20 research outputs found

    Context Aware Mobile Application Architecture (CAMAA) for Health Care systems : standardization and abstraction of context aware layers

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    Context awareness was introduced recently in several fields in quotidian human activities. Among context aware applications, health care systems are the most important ones. Such applications, in order to perceive the context, rely on sensors which maybe physical or virtual. However, these applications lack of standardization in handling the context and the perceived sensors data. In this work, we propose a formal context aware application architecture model to deal with the context taking into account the scalability and interoperability as key features towards an abstraction of the context relatively to end user applications. As a proof of concept, we present also a case study and simulation explaining the operational aspect of this architecture in health care systems

    Model-based fleet deployment in the IoT–edge–cloud continuum

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    With the increasing computing and networking capabilities, IoT devices and edge gateways have become part of a larger IoT–edge–cloud computing continuum, where processing and storage tasks are distributed across the whole network hierarchy, not concentrated only in the cloud. At the same time, this also introduced continuous delivery practices to the development of software components for network-connected gateways and sensing/actuating nodes. These devices are placed on end users’ premises and are characterized by continuously changing cyber-physical contexts, forcing software developers to maintain multiple application versions and frequently redeploy them on a distributed fleet of devices with respect to their current contexts. Doing this correctly and efficiently goes beyond manual capabilities and requires an intelligent and reliable automated solution. This paper describes a model-based approach to automatically assigning multiple software deployment plans to hundreds of edge gateways and connected IoT devices implemented in collaboration with a smart healthcare application provider. From a platform-specific model of an existing edge computing platform, we extract a platform-independent model that describes a list of target devices and a pool of available deployment plans. Next, we use constraint solving to automatically assign deployment plans to devices at once with respect to their specific contexts. The result is transformed back into the platform-specific model and includes a suitable deployment plan for each device, which is then consumed by our engine to deploy software components not only on edge gateways but also on their downstream IoT devices with constrained resources and connectivity. We validate the approach with a fleet deployment prototype integrated into a DevOps toolchain used by the partner application provider. Initial experiments demonstrate the viability of the approach and its usefulness in supporting DevOps for edge and IoT software development.publishedVersio

    Eine offene Mobile Health Plattform zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von physiologischen Parametern in der Präventivmedizin

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines mobilen Online-Erfassungssystems, das neue Möglichkeiten für Untersuchungen nach dem Belastungs-Aktivitäts-Konzept bietet. Dabei stand die Echtzeitüberwachung von physiologischen Parametern, Bewegungen und diversen Eingabedaten unabhängig vom Standort eines Probanden und des Untersuchers im Mittelpunkt. Zur Umsetzung erfolgte die Durchführung einer Recherche gemäß geeigneter Systemkomponenten, welche die notwendigen Eigenschaften im Hinblick auf die Datenerfassung und -übertragung zur Verfügung stellen

    Service-Oriented Architecture for Patient-Centric eHealth Solutions

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    The world is in shortage of about 7.2 million healthcare workers in 2013, and the figure is estimated to grow to 12.9 million by 2035, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). On the other hand, the median age of the world’s population was predicted to increase from 26.6 years in 2000 to 37.3 years in 2050, and then to 45.6 years in 2100. Thus further escalating the need for new and efficient healthcare solutions. Telehealth, telecare, and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions promise to make healthcare services more sustainable, and to enable patients to live more independently and with a higher quality of life at their homes. Smart homes will host intelligent, connected devices that integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) to form the basis of new and advanced healthcare systems. However, a number of challenges needs to be addressed before this vision can be actualised. These challenges include flexible integration, rapid service development and deployment, mobility, unified abstraction, scalability and high availability, security and privacy. This thesis presents an integration architecture based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) that enables novel healthcare services to be developed rapidly by utilising capabilities of various devices in the patients’ surroundings. Special attention is given to a service broker component, the Information Integration Platform (IIP), that has been developed to bridge communications between everyday objects and Internet-based services following the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) principles. It exposes its functionalities through a set of RESTfulWeb services, and maintains a unified information model which enables various applications to access in a uniform way. The IIP breaks the traditional vertical “silo” approach of integration, and handles information dissemination task between information providers and consumers by adopting a publish/subscribe messaging pattern. The feasibility of the IIP solution is evaluated both through prototyping and testing the platform’s representative healthcare services, e.g., remote health monitoring and emergency alarms. Experiments conducted on the IIP reveal how performance aspects are affected by needs for security, privacy, high availability, and scalability

