622 research outputs found

    Clustering Multiple Contextually Related Heterogeneous Datasets

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    Traditional clustering is typically based on a single feature set. In some domains, several feature sets may be available to represent the same objects, but it may not be easy to compute a useful and effective integrated feature set. We hypothesize that clustering individual datasets and then combining them using a suitable ensemble algorithm will yield better quality clusters compared to the individual clustering or clustering based on an integrated feature set. We present two classes of algorithms to address the problem of combining the results of clustering obtained from multiple related datasets where the datasets represent identical or overlapping sets of objects but use different feature sets. One class of algorithms was developed for combining hierarchical clustering generated from multiple datasets and another class of algorithms was developed for combining partitional clustering generated from multiple datasets. The first class of algorithms, called EPaCH, are based on graph-theoretic principles and use the association strengths of objects in the individual cluster hierarchies. The second class of algorithms, called CEMENT, use an EM (Expectation Maximization) approach to progressively refine the individual clusterings until the mutual entropy between them converges toward a maximum. We have applied our methods to the problem of clustering a document collection consisting of journal abstracts from ten different Library of Congress categories. After several natural language preprocessing steps, both syntactic and semantic feature sets were extracted. We present empirical results that include the comparison of our algorithms with several baseline clustering schemes using different cluster validation indices. We also present the results of one-tailed paired emph{T}-tests performed on cluster qualities. Our methods are shown to yield higher quality clusters than the baseline clustering schemes that include the clustering based on individual feature sets and clustering based on concatenated feature sets. When the sets of objects represented in two datasets are overlapping but not identical, our algorithms outperform all baseline methods for all indices

    Feedback-Driven Data Clustering

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    The acquisition of data and its analysis has become a common yet critical task in many areas of modern economy and research. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing scale of datasets has long outgrown the capacities and abilities humans can muster to extract information from them and gain new knowledge. For this reason, research areas like data mining and knowledge discovery steadily gain importance. The algorithms they provide for the extraction of knowledge are mandatory prerequisites that enable people to analyze large amounts of information. Among the approaches offered by these areas, clustering is one of the most fundamental. By finding groups of similar objects inside the data, it aims to identify meaningful structures that constitute new knowledge. Clustering results are also often used as input for other analysis techniques like classification or forecasting. As clustering extracts new and unknown knowledge, it obviously has no access to any form of ground truth. For this reason, clustering results have a hypothetical character and must be interpreted with respect to the application domain. This makes clustering very challenging and leads to an extensive and diverse landscape of available algorithms. Most of these are expert tools that are tailored to a single narrowly defined application scenario. Over the years, this specialization has become a major trend that arose to counter the inherent uncertainty of clustering by including as much domain specifics as possible into algorithms. While customized methods often improve result quality, they become more and more complicated to handle and lose versatility. This creates a dilemma especially for amateur users whose numbers are increasing as clustering is applied in more and more domains. While an abundance of tools is offered, guidance is severely lacking and users are left alone with critical tasks like algorithm selection, parameter configuration and the interpretation and adjustment of results. This thesis aims to solve this dilemma by structuring and integrating the necessary steps of clustering into a guided and feedback-driven process. In doing so, users are provided with a default modus operandi for the application of clustering. Two main components constitute the core of said process: the algorithm management and the visual-interactive interface. Algorithm management handles all aspects of actual clustering creation and the involved methods. It employs a modular approach for algorithm description that allows users to understand, design, and compare clustering techniques with the help of building blocks. In addition, algorithm management offers facilities for the integration of multiple clusterings of the same dataset into an improved solution. New approaches based on ensemble clustering not only allow the utilization of different clustering techniques, but also ease their application by acting as an abstraction layer that unifies individual parameters. Finally, this component provides a multi-level interface that structures all available control options and provides the docking points for user interaction. The visual-interactive interface supports users during result interpretation and adjustment. For this, the defining characteristics of a clustering are communicated via a hybrid visualization. In contrast to traditional data-driven visualizations that tend to become overloaded and unusable with increasing volume/dimensionality of data, this novel approach communicates the abstract aspects of cluster composition and relations between clusters. This aspect orientation allows the use of easy-to-understand visual components and makes the visualization immune to scale related effects of the underlying data. This visual communication is attuned to a compact and universally valid set of high-level feedback that allows the modification of clustering results. Instead of technical parameters that indirectly cause changes in the whole clustering by influencing its creation process, users can employ simple commands like merge or split to directly adjust clusters. The orchestrated cooperation of these two main components creates a modus operandi, in which clusterings are no longer created and disposed as a whole until a satisfying result is obtained. Instead, users apply the feedback-driven process to iteratively refine an initial solution. Performance and usability of the proposed approach were evaluated with a user study. Its results show that the feedback-driven process enabled amateur users to easily create satisfying clustering results even from different and not optimal starting situations

