15 research outputs found

    Bibliometric Analysis of Solid Lipid Nanoparticle in Drug Delivery Application Using Vosviewer

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    Solid Lipid Nanoparticle (SLN) merupakan sistem koloid pembawa untuk mengontrol perbaikan susunan kimia tubuh. SLN dapat meningkatkan kelarutan obat yang memiliki kelarutan yang rendah dalam air dan juga dapat mengontrol pelepasan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis bibliometrik terhadap pengembangan SLN sebagai drugs delivery dengan menggunakan analisis pemetaan menggunakan software VOSviewer. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dan dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan software Publish or Perish. Data yang diperoleh berdasarkan kata kunci “Solid Lipid Nanoparticle, SLN, drugs delivery”. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, didapatkan 1000 artikel yang relevan dengan kata kunci yang digunakan pada rentang 2012-2022. Pada tren publikasi terdapat hasil yang fluktuatif dengan jumlah publikasi tertinggi pada tahun 2014 dan terendah pada tahun 2022. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa minat penelitian akhir-akhir ini mengalami penurunan

    Scientometric Study of the Journal- Carbon

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    Scientometric evaluations have gained popularity in the academic and research fields over the last decade. The present study is a comprehensive scientometric evaluation of the Journal - Carbon. Carbon is a peer-reviewed international journal published by Elsevier and created in collaboration with the American Carbon Society. The author metrices, the applicability of Lotka’s Law and the word metrices in the output during the years 2016-2020 are attempted in this study. The results show that the journal is widely cited. The analysis of author metrices reiterates the extent of collaborative authorship in the journal

    Scientific output of the emerging Cuban biopharmaceutical industry: a scientometric approach

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    "This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Scientometrics. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2023-1"Cuba has developed a biopharmaceutical sector that involves some of the country’s most relevant scientific institutions. Despite the severe constraints on resources resulting from the U.S. embargo, the results achieved by this sector have contributed to put the country’s health indicators at the same level of high-income nations. Recently, the creation of BioCubaFarma as a cluster of high-technology enterprises organized around a closed cycle model becomes one of the most relevant efforts of the Island in order to make biopharmaceuticals one of the country’s leading export earners. The main aim of the current paper was to characterize BioCubaFarma through a battery of Scopus-based bibliometric indicators. A comparison with the most productive multinational pharmaceutical companies was made. Regression analysis of annual productivity, number of citations, scientific talent pool, innovative knowledge and other citation-based indicators was performed. Differences and similarities between BioCubaFarma and multinational companies in four Scopus subject categories related to this sector were identified. The most productive and visible institutions from BioCubaFarma were also characterized. Qualified human resources, innovative knowledge, leadership, high specialization in the field of vaccines development and non-dependence of international collaboration are strengths of the organization. However, it is still necessary to increase the number of articles published in highly visible journals with the aim to achieve a better citation-based performance. Moreover, to increase the contributions from less-productive institutions, more clinical research published in medical journals and more collaboration with universities and health institutions could also have positive benefits for BioCubaFarma’s pipelines and portfolios.This research was supported by 2015 Postdoctoral Short Visiting Program of the Spanish Instituto de Bienes y PolĂ­ticas PĂșblicas (IPP) from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas (CSIC).Peer reviewe

    The management of nanotechnology: analysis of technology linkages and the regional nanotechnology competencies

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThis study maps the linkage of nanotechnologies and their clusters, identifies emerging and mature technologies and links to their application fields, and examines the profiles of the regional nanotechnology competencies. A model is proposed to assist with the analyses. The patent data were retrieved from the Thomson Innovation database, which were subsequently analysed with the Thomson Data Analyser. The results show technological linkages using the proposed linkage model, for example, the linkage between the cluster of nanotubes‐nanowires‐polymers and the cluster of nanowires‐semiconductors‐optical identifies a nanoelectronics domain. In the Techno‐Economic Network framework, the result shows that the United States maintains its position in the Science and Technology poles, revealing its strong competitiveness, while the nanotechnological competencies in Japan have lost strength significantly in recent years. Asian giants such as South Korea and China appear to be the most likely contenders for catching up with the United States. The theoretical contribution of this study is the theoretical framework that has been adapted and tested in this research. Practical contributions consist of descriptive and analytical findings based on actors' performances and the regions' competencies. The research offers a useful insight for academic and research practitioners on how an emerging field such as nanotechnology can be analysed, and a way forward for materialising science and technology policies in this field

