improvement, setup time reduction and maintenance activities on bottleneck machines is an important part of the operations management process on the shop floor to improve productivity. The first step in that process is the identification of bottlenecks. This paper introduces a purely data-driven shifting bottleneck detection algorithm to identify the bottlenecks from the real-time data of the machines as captured by MES. The developed algorithm detects the current bottleneck at any given time, the average and the non-bottlenecks over a time interval. The algorithm has been tested over real-world MES data sets of two manufacturing companies, identifying the potentials and the prerequisites of the data-driven method. The main prerequisite of the proposed data-driven method is that all the states of the machine should be monitored by MES during the production run

    Identification of Moving Bottlenecks in Production Systems

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    Manufacturing sector have been plagued by bottlenecks from time immemorial, leading to loss of productivity and profitability, various research effort has been expended towards identifying and mitigating the effects of bottlenecks on production lines. However, traditional approaches often fail in identifying moving bottlenecks. The current data boom and giant strides made in the machine learning field proffers an alternative means of using the large volume of data generated by machines in identifying bottlenecks. In this study, a hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm is used in identifying potential groups of bottlenecks within a serial production line. A serial production line with five workstations and zero buffer was simulated in ARENA® with data regarding blocked, producing and starvation time extracted. The extracted data was preprocessed using Python 3.7 to obtain a matrix of ones and zeros. The resultant matrix was fed into a complete linkage hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm to obtain clusters containing potential bottleneck workstations. Results obtained was validated using results obtained from simulation and an Elbow plot

    A generic hierarchical clustering approach for detecting bottlenecks in manufacturing

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    The advancements in machine learning (ML) techniques open new opportunities for analysing production system dynamics and augmenting the domain expert\u27s decision-making. A common problem for domain experts on the shop floor is detecting throughput bottlenecks, as they constrain the system throughput. Detecting throughput bottlenecks is necessary to prioritise maintenance and improvement actions and obtain greater system throughput. The existing literature provides many ways to detect bottlenecks from machine data, using statistical-based approaches. These statistical-based approaches can be best applied in environments where the statistical descriptors of machine data (such as distribution of machine data, correlations and stationarity) are known beforehand. Computing statistical descriptors involves statistical assumptions. When the machine data doesn\u27t comply with these assumptions, there is a risk of the results being disconnected from actual production system dynamics. An alternative approach to detecting throughput bottlenecks is to use ML- based techniques. These techniques, particularly unsupervised ML techniques, require no prior statistical information on machine data. This paper proposes a generic, unsupervised ML-based hierarchical clustering approach to detect throughput bottlenecks. The proposed approach is the outcome of systematic and careful selection of ML techniques. It begins by generating a time series of the chosen bottleneck detection metric and then clustering the time series using a dynamic time-wrapping measure and a complete-linkage agglomerative hierarchical clustering technique. The results are clusters of machines with similar production dynamic profiles, revealed from the historical data and enabling the detection of bottlenecks. The proposed approach is demonstrated in two real-world production systems. The approach integrates the concept of humans in-loop by using the domain expert\u27s knowledge

    Bottleneck prediction and data-driven discrete-event simulation for a balanced manufacturing line

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    Bottleneck identification is a relevant tool for continuous optimization of production lines. In this work, we implement a data-driven discrete-event simulator (DDS) based on experimental distributions, obtained from real historical data. The DDS allows to analyse the behavior of a balanced manufacturing line at Bosch Thermotechnology, under different hypotheses. It shows that some scenarios perceived as likely to increase output may actually decrease production metrics, reveals the importance of line injection rates, and leads to the need for adequate real time bottleneck forecasting tools, which allow shift managers intervention in a useful time frame. Eleven prediction models are tested, where a random forest and a multi-layer perceptron attain the best performances (above 95% in all metrics). This data flow is operationalized through a micro-services pipeline which is briefly discussed.publishe

    Data-driven machine criticality assessment – maintenance decision support for increased productivity