    Meta-optimizations for Cluster Analysis

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    This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis.This dissertation thesis deals with advances in the automation of cluster analysis

    TweeProfiles4: a weighted multidimensional stream clustering algorithm

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    O aparecimento das redes sociais abriu aos utilizadores a possibilidade de facilmente partilharem as suas ideias a respeito de diferentes temas, o que constitui uma fonte de informação enriquecedora para diversos campos. As plataformas de microblogging sofreram um grande crescimento e de forma constante nos últimos anos. O Twitter é o site de microblogging mais popular, tornando-se uma fonte de dados interessante para extração de conhecimento. Um dos principais desafios na análise de dados provenientes de redes sociais é o seu fluxo, o que dificulta a aplicação de processos tradicionais de data mining. Neste sentido, a extração de conhecimento sobre fluxos de dados tem recebido um foco significativo recentemente. O TweeProfiles é a uma ferramenta de data mining para análise e visualização de dados do Twitter sobre quatro dimensões: espacial (a localização geográfica do tweet), temporal (a data de publicação do tweet), de conteúdo (o texto do tweet) e social (o grafo dos relacionamentos). Este é um projeto em desenvolvimento que ainda possui muitos aspetos que podem ser melhorados. Uma das recentes melhorias inclui a substituição do algoritmo de clustering original, o qual não suportava o fluxo contínuo dos dados, por um método de streaming. O objetivo desta dissertação passa pela continuação do desenvolvimento do TweeProfiles. Em primeiro lugar, será proposto um novo algoritmo de clustering para fluxos de dados com o objetivo de melhorar o existente. Para esse efeito será desenvolvido um algoritmo incremental com suporte para fluxos de dados multi-dimensionais. Esta abordagem deve permitir ao utilizador alterar dinamicamente a importância relativa de cada dimensão do processo de clustering. Adicionalmente, a avaliação empírica dos resultados será alvo de melhoramento através da identificação e implementação de medidas adequadas de avaliação dos padrões extraídos. O estudo empírico será realizado através de tweets georreferenciados obtidos pelo SocialBus.The emergence of social media made it possible for users to easily share their thoughts on different topics, which constitutes a rich source of information for many fields. Microblogging platforms experienced a large and steady growth over the last few years. Twitter is the most popular microblogging site, making it an interesting source of data for pattern extraction. One of the main challenges of analyzing social media data is its continuous nature, which makes it hard to use traditional data mining. Therefore, mining stream data has also received a lot of attention recently.TweeProfiles is a data mining tool for analyzing and visualizing Twitter data over four dimensions: spatial (the location of the tweet), temporal (the timestamp of the tweet), content (the text of the tweet) and social (relationship graph). This is an ongoing project which still has many aspects that can be improved. For instance, it was recently improved by replacing the original clustering algorithm which could not handle the continuous flow of data with a streaming method. The goal of this dissertation is to continue the development of TweeProfiles. First, the stream clustering process will be improved by proposing a new algorithm. This will be achieved by developing an incremental algorithm with support for multi-dimensional streaming data. Moreover, it should make it possible for the user to dynamically change the relative importance of each dimension in the clustering. Additionally, the empirical evaluation of the results will also be improved.Suitable measures to evaluate the extracted patterns will be identified and implemented. An empirical study will be done using data consisting of georeferenced tweets from SocialBus

    Cluster validity in clustering methods

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    Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. II. Clustering via matrix factorization

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    Separating active regions that are quiet from potentially eruptive ones is a key issue in Space Weather applications. Traditional classification schemes such as Mount Wilson and McIntosh have been effective in relating an active region large scale magnetic configuration to its ability to produce eruptive events. However, their qualitative nature prevents systematic studies of an active region's evolution for example. We introduce a new clustering of active regions that is based on the local geometry observed in Line of Sight magnetogram and continuum images. We use a reduced-dimension representation of an active region that is obtained by factoring the corresponding data matrix comprised of local image patches. Two factorizations can be compared via the definition of appropriate metrics on the resulting factors. The distances obtained from these metrics are then used to cluster the active regions. We find that these metrics result in natural clusterings of active regions. The clusterings are related to large scale descriptors of an active region such as its size, its local magnetic field distribution, and its complexity as measured by the Mount Wilson classification scheme. We also find that including data focused on the neutral line of an active region can result in an increased correspondence between our clustering results and other active region descriptors such as the Mount Wilson classifications and the RR value. We provide some recommendations for which metrics, matrix factorization techniques, and regions of interest to use to study active regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate (SWSC). 33 pages, 12 figure

