30 research outputs found

    Complex-Valued Time-Series Correlation Increases Sensitivity in FMRI Analysis

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    Purpose To develop a linear matrix representation of correlation between complex-valued (CV) time-series in the temporal Fourier frequency domain, and demonstrate its increased sensitivity over correlation between magnitude-only (MO) time-series in functional MRI (fMRI) analysis. Materials and Methods The standard in fMRI is to discard the phase before the statistical analysis of the data, despite evidence of task related change in the phase time-series. With a real-valued isomorphism representation of Fourier reconstruction, correlation is computed in the temporal frequency domain with CV time-series data, rather than with the standard of MO data. A MATLAB simulation compares the Fisher-z transform of MO and CV correlations for varying degrees of task related magnitude and phase amplitude change in the time-series. The increased sensitivity of the complex-valued Fourier representation of correlation is also demonstrated with experimental human data. Since the correlation description in the temporal frequency domain is represented as a summation of second order temporal frequencies, the correlation is easily divided into experimentally relevant frequency bands for each voxel\u27s temporal frequency spectrum. The MO and CV correlations for the experimental human data are analyzed for four voxels of interest (VOIs) to show the framework with high and low contrast-to-noise ratios in the motor cortex and the supplementary motor cortex. Results The simulation demonstrates the increased strength of CV correlations over MO correlations for low magnitude contrast-to-noise time-series. In the experimental human data, the MO correlation maps are noisier than the CV maps, and it is more difficult to distinguish the motor cortex in the MO correlation maps after spatial processing. Conclusions Including both magnitude and phase in the spatial correlation computations more accurately defines the correlated left and right motor cortices. Sensitivity in correlation analysis is important to preserve the signal of interest in fMRI data sets with high noise variance, and avoid excessive processing induced correlation

    Quantifying the Statistical Impact of GRAPPA in fcMRI Data with a Real-Valued Isomorphism

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    The interpolation of missing spatial frequencies through the generalized auto-calibrating partially parallel acquisitions (GRAPPA) parallel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) model implies a correlation is induced between the acquired and reconstructed frequency measurements. As the parallel image reconstruction algorithms in many medical MRI scanners are based on the GRAPPA model, this study aims to quantify the statistical implications that the GRAPPA model has in functional connectivity studies. The linear mathematical framework derived in the work of Rowe , 2007, is adapted to represent the complex-valued GRAPPA image reconstruction operation in terms of a real-valued isomorphism, and a statistical analysis is performed on the effects that the GRAPPA operation has on reconstructed voxel means and correlations. The interpolation of missing spatial frequencies with the GRAPPA model is shown to result in an artificial correlation induced between voxels in the reconstructed images, and these artificial correlations are shown to reside in the low temporal frequency spectrum commonly associated with functional connectivity. Through a real-valued isomorphism, such as the one outlined in this manuscript, the exact artificial correlations induced by the GRAPPA model are not simply estimated, as they would be with simulations, but are precisely quantified. If these correlations are unaccounted for, they can incur an increase in false positives in functional connectivity studies

    Separation of Parallel Encoded Complex-Valued Slices (SPECS) From A Single Complex-Valued Aliased Coil Image

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    Purpose Achieving a reduction in scan time with minimal inter-slice signal leakage is one of the significant obstacles in parallel MR imaging. In fMRI, multiband-imaging techniques accelerate data acquisition by simultaneously magnetizing the spatial frequency spectrum of multiple slices. The SPECS model eliminates the consequential inter-slice signal leakage from the slice unaliasing, while maintaining an optimal reduction in scan time and activation statistics in fMRI studies. Materials and Methods When the combined k-space array is inverse Fourier reconstructed, the resulting aliased image is separated into the un-aliased slices through a least squares estimator. Without the additional spatial information from a phased array of receiver coils, slice separation in SPECS is accomplished with acquired aliased images in shifted FOV aliasing pattern, and a bootstrapping approach of incorporating reference calibration images in an orthogonal Hadamard pattern. Result The aliased slices are effectively separated with minimal expense to the spatial and temporal resolution. Functional activation is observed in the motor cortex, as the number of aliased slices is increased, in a bilateral finger tapping fMRI experiment. Conclusion The SPECS model incorporates calibration reference images together with coefficients of orthogonal polynomials into an un-aliasing estimator to achieve separated images, with virtually no residual artifacts and functional activation detection in separated images