    Sustentabilidade e teoria geral dos sistemas: um levantamento temporal de frentes de pesquisa na literatura cientĂ­fica

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    Diante dos desafios impostos pela complexidade crescente dos problemas contemporĂąneos, a literatura acadĂȘmica tem abordado e interligado, com frequĂȘncia crescente, os temas da sustentabilidade e da Teoria Geral dos Sistemas. Este artigo realiza uma revisĂŁo de parcela importante dessa literatura, nacional e internacional e, por meio de pesquisa bibliomĂ©trica, busca identificar os momentos de explosĂŁo e as palavras-chave com alto grau de centralidade de intermediação. Fazendo uso do programa CiteSpace II (CHEN, 2006), na base Web Of Science (WoS) no perĂ­odo de 1980 a 2016, a pesquisa revelou que a literatura que interliga os temas estudados teve um crescimento expressivo a partir da segunda metade da dĂ©cada de 1990, com a importante constatação do progressivo abandono de abordagens disciplinares em prol de tratamentos multidisciplinares.

    Mapping the field: a bibliometric analysis of the literature on university–industry collaborations

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    Global hotspots and trends in microbial-mediated grassland carbon cycling: a bibliometric analysis

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    Grasslands are among the most widespread environments on Earth, yet we still have poor knowledge of their microbial-mediated carbon cycling in the context of human activity and climate change. We conducted a systematic bibliometric analysis of 1,660 literature focusing on microbial-mediated grassland carbon cycling in the Scopus database from 1990 to 2022. We observed a steep increase in the number of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies since the 2000s, with focus areas on the top 10 subject categories, especially in Agricultural and Biological Sciences. Additionally, the USA, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, and Austria exhibited high levels of productivity. We revealed that the eight papers have been pivotal in shaping future research in this field, and the main research topics concentrate on microbial respiration, interaction relationships, microbial biomass carbon, methane oxidation, and high-throughput sequencing. We further highlight that the new research hotspots in microbial-mediated grassland carbon cycling are mainly focused on the keywords “carbon use efficiency,” “enzyme activity,” “microbial community,” and “high throughput sequencing.” Our bibliometric analysis in the past three decades has provided insights into a multidisciplinary and evolving field of microbial-mediated grassland carbon cycling, not merely summarizing the literature but also critically identifying research hotspots and trends, the intellectual base, and interconnections within the existing body of collective knowledge and signposting the path for future research directions

    Topic Maps : a bibliometric study

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    Topic Maps is an international standard (ISO/IEC 13250) to describe and encode knowledge structures and associating them with relevant information resources. This thesis seeks to investigate what has been written about Topic Maps from year 2000 to 2011, as well as finding out the research and publication trend in Topic Maps. This study was based on quantitative methodology, which was bibliometric analysis. The data was collected from Scopus and Web of Knowledge databases. Search keywords used are “topic map”, “topic maps” and “ISO/IEC 13250”. A total of 356 publications (265 conference papers, 91 journal articles) from 2001 to 2011 taken into data analysis. The findings revealed that Topic Maps researchers had a preference to present their findings in conference rather than in journal. The authorship pattern was more towards coauthorship. Most researchers were coauthored locally, as international collaboration was very low. Computer science and library and information science related journals were the favourite publishing venue. Majority of the conferences were computer science and education related. The focus of the topic maps was on data integration and interoperability (2001-2004), information theory (2005 – 2008), knowledge and intelligent based system (2009 – 2011). Also, there were five themes identified, namely content management, repository, ontology, information architecture, retrieval and navigation, and semantic web. The future research areas will possibly be collaborative e-learning system, knowledge visualization system, visualization construction, semantic metadata creation from a relational database, knowledge navigation and retrieval improvement, intelligent topic map, distributed knowledge management based on extended topic maps, knowledge service system, knowledge representation modeling, and multi granularity and multi-level knowledge.Joint Master Degree in Digital Library Learning (DILL

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute