1,871 research outputs found

    Structure-Based Virtual Screening for Drug Discovery: a Problem-Centric Review

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    Structure-based virtual screening (SBVS) has been widely applied in early-stage drug discovery. From a problem-centric perspective, we reviewed the recent advances and applications in SBVS with a special focus on docking-based virtual screening. We emphasized the researchers’ practical efforts in real projects by understanding the ligand-target binding interactions as a premise. We also highlighted the recent progress in developing target-biased scoring functions by optimizing current generic scoring functions toward certain target classes, as well as in developing novel ones by means of machine learning techniques

    Study of ligand-based virtual screening tools in computer-aided drug design

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    Virtual screening is a central technique in drug discovery today. Millions of molecules can be tested in silico with the aim to only select the most promising and test them experimentally. The topic of this thesis is ligand-based virtual screening tools which take existing active molecules as starting point for finding new drug candidates. One goal of this thesis was to build a model that gives the probability that two molecules are biologically similar as function of one or more chemical similarity scores. Another important goal was to evaluate how well different ligand-based virtual screening tools are able to distinguish active molecules from inactives. One more criterion set for the virtual screening tools was their applicability in scaffold-hopping, i.e. finding new active chemotypes. In the first part of the work, a link was defined between the abstract chemical similarity score given by a screening tool and the probability that the two molecules are biologically similar. These results help to decide objectively which virtual screening hits to test experimentally. The work also resulted in a new type of data fusion method when using two or more tools. In the second part, five ligand-based virtual screening tools were evaluated and their performance was found to be generally poor. Three reasons for this were proposed: false negatives in the benchmark sets, active molecules that do not share the binding mode, and activity cliffs. In the third part of the study, a novel visualization and quantification method is presented for evaluation of the scaffold-hopping ability of virtual screening tools.Siirretty Doriast

    Integration and mining of malaria molecular, functional and pharmacological data: how far are we from a chemogenomic knowledge space?

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    The organization and mining of malaria genomic and post-genomic data is highly motivated by the necessity to predict and characterize new biological targets and new drugs. Biological targets are sought in a biological space designed from the genomic data from Plasmodium falciparum, but using also the millions of genomic data from other species. Drug candidates are sought in a chemical space containing the millions of small molecules stored in public and private chemolibraries. Data management should therefore be as reliable and versatile as possible. In this context, we examined five aspects of the organization and mining of malaria genomic and post-genomic data: 1) the comparison of protein sequences including compositionally atypical malaria sequences, 2) the high throughput reconstruction of molecular phylogenies, 3) the representation of biological processes particularly metabolic pathways, 4) the versatile methods to integrate genomic data, biological representations and functional profiling obtained from X-omic experiments after drug treatments and 5) the determination and prediction of protein structures and their molecular docking with drug candidate structures. Progresses toward a grid-enabled chemogenomic knowledge space are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Malaria Journa

    Minimum Population Search, an Application to Molecular Docking

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    Computer modeling of protein-ligand interactions is one of the most important phases in a drug design process. Part of the process involves the optimization of highly multi-modal objective (scoring) functions. This research presents the Minimum Population Search heuristic as an alternative for solving these global unconstrained optimization problems. To determine the effectiveness of Minimum Population Search, a comparison with seven state-of-the-art search heuristics is performed. Being specifically designed for the optimization of large scale multi-modal problems, Minimum Population Search achieves excellent results on all of the tested complexes, especially when the amount of available function evaluations is strongly reduced. A first step is also made toward the design of hybrid algorithms based on the exploratory power of Minimum Population Search. Computational results show that hybridization leads to a further improvement in performance

    Development and application of conformational methodologies: eliciting enthalpic global minima and reaction pathways