    Complex-valued Time Series Modeling for Improved Activation Detection in fMRI Studies

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    A complex-valued data-based model with th order autoregressive errors and general real/imaginary error covariance structure is proposed as an alternative to the commonly used magnitude-only data-based autoregressive model for fMRI time series. Likelihood-ratio-test-based activation statistics are derived for both models and compared for experimental and simulated data. For a dataset from a right-hand finger-tapping experiment, the activation map obtained using complex-valued modeling more clearly identifies the primary activation region (left functional central sulcus) than the magnitude-only model. Such improved accuracy in mapping the left functional central sulcus has important implications in neurosurgical planning for tumor and epilepsy patients. Additionally, we develop magnitude and phase detrending procedures for complex-valued time series and examine the effect of spatial smoothing. These methods improve the power of complex-valued data-based activation statistics. Our results advocate for the use of the complex-valued data and the modeling of its dependence structures as a more efficient and reliable tool in fMRI experiments over the current practice of using only magnitude-valued datasets

    Incorporating Relaxivities to More Accurately Reconstruct MR Images

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    Purpose To develop a mathematical model that incorporates the magnetic resonance relaxivities into the image reconstruction process in a single step. Materials and methods In magnetic resonance imaging, the complex-valued measurements of the acquired signal at each point in frequency space are expressed as a Fourier transformation of the proton spin density weighted by Fourier encoding anomalies: T2⁎, T1, and a phase determined by magnetic field inhomogeneity (∆B) according to the MR signal equation. Such anomalies alter the expected symmetry and the signal strength of the k-space observations, resulting in images distorted by image warping, blurring, and loss in image intensity. Although T1 on tissue relaxation time provides valuable quantitative information on tissue characteristics, the T1 recovery term is typically neglected by assuming a long repetition time. In this study, the linear framework presented in the work of Rowe et al., 2007, and of Nencka et al., 2009 is extended to develop a Fourier reconstruction operation in terms of a real-valued isomorphism that incorporates the effects of T2⁎, ∆B, and T1. This framework provides a way to precisely quantify the statistical properties of the corrected image-space data by offering a linear relationship between the observed frequency space measurements and reconstructed corrected image-space measurements. The model is illustrated both on theoretical data generated by considering T2⁎, T1, and/or ∆B effects, and on experimentally acquired fMRI data by focusing on the incorporation of T1. A comparison is also made between the activation statistics computed from the reconstructed data with and without the incorporation of T1 effects. Result Accounting for T1 effects in image reconstruction is shown to recover image contrast that exists prior to T1 equilibrium. The incorporation of T1 is also shown to induce negligible correlation in reconstructed images and preserve functional activations. Conclusion With the use of the proposed method, the effects of T2⁎ and ∆B can be corrected, and T1 can be incorporated into the time series image-space data during image reconstruction in a single step. Incorporation of T1 provides improved tissue segmentation over the course of time series and therefore can improve the precision of motion correction and image registration

    A Bayesian Variable Selection Approach Yields Improved Detection of Brain Activation From Complex-Valued fMRI

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    Voxel functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time courses are complex-valued signals giving rise to magnitude and phase data. Nevertheless, most studies use only the magnitude signals and thus discard half of the data that could potentially contain important information. Methods that make use of complex-valued fMRI (CV-fMRI) data have been shown to lead to superior power in detecting active voxels when compared to magnitude-only methods, particularly for small signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). We present a new Bayesian variable selection approach for detecting brain activation at the voxel level from CV-fMRI data. We develop models with complex-valued spike-and-slab priors on the activation parameters that are able to combine the magnitude and phase information. We present a complex-valued EM variable selection algorithm that leads to fast detection at the voxel level in CV-fMRI slices and also consider full posterior inference via Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Model performance is illustrated through extensive simulation studies, including the analysis of physically based simulated CV-fMRI slices. Finally, we use the complex-valued Bayesian approach to detect active voxels in human CV-fMRI from a healthy individual who performed unilateral finger tapping in a designed experiment. The proposed approach leads to improved detection of activation in the expected motor-related brain regions and produces fewer false positive results than other methods for CV-fMRI. Supplementary materials for this article are available online

    The SENSE-Isomorphism Theoretical Image Voxel Estimation (SENSE-ITIVE) Model for Reconstruction and Observing Statistical Properties of Reconstruction Operators

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    The acquisition of sub-sampled data from an array of receiver coils has become a common means of reducing data acquisition time in MRI. Of the various techniques used in parallel MRI, SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) is one of the most common, making use of a complex-valued weighted least squares estimation to unfold the aliased images. It was recently shown in Bruce et al. [Magn. Reson. Imag. 29(2011):1267-1287] that when the SENSE model is represented in terms of a real-valued isomorphism,it assumes a skew-symmetric covariance between receiver coils, as well as an identity covariance structure between voxels. In this manuscript, we show that not only is the skew-symmetric coil covariance unlike that of real data, but the estimated covariance structure between voxels over a time series of experimental data is not an identity matrix. As such, a new model, entitled SENSE-ITIVE, is described with both revised coil and voxel covariance structures. Both the SENSE and SENSE-ITIVE models are represented in terms of real-valued isomorphisms, allowing for a statistical analysis of reconstructed voxel means, variances, and correlations resulting from the use of different coil and voxel covariance structures used in the reconstruction processes to be conducted. It is shown through both theoretical and experimental illustrations that the miss-specification of the coil and voxel covariance structures in the SENSE model results in a lower standard deviation in each voxel of the reconstructed images, and thus an artificial increase in SNR, compared to the standard deviation and SNR of the SENSE-ITIVE model where both the coil and voxel covariances are appropriately accounted for. It is also shown that there are differences in the correlations induced by the reconstruction operations of both models, and consequently there are differences in the correlations estimated throughout the course of reconstructed time series. These differences in correlations could result in meaningful differences in interpretation of results

    neuRosim: An R Package for Generating fMRI Data

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    Studies that validate statistical methods for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data often use simulated data to ensure that the ground truth is known. However, simulated fMRI data are almost always generated using in-house procedures because a well-accepted simulation method is lacking. In this article we describe the R package neuRosim, which is a collection of data generation functions for neuroimaging data. We will demonstrate the possibilities to generate data from simple time series to complete 4D images and the possibilities for the user to create her own data generation method

    Complex-valued analysis of arterial spin labeling–based functional magnetic resonance imaging signals

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    Cerebral blood flow-dependent phase differences between tagged and control arterial spin labeling images are reported. A biophysical model is presented to explain the vascular origin of this difference. Arterial spin labeling data indicated that the phase difference is largest when the arterial component of the signals is preserved but is greatly reduced as the arterial contribution is suppressed by postinversion delays or flow-crushing gradients. Arterial vasculature imaging by saturation data of activation and hypercapnia conditions showed increases in phase accompanying blood flow increases. An arterial spin labeling functional magnetic resonance imaging study yielded significant activation by magnitude-only, phase-only, and complex analyses when preserving the whole arterial spin labeling signal. After suppression of the arterial signal by postinversion delays, magnitude-only and complex models yielded similar activation levels, but the phase-only model detected nearly no activation. When flow crushers were used for arterial suppression, magnitude-only activation was slightly lower and fluctuations in phase were dramatically higher than when postinversion delays were used. Although the complex analysis performed did not improve detection, a simulation study indicated that the complex-valued activation model exhibits combined magnitude and phase detection power and thus maximizes sensitivity under ideal conditions. This suggests that, as arterial spin labeling imaging and image correction methods develop, the complex-valued detection model may become helpful in signal detection. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64527/1/22106_ftp.pd

    A Fully Bayesian Approach for Comprehensive Mapping of Magnitude and Phase Brain Activation in Complex-Valued fMRI Data

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) plays a crucial role in neuroimaging, enabling the exploration of brain activity through complex-valued signals. These signals, composed of magnitude and phase, offer a rich source of information for understanding brain functions. Traditional fMRI analyses have largely focused on magnitude information, often overlooking the potential insights offered by phase data. In this paper, we propose a novel fully Bayesian model designed for analyzing single-subject complex-valued fMRI (cv-fMRI) data. Our model, which we refer to as the CV-M&P model, is distinctive in its comprehensive utilization of both magnitude and phase information in fMRI signals, allowing for independent prediction of different types of activation maps. We incorporate Gaussian Markov random fields (GMRFs) to capture spatial correlations within the data, and employ image partitioning and parallel computation to enhance computational efficiency. Our model is rigorously tested through simulation studies, and then applied to a real dataset from a unilateral finger-tapping experiment. The results demonstrate the model's effectiveness in accurately identifying brain regions activated in response to specific tasks, distinguishing between magnitude and phase activation