400 research outputs found

    Dynamic railway junction rescheduling using population based ant colony optimisation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Efficient rescheduling after a perturbation is an important concern of the railway industry. Extreme delays can result in large fines for the train company as well as dissatisfied customers. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that it is a dynamic one; more timetabled trains may be arriving as the perturbed trains are waiting to be rescheduled. The new trains may have different priorities to the existing trains and thus the rescheduling problem is a dynamic one that changes over time. The aim of this research is to apply a population-based ant colony optimisation algorithm to address this dynamic railway junction rescheduling problem using a simulator modelled on a real-world junction in the UK railway network. The results are promising: the algorithm performs well, particularly when the dynamic changes are of a high magnitude and frequency

    Ant Colony Optimisation for Dynamic and Dynamic Multi-objective Railway Rescheduling Problems

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    Recovering the timetable after a delay is essential to the smooth and efficient operation of the railways for both passengers and railway operators. Most current railway rescheduling research concentrates on static problems where all delays are known about in advance. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the railway system, it is possible that further unforeseen incidents could occur while the trains are running to the new rescheduled timetable. This will change the problem, making it a dynamic problem that changes over time. The aim of this work is to investigate the application of ant colony optimisation (ACO) to dynamic and dynamic multiobjective railway rescheduling problems. ACO is a promising approach for dynamic combinatorial optimisation problems as its inbuilt mechanisms allow it to adapt to the new environment while retaining potentially useful information from the previous environment. In addition, ACO is able to handle multi-objective problems by the addition of multiple colonies and/or multiple pheromone and heuristic matrices. The contributions of this work are the development of a junction simulator to model unique dynamic and multi-objective railway rescheduling problems and an investigation into the application of ACO algorithms to solve those problems. A further contribution is the development of a unique two-colony ACO framework to solve the separate problems of platform reallocation and train resequencing at a UK railway station in dynamic delay scenarios. Results showed that ACO can be e ectively applied to the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problems. In the dynamic junction rescheduling problem ACO outperformed First Come First Served (FCFS), while in the dynamic multi-objective rescheduling problem ACO outperformed FCFS and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II), a stateof- the-art multi-objective algorithm. When considering platform reallocation and rescheduling in dynamic environments, ACO outperformed Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS), Tabu Search (TS) and running with no rescheduling algorithm. These results suggest that ACO shows promise for the rescheduling of trains in both dynamic and dynamic multi-objective environments.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Adaptive Railway Traffic Control using Approximate Dynamic Programming

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    Railway networks around the world have become challenging to operate in recent decades, with a mixture of track layouts running several different classes of trains with varying operational speeds. This complexity has come about as a result of the sustained increase in passenger numbers where in many countries railways are now more popular than ever before as means of commuting to cities. To address operational challenges, governments and railway undertakings are encouraging development of intelligent and digital transport systems to regulate and optimise train operations in real-time to increase capacity and customer satisfaction by improved usage of existing railway infrastructure. Accordingly, this thesis presents an adaptive railway traffic control system for realtime operations based on a data-based approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach with integrated reinforcement learning (RL). By assessing requirements and opportunities, the controller aims to reduce delays resulting from trains that entered a control area behind schedule by re-scheduling control plans in real-time at critical locations in a timely manner. The present data-based approach depends on an approximation to the value function of dynamic programming after optimisation from a specified state, which is estimated dynamically from operational experience using RL techniques. By using this approximation, ADP avoids extensive explicit evaluation of performance and so reduces the computational burden substantially. In this thesis, formulations of the approximation function and variants of the RL learning techniques used to estimate it are explored. Evaluation of this controller shows considerable improvements in delays by comparison with current industry practices

    Dispatching and Rescheduling Tasks and Their Interactions with Travel Demand and the Energy Domain: Models and Algorithms