    Conception, design and evaluation of an ICT platform for independent living and remote health monitoring

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    The current society is dealing with a progressive ageing of the population. Life expectancy is constantly increasing and, at the same time, families tend to have less children than in the past. For these reasons, the global proportion of people aged 60 or over is expected to outnumber the younger age groups. This trend will have a serious impact on the society, since the health related costs will rise, there will be a lack of professional caregivers trained to assist the elderly and more and more people will suffer from chronic diseases that must be treated somehow. To overcome this situation, in the past years many initiatives aiming at increasing the elderly independence were born. The problemin developing technological systems for the elderly is that they are reluctant to try out newsystems and devices, so a great emphasismust be put on the design of an acceptable and usable solution. In this thesis, an ICT platform for independent living of older adults is presented. The platform is based on a standard TV and remote control, in order to lower the risk of technology refusal by older people, and aims at offering a rich set of services that include social networking, support, welfare and health. The health aspect is important but not the leading one, since such platformshould be first perceived as useful for different aspects of their daily life, and not strictly related to the concept the being oldmeans having health problems. Another aimof the proposed platformis to expand the offered services by involving external service providers, that will exploit the basic functionalities offered natively by the platform. The aspects related to the initial studies that let to the definition of system requirements and technical specifications will be presented, together with some preliminary usability results obtained from several user tests. Starting from mid 2016, the proposed platformwill be tested during three field trials in Italy, Belgiumand the Netherlands

    A Hybrid Context-aware Middleware for Relevant Information Delivery in Multi-Role and Multi-User Monitoring Systems: An Application to the Building Management Domain

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    Recent advances in information and communications technology (ICT) have greatly extended capabilities and functionalities of control and monitoring systems including Building Management Systems (BMS). Specifically, it is now possible to integrate diverse set of devices and information systems providing heterogeneous data. This data, in turn, is now available on the higher levels of the system architectures, providing more information on the matter at hand and enabling principal possibility of better-informed decisions. Furthermore, the diversity and availability of information have made control and monitoring systems more attractive to new user groups, who now have the opportunity to find needed information, which was not available before. Thus, modern control and monitoring systems are well-equipped, multi-functional systems, which incorporate great number and variety of data sources and are used by multiple users with their special tasks and information needs.In theory, the diversity and availability of new data should lead to more informed users and better decisions. In practice, it overwhelms user capacities to perceive all available information and leads to the situations, where important data is hindered and lost, therefore complicating understanding of the ongoing status. Thus, there is a need in development of new solutions, which would reduce the unnecessary information burden to the users of the system, while keeping them well informed with respect to their personal needs and responsibilities.This dissertation proposes the middleware for relevant information delivery in multi-role and multi-user BMS, which is capable of analysing ongoing situations in the environment and delivering information personalized to specific user needs. The middleware implementation is based on a novel hybrid approach, which involve semantic modelling of the contextual information and fusion of this information with runtime device data by means of Complex Event Processing (CEP). The context model is actively used at the configuration stages of the middleware, which enables flexible redirection of information flows, simplified (re)configuration of the solution, and consideration of additional information at the runtime phases. The CEP utilizes contextual information and enables temporal reasoning support in combination with runtime analysis capabilities, thus processing ongoing data from devices and delivering personalized information flows. In addition, the work proposes classification and combination principles of ongoing system notifications, which further specialize information flows in accordance to user needs and environment status.The middleware and corresponding principles (e.g. knowledge modelling, classification and combination of ongoing notifications) have been designed contemplating the building management (BM) domain. A set of experiments on real data from rehabilitation facility has been carried out demonstrating applicability of the approach with respect to delivered information and performance considerations. It is expected that with minor modifications the approach has the potential of being adopted for control and monitoring systems of discrete manufacturing domain

    Design and management of pervasive eCare services

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