    Clustering and its Application in Requirements Engineering

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    Large scale software systems challenge almost every activity in the software development life-cycle, including tasks related to eliciting, analyzing, and specifying requirements. Fortunately many of these complexities can be addressed through clustering the requirements in order to create abstractions that are meaningful to human stakeholders. For example, the requirements elicitation process can be supported through dynamically clustering incoming stakeholders’ requests into themes. Cross-cutting concerns, which have a significant impact on the architectural design, can be identified through the use of fuzzy clustering techniques and metrics designed to detect when a theme cross-cuts the dominant decomposition of the system. Finally, traceability techniques, required in critical software projects by many regulatory bodies, can be automated and enhanced by the use of cluster-based information retrieval methods. Unfortunately, despite a significant body of work describing document clustering techniques, there is almost no prior work which directly addresses the challenges, constraints, and nuances of requirements clustering. As a result, the effectiveness of software engineering tools and processes that depend on requirements clustering is severely limited. This report directly addresses the problem of clustering requirements through surveying standard clustering techniques and discussing their application to the requirements clustering process

    Cooperative Clustering Model and Its Applications

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    Data clustering plays an important role in many disciplines, including data mining, machine learning, bioinformatics, pattern recognition, and other fields, where there is a need to learn the inherent grouping structure of data in an unsupervised manner. There are many clustering approaches proposed in the literature with different quality/complexity tradeoffs. Each clustering algorithm works on its domain space with no optimum solution to all datasets of different properties, sizes, structures, and distributions. Challenges in data clustering include, identifying proper number of clusters, scalability of the clustering approach, robustness to noise, tackling distributed datasets, and handling clusters of different configurations. This thesis addresses some of these challenges through cooperation between multiple clustering approaches. We introduce a Cooperative Clustering (CC) model that involves multiple clustering techniques; the goal of the cooperative model is to increase the homogeneity of objects within clusters through cooperation by developing two data structures, cooperative contingency graph and histogram representation of pair-wise similarities. The two data structures are designed to find the matching sub-clusters between different clusterings and to obtain the final set of cooperative clusters through a merging process. Obtaining the co-occurred objects from the different clusterings enables the cooperative model to group objects based on a multiple agreement between the invoked clustering techniques. In addition, merging this set of sub-clusters using histograms poses a new trend of grouping objects into more homogenous clusters. The cooperative model is consistent, reusable, and scalable in terms of the number of the adopted clustering approaches. In order to deal with noisy data, a novel Cooperative Clustering Outliers Detection (CCOD) algorithm is implemented through the implication of the cooperation methodology for better detection of outliers in data. The new detection approach is designed in four phases, (1) Global non-cooperative Clustering, (2) Cooperative Clustering, (3) Possible outlier’s Detection, and finally (4) Candidate Outliers Detection. The detection of outliers is established in a bottom-up scenario. The thesis also addresses cooperative clustering in distributed Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks. Mining large and inherently distributed datasets poses many challenges, one of which is the extraction of a global model as a global summary of the clustering solutions generated from all nodes for the purpose of interpreting the clustering quality of the distributed dataset as if it was located at one node. We developed distributed cooperative model and architecture that work on a two-tier super-peer P2P network. The model is called Distributed Cooperative Clustering in Super-peer P2P Networks (DCCP2P). This model aims at producing one clustering solution across the whole network. It specifically addresses scalability of network size, and consequently the distributed clustering complexity, by modeling the distributed clustering problem as two layers of peer neighborhoods and super-peers. Summarization of the global distributed clusters is achieved through a distributed version of the cooperative clustering model. Three clustering algorithms, k-means (KM), Bisecting k-means (BKM) and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) are invoked in the cooperative model. Results on various gene expression and text documents datasets with different properties, configurations and different degree of outliers reveal that: (i) the cooperative clustering model achieves significant improvement in the quality of the clustering solutions compared to that of the non-cooperative individual approaches; (ii) the cooperative detection algorithm discovers the nonconforming objects in data with better accuracy than the contemporary approaches, and (iii) the distributed cooperative model attains the same quality or even better as the centralized approach and achieves decent speedup by increasing number of nodes. The distributed model offers high degree of flexibility, scalability, and interpretability of large distributed repositories. Achieving the same results using current methodologies requires polling the data first to one center location, which is sometimes not feasible

    Engineering Graph Clustering Algorithms

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    Networks in the sense of objects that are related to each other are ubiquitous. In many areas, groups of objects that are particularly densely connected, so called clusters, are semantically interesting. In this thesis, we investigate two different approaches to partition the vertices of a network into clusters. The first quantifies the goodness of a clustering according to the sparsity of the cuts induced by the clusters, whereas the second is based on the recently proposed measure surprise