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    2014 Fall.The information granted by assembling the global minimum and low-enthalpy population of a chemical species or ensemble can be utilized to great effect across all fields of chemistry. With this population, otherwise impossible tasks including (but not limited to) reaction pathway characterization, protein folding, protein-ligand docking, and constructing the entropy to characterize free energy surfaces becomes a reasonable undertaking. For very small systems (single molecule with 1-3 torsions) generating the low-enthalpy population is a trivial task. However as the system grows, the task exponentially increases in difficulty. This dissertation will detail the two sides of this problem, generating the low-energy population of larger and more complex species and then utilizing those populations to garner a greater understanding of their systems. The first discussion describes a new model, Surface Editing Molecular Dynamics (SEMD), which aids in accelerating conformational searching by removing minima from the potential energy surface by adding Gaussian functions. Accompanying this new method are a multitude of new tools that can be utilized to aid in molecular dynamics simulations. The first of these tools, named CHILL, performs a projection of unproductive degrees of freedom from the molecular dynamics velocity to smooth atomic motions without artificially constraining those degrees of freedom. Another tool, Conjugate Velocity Molecular Dynamics (CVMD), rigorously generates a list of productive velocities via the biorthogonalization of local modes with a vector representation of previously explored conformational minima. In addition to these tools, a new description of distance in torsional space was developed to provide a robust means of conformational uniqueness. With each of these tools working in concert, the global minimum and associated low-enthalpy population of conformations have been obtained for various benchmark species. The second section discusses the application of conformational searching and the subsequent electronic structure calculations to characterize the reaction pathway for the ruthenium tris(2,2'-bipyridine) photocatalyzed [2+2] cycloaddition of aromatically substituted bis(enones). The APFD hybrid density functional is used along with a 6-311+g* basis and a PCM solvent model. The reaction is computed to proceed through a rate-limited formation of a cyclopentyl intermediate. Lithium tetrafluoroborate is found to facilitate initial bis(enone) reduction as well as final product distribution. In addition, aromatic substituents are found to impact both initial reduction and final product distribution

    The Mycobacterium tuberculosis Drugome and Its Polypharmacological Implications

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    We report a computational approach that integrates structural bioinformatics, molecular modelling and systems biology to construct a drug-target network on a structural proteome-wide scale. The approach has been applied to the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the causative agent of one of today's most widely spread infectious diseases. The resulting drug-target interaction network for all structurally characterized approved drugs bound to putative M.tb receptors, we refer to as the ‘TB-drugome’. The TB-drugome reveals that approximately one-third of the drugs examined have the potential to be repositioned to treat tuberculosis and that many currently unexploited M.tb receptors may be chemically druggable and could serve as novel anti-tubercular targets. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the TB-drugome has shed new light on the controversial issues surrounding drug-target networks [1]–[3]. Indeed, our results support the idea that drug-target networks are inherently modular, and further that any observed randomness is mainly caused by biased target coverage. The TB-drugome (http://funsite.sdsc.edu/drugome/TB) has the potential to be a valuable resource in the development of safe and efficient anti-tubercular drugs. More generally the methodology may be applied to other pathogens of interest with results improving as more of their structural proteomes are determined through the continued efforts of structural biology/genomics

    Improving the resolution of interaction maps: A middleground between high-resolution complexes and genome-wide interactomes

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    Protein-protein interactions are ubiquitous in Biology and therefore central to understand living organisms. In recent years, large-scale studies have been undertaken to describe, at least partially, protein-protein interaction maps or interactomes for a number of relevant organisms including human. Although the analysis of interaction networks is proving useful, current interactomes provide a blurry and granular picture of the molecular machinery, i.e. unless the structure of the protein complex is known the molecular details of the interaction are missing and sometime is even not possible to know if the interaction between the proteins is direct, i.e. physical interaction or part of functional, not necessary, direct association. Unfortunately, the determination of the structure of protein complexes cannot keep pace with the discovery of new protein-protein interactions resulting in a large, and increasing, gap between the number of complexes that are thought to exist and the number for which 3D structures are available. The aim of the thesis was to tackle this problem by implementing computational approaches to derive structural models of protein complexes and thus reduce this existing gap. Over the course of the thesis, a novel modelling algorithm to predict the structure of protein complexes, V-D2OCK, was implemented. This new algorithm combines structure-based prediction of protein binding sites by means of a novel algorithm developed over the course of the thesis: VORFFIP and M-VORFFIP, data-driven docking and energy minimization. This algorithm was used to improve the coverage and structural content of the human interactome compiled from different sources of interactomic data to ensure the most comprehensive interactome. Finally, the human interactome and structural models were compiled in a database, V-D2OCK DB, that offers an easy and user-friendly access to the human interactome including a bespoken graphical molecular viewer to facilitate the analysis of the structural models of protein complexes. Furthermore, new organisms, in addition to human, were included providing a useful resource for the study of all known interactomes