627 research outputs found

    Tutorial and Critical Analysis of Phishing Websites Methods

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    The Internet has become an essential component of our everyday social and financial activities. Internet is not important for individual users only but also for organizations, because organizations that offer online trading can achieve a competitive edge by serving worldwide clients. Internet facilitates reaching customers all over the globe without any market place restrictions and with effective use of e-commerce. As a result, the number of customers who rely on the Internet to perform procurements is increasing dramatically. Hundreds of millions of dollars are transferred through the Internet every day. This amount of money was tempting the fraudsters to carry out their fraudulent operations. Hence, Internet users may be vulnerable to different types of web threats, which may cause financial damages, identity theft, loss of private information, brand reputation damage and loss of customers’ confidence in e-commerce and online banking. Therefore, suitability of the Internet for commercial transactions becomes doubtful. Phishing is considered a form of web threats that is defined as the art of impersonating a website of an honest enterprise aiming to obtain user’s confidential credentials such as usernames, passwords and social security numbers. In this article, the phishing phenomena will be discussed in detail. In addition, we present a survey of the state of the art research on such attack. Moreover, we aim to recognize the up-to-date developments in phishing and its precautionary measures and provide a comprehensive study and evaluation of these researches to realize the gap that is still predominating in this area. This research will mostly focus on the web based phishing detection methods rather than email based detection methods

    You Cannot Escape Me: Detecting Evasions of SIEM Rules in Enterprise Networks

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    Cyberattacks have grown into a major risk for organizations, with common consequences being data theft, sabotage, and extortion. Since preventive measures do not suffice to repel attacks, timely detection of successful intruders is crucial to stop them from reaching their final goals. For this purpose, many organizations utilize Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems to centrally collect security-related events and scan them for attack indicators using expert-written detection rules. However, as we show by analyzing a set of widespread SIEM detection rules, adversaries can evade almost half of them easily, allowing them to perform common malicious actions within an enterprise network without being detected. To remedy these critical detection blind spots, we propose the idea of adaptive misuse detection, which utilizes machine learning to compare incoming events to SIEM rules on the one hand and known-benign events on the other hand to discover successful evasions. Based on this idea, we present AMIDES, an open-source proof-of-concept adaptive misuse detection system. Using four weeks of SIEM events from a large enterprise network and more than 500 hand-crafted evasions, we show that AMIDES successfully detects a majority of these evasions without any false alerts. In addition, AMIDES eases alert analysis by assessing which rules were evaded. Its computational efficiency qualifies AMIDES for real-world operation and hence enables organizations to significantly reduce detection blind spots with moderate effort.Comment: To be published in Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 2024

    Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructures 2nd Volume

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    The second volume of the book contains the manuscripts that were accepted for publication in the MDPI Special Topic "Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure" after a rigorous peer-review process. Authors from academia, government and industry contributed their innovative solutions, consistent with the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity. The book contains 16 articles, including an editorial that explains the current challenges, innovative solutions and real-world experiences that include critical infrastructure and 15 original papers that present state-of-the-art innovative solutions to attacks on critical systems

    File Carving and Malware Identification Algorithms Applied to Firmware Reverse Engineering

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    Modern society depends on critical infrastructure (CI) managed by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). PLCs depend on firmware, though firmware security vulnerabilities and contents remain largely unexplored. Attackers are acquiring the knowledge required to construct and install malicious firmware on CI. To the defender, firmware reverse engineering is a critical, but tedious, process. This thesis applies machine learning algorithms, from the le carving and malware identification fields, to firmware reverse engineering. It characterizes the algorithms\u27 performance. This research describes and characterizes a process to speed and simplify PLC firmware analysis. The system partitions binary firmwares into segments, labels each segment with a le type, determines the target architecture of code segments, then disassembles and performs rudimentary analysis on the code segments. The research discusses the system\u27s accuracy on a set of pseudo-firmwares. Of the algorithms this research considers, a combination of a byte-value frequency file carving algorithm and a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm using information gain (IG) for feature selection achieve the best performance. That combination correctly identifies the file types of 57.4% of non-code bytes, and the architectures of 85.3% of code bytes. This research applies the Firmware Disassembly System to a real-world firmware and discusses the contents

    Application of a Layered Hidden Markov Model in the Detection of Network Attacks

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    Network-based attacks against computer systems are a common and increasing problem. Attackers continue to increase the sophistication and complexity of their attacks with the goal of removing sensitive data or disrupting operations. Attack detection technology works very well for the detection of known attacks using a signature-based intrusion detection system. However, attackers can utilize attacks that are undetectable to those signature-based systems whether they are truly new attacks or modified versions of known attacks. Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems approach the problem of attack detection by detecting when traffic differs from a learned baseline. In the case of this research, the focus was on a relatively new area known as payload anomaly detection. In payload anomaly detection, the system focuses exclusively on the payload of packets and learns the normal contents of those payloads. When a payload\u27s contents differ from the norm, an anomaly is detected and may be a potential attack. A risk with anomaly-based detection mechanisms is they suffer from high false positive rates which reduce their effectiveness. This research built upon previous research in payload anomaly detection by combining multiple techniques of detection in a layered approach. The layers of the system included a high-level navigation layer, a request payload analysis layer, and a request-response analysis layer. The system was tested using the test data provided by some earlier payload anomaly detection systems as well as new data sets. The results of the experiments showed that by combining these layers of detection into a single system, there were higher detection rates and lower false positive rates

    Modelling, Reverse Engineering, and Learning Software Variability

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    The society expects software to deliver the right functionality, in a short amount of time and with fewer resources, in every possible circumstance whatever are the hardware, the operating systems, the compilers, or the data fed as input. For fitting such a diversity of needs, it is common that software comes in many variants and is highly configurable through configuration options, runtime parameters, conditional compilation directives, menu preferences, configuration files, plugins, etc. As there is no one-size-fits-all solution, software variability ("the ability of a software system or artifact to be efficiently extended, changed, customized or configured for use in a particular context") has been studied the last two decades and is a discipline of its own. Though highly desirable, software variability also introduces an enormous complexity due to the combinatorial explosion of possible variants. For example, the Linux kernel has 15000+ options and most of them can have 3 values: "yes", "no", or "module". Variability is challenging for maintaining, verifying, and configuring software systems (Web applications, Web browsers, video tools, etc.). It is also a source of opportunities to better understand a domain, create reusable artefacts, deploy performance-wise optimal systems, or find specialized solutions to many kinds of problems. In many scenarios, a model of variability is either beneficial or mandatory to explore, observe, and reason about the space of possible variants. For instance, without a variability model, it is impossible to establish a sampling strategy that would satisfy the constraints among options and meet coverage or testing criteria. I address a central question in this HDR manuscript: How to model software variability? I detail several contributions related to modelling, reverse engineering, and learning software variability. I first contribute to support the persons in charge of manually specifying feature models, the de facto standard for modeling variability. I develop an algebra together with a language for supporting the composition, decomposition, diff, refactoring, and reasoning of feature models. I further establish the syntactic and semantic relationships between feature models and product comparison matrices, a large class of tabular data. I then empirically investigate how these feature models can be used to test in the large configurable systems with different sampling strategies. Along this effort, I report on the attempts and lessons learned when defining the "right" variability language. From a reverse engineering perspective, I contribute to synthesize variability information into models and from various kinds of artefacts. I develop foundations and methods for reverse engineering feature models from satisfiability formulae, product comparison matrices, dependencies files and architectural information, and from Web configurators. I also report on the degree of automation and show that the involvement of developers and domain experts is beneficial to obtain high-quality models. Thirdly, I contribute to learning constraints and non-functional properties (performance) of a variability-intensive system. I describe a systematic process "sampling, measuring, learning" that aims to enforce or augment a variability model, capturing variability knowledge that domain experts can hardly express. I show that supervised, statistical machine learning can be used to synthesize rules or build prediction models in an accurate and interpretable way. This process can even be applied to huge configuration space, such as the Linux kernel one. Despite a wide applicability and observed benefits, I show that each individual line of contributions has limitations. I defend the following answer: a supervised, iterative process (1) based on the combination of reverse engineering, modelling, and learning techniques; (2) capable of integrating multiple variability information (eg expert knowledge, legacy artefacts, dynamic observations). Finally, this work opens different perspectives related to so-called deep software variability, security, smart build of configurations, and (threats to) science

    A taxonomy of attacks and a survey of defence mechanisms for semantic social engineering attacks

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    Social engineering is used as an umbrella term for a broad spectrum of computer exploitations that employ a variety of attack vectors and strategies to psychologically manipulate a user. Semantic attacks are the specific type of social engineering attacks that bypass technical defences by actively manipulating object characteristics, such as platform or system applications, to deceive rather than directly attack the user. Commonly observed examples include obfuscated URLs, phishing emails, drive-by downloads, spoofed web- sites and scareware to name a few. This paper presents a taxonomy of semantic attacks, as well as a survey of applicable defences. By contrasting the threat landscape and the associated mitigation techniques in a single comparative matrix, we identify the areas where further research can be particularly beneficial
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