
Service-Oriented Architecture for Patient-Centric eHealth Solutions


The world is in shortage of about 7.2 million healthcare workers in 2013, and the figure is estimated to grow to 12.9 million by 2035, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). On the other hand, the median age of the world’s population was predicted to increase from 26.6 years in 2000 to 37.3 years in 2050, and then to 45.6 years in 2100. Thus further escalating the need for new and efficient healthcare solutions. Telehealth, telecare, and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions promise to make healthcare services more sustainable, and to enable patients to live more independently and with a higher quality of life at their homes. Smart homes will host intelligent, connected devices that integrate with the Internet of Things (IoT) to form the basis of new and advanced healthcare systems. However, a number of challenges needs to be addressed before this vision can be actualised. These challenges include flexible integration, rapid service development and deployment, mobility, unified abstraction, scalability and high availability, security and privacy. This thesis presents an integration architecture based on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) that enables novel healthcare services to be developed rapidly by utilising capabilities of various devices in the patients’ surroundings. Special attention is given to a service broker component, the Information Integration Platform (IIP), that has been developed to bridge communications between everyday objects and Internet-based services following the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) principles. It exposes its functionalities through a set of RESTfulWeb services, and maintains a unified information model which enables various applications to access in a uniform way. The IIP breaks the traditional vertical “silo” approach of integration, and handles information dissemination task between information providers and consumers by adopting a publish/subscribe messaging pattern. The feasibility of the IIP solution is evaluated both through prototyping and testing the platform’s representative healthcare services, e.g., remote health monitoring and emergency alarms. Experiments conducted on the IIP reveal how performance aspects are affected by needs for security, privacy, high availability, and scalability

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