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    Data-driven decision support for maintenance management is necessary for modern digitalized production systems. The data-driven approach enables analyzing the dynamic production system in realtime. Common problems within maintenance management are that maintenance decisions are experience-driven, narrow-focussed and static. Specifically, machine criticality assessment is a tool that is used in manufacturing companies to plan and prioritize maintenance activities. The maintenance problems are well exemplified by this tool in industrial practice. The tool is not trustworthy, seldomupdated and focuses on individual machines. Therefore, this paper aims at the development and validation of a framework for a data-driven machine criticality assessment tool. The tool supports prioritization and planning of maintenance decisions with a clear goal of increasing productivity. Four empirical cases were studied by employing a multiple case study methodology. The framework provides guidelines for maintenance decision-making by combining the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) data with a systems perspective. The results show that by employing data-driven decision support within the maintenance organization, it can truly enable modern digitalized production systems to achieve higher levels of productivity

    Data Analytics in Maintenance Planning – DAIMP

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    Manufacturing industry plays a vital role in the society, which is evident in current discussions on industrialization agendas. Digitalization, the Industrial Internet of Things and their connections to sustainable production are identified as key enablers for increasing the number of jobs in Swedish industry. To implement digitalized manufacturing achieving high maintenance performance becomes utmost necessity. A substantial increase in systems availability is crucial to enable the expected levels of automation and autonomy in future production. Maintenance organizations needs to go from experiences based decision making in maintenance planning to using fact based decision making using Big Data analysis and data-driven decision support. Currently, there is lack of maintenance-oriented research based on empirical data, which hinders the increased use of engineering methods within the area.The DAIMP project addresses the problem with insufficient availability and robustness in Swedish production systems. The main challenges include limited productivity, challenges in capability of introducing new products, and challenges in implement digital production. The DAIMP project connects data collection from a detailed machine level to system level analysis. DAIMP project aimed at reaching a system level analytics to detect critical equipment, differentiate maintenance planning and prioritize the most important equipment in real-time. Furthermore, maintenance organizations will also be supported in moving from descriptive statistics of historical data to predictive and prescriptive analytics.The main goals of the project are: Agreed data parameters and alarm structures for analyses and performance measures Increased back-office maintenance planning using predictive and prescriptive analysis Increased use of dynamic and data-driven criticality analysis Increased prioritization of maintenance activitiesThe goals were further divided into specific goals and six work packages were designed to execute the project.WP1 focused on the purchase phase and getting data structures and collaboration with equipment vendors correct from start.WP2 focused on the ramp-up phase of new products and production lines when predictive and prescriptive analytics are important to handle unknown disturbances.WP3 focused on the operational phase and to provide data-driven decision support for directing maintenance efforts to the critical equipment from a systems perspective.WP4 focused on designing maintenance packages for different equipment with inputs from WP3, including both reactive, preventive, and improving activities.WP5 focused on the evaluation and demonstration for different project resultsWP6 focused on coordination project managementIn WP1, models were developed to understand the missing element for the capability assessment from initiation of the machine tool procurement to the end of lifecycle. The information exchange and process of machine tool procurement from the end-users perspective was assessed. Additionally, the alarm structure is created using the capability framework and the ability model. In WP2, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive algorithms were developed and validated. The algorithms were developed using manufacturing execution system (MES) data to provide system level decision making using data analytics. Improved quality of decisions by data-driven algorithms. Moved from experienced based decision to algorithmic based decisions. Identified the required amount data sets for developing machine learning algorithm. In WP3, data-driven machine criticality assessment framework was developed and validated. MES and computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) data were used to assess criticality of machines. It serves as data-driven decision support for maintenance planning and prioritization. It provided guidelines to achieve systems perspective in maintenance organization. In WP4, a component classification was developed. It provides guidelines for designing preventive maintenance programs based on the machine criticality. It uses CMMS data for component classification. In WP6, three demonstrator cases were performed at (i) Volvo Cars focusing on system level decision support at ramp up phase, (ii) Volvo GTO focusing on global standardization and (iii) a test-bed demo of data-driven criticality assessment at Chalmers. Lastly, as part of WP6, an international evaluation was conducted by inviting two visiting professors.The outcomes of the DAIMP project showed a strong contribution to research and manufacturing industry alike. Particularly, the project created a strong impact and awareness regarding the value maintenance possess in the manufacturing companies. It showed that maintenance will have a key role in enabling industrial digitalization. The project put the maintenance research back on the national agenda. For example, the project produced world-leading level in MES data analytics research; it showed how maintenance can contribute to productivity increase, thereby changing the mind-set from narrow-focused to having an enlarged-focus; showed how to work with component level problems to working with vendors and end-users

    Data Analytics in Maintenance Planning – DAIMP

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    Manufacturing industry plays a vital role in the society, which is evident in current discussions on industrialization agendas. Digitalization, the Industrial Internet of Things and their connections to sustainable production are identified as key enablers for increasing the number of jobs in Swedish industry. To implement digitalized manufacturing achieving high maintenance performance becomes utmost necessity. A substantial increase in systems availability is crucial to enable the expected levels of automation and autonomy in future production. Maintenance organizations needs to go from experiences based decision making in maintenance planning to using fact based decision making using Big Data analysis and data-driven decision support. Currently, there is lack of maintenance-oriented research based on empirical data, which hinders the increased use of engineering methods within the area.The DAIMP project addresses the problem with insufficient availability and robustness in Swedish production systems. The main challenges include limited productivity, challenges in capability of introducing new products, and challenges in implement digital production. The DAIMP project connects data collection from a detailed machine level to system level analysis. DAIMP project aimed at reaching a system level analytics to detect critical equipment, differentiate maintenance planning and prioritize the most important equipment in real-time. Furthermore, maintenance organizations will also be supported in moving from descriptive statistics of historical data to predictive and prescriptive analytics.The main goals of the project are: Agreed data parameters and alarm structures for analyses and performance measures Increased back-office maintenance planning using predictive and prescriptive analysis Increased use of dynamic and data-driven criticality analysis Increased prioritization of maintenance activitiesThe goals were further divided into specific goals and six work packages were designed to execute the project.WP1 focused on the purchase phase and getting data structures and collaboration with equipment vendors correct from start.WP2 focused on the ramp-up phase of new products and production lines when predictive and prescriptive analytics are important to handle unknown disturbances.WP3 focused on the operational phase and to provide data-driven decision support for directing maintenance efforts to the critical equipment from a systems perspective.WP4 focused on designing maintenance packages for different equipment with inputs from WP3, including both reactive, preventive, and improving activities.WP5 focused on the evaluation and demonstration for different project resultsWP6 focused on coordination project managementIn WP1, models were developed to understand the missing element for the capability assessment from initiation of the machine tool procurement to the end of lifecycle. The information exchange and process of machine tool procurement from the end-users perspective was assessed. Additionally, the alarm structure is created using the capability framework and the ability model. In WP2, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive algorithms were developed and validated. The algorithms were developed using manufacturing execution system (MES) data to provide system level decision making using data analytics. Improved quality of decisions by data-driven algorithms. Moved from experienced based decision to algorithmic based decisions. Identified the required amount data sets for developing machine learning algorithm. In WP3, data-driven machine criticality assessment framework was developed and validated. MES and computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) data were used to assess criticality of machines. It serves as data-driven decision support for maintenance planning and prioritization. It provided guidelines to achieve systems perspective in maintenance organization. In WP4, a component classification was developed. It provides guidelines for designing preventive maintenance programs based on the machine criticality. It uses CMMS data for component classification. In WP6, three demonstrator cases were performed at (i) Volvo Cars focusing on system level decision support at ramp up phase, (ii) Volvo GTO focusing on global standardization and (iii) a test-bed demo of data-driven criticality assessment at Chalmers. Lastly, as part of WP6, an international evaluation was conducted by inviting two visiting professors.The outcomes of the DAIMP project showed a strong contribution to research and manufacturing industry alike. Particularly, the project created a strong impact and awareness regarding the value maintenance possess in the manufacturing companies. It showed that maintenance will have a key role in enabling industrial digitalization. The project put the maintenance research back on the national agenda. For example, the project produced world-leading level in MES data analytics research; it showed how maintenance can contribute to productivity increase, thereby changing the mind-set from narrow-focused to having an enlarged-focus; showed how to work with component level problems to working with vendors and end-users
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