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    Abstract The paper aims to provide an overview of the key factors to consider when performing reliable modelling of rail services. Given our underlying belief that to build a robust simulation environment a rail service cannot be considered an isolated system, also the connected systems, which influence and, in turn, are influenced by such services, must be properly modelled. For this purpose, an extensive overview of the rail simulation and optimisation models proposed in the literature is first provided. Rail simulation models are classified according to the level of detail implemented (microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic), the variables involved (deterministic and stochastic) and the processing techniques adopted (synchronous and asynchronous). By contrast, within rail optimisation models, both planning (timetabling) and management (rescheduling) phases are discussed. The main issues concerning the interaction of rail services with travel demand flows and the energy domain are also described. Finally, in an attempt to provide a comprehensive framework an overview of the main metaheuristic resolution techniques used in the planning and management phases is shown

    Intelligent real-time train rescheduling management for railway system

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    The issue of managing a large and complex railway system with continuous traffic flows and mixed train services in a safe and punctual manner is very important, especially after disruptive events. In the first part of this thesis an analysis method is introduced which allows the visualisation and measurement of the propagation of delays in the railway network. The BRaVE simulator and the University of Birmingham Single Train Simulator (STS) are also introduced and a train running estimation using STS is described. A practical single junction rescheduling problem is then defined and it investigates how different levels of delays and numbers of constraints may affect the performance of algorithms for network-wide rescheduling in terms of quality of solution and computation time. In order to deal with operational dynamics, a methodology using performance-based supervisory control is proposed to provide rescheduling decisions over a wider area through the application of different rescheduling strategies in appropriate sequences. Finally, an architecture for a real-time train rescheduling framework, based on the distributed artificial intelligence system, is designed in order to handle railway traffic in a large-scale network intelligently. A case study based on part of the East Coast Main Line is followed up to demonstrate the effectiveness of adopting supervisory control to provide the rescheduling options in the dynamic situation

    Ant colony optimization for simulated dynamic multi-objective railway junction rescheduling

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    open access articleMinimising the ongoing impact of train delays has benefits to both the users of the railway system and the railway stakeholders. However, the efficient rescheduling of trains after a perturbation is a complex real-world problem. The complexity is compounded by the fact that the problem may be both dynamic and multi-objective. The aim of this research is to investigate the ability of ant colony optimisation algorithms to solve a simulated dynamic multi-objective railway rescheduling problem and, in the process, to attempt to identify the features of the algorithms that enable them to cope with a multi-objective problem that is also dynamic. Results showed that, when the changes in the problem are large and frequent, retaining the archive of non-dominated solution between changes and updating the pheromones to reflect the new environment play an important role in enabling the algorithms to perform well on this dynamic multi-objective railway rescheduling problem

    Using information engineering to understand the impact of train positioning uncertainties on railway subsystems

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    Many studies propose new advanced railway subsystems, such as Driver Advisory System (DAS), Automatic Door Operation (ADO) and Traffic Management System (TMS), designed to improve the overall performance of current railway systems. Real time train positioning information is one of the key pieces of input data for most of these new subsystems. Many studies presenting and examining the effectiveness of such subsystems assume the availability of very accurate train positioning data in real time. However, providing and using high accuracy positioning data may not always be the most cost-effective solution, nor is it always available. The accuracy of train position information is varied, based on the technological complexity of the positioning systems and the methods that are used. In reality, different subsystems, henceforth referred to as ‘applications’, need different minimum resolutions of train positioning data to work effectively, and uncertainty or inaccuracy in this data may reduce the effectiveness of the new applications. However, the trade-off between the accuracy of the positioning data and the required effectiveness of the proposed applications is so far not clear. A framework for assessing the impact of uncertainties in train positions against application performance has been developed. The required performance of the application is assessed based on the characteristics of the railway system, consisting of the infrastructure, rolling stock and operational data. The uncertainty in the train positioning data is considered based on the characteristics of the positioning system. The framework is applied to determine the impact of the positioning uncertainty on the application’s outcome. So, in that way, the desired position resolution associated with acceptable application performance can be characterised. In this thesis, the framework described above is implemented for DAS and TMS applications to understand the influence of positioning uncertainty on their fundamental functions compared to base case with high accuracy (actual position). A DAS system is modelled and implemented with uncertainty characteristic of a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). The train energy consumption and journey time are used as performance measures to evaluate the impact of these uncertainties compared to a base case. A TMS is modelled and implemented with the uncertainties of an on-board low-cost low-accuracy positioning system. The impact of positioning uncertainty on the modelled TMS is evaluated in terms of arrival punctuality for different levels of capacity consumption. The implementation of the framework for DAS and TMS applications determines the following: • which of the application functions are influenced by positioning uncertainty; • how positioning uncertainty influences the application output variables; • how the impact of positioning uncertainties can be identified, through the application output variables, whilst considering the impact of other railway uncertainties; • what is the impact of the underperforming application, due to positioning uncertainty, on the whole railway system in terms of energy, punctuality and capacity

    Railway platform reallocation after dynamic perturbations using ant colony optimisation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Train delays at stations are a common occurrence in complex, busy railway networks. A delayed train will miss its scheduled time slot on the platform and may have to be reallocated to a new platform to allow it to continue its journey. The problem is a dynamic one because while reallocating a delayed train further unanticipated train delays may occur, changing the nature of the problem over time. Our aim in this study is to apply ant colony optimisation (ACO) to a dynamic platform reallocation problem (DPRP) using a model created from real-world train schedule data. To ensure that trains are not unnecessarily reallocated to new platforms we introduce a novel best-ant-replacement scheme that takes into account not only the objective value but also the physical distance between the original and the new platforms. Results showed that the ACO algorithm outperformed a heuristic that places the delayed train in the first available time-slot and that this improvement was more apparent with high-frequency dynamic changes

    Ant colony optimization with immigrants schemes for the dynamic railway junction rescheduling problem with multiple delays

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    Train rescheduling after a perturbation is a challenging task and is an important concern of the railway industry as delayed trains can lead to large fines, disgruntled customers and loss of revenue. Sometimes not just one delay but several unrelated delays can occur in a short space of time which makes the problem even more challenging. In addition, the problem is a dynamic one that changes over time for, as trains are waiting to be rescheduled at the junction, more timetabled trains will be arriving, which will change the nature of the problem. The aim of this research is to investigate the application of several different ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms to the problem of a dynamic train delay scenario with multiple delays. The algorithms not only resequence the trains at the junction but also resequence the trains at the stations, which is considered to be a first step towards expanding the problem to consider a larger area of the railway network. The results show that, in this dynamic rescheduling problem, ACO algorithms with a memory cope with dynamic changes better than an ACO algorithm that uses only pheromone evaporation to remove redundant pheromone trails. In addition, it has been shown that if the ant solutions in memory become irreparably infeasible it is possible to replace them with elite immigrants, based on the best-so-far ant, and still obtain a good performance

    Distributed Approximate Dynamic Control for Traffic Management of Busy Railway Networks

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    Railway operations are prone to disturbances that can rapidly propagate through large networks, causing delays and poor performance. Automated re-scheduling tools have shown the potential to limit such undesirable outcomes. This study presents the network-wide effects of local deployment of an adaptive traffic controller for real-time operations that is built on approximate dynamic programming (ADP). The controller aims to limit train delays by advantageously controlling the sequencing of trains at critical locations. By using an approximation to the optimised value function of dynamic programming that is updated by reinforcement learning techniques, ADP reduces the computational burden substantially. This framework has been established for isolated local control, so here we investigate the effects of distributed deployment. Our ADP controller is interfaced with a microscopic railway traffic simulator to evaluate its effect on a large and dynamic railway system, which controls critical points independently. The proposed approach achieved a reduction in train delays by comparison with First-Come-First-Served control. We also found the improvements to be greater at terminal stations compared to the vicinity of